Read Bodyguard: Ransom (Book 2) Online

Authors: Chris Bradford

Bodyguard: Ransom (Book 2) (39 page)

BOOK: Bodyguard: Ransom (Book 2)
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Puffin is over seventy years old.
Sounds ancient, doesn’t it? But Puffin has never been so lively. We’re always on the lookout for the next big idea, which is how it began all those years ago.

Penguin Books was a big idea from the mind of a man called Allen Lane, who in 1935 invented the quality paperback and changed the world.
And from great Penguins, great Puffins grew, changing the face of children’s books forever.

The first four Puffin Picture Books were hatched in 1940 and the first Puffin story book featured a man with broomstick arms called Worzel Gummidge. In 1967 Kaye Webb, Puffin Editor, started the Puffin Club, promising to
‘make children into readers’
. She kept that promise and over 200,000 children became devoted Puffineers through their quarterly instalments of
Puffin Post

Many years from now, we hope you’ll look back and remember Puffin with a smile.
No matter what your age or what you’re into, there’s a Puffin for everyone.
The possibilities are endless, but one thing is for sure: whether it’s a picture book or a paperback, a sticker book or a hardback,
if it’s got that little Puffin on it – it’s bound to be good.

Warning: Do not attempt any of the techniques described within the book without the supervision of a qualified martial arts instructor. These can be highly dangerous moves and result in fatal injuries. The author and publisher take no responsibility for any injuries resulting from attempting these techniques.



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First published 2014

Text copyright © Chris Bradford, 2014
Map by Mandy Norman
Yacht diagram by David Atkinson

Cover illustration by Larry Rostant

All rights reserved

The moral right of the author and illustrators has been asserted

Typeset by Palimpsest Book Production Limited, Falkirk, Stirlingshire

ISBN: 978-0-141-97151-3

BOOK: Bodyguard: Ransom (Book 2)
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