Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were) (4 page)

BOOK: Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were)
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Mercy smiled happily as she walked
through the halls of her small-town high school, holding hands with Alec. He
had been sweet, attentive, and had spent every minute he could with her since
his return a few days before, and she was over the moon with joy.

“So you haven’t mentioned prom,” he said,
pulling her into his arms as they arrived at her locker.

“I figured you wouldn’t be interested in
going,” she told him honestly. With everything, he had to handle in his life prom
had seemed trivial, so she hadn’t planned to attend, despite the fact she was
nominated for prom queen.

Alec realized that he had given very
little thought to the prom. He hadn’t really deemed it important, but since he
was going to be asking her to bond with him so soon after graduation, he wanted
to give her everything he could.  Now all he had to do was convince her. “And
why would you think that I wouldn’t be interested in a night where I can see
you all dressed up in a sexy gown?”

“I…” Mercy stuttered, as he bent in
close and kissed the curve of her neck.

“When I could hold you in my arms,” he whispered
as he nibbled the lobe of her ear. “And we can dance together nice and slow,
our bodies pressed close together as we sway to the music.” He pulled her
against him and demonstrated how their dancing would be causing her heart rate to
increase rapidly as they swayed together. “Doesn’t that sound nice?”

Mercy swallowed hard and nodded,
incapable of saying anything as he held her close, his body against hers, his
warm breath feathering her ear as he spoke softly to her.

Alec stopped moving and took a step back,
looking down on her with all seriousness. “Now, Mercy Dupree, would you do me
the honor of allowing me to escort you to the prom?” 

“Yes,” she answered just before he swept
her into his arms and swung her around, ignoring the curious glances from

“Dude, did you finally ask her?” Rich,
Alec’s best friend, said as he and Gina walked up behind them.

Gina could tell by the glow on Mercy’s
face he had, and she couldn’t contain her own excitement. “We are so going
shopping this weekend. I know this small boutique just outside of town where
the owner makes one-of-a-kind dresses, I bet we could find something there.”

“Are you two going to the prom together?”
Mercy asked, looking between Gina and Rich.

“Rich asked me this morning so, I
decided to spare him and go. We wouldn’t want him to look like a loser by going

“Hey, she’s lucky to get me. I’m in
demand around here,” Rich said, feigning a hurt look.

“Now, all we have to do is find a date
for Mason,” Mercy said.

“I don’t think that is going to be a
problem we have to worry about,” Gina said, pointing to his locker where the
dark-haired, drop-dead-gorgeous male werewolf stood surrounded by a bevy of females
clamoring for his attention.

Mercy was happy to see Mason doing so
well. After he had saved her life and they had become friends, it had taken a
lot of talking to get him to come out of his shell. Now, though, he was an
active part of the student body and firmly entrenched in the study of the
female population. Alec, seeing her so preoccupied with the newest werewolf in
her group of male friends, growled with jealousy.  She turned back to him,
hugging him close to ease his upset.

Alec looked to where Mason stood
surrounded by females, and frowned. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the newcomer.
He actually thought the guy was smart and one hell of a wolf to have at your
back in a fight, but as Mercy’s mate, he didn’t want to see Mercy close to any
unattached male, friend or not.

“Alec, is that alright with you?” Mercy
said, breaking into his thoughts.


Mercy eyed him with a frown. “Gina wants
to go to the dress shop this weekend so we can choose our prom dresses.  Is
that alright?”

Alec wasn’t sure what his plans were for
the weekend.  As long no one else challenged him, he was planning on spending
it with Mercy. They needed time alone so they could talk about their future,
but if another challenge was issued he would have to go back home and fight
again. He erred on the side of caution and decided to warn her he might not be
around, even though he knew it would displease her. “I may have to go back home
this weekend.

Mercy’s face fell, all the excitement
she had been feeling about the prom fled. Did he really intend to spend another
weekend away from her? What was so important that he kept driving back and
forth every weekend, coming back with injuries he refused to explain? she thought
to herself.

Alec knew she was upset, but the pack
came first. It was something she was going to have to get used to, even if it
interfered with their personal life. “I promise, if I am home I will take you
to the shop myself.”

“Don’t worry about it. I can just order
something from the Internet,” she murmured sulkily.

Alec pulled her into his arms and lifted
her chin so she met his gaze. “I want you to have something special to wear to
prom, so you are going with Gina this weekend. If I have to leave, your
brothers will take you in my place.”

He was offering a compromise and she really
didn’t want to be a shrew, but she felt like she had to speak up and let him
know how his constant desertion was affecting her. “Alec, I don’t care about
the damn dress. I just hoped we could spend some time together. I miss you so
much when you’re gone.”

His heart ached that she was so unhappy,
something no male Were wanted for his mate. “It won’t be forever. I just need
to get some things straightened out back home.” The bell rang signaling the end
of the day, and he took her hand in his, ready to get out of there and just
spend time alone with her before her brothers and his father got home.  They planned
to meet that night so they could discuss with Mercy the news they had received
about the antiquated law regarding her Born Were status. It was a conversation
he was not looking forward to. “Let’s go home, Angel. I just want to be alone
with you for a while.”

“That sounds great,” she said, wanting
nothing more than time with him, without any interruptions from her brother,
their friends, or his pack. 




After a long afternoon of frolicking in
her wolf form with Alec, Mercy was tired, but contented as they walked towards
the house together hand in hand. She had enjoyed her time alone with him, but
had felt a sense of unease about him even as they laughed and carried on
throughout the afternoon.  His worry was even more pronounced as they walked
towards the house, and she had the growing sense of awareness that something
was very wrong. “Alec,” she said, pulling him to a stop at the front porch
stairs. “What’s going on?”

He didn’t meet her eyes, but instead
looked to the screen door where his father stood looking as apprehensive as he
felt. “I suppose I can’t hide much from you, huh?” he asked, his finger
stroking her cheek lovingly.

“I can tell that you are upset, but I
don’t know why. I am not a mind reader, you know.”

“No, I suppose you’re not,” he murmured,
pulling her into his arms and hugging her close. “Just remember that no matter
what, I am your mate and I will always protect you and keep you safe from

Mercy wanted to stand forever in that
moment, with everything perfect, just him and her, no problems, no worries, but
she could tell whatever it was he had to tell her was not going to be pleasant.
His father’s presence only strengthened her suspicions.

“They’re waiting for us,” he said,
lifting her chin and brushing her lips with his own. He took the ring she wore
around her neck on a gold chain in his hand and closed his fingers over it.
“Forever, Mercy, don’t ever forget that.” He kissed her again, but more
aggressively, wanting to leave his scent upon her so everyone would know she
was his. The idea of anyone trying to take her away was making him more
possessive than usual and even though he knew she wouldn’t understand it, he
couldn’t help his actions.  “You’re mine, and I will do anything to protect
you,” he told her, tracing her bottom lip with his finger.

Mercy shivered despite the warm air
outside. He was always possessive of her, but now, his eyes held a gleam of
deadly intent when he spoke of keeping her by his side, and it was frightening.
 “Alec, you’re scaring me.”

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t let anything
happen to you, I swear.” He put his arm around her and they walked up the
stairs to the house together, both dreading the meeting to come.




A short time later Mercy was staring at
Alec with confusion, uncertain she had heard him correctly. He had just told
her that a group of old werewolves known as the Elders were considering enforcing
some ancient law that would make her the mate of any male who defeated everyone
else vying for her. It was barbaric, archaic, and completely unfair, but it was
apparently very real and they had to deal with it.

“Are you alright?” Alec asked, kneeling
before her, rubbing her hands in his own.

Mercy stared at him for few moments then
shook her head. “No, I am not alright. When does it stop? When do I get to live
without crazy females trying to kill me, or rogue werewolves trying to kidnap
me? When do I get the right to live my life the way I want?” She knew she was
freaking out, but couldn’t stop herself.

“Angel, I am not letting the Elder’s
have that kind of control over you. We have already talked about this and as
long as you are agreeable, we can do the Bonding Ceremony as soon as graduation
is over.”

“What?” Mercy asked stunned by his

“The law says that after you turn
eighteen they can enforce it, but if we bond before your birthday there is
nothing they can do.”

Mercy looked to her brother who was
standing by the cabinets, oddly silent and still. “Luc, what do you think about

“I can’t think of any other way around
this,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion.

“Cade,” she looked to her other brother
who stood by the door, his fists balled, his anger easy to read.

Cade shook his head. “This is the only
way if you and Alec want to be together without him having to fight every male
who tries for you.”

Mercy chewed her bottom lip, thinking
about everything she had heard, and sighed. It was all so rushed, so unlike the
Bonding and wedding ceremony they had planned on. However, she didn’t want Alec
to have to fight for her. She couldn’t take the chance of him getting hurt
because of what she was, so there was only one answer.

“Are you having second thoughts about
bonding with me?” Alec asked, fearing her response.

“No, of course not,” she said leaning
close, her forehead against his as their hands lay clasped on her lap. “It’s
just such a shock. I mean I thought I had time to plan a wedding and the Bonding
Ceremony, but it’s fine.” Her lip began to tremble slightly, but she ignored it,
praying Alec wouldn’t notice. “We can just do the Bonding Ceremony after
graduation, and be done with it.”

“It’s not the romantic beginning you
envisioned for us,” Alec said miserably. “You wanted the big wedding and all of
our friends there.”

“We can do the wedding thing later.
Right now, it’s more important that we are bonded so the Elders can’t push us
around,” she said, brushing her lips over his. “I love you, and I don’t want
you to have to fight anyone for me.” 

“I love you too, but I hate that you are
being forced to do this before you’re ready.”

She felt horrible for how selfish she
was being and rushed to explain it to him. “Alec, I am ready.  I just wanted the
touches all girls dream of for their wedding, but it’s the Bonding Ceremony
that is important for our kind. That’s all that counts.”

“I’m not sure how I got lucky enough to
have you for my mate, but I am so thankful.” He pulled her close, his warm lips
moving over hers, and she sighed melting against him, forgetting about
everything but being in his arms.

 Gregory cleared his throat. “It seems
we now have two ceremonies to plan.”

 “Two?” Mercy asked, looking confused. “I
assumed that we would just do the Bonding Ceremony now, and a wedding later.”

Gregory pierced Alec with his icy blue eyes,
unhappy his son had not told his mate about his upcoming change in the pack’s
hierarchy. “You have not told her yet?”

Alec could have gladly choked his father
in that moment. He had not told Mercy, he had wanted to do so while they were
alone. “I was a little more concerned about
. I planned to tell her
later on tonight, after the shock of this news had passed.”

Mercy looked between them uncertainly.
“Alec, what is going on?”

Alec met her gaze evenly and knew he had
to come clean. “My father has decided to step down as Alpha.”

Mercy couldn’t have been more shocked.
Her gaze immediately flew to Gregory. “Why?”

Gregory’s cheeks flushed and he looked
embarrassed, but he knew he had to explain. “I want to spend more time with
Marlo and that won’t be possible if I remain Alpha.”

BOOK: Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were)
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