Read Body Shots Online

Authors: Anne Rainey

Body Shots (4 page)

BOOK: Body Shots
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Curious, she said, “Oh?”
“Well, as long as I've been coming here, I've never seen them dance with one of the customers.”
A jolt of pleasure shot through her at the knowledge that maybe, just maybe, this was as special for Mac and Trent as it was for her. “I'll call you tomorrow.”
“You'd better,” she replied with a grin.
As Crystal made her way back to Mac and Trent she saw the warmth in their smiles and the gentleness in the men's gazes. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that neither man would hold it against her if she turned them down and chose to go home, alone. But wasn't it about time she did something that gave her pleasure? Her entire marriage had been about pleasing Richard. This was her time. And she was calling the shots. Making the final decision calmed Crystal's racing heart as nothing else could.
When Crystal reached the men, nothing was said as she simply started up the stairs, taking the steps one a time. When she reached the upstairs landing, Mac was beside her, quietly waiting. She let her gaze travel the length of him. As she spied the rigid hardness of his cock beneath the navy slacks, her mouth watered. Trent moved in beside her, both men wearing grins. Crystal shuddered.
Trent couldn't believe his eyes. The minute he'd spotted her, he'd wanted her. He'd never had such a strong reaction to a woman in his club before. Crystal was different. He was a mere few feet from their private room. Trent licked his lips, anticipation humming along his nerve endings. His cock, already hard enough to drive spikes through cement blocks, strained against the tight confines of his slacks. He looked over at Mac and saw the same hunger, the same wild need. Mac's gaze stayed on Crystal as he stepped backward. Once. Twice. When his back hit the door to their private suite, he said, “Do you trust us, Crystal?”
Trent held his breath. Would she go through that door, or would she tell them both to go to hell? The woman seemed to possess a no-nonsense attitude. He liked it. She said what she meant. She didn't play games like some of the women he'd dated.
“Yes, I trust you. I wouldn't have come up here if I didn't.”
Trent exhaled. Mac grinned, then reached behind his back and turned the knob. He pushed it open and stepped aside. “After you, baby.”
Crystal looked over at him, her gaze eating him up. Trent easily saw the arousal, but there was a healthy dose of nerves, too. He reached out and cupped her cheek. Damn, she had the softest skin. He'd never touched anything finer. “Easy, baby. We won't hurt you.”
“But when I go in there”—she sent a look toward the suite—“we're going to be together. The three of us.”
“Is that what you want?” Trent asked, his voice rough with the feelings coursing through him.
“I—I don't know.” Crystal pushed a hand through her hair, mussing the shiny brown strands. Trent ached to grab a handful and press it against his face. Crystal's hair smelled like coconuts. He fucking loved coconuts.
As he moved his thumb over Crystal's bottom lip, he smeared her pink gloss. Christ, he wanted her mouth naked. No paint, just smooth skin. And soon to be wrapped around his cock if he had anything to say about it.
“Would you like to hear what I want?”
She snorted and wrapped her small hand around his wrist, then pulled his hand away from the temptation of her mouth. “I'm pretty sure I already have a good grasp on what you want, Trent.”
Trent winked. “In case there's any confusion, allow me to spell it out.” He stepped closer, close enough to feel the soft weight of her breasts against his chest. He wondered about the shade of her nipples. Were they a dark mauve or a pretty pink? “I want you to walk through that door,” he softly demanded. “I want you to take off that lovely bit of black satin. And I want you to let Mac and me take you to heaven. That's what I want. The question that needs answering now is, is that what
Crystal bit her lip, then turned and stepped over the threshold. He heard Mac curse. Trent fisted his hands at his side, hoping beyond hope to maintain control.
he reminded himself. Crystal was intrigued, but she was a far cry from where he and Mac were. They knew exactly what they wanted, and sharing a woman wasn't new for them. But Trent had a feeling that Crystal was a babe compared to them. They would need to be gentle.
Trent entered the room after Crystal. Mac came in behind him, closing the door with a soft
. The music from downstairs could barely be heard; the only other sound in the gently lit room was the rapid beat of his own heart. He'd heard the term before, but he'd never truly understood what it meant to hear your own heartbeat. He had a feeling it was beating so hard that Mac and Crystal could probably hear the damn thing.
“Wow,” Crystal said as she looked around the room.
“We recently redecorated,” Trent said as he glanced around. They'd kept the décor very simple. A butter-cream couch and recliner created a cozy sitting area to one side of the room. A stainless-steel bar with recessed lighting that shone on several bottles of liquor was situated on the other. There was a panel of monitors on the wall that showed different parts of the nightclub so they could keep track of any illegal activity.
“What's in here?” Crystal asked as she walked through a doorway. “Oh,” she mumbled.
“The bedroom,” Trent replied, knowing it was completely obvious with the king-sized bed.
“I see that.” Trent noticed Crystal's gaze land on it and linger. He had to admit, the damn bed looked inviting as hell, with its tufted white headboard and fluffy black satin comforter. Crystal walked toward it.
Can she feel my gaze on her?
Trent's cock hardened as Crystal leaned down and smoothed her palm over the cool material. “Soft. And huge.”
“Yep,” Mac said, speaking up finally.
Crystal turned around and sat down, her gaze darting back and forth between them. “And now you two are about to share it with me?”
Mac laughed. “Are you always so straight to the point, angel? I have a feeling that's one of the things Trent and I are both going to love about you.”
Mac stepped forward and knelt in front of Crystal, his hands wrapping around Crystal's thighs, which the slit in her dress showed off to perfection. Trent stayed silent as he took in the little teasing play in front of him. He liked to watch. It'd been something he'd discovered during his first ménage à trois.
“If that's what you want,” Mac murmured as he inched his hands higher on her thighs, “it's what Trent and I want. What do you truly desire, Crystal?”
Crystal stared at Mac, as if unable to pull her gaze away. “I'm not sure, to be honest.”
“If you leave right now, would you regret it? Would you always wonder,
what if?

Crystal nodded shakily and smiled. “Yes, I would wonder.”
Mac stood and backed up. “Then you'll stay?”
Trent could see the arousal in Crystal's warm eyes. He was spellbound when Crystal reached up and fingered a strap on her black dress. Every muscle in his body tensed when Crystal flicked the strap off her shoulder. It fell to her elbow. Trent lost his ability to speak or even breathe.
“I'll stay,” she whispered, as she pushed her dress down farther. The material fell to her waist, revealing a black lace bra. Her breasts were barely contained. Damn. If he tugged on the thin material, Trent would get an eyeful of Crystal's perfect full tits.
Trent and Mac both cursed.
Mac cleared his throat. “How'd we get so lucky to have you walk into Kinks tonight? You're like a dream come true,” he gritted out as he clutched her around the waist and kissed the side of her neck.
Trent moved up next to Mac, then dipped his head and kissed her left breast, lace and all. “Mm, yeah, definitely our lucky night.”
“I'd be ever so pleased if you'd take off that dress, Crystal,” Trent murmured as he and Mac stood and stepped away from the bed. “I'd love to see all of you.”
Shaking like a leaf on a tree, Crystal got to her feet, before taking hold of the soft rayon fabric and slipping it off. Her black stilettos were difficult to stand in considering her legs were like rubber at the moment. It didn't help her nerves any to have both men watching as she tugged her black panties down her legs. Her bra and shoes went next. She noticed a muscle in Mac's jaw twitch as he yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it away. His strong, muscular chest and ripped ab muscles demanded her full attention. She was about to see both men naked, and she licked her lips in anticipation of the gorgeous show.
When Trent began to shed his clothes, her breath caught in her throat. As the men stripped out of their clothes without a hint of modesty, it reminded Crystal how far out of her comfort zone she was. Richard's hurtful comments about her weight came back at her full-force. Suddenly Crystal was second-guessing her decision.
Mac's gaze went on a hot journey over every inch of her body. “God, you are so damn beautiful.”
A little of her insecurity fell away at Mac's heated praise. Trent smiled as he chimed in, as well. “You truly are magnificent,” he said, in a voice as deep and mysterious as the man himself.
The men's words ratcheted up her confidence and kept her from fleeing. Trent's sizzling gaze heated her bloodstream, but it was the gentle understanding that she saw in him that she clung to. Could it be that this night was more than a quick lay for Mac and Trent? She didn't want to go there. Not now. Crystal only wanted to experience pleasure. Nothing more. Still, she did have a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't going to walk away with her heart fully intact once the sun came up.
Pushing those thoughts away, Crystal gave in to temptation and looked at both men. Mac had a few inches on Trent, but that didn't take away from Trent's masculinity. His impressive body was hard, and his long, firm cock jutted away from his body. Her mouth watered. A slow, ornery grin appeared on his face as he caught her eyeballing his erection. Crystal's cheeks burned. Mac shifted to the right, catching her attention. She looked him over, thoroughly, taking in his leaner, taller frame. His solid, swollen cock had her mouth watering. He wrapped a fist around it and squeezed. Crystal stared, dazed. She cleared her throat and spared Trent a quick look. He was so quiet, watching her. She looked down his body and realized he'd hardened further. My God, the man was huge.
“Lie down, baby.”
Crystal couldn't possibly disobey Trent in that moment. What woman could? Sitting on the bed, she moved to do as he bid and positioned herself in the center, then she lay back. The sight of Mac and Trent in all their bronzed glory coming toward her, both men staring at her as if she were a tasty treat, had her pussy weeping with joy. Their well-muscled bodies and naughty grins were enough to have Crystal begging and drooling.
As they slid onto the bed on either side of her, Crystal could do no more than stare. Trent moved closer, his gaze on her face before traveling over her body. She looked down and saw his hand wrapped around his cock. The air in the room turned thick and hot.
Oh God. She was naked in a room with not one gorgeous hunk, but two. Damn if she hadn't just died and gone to heaven.
Mac reached out to her, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her onto her side. Her body was as stiff as a two-by-four, every muscle strung tight. “Relax, angel. Leave all those worries behind. For now, we just want you to feel pleasure. Nothing but pleasure tonight,” Mac said, his voice rich and smooth, sliding over her skin, firing her blood.
“This is frightening,” she admitted. “I've known you both for all of a few minutes, Mac.”
Mac cupped her cheek in his large palm. “Shh, there's nothing to be afraid of, sweetheart. We're going to take care of you.”
Trent stroked her hair from behind. “Relax, Crystal,” he said in a soft command. When she only stiffened further, he wrapped a fist in her hair and tugged hard enough to bring a slight sting to her scalp. “Do as I said, baby.”
At Trent's demand, Crystal loosened at once. She reached out and began touching Mac, her right hand smoothed over his pectorals. He was all steel strength. All man. She ran her fingers through the coarse curls that littered his chest. He groaned, and it fueled her to do more than touch. Inching her leg up and over his, Crystal let her pussy slide along the side of his muscular thigh. Her clit throbbed on contact. Her name passed his lips on a growl. Crystal took it as a signal to continue. Encouraged by the hungry sounds coming from both men, she teased her fingers down Mac's rib cage, giving herself free rein. In some dark part of her soul, Crystal enjoyed having Trent at her back, watching her touch Mac.
BOOK: Body Shots
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