Read Bonne Chance: Bourbon Street, Book 2 Online

Authors: Cat Montmorency

Tags: #BDSM;New Orleans;Kink;POC

Bonne Chance: Bourbon Street, Book 2 (5 page)

BOOK: Bonne Chance: Bourbon Street, Book 2
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She turned back to the toys she’d collected with a grin, retrieving the flogger again and grabbing the pinwheel as well. Chance flicked the flogger a few times before allowing the tails to fall in one lump between his legs. She put no weight behind it, preferring to let the mass of the rubber tails simply provide minor pressure against his genitals. Landry grunted at the contact, which turned into a small moan as she slowly dragged the tails across his balls and down his cock. She flicked his side lightly before reversing the flogger and laying it between his legs, handle to the wall, so that the tails rested over his dick, every slight move making them tickle.

Landry swallowed a groan, but not before she heard it. It made her grin more fiercely as she brandished the pinwheel, resting the spur against the inside of his ankle. Slowly, so slowly, she traced a path over the inside of his right leg, over his calf, the sensitive skin at the inside back of his knee, down the soft tender parts of his thigh. From there she traced the line of his hip, along the delicious V muscle, watching him tremble. Every shake made the flogger’s tails brush against his straining dick and the skin of his stomach. Chance placed her free hand against his abs, using him for support as she bent down, the pinwheel continuing its slow traverse down his side, along his ribs. She brought it in once she got to his chest, trailing gently around his capped nipple.

Chance flicked the rubber cap with her free hand while driving the pinwheel back out along the underside of his bicep. Landry shook visibly at the contact, sending the flogger tails swaying as the pinwheel’s course took it down the exposed underside of his arm, then slowly back up. He was obviously struggling by the time Chance drew the pinwheel over his collarbone, but he said nothing, even as she mimicked the trail on his left side—down and back up his arm, around his nipple, back up his side and along his hip, until she’d reached the inside of his other ankle.

With a sigh, Chance set the pinwheel aside, then removed the flogger, dropping it to the floor. It landed with a dull thud.

“You’ve been such a good student tonight, Landry.” Her hands traveled down his legs and torso, feeling his muscles flex as he shifted slightly. His skin was hot from where the flogger had struck, and damp with sweat from the effort of holding himself upside down for so long. She crouched down to play with the caps on his nipples, flicking them lightly until he couldn’t contain the groans. Chance pushed up against him as she stood, letting the buckles on the front of her corset drag along his front until she was level with his dick. “I think we might need to take care of this, however. You’re clearly in no shape to go home.”

He didn’t even try to contain his moan as she licked the underside of his cock.

“Mmm.” She pressed a kiss to his base, then stood. “I don’t know, Sergeant. I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to hold yourself up if I sucked you off like this. But I have a feeling you’ll be fairly useless once I release you. You’ve been holding yourself up for so long.”

Landry bit down on another moan, and Chance laughed, reaching for one leather restraint. “Let’s get you down, then we’ll see about getting you off.”

She undid both cuffs, then helped him tip forward until he was kneeling, arms hanging limply at his side. Kneeling behind him, Chance wrapped her arms around his torso, sliding her palms against his chest. She rested her chin on his shoulder and whispered, “Relax.”

A quick sharp tug, and the first nipple cap came off with a pop. She felt him tense against her, then relax. “Good boy.” The second came off as quickly. Her fingers soothed the skin around his swollen buds, occasionally brushing against them and making him sigh. “Move into display position.”

He shifted against her, spreading his thighs wide and letting his hands rest atop them. Chance smiled, nipping at his neck.

“Now stay there.”

She stood quickly, retrieving a bottle of lube from a nearby drawer, and returned to kneeling behind him. She squirted a generous amount on her hands, enjoying the tingle as it warmed up. Leaning into him again, she wrapped a hand around his thick cock and slowly began to stroke. Her other hand played with his still-sensitive nipples, and the combination made him moan.

Chance laughed softly, feeling his body tense and relax as she worked him over slowly. He wouldn’t last long, she was sure.

God, I wish he wasn’t just my trainee.

Her pussy ached after everything she’d done to him. She wanted to shove him back on the floor and ride him hard. But they hadn’t really talked about that aspect of things, and she still needed to read over the questionnaire he’d filled out…

Fuck it.

Chance bit at his shoulder again and moved both hands to his abs, prompting a groan from Landry at the sudden loss. “I wasn’t going to have this talk tonight, but the things you do to me. We’re consenting adults, and we’ve moved beyond the kind of pay-for-service relationship you had before. I am dying to fuck you, Landry Boudreaux. But if you would rather not—”

“God, no. Please, Mistress. S’il vous plaît, pic kee moi. Fuck me. Use me, please.”

Chance grinned, nipping along his spine. “You beg so well, how can I say no?” She pushed away from him and stood, spreading the fingers of one hand over his scalp. “Turn.”

He swung around on his knees, automatically resuming his display pose while Chance walked to the opposite side of the room, opening the cabinet where she stored most of her toys. She pulled out a set of short chains, and padded leather cuffs, then walked back to where Landry knelt waiting. He looked so delicious on his knees, chest moving as he breathed heavily, nipples still swollen and his dick begging for attention.

With speed born of familiarity, she quickly attached the padded cuffs to his wrists, clipping the chains to their heavy D-rings, then fastening them to the base of the saltire, shortening the chain until his arms stretched behind him.

“Is this uncomfortable?”

Landry shook his head. “No, Mistress.”

“Good.” She came back to his front, running a hand along his jaw as she stood, and pausing to take his mouth in a bruising kiss. As soon as he began to respond, she pulled away, dragging his lower lip in her teeth. His gaze followed her as she finished standing and backed away, and she laughed at the heat in his eyes. “Patience, Sergeant. We’ll get there.”

The words were as much for her as for him. Chance felt need burning through her like a wildfire fueled by gasoline. Every inch of his body had responded to her, and she’d long since soaked her panties. Grinning, she hooked her thumbs in the silk lace and yanked them down, kicking them off in Landry’s direction. He clenched his jaw, and her heart rate sped up.

“See something you like?”

His eyes burned more fiercely, never leaving her as she pulled a chair forward and sat facing him with her legs spread wide. The cool air on her pussy made her realize how wet she was. Still grinning, she slowly slid a hand between her legs, dipping a single finger into the wetness there.

Landry made a strangled noise.

Chance spread her legs wider, using her free hand to part her swollen labia. “Is that better? You should have an excellent view now.” She swirled one finger around her inner lips, painting it solidly before running it up and over her clit. She shivered at the contact, already so aroused and sensitive. She wanted to drag this out, make him watch her, maybe even get off first, but that single touch had her wondering if she had the patience to tease him. She could see him swallowing, his jaw muscles tight as he watched her finger continue to move.

Watching him watch her was enough to bring her close.

She pushed two fingers deep into herself and swallowed a groan. “You see that? That’s going to be your dick in a minute, Sergeant.” She thrust hard, feeling her own desperation and seeing it mirrored in the dark brown eyes that watched her. Chance worked fast, grinding the heel of her hand against her clit as she added a third finger and fucked herself.

Landry licked his lips, and her orgasm crashed into her without warning. She gasped, her body arching in the chair. But as the aftershocks faded, she only felt more need. Chance pushed out of the chair on still-weak legs and strode toward him. Grabbing his jaw, she devoured his mouth with her own while she straddled him, slowly lowering herself until she sat on his thighs. She reached between them and stroked his cock, eliciting a deep, pleading groan from him.

Breaking the kiss, Chance reached into the top of one boot and pulled out a condom. Landry raised an eyebrow and she winked. It never hurt to be prepared, and she was extremely glad of the habit.

Rolling it on quickly, she kissed the base of his throat, licking and nibbling her way up to his ear. “Ready for me?”

He gasped as she rubbed him. “Oui, Maîtresse.”

“God, I love it when you say that.” One hand behind his shoulder for support, Chance lifted herself up and guided his tip to her entrance. She sank down slowly, reveling in the fullness. He was thick, spreading her wide, and he felt so good. She withdrew a little, then let her weight fall, impaling herself on him with a gasp.

Then with a grin that would have worried the Devil himself, Chance wrapped both hands behind Landry’s neck, and rode him for all he was worth.

In the back of her mind, she knew he wouldn’t last long, even if he was trying. And he was definitely trying. She could feel the tension in his body, his muscles tight as he fought to hold on. Chance bit her lip and let go with one hand, so she could rub her clit while she rocked up and down on him, pushing his steel shaft deeper with every thrust.

It wasn’t long before she felt the tension deep inside her build. Her legs burned from the effort, but she pushed herself harder, needing the release, and knowing Landry wouldn’t hold out much longer. She rubbed faster, leaning back slightly, changing the angle so he hit just that right spot…

Chance leaned forward when she felt it there, pulling in tight without breaking her rhythm. “Come for me, Landry.”

Her whispered words sent him over the edge with a sharp grunt, and she followed him with a loud cry, her last few thrusts becoming erratic, until they both knelt limp and breathing hard.

“End scene,” she sighed. Landry groaned and leaned his head forward onto her shoulder, making Chance laugh. “Poor baby. I think I might owe you a massage after that.”

“Dieu m’aide, Maîtresse!” His shoulders shook with tired laughter as she rubbed her hands over them. His chest heaved as he fought to calm his breathing. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard. Coo!”

Chance laughed with him. “You earned it.”
We both did.

Chapter Five

“Cynthia, there you are. I was beginning to wonder if you were coming.”

Chance winced internally, and somehow conjured a smile for her mother. It wasn’t her fault they hadn’t given her enough heads-up to make it halfway across the Quarter before they were seated. But her father’s quiet smile made up for her mother’s annoyance. Until Belinda opened her mouth, anyway.

“Jaden’s going to be crawling soon, I know it. He’s so smart, like his daddy.”

Chance made a point of keeping her eyes on the menu she’d picked up and avoided looking at her sister. “That’s great, Bels. Speaking of your little tagalong, where is he? And Darren?” She actually genuinely liked Belinda’s husband, a quiet man who took all of her sister’s high-strung qualities in stride. Chance was surprised not to see him.

Belinda smiled at what she perceived to be a compliment. “Darren took Jaden back to our room to change him. He’s so good about helping out. It’s such a shame you haven’t found someone to settle down with yet. Isn’t it hard being single? I don’t think I could stand it. Having Jaden is everything I wanted.”

Chance resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Belinda’s obvious one-up tactics, but almost lost the battle when their mother chimed in.

“At least you’re seeing someone now.” The unspoken
was still clear. “Why didn’t you bring him to dinner? I’m sure we’d all like to meet him.”

Despite knowing better, she’d hoped her mother would have let it go. Chance smiled sweetly and did her best to answer nonchalantly. “He’s a Marine, and he’s on duty tonight.” She watched Belinda sniff skeptically. “But he’s free for lunch tomorrow and is looking forward to meeting all of you.”

Lies, Chance Gordon. You had to beg him to come. And he only agreed if you’d think about telling them.

Belinda pursed her lips, then turned back to her menu. “Can’t wait. You know, Jaden made the most adorable noise this morning, I swear he’s trying to talk…”

Chance let her gush, then asked safe, boring questions of her parents. How was the flight? What did they think of New Orleans so far? What were their plans? The last was interrupted by their waiter, who came to take their order. And while Belinda gushed to the waiter, ordering for both her and Darren, Chance let her mind wander.

Landry’s training was coming along quite well. The man was such a natural it was ridiculous. All he really needed was to know the rules. And he certainly had the art of pleasing a woman down. Her core ached simply thinking about the things his tongue could do, let alone his—

“Cynthia!” Her head whipped up, only for her to see her mother staring, brows creased in annoyance. “Honestly, have you heard anything I’ve been saying?”

Chance blushed. “Sorry, Mom. Things have been busy at work.” And had they. Between her routine clients and training Landry, she hadn’t had a lot of downtime.

“That’s a poor excuse for bad manners.” Her mother shook her head. “I was saying how nice it was to hear you talking about a man. It’s past time you settled down.”

Chance swallowed the familiar surge of annoyance. Her mother had always been of the opinion that working was all well and good, but marriage and children should be the end goal. Chance vehemently disagreed. “Mom, we’ve talked about this.”

“Oh please, Cynthia. Your sister has been married for more than two years
has a baby, and she’s several years your junior. It’s time you stopped playing around and got serious about life.”


A plate of steaming food interrupted her tirade before she got started, timed perfectly with Darren’s arrival. Chance looked up at her brother-in-law and gave him a wan smile. It was probably a good thing they’d arrived when they did.

Maybe it’ll get Mom to back off.

As soon as the servers finished and Darren handed Jaden off to her sister, however, her mother picked right back up where she’d left off. “We’re not getting any younger, Cynthia.” Chance barely managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes. The constant repetition of the name her mother insisted on calling her and the inevitable guilt trip were classic moves. “I want to know you’ll be taken care of when we’re gone.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Chance didn’t even bother to avoid swearing. “I can take care of myself, Mom. I have a good job that pays well. I don’t need a man to fulfill some antiquated patriarchal expectations. I’m fine on my own. And if I do happen to get married, it will be on my terms, and not so he can take care of me.” She pushed away from the table and stood, anger making her shake, while her mother stared aghast. “Sorry, Darren. I know you just got here, but I can’t deal with this. It was nice to see you.”

“Cynthia Marie Gordon!”

“It’s Chance, Mom. Chance. Not Cynthia. You should know, you signed my birth certificate. If you hated it that much, you should never have agreed to it.” She took a slow breath, clenching and unclenching her fists. “Enjoy your dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Her mother opened her mouth to protest, but Chance beat her to it. “And I swear, Mom, if you pull this again tomorrow with Landry, we’re done.”

Her mother closed her mouth, schooling her face into a look of indifference. “Fine.”

“Fine. And good night.”

Chance walked away, wishing it were as easy to walk away from their expectations as it was to leave a single conversation.

As it was, she’d pay for it tomorrow. Her mother would never let it slide.

Chance walked home barely seeing her surroundings. She was angry, angry at her family, angry at herself. This was her territory, her life. She’d left Michigan to get away from the ridiculous attitudes her mother propagated.

After unlocking the door to her apartment, Chance dropped her keys on a side table and stepped inside. Part of her wanted to call Landry. She wanted to beat someone, and badly. But taking her anger out on a sub was a huge no. Adrian would kill her for it, and she’d be pissed at herself when she finally calmed down. Besides that, she’d had a chance to look over Landry’s questionnaire, and pain wasn’t really his thing—he wanted order and discipline; he needed to please. Most of the time, pain wasn’t her thing either.

She took a deep breath. The alternative was obvious. Chance poured herself a glass of the shiraz Adrian had sent over as a welcome home gift, and headed straight for the bathroom. She was going to light a few dozen candles, have a nice long soak, sip her wine and dig into a book.

And God help anyone who disturbed her.

* * * * *

Chance was settling into the scalding water when her phone chirped an incoming message. She scowled at the table beside her tub, debating whether or not to answer. Or even bother seeing who it was. It chirped again while she waffled. Wrinkling her nose, she reached out for it, pleasantly surprised to see the text was from Landry.

Off duty for the night and checking in, Mistress.

A smile slowly spread across her face. Few things put her in a good mood like being called Mistress. There was power in that single word, and she loved it. She swiped her phone screen to reply and changed her mind at the last minute, calling him instead.

“Mistress Chance?”

“Landry Boudreaux.” She swirled the water with her foot, already in a better mood for hearing his voice.

Now what’s that all about?

She shoved the question away. “How was your day, trainee?”

“Full of reservists. How was yours?”

Chance leaned her head back against the rim of the tub and sighed. “My family made it to town. They insisted I come to dinner, where Belinda and Mom gave me the third degree. And then Mom started in about how it’s high time I was married, and I lost it.”

“Mais, you didn’t pull out a flogger and start beating them all in the middle of the restaurant, did you?”

Chance laughed. “No, but I almost wish I had. God, the looks that would’ve caused.” She shook her head and let out a slow breath. “I yelled and stormed out. Classic avoidance, though at least I made it clear how tired I am of it. But that reminds me, much as I hate going back for more, are you still available for lunch tomorrow?”

“I don’t go back on my word. I’ll be there. Though if you’ll forgive my saying so, you could simply tell them. Maybe then at least the marriage talk would stop.”

She sighed. “Possibly. And possibly it would only cause more problems. Heaven knows why you agreed to this. You sure you’re not a masochist?”

Landry laughed, and she shivered at the smooth timbre of his voice. “Just a sucker for following orders. And beautiful women issuing orders.”

“You are indeed, Sergeant.” She twirled a finger in the water and was suddenly struck by an idea that made her grin widely. “How would you like to follow a few orders right now?”

The silence on his end of the line grew heavy before he finally answered. “Mistress?”

“Are you alone?”

“Oui, Maîtresse.”

Chance shivered. She loved it when he slipped into the Cajun French he’d grown up with. “Get comfortable, Landry. And by that, I mean strip and find a place to sit. I think we both deserve a little fun.”

The water splashed softly as she put her phone to speaker and set it aside, then drew her legs up until she lay with them wide. She cupped her breasts, then slid her hands slowly down her body.

“You ready, Boudreaux? Oh, and put your phone on speaker.” She rubbed her hands up and down her stomach and thighs while she waited.

“Ready, Mistress.”

Chance smiled as the day’s tension drained out of her, replaced by anticipation. “Are you sitting or lying down?”

“Lying on the bed.”

“Good.” She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, hands still running slowly up and down her body. “No touching anything until I say. I want your hands at your sides, palm down on the bed.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Eyes closed.” Her hands traveled up, lightly squeezing her breasts, then wrapping around the back of her neck and down again. The water slapped gently as her arms moved in and out of it. “I want you to picture me as I touch myself. I want you to pretend you’re here watching. I’d have you restrain your hands, but you’re so good at following orders, you won’t need it, will you?”

“No, Maîtresse. My hands won’t move.”

“Good. I’m soaking in the tub. It’s a great old claw-footed monstrosity, nice and deep, and the water is scalding—exactly the way I like it.” She splashed the water a little, for effect. “I have my legs pulled up and spread wide, everything on display while my hands travel from my thighs to my breasts and back again, only touching. Have you got the image?”

A soft groan came over the phone, followed by “Oui.”

“Are you hard yet, Landry? Picturing me? Should I have you stand at attention?” Chance laughed, pleased by the idea. “Oh I like that. Stand for me, Sergeant. At ease. Are you standing?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Mmm. Close your eyes again, and don’t move a muscle. I’ve been tracing patterns on my breasts with my nails. It feels lovely, little swirling touches, but my nipples are feeling neglected. Picture yourself sucking on them, one at a time, worshiping them with your mouth.” She rolled her nipples, tugging at them gently. “Biting, even.” She added a few sharp pinches, then returned to tracing her nails around the soft mounds.

Chance pinched her nipples one last time, feeling a jolt of pleasure shoot straight to her core, then cupped her breasts again before smoothing her hands down the plane of her stomach. “I’m letting my hands slide down my torso now, slowly. Savoring the touch, pressing my fingers hard into my skin. My clit is throbbing with need, but I’m not ready for it yet. I want to enjoy this, to draw it out. I want you dying to touch yourself before I come.”

There was no reply from Landry, but she could picture him standing there, jaw clenched, muscles flexed, one hand gripping the other behind his back.

“Are you hard, Sergeant?”


Her grin widened. “I’m running my hands over the juncture of my thighs, so close, but not quite touching. It’s maddening, in such a good way. Look down at yourself, and tell me what you see. How hard are you?”

Landry grunted. “So hard it hurts, Maîtresse. My bibitte, he’s standing at attention, nice and tall. He’s throbbing, he is.”

Chance sucked in a breath as she pictured him. Her pussy ached at the image of his dick straining and him waiting, immobile. Her hands slipped over her labia, a single finger dipping between them, and she moaned a little at her slickness even in the water. “Mmm, that’s a lovely image, Landry. So lovely I can’t help but bring my fingers to my center. But I don’t think my fingers are going to be enough now. Ideally, I’d take your dick. But since I can’t, I’ll have to improvise.”

She turned, lifting herself out of the water enough to reach the cabinet beside the tub. She kept a few toys there, for such occasions. She bypassed the waterproof vibrators, going straight for the large rubber dildo. “I may be about to make a bit of a mess. How does that make you feel?”

“Like I wish I really was there watching.”

Chance settled back in the water, wishing he was there too. She’d love to ride him hard and deep, making him hold off until he screamed.
Which reminds me, I need to start training him to hold his release and come on command…

But not tonight. Tonight was all about her.

“I’ve got one of my dildos out, and I’m teasing the head along my clit. Imagine it’s you there, Landry, imagine the feel.” Her words, and the picture in her mind, were more of a turn-on than the dildo itself. “Now it’s sinking into me, slowly, so slowly…oh God, it feels good. So good. Are you aching yet, Landry?” She certainly was, with the dildo filling her up, and one finger drawing lazy circles around her clit.

“Dieu, it aches, Maîtresse.”

Chance didn’t bother to hide the moan of pleasure as she drew the dildo out and pushed it in again. “On your back, soldier. You’re going to get yourself off with me, nice and slow. You’re going to envision your hand as my pussy, and I’m riding you for all your worth.”

Landry let out a loud groan that Chance echoed, as they both began to pump. Their conversation became reduced to the sound of strain and pleasure, and the splashing of water, broken occasionally by commands to slow down, speed up or even halt altogether. Chance worked herself up, one hand on the dildo, one on her clit, until she teetered on the edge, then cruelly left them both hanging until she couldn’t stand it, and the water had gone from hot to tepid, and too much of it had spilled out onto the bathroom floor.

BOOK: Bonne Chance: Bourbon Street, Book 2
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