Read Bondage Celebration Online

Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance Fiction

Bondage Celebration (8 page)

BOOK: Bondage Celebration
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“I think my submission is a given at this point, but don’t change your plans on my account, Sir.”

* * * *

Laura sat in her home office trying to check her cell phone before heading to work. She

d read the same text message three times. Her mind kept wandering. Waking up with her husband not only in her bed, but in her body was a treat she was rapidly getting used to. Why had she spent so many years choosing to focus on work instead of relishing in the pleasure her husband seemed so willing to give her?

For the first time in years, she didn

t want to go to the office. A vague sense of dread colored her mood. It really wouldn

t take much coaxing to get her to stay home today. Better not even hint that way to Nick or he would have her resignation papers drawn up and waiting on her desk.

Nick was pacing in the foyer with his cell phone to his ear. Laura noticed his jaw take a stubborn set as their eyes met. She knew that look. He was about to lay down the law and she wasn

t going to like it.

“Keep me informed.” Nick punched the end button and shoved his phone in the pocket of his trousers. “AJ

s firm will be providing an extra layer of security until the Simson issue is resolved. Your driver is waiting. He will escort you throughout the day. If you leave your office, and by office I mean the four walls beyond Jessica

s desk, I expect him to be with you. “

Laura found it hard to get angry when her pussy still remembered his cock buried deep and giving her such pleasure. “Nick,” she watched him alter his stance. He crossed his arms over his chest, spread his legs shoulder width apart and raised his left eyebrow. Did he have any idea how intimidating, and fucking hot he looked?

She had to give him something or this would end in a useless fight. Where did she draw the line? She couldn

t allow him to control her work life. He was welcome to take the reins concerning their sexual activities, but that was as far as she was willing to concede.

This would be easier if she didn

t have a feeling he might be right. Simson frightened her. “I understand you just want to keep me safe, however, those decisions weren

t yours to make.”

Laura waited nearly a minute for Nick to reply. Nothing.
! He didn

t fight fair. His


m the Dom and you

re a naughty little sub

routine was soaking her panties. “Be reasonable, Nick.”

“Laura, you chose to pursue this matter after I specifically asked you to let it drop. Now you can deal with the consequences.”

“You don

t have time for this and I

m not taking orders from you.” He was clouding her mind with his blatant pheromone fest. Again, she tried to stare him down. Again, it was totally ineffective. This wasn

t getting her anywhere. Feeling the need to explain herself flat out made her angry, yet seeing the hurt in his eyes kept her from standing on principle. “I couldn

t let him get away with terrorizing women.”

Nick looked at her quizzically. “Why do you think I would turn a blind eye to his behavior? He clearly had an unhealthy attraction to you.”

“Nick, he isn

t your employee, he

s mine. Or was,” she conceded. “They were my employees he was harassing. Do you see where this is headed?” She couldn

t stop her snippy comment. His big bad Dom routine scrambled her brain. “He was my problem. I couldn

t let it drop.”

“It is both my honor and my responsibility to see to your safety. I won

t shirk my duties, even to please you.”

He wasn

t going to see reason. A part of her wanted to shake his control. She had a mad craving to drop to her knees and suck him off. She

d like to see him try to keep that stern expression while his seed was squirting down her throat. “I appreciate that you want to insure my safety, however, I don

t believe we need to take it to that extent. The security inside the building is formidable. I don

t mind a driver,” she hated driving in traffic and wouldn

t mind at all letting someone else do it for her, “but there is no reason for him to enter the building.”

“Both your building and Simson

s contract with the same security firm. It

s possible he could use that to gain access.”

Obviously, he

d been looking into this more than she

d realized. “Nick, this is silly, he doesn

t even know he

s fired yet.”

“Oscar escorted a bloodied Simson from the building twenty minutes ago.”

Laura felt the color drain from her face. “Is Oscar alright?” She immediately felt guilty for asking Oscar to take care of this, when it was her responsibility. While Oscar was ex-special forces military, he wasn

t getting any younger. Simson was a slimy bastard and a foot taller. “Why was Simson bloody?”

She didn

t bother asking how he knew. She wouldn

t be surprised to find Oscar was also on Nick

s payroll. More likely they were co-conspirators. Oscar often accused her of taking too many chances.

“He slipped and fell into Oscar

s fist a few times after he threatened to fuck you up.”


s stomach dropped and it wasn

t the sexy plunge Nick usually caused. “Is he pressing charges? Will this cause trouble for Oscar?”


s eyebrow arched again, letting her know she was in trouble.

“Oscar? You

re worried about Oscar? Simson threatened you and you

re worried about Oscar? Laura, you need to be concerned about the threat against you.”

“Nick, stop. Oscar is a valued employee. Of course, I

m worried about him. What if Simson tries to press charges against him?” Why did she marry the one man who could muddle her brain so completely?

“You heard me.”


s mind played tricks with her. She imagined Nick wearing leather pants and not much else. The more he stood his ground, the more she wanted to rock his world. When had her focus changed from business success to marital happiness? Her girlie parts were starting to override her business acumen. Time to change tactics. “How long do you suggest we retain the added security?”

“Until the threat is removed.”

Nick looked immoveable. There was little doubt he would go all caveman on her if she decided to push the issue. She didn

t want to fight with him. Her mutinous body was pissing her off. Nick was trying to take over her life and instead of giving him hell, she wanted to give him a blow job. What the fuck was wrong with her?

“What does that mean? We aren

t the mob. I haven

t seen the evidence Oscar compiled against those two, it may not be enough for the police to take action.”

“The police are reviewing the evidence and have contacted the women for interviews.”

She shifted her weight, wanting to pace, but was unwilling give any ground. Anger finally replaced the sexual tension. “And I knew none of this…why?” She didn

t bother to keep the fury from her voice.

“Oscar is in your office waiting to give you an update.”

“So does Oscar work for you, or do you have someone on his staff?” It was the only way any of this made sense. “When did you usurp my authority? Last time I checked, my name was at the top of the letterhead. You have no business being involved in this matter, let alone receiving updates before I do!”

“Anything that concerns your safety
my business. And for the record, Oscar and his staff are loyal to you.”

Something wasn

t right. He had to be playing a semantics game. He was discussing privileged information that he shouldn

t be privy to. “Nick, this is the very reason I can

t agree to wear your collar or try D/s twenty-four seven.” Her heart beat overly fast. She felt out of control and she didn

t like it. Nick should not be better aware of her work operations than she was.

“Let me make this perfectly clear, Laura,” Nick tipped her chin so their eyes met, “I will always see to your protection. It doesn

t matter if you ever consent to wear my collar. On matters of your safety, there is no give, no compromise, no slack. This isn

t about D/s at all. It

s just the way it is. Period

Laura twisted out of his hold, “I have to get to work. This conversation isn

t over.” Anger felt good. It was less confusing than other emotions. “I want to know where your information is coming from. I can

t have someone sharing sensitive data with anyone outside the company.” She didn

t wait for a response. She stepped around him and out the door.

A new wave of anger hit, when her car wasn

t waiting underneath the portico on their circular drive where she

d left it. Laura even opened her mouth with a foul barrage just resting on her tongue waiting to fire the first salvo. Locking her jaw, she knew it was fruitless. If she didn

t agree to added security, he would assign it behind her back. Instead of riding in the car with her, they would tail her. No, there was no getting around him. And in all honesty, she was afraid of Simson. It was entirely possible he would try to retaliate.

A white, non-descript four-door sedan waited for her. A tall, broad shouldered man, in a gray suit and tie leaned against the car. He looked like a typical businessman and right now she wasn

t fond of men. Too bad for him.

Tall, broad and annoying opened the back door on the passenger side. “Mrs Branson, I

m James Evan, I

ve been assigned to your security detail.”

Ignoring him and the pro-offered backseat, she opened the passenger door and sat up front. “I

m late, Mr Evan. If we could get moving, I

d appreciate it.”

Laura heard Evan and Nick speaking. She pulled the visor down and adjusted the vanity mirror until they came into view. Her bodyguard leaned casually against the quarter-panel, this legs slightly stretched and crossed at the ankles. His hands hung loosely at his side.

Nick spoke to him like he was a friend. Did they know each other? Had he done work for Nick before?

Knowing Nick was personally acquainted with the man took a little of the sting out of the intolerable situation. She wasn

t entirely sure why she was so upset. Oh yeah, she didn

t like being told, after the fact, a security firm had been hired. Okay, now that she thought it through Nick might have informed her before he

d hired them. He

d mentioned it in passing last night after Frank left and before they scened.

Still, she should have had a say
No one needed to know Greg had her worried or that the hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she thought about the guy. He was bad news.

Maybe she would prefer to have a bodyguard for a few days until the dust settled. That didn

t mean she planned to take orders from anyone

except Nick and that was only pertaining to sexual matters.

She watched them shake hands before Evan took his place in the driver

s seat. Without speaking, he put the car into gear and headed toward the freeway.

At the first stop light, her bodyguard tried to establish the pecking order. “Mrs Branson, I understand you don

t want a security detail and I can respect that. Lots of clients think it

s unnecessary until the first attempt on their life occurs. Occasionally, said attempt is successful because the client chooses to disobey or subvert a precaution their bodyguard had instigated for their safety.”

Laura started to speak. Evan raised his hand, his index finger extended, “Please let me finish.” After Laura nodded, he continued. “You

re a very powerful business woman. I

m sure you don

t take orders from someone you deem unworthy. Well ma

am, I

m risking my life to insure yours. I don

t do that lightly. I make damn sure the person I agree to step in front of in a hostile situation is worthy. Mr Branson is a man I deeply respect. He asked me to take this job.

“You might not like me. You might not think a bodyguard is necessary and personally I hope you’re right. However, I need to know if I give you an order you will follow it

because, ma

am, it might very well mean the difference between life and death. Specifically, your life or your death.”

Laura let silence ride between them while they drove through the busy mid-morning traffic. “That was quite the speech. Well delivered. Perfect matter-of-fact tone. Even though I was looking for it, I didn

t detect any condescension.”

She watched the vein on the side of his brow throb. Why was she pushing his buttons? Oh yeah, because he expected her to follow his orders and his reasoning made sense. And that pissed her off. And went against her grain.

“Mr Evan, I respect the position you

re in. However, I don

t take orders, I give them.” Now it was her turn to shake her finger and stop
from interrupting.

“Obviously Mr Branson has faith in your abilities, therefore I will assume you are more knowledgeable in matters of security than I am. That being said, I expect to be included in the decision making process as much as possible.”

They drove another block in silence. “Okay, Mrs Branson, as often as possible, I will discuss the options and explain the foreseeable outcome for each option. Forgive me in advance if I deem it necessary to shove you to the ground to avoid a bullet or knife without first discussing it with you.”

BOOK: Bondage Celebration
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