Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality (4 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality
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Breathe goddamnit.

Pierce tried to shake his head to gather what it was he wanted to say next but nothing was coming to mind.
Oh yeah. “
You can throw me around all you want, but it doesn’t turn me on at all. All it does is remind me of all the bullies that used to shove me in lockers and push me down in the halls in school.”

“I’d never hurt you, baby. I just want to make you feel good,” Hawk whispered. “Will you let me do that? I can feel that you want me too.” Hawk accompanied his words with a slight thrust of his pelvis. His prominent erection nudging just above Pierce’s navel. “I can feel your heartbeat; I can see the desire in your eyes when you look at me. Why do you keep fighting me?”

“Because I don’t like you,” Pierce said as firmly as he could. Within seconds he noticed how every one of Hawk's muscles that was in contact with his body tensed against him. He first released his arms before he began to back up, and Hawk didn’t stop until he was completely on the other side of the room.

The pain that Pierce saw in Hawk’s eyes rocked him to his core. Not only did he immediately miss the heat of Hawk’s sexy body, but he didn’t mean for what he said to end at that. He wanted to say he didn’t like Hawk pushing him around. Why did big guys need to do that? Why were military men so fucked up?

“You don’t like me.” Hawk’s eyes were everywhere but on Pierce now. The purple flecks almost a deep shade of violet. Hawk was hurt, perhaps. Pierce didn’t know – shit he didn’t want to know. He couldn’t let Hawk rearrange his plans. Getting involved with the SEAL would mean too many complicated feelings that Pierce didn’t want to ever feel again – especially the physical ones.

He’d been a geeky virgin all through high school. No one giving him the time of day – guys or girls. If he wasn’t being shoved into a bathroom and beat on like a piñata, then he was being ridiculed in front of everyone. It wasn’t until his junior year in college that Pierce found himself assigned to tutor one of the defensive ends for the Notre Dame football team. Pierce was a Physics major and had been a TA since his sophomore year. Jackson was a huge man and very handsome. He didn’t waste any time coming on strong to Pierce; making his body light up like a firework. Telling Pierce how beautiful he was, exactly what he’d do to his pink lips, soft face, and bubble ass. He showered Pierce with compliments constantly, saying if he wasn’t being scouted to be drafted to the NFL, he’d make Pierce his boyfriend.

Pierce was always attracted to the big guys, probably because he was so small. Some might not think five-eight is short, but it kinda is, for a man. Pierce wanted to be picked up and held against a wall like you see them do in movies. But shit like that doesn’t happen in real life. Well, Jackson decided to pop Pierce’s cherry the way big guys like to. As soon as the man got Pierce alone in his apartment, he was on him. There was no movie and pizza like he said there’d be. Being a virgin, Pierce was getting just as hot as Jackson was – at first. As they tumbled their way to the small futon in Jackson’s room he was hefted off his feet and thrown onto the thin mattress liked he weighed less than paper, damn near breaking his back.

“Whoa, whoa. Slow down, Jacks. I’m not going to run away.” Pierce let out a nervous chuckle.

“You’ve made me beg you for weeks to get you into my bed, and I’m about to take full advantage.” Jackson smirked.

Pierce didn’t know if Jackson was playing or what. His pants were forcefully yanked off without even being unbuttoned, his Vans flying off with them. When Jackson took off his shirt and pants, his huge cock jutting out at attention, Pierce thought he’d throw up from the nerves he felt. He’d seen smaller cocks in adult porn, not the kind that was aimed at college guys. Jackson’s chest was massive and his tree trunk size thighs looked like they could crack his skull if he stuck it in between them.

Jackson let out a full belly laugh at Pierce’s look of wide-eyed terror. “You want to suck it first? Is that it?” Jackson's eyes turned dark.

Pierce shook his head ‘no’ so hard that he got an instant headache, but that didn’t stop Jackson from grabbing his shoulders and forcing his head down low. At the first deep thrust of Jackson’s cock down his throat, Pierce gagged hard, fighting to not throw up.

“Yeah, choke on my cock. Don’t be shy. I know mine is not the first dick in those sexy lips of yours,” Jackson snarled.

Pierce wanted to argue the inaccuracy of that fact but his mouth was too full.

When Pierce was finally released, he begged Jackson to stop. He told him that he’d made a mistake and he didn’t think this was going to work. The bewilderment on Jackson’s face gave Pierce enough time to scramble to the other side of the room.

“What the fuck you mean ‘a mistake’? So you don’t want to fuck anymore?” Jackson’s face was contorted by rage and Pierce couldn’t help the tremble that started in his legs and worked its way up to his chest.

“You said we were going to watch a movie and talk. I didn’t think you’d come in here and act like a caveman.” Pierce used both his hands to cover his soft genitals and balls as he tried to shrink into the wall, because currently a huge six-foot three, three hundred pound lineman was blocking the only exit.

“Oh come on, you’re too smart to be so stupid. You know what the fuck ‘watch a movie’ means.”

“Yeah, it means pop in a DVD and watch the film. Not get tossed around like a ragdoll,” Pierce argued.

“Fine. You want me to be gentler. Treat you like a pretty lady.” Jackson quickly advanced on him again. “Sorry, but I don’t do females.”

Pierce just barely got his hands up before he was shoved back onto the bed again. The air left his body in a harsh breath when all those muscles and pounds landed on top of him with a crushing thud.

“I. Said. No. I. Want to Leave,” Pierce said loudly, his mind going into survival mode. Jackson lived in an apartment building with paper-thin walls. He’d scream his head off until the cops came if he had to.

Jackson must have taken note of Pierce’s tone and thought the same thing about his neighbors hearing something. “Get your cock-teasing ass out of my crib. Don’t let me see you around campus, and you’re not my Trig tutor anymore either.”

Jackson didn’t have to say another word and Pierce wasn’t going to argue. He hopped into his pants so fast that he didn’t even realize they were inside out until he’d run clear across the campus, back to his dorm and was safe inside his room.

“What happened to you?” his roommate said when he barged through the door.

“A huge fucking reality check,” Pierce said through clenched teeth before closing himself in the bathroom.

Ever since Jackson, Pierce had stayed away from what he’d desired most. He had blowjobs from a few of his female dates, even managed to think about Mark Wahlberg long enough to fuck a couple of them from behind, but after one humiliating encounter where he couldn’t stay hard, he let his right hand be his only source of pleasure.

“Where’d you go?” Hawk's deep voice was right in front of him.

Pierce’s head snapped back to the here and now. “I said to back off!” he yelled when he noticed that Hawk was back in his space again.

“Jesus, man.” Hawk put both hands up in surrender while inching backward again. Pierce watched him shake his head at him as if pitying him. “And you say were the ones fucked up in the head. I’m not the one that just zonked out on a flashback. Am I?”

Pierce huffed. Pissed more so at himself for having just done that in front of Hawk. “Just get out.”

“Gladly.” Hawk turned to the door and Pierce’s mouth filled with saliva at the massive wings that were tattooed on the man’s muscular back. He got to the door but paused after opening it. He turned and slammed Pierce against the wall again with a golden glare, making his body shiver. “For future reference, you better put an eye on that lip, Backhander.”

Pierce crossed both arms over his significantly smaller chest. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means watch your fucking mouth.” Hawk’s pupils contracted to pinpoints, his entire eye now appearing like a ball of fire. When Hawk closed the door behind him, Pierce blew out a huge gust of breath.

Chapter Four



How much are you going to fucking take? You must be turning into a real glutton for punishment in your older age.
Hawk went back to one of the many rooms located on the upper-level of the warehouse to freshen up and put on some clothes. Jogging down the metal stairs he noted that most of the Beastmasters were gone. The only one that was still there was Dominick Strayhand – SEAL name, Viper, who was working alongside one of Pierce’s IT men, both their eyes glued to a large monitor.

“Viper.” Hawk waited for the computer genius to turn around. “Anything?”

Viper shook his head ‘no’. “Still tracking her. We know she bought a one-way ticket, so we’re thinking she’s going to stay for a while. So get packed, Backhander will probably have us heading to Miami soon. ”

“Do you know where she’s staying?”

Hawk didn’t turn around when he heard Pierce’s voice coming up behind him, the sweet sound raising the fine hairs on the back of his neck. He had to get the fuck out of there. “You can reach me on my cell, Viper. I’m going out.”

“We convene at 0700,” Pierce called after him, but Hawk refused to acknowledge the order.

Hawk straddled his Ducati and gunned the powerful engine before roaring up the alley and into a row of moving cars without stopping. He weaved in and out of traffic like he was in a high-speed chase. It was after eleven p.m. and the night crowd was just coming out to have a little fun… and so was Hawk. He’d die from desert dick before Pierce would get off his high horse.

He swerved over three lanes, just missing the median barrier and accelerated to seventy-five mph onto the I95 on-ramp. He’d get off at Baltimore Avenue and let that take him to Dupont, Washington DC’s gay district. The sleek all black machine rumbled deliciously between his thighs and Hawk found himself flexing his muscles tighter and squeezing the throttle in anticipation of receiving some much needed release.

Hawk sped past Victorian style homes, thrift shops, apartment complexes, strip malls, until he saw the lights of Dupont ahead. He had a nagging urge to turn around at the thought of another faceless fuck. There was only one face that kept coming to his mind. A soft angelic face, with plump pink lips and a roman nose. Bright blue eyes that were like the sky on a perfect sunny day. Hawk groaned at his rising cock and wished he could adjust it while he slowed his bike and eased into the parking lot of Cobalt’s bar.

He pulled off his helmet and laid it on the seat of the bike. Walking in to the dark club he quickly took in his surroundings. The large two level bar was full of taut, willing bodies. Men were gyrating to fast-paced techno on the dance floor. He looked up at the second level and had to blink his eyes back into focus because of the multi-colored strobe lights hanging from the ceiling – he never did like those things. His eyes finally adjusted and he could see as if they had spotlights on inside instead of strobes. He knew his eyes were practically glowing and he thought about pulling his shades out of his pocket and putting them on when he caught more than a few curious stares. He needed to calm down. His emotions greatly affected his sight. Pierce had him extremely upset by his recent behavior towards him and his team.

He removed his leather coat, went to the far side of the long bar and took a vacant seat beside a young guy with blond, tousled hair. His frame was perfect, significantly smaller than his own, smooth alabaster skin peeked out from under his metallic see-through shirt. His face was void of any facial hair or even stubble. When Hawk spoke up and ordered a beer, the petite man turned his blue-gray eyes in his direction and flashed him a megawatt, even, white smile.

“Wow! Your eyes are so pretty,” he said staring boldly. “Damn. Are those contacts?”

Hawk took the beer that was placed in front of him and took a long gulp before he finally gave the cute blonde his attention. “No honey. They’re not.”

He watched him shake his head in disbelief. “Gotta be.”

“No they don’t
‘gotta be’
.” Hawk fought not to roll his eyes. He took another couple of deep gulps and realized he was already at the bottom of the bottle.
Shit. This ain’t gonna work. Gotta go stronger.
He didn’t want to think that he’d rather be in his own bed with a certain strategic genius in there beside him – or more precisely – underneath him, than here with this stranger.

He motioned for the bartender again and this time ordered a double-shot of Tequila. Liquid courage. He needed to gather the balls to take this man around the corner or to a hotel. One-night stands weren’t brought back to his home. It wasn’t like he was in love with Pierce. The man even said he didn’t like him to his face. Pissed even more when his mind kept flashing the vision of Pierce’s face in front of him, he slammed the liquid back.

BOOK: Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality
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