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Authors: MJ Fields

Blue Love (8 page)

BOOK: Blue Love
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Tessa took his face and kissed him deeply
, her tongue moved into his mouth and she tasted him. She kissed him harder and her tongue pressed harder against him, he groaned, she kissed his face and his neck. She moved up to his ear and pulled his lobe slightly down with her teeth. “Oh Tessa you need to stop,” he said in a gruff voice.

She looked embarrassed,
“I’m sorry.”

No don’t be sorry, baby; I love how curious you are. But it makes me want to do naughty things to you,” he said closing his eyes.

You want to do naughty things to me?” she asked seriously

God yes Tessa, you turn me on just by looking at me,” he said and grabbed her by the waist and sat her on his lap. He kissed the back of her head and down her neck, he bit at her ear.
Oh she thought that was nice
, she leaned her head back and he kissed her hard on the mouth. She grabbed his face and crashed her mouth into his, she began kissing him harder. He lifted her and sat her on the floor. “Wow Tessa what was that?” he asked.

Was that a question,” she asked him smiling and biting her lip.

Tessa you’re playing with fire, I am on fire right now,” he said looking down.

Are we into role playing now? Shall I be the fireman?” she asked and raised her eyebrows.

Holy fuck Tessa I thought you were a virgin and you’re talking to me like that,” he said in shock.

I’m sorry Luke I didn’t mean, I’m sorry,” she said and ran to the bathroom and shut the door.

Damn it Tessa, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he said as he tried to open the door she had locked, “Tessa please open the door.”

She walked out, cleared her throat,
“Will you please take me to school, I don’t want to be late,” she said matter of fact.

He grabbed her face
“Look at me,” she did and her eyes were angry. “I said I was sorry I just thought because you’d never been kissed you were a virgin, and then you started talking about role play, I thought you wanted to take this slow, I’m sorry.”

I am a virgin you asshole, you were my first kiss. I watch TV, a virgin not an idiot,” she said and scowled at him. He laughed and she pulled away from him. “Now if you are not going to take me to school then you should leave now.”

Tessa I am sorry, I have never met anyone like you. And when you’re sitting on my lap kissing me, well you’re kisses do things to me and I want you, but was trying to respect you and not well you know. Damn Tessa you confuse me,” he said searching her face intensely.

Can we go please we will be late,” she said softly.

No,” he said and grabbed her shoulders, “Not until I know we are okay,” he said intensely.

We will be, I am just embarrassed,” she said and put her hands on his waist and looked down.

He pulled her into him and hugged her and kissed her tenderly,
“I am sorry Tessa.”

Me too,” she said, he kissed her again and took her hand, he grabbed her bag and they walked out to the car.


They sat in the car and he started it. “Was this from your father?” she asked.

Yep, for my seventeenth birthday,” he answered as he pulled onto the street.

He must have been really trying to buy your love that day,” she said and he laughed and grabbed her hand.

Luke how many girlfriends have you had?” she asked.

Tessa do you really want to know now or when we have time to play the game again?” he asked attempting to hold off on answering that question.

Now please,” she asked.

I really don’t know, lost count,” he said.

What was the longest relationship?” she asked.

Tessa do we have to do this now,” he asked looking out of the corner of his eye nervously.

Yes,” she said.

Eight months,” Luke answered.

Was it Sadi?” she asked quietly.

Yes,” he said pointedly.

Did you have sex with her?” she asked.

Tessa…” he started.

Luke I want to know, please answer my questions,” she asked

Yes, I did,” he could not believe he was answering this many questions.

Was she your first?” Tessa asked.

Really Tessa?” he said as he pulled into the school parking lot.

Please?” she begged.

No Tessa, I have had many sexual partners, my first was when I was fourteen,” he said and she gasped, “see we shouldn’t have had this conversation now.”

How many?” she asked.

She was twelve” he answered. They got out of the car and started walking in. “They were all before you Tessa and none were at all like you, you’re just… better. I don’t have time to explain it now but I will after school, please don’t be mad,” he said as they walked in.

She gave him a weak smile and a peck on the cheek,
“I’m not. See you at lunch.” The bell rang and she ran to her locker and quickly to class.

Why are you so late?” Jade asked.

Long story I will tell you later,” she said dismissively.



Tessa avoided deep conversation with Luke for a couple days. Not as much kissing, and no alone time. She had only been with him for a few days, she needed to make sure she wasn
’t lucky number thirteen anytime soon and the way he made her feel when she was alone with him well, she wasn’t going to chance it. On Friday they went straight to the gym. Their first game was next week. Tonight was a game under the lights, so she would take the kids, assuring no intimate moments. They would stay tonight and Mom would get them Saturday around one in the afternoon.


The game was great, Luke’s passes perfect and Alex and Tommy didn’t miss one. Jade and Tessa decided that it would be fun to go to a movie and dinner on a double date tomorrow, that way they would get to see each other outside of their crazy busy schedules. Jade thought it was also a good idea so they could see how the other one’s new guy treated them so they could give any advice to the other. They were going to ask them at the end of the game.

What was the score” Jake asked as they walked towards Alex and Luke, who were surrounded by a slew of female fans.

Thirty four to fourteen, good guys,” Tessa said smiling at them.

Alex, Luke” Jake said pushing through the crowd towards them, “Awesome game, 34-14 good guys!” he gave them high fives.

They are good guys,” a crowd of girls said smiling seductively at Luke.

I know personally that the quarterback is,” Sadi said gazing at Luke.

Tessa watched him look at her and shake his head from side to side.

“Oh here come the prosti tots,” Sadi said.

Tessa stood stewing as she stared at the ground concentrating on how not to kick Sadi
’s ass all over the field.

Tessa baby they were all for you!” Luke yelled so that she could hear him, she smirked and looked at Sadi who looked even more pissed off than usual. He walked over to her and kissed her, “My good luck charm!” and he picked her up and twirled her in a circle.

They waited as the guys showered. Sadi walked out with a crew of implants
towards Tessa’s truck. “You think he likes you Tessa?” she asked.

Well ya I do,” Tessa said smirking and shaking her head, very glad that Alex had just taken the kids.

You’re flavor of the week, I am the only one that lasted more than a month with him, he’s going to get sick of you farm girl,” Sadi said smirking at her.

For the record he and I have already discussed his past, um how shall I say it, mistakes, ya that’s a good word for it. He is done with you; you should try to let that sink in. I am not the reason you two broke up so maybe you should get off my case,” Tessa said sarcastically.

It’s never over between him and I, he’ll be back,” Sadi said “and you’ll be on your ass like the rest of them.”

Girl maybe you should get a bit of self-respect, seriously why the hell do I need to know you have been a revolving door for him, you’re pathetic, you’ve done that to yourself,” Tessa said disgusted.

Don’t look at me like that bitch,” she said and swung at Tessa.

Tessa ducked and laughed
“That all you got Sadi?”

Sadi ran and grabbed her hair, and Tessa punched her in the eye, Sadi fell to the ground and Luke and Tommy came running towards them. Jade had grabbed Tessa and pulled her back trying to stop her from kicking Sadi
’s ass.

Sadi saw Luke and started crying,
“Did you see what your little whore did to me,” she said as she stood up.

Yes I did and I saw how it started,” he grabbed her arm and dragged her to her car, “Go home Sadi, we aren’t doing this again,” he said.

He watched her as she drove away and he looked wounded.


Tessa got in her truck and drove home; he followed her into the driveway.
“Tessa wait,” he said as he ran to get to her before she got to the door. “Why are you angry with me?”

Luke, I saw how you looked at her, I am not stupid. You care about her. So go be with her, and leave me alone,” she yelled at him, as she tried to get away from him.

Tessa come with me,” he said forcing her back towards the barn.

She wanted to scream but didn
’t want to alarm her family, “Get your hands off me I can walk.”

He sat on a hay bale and asked her to sit,
“I will stand,” she said with a snooty tone.

Ok listen, Sadi and I dated for about a month before we had sex, she played head games and it drove me crazy. I told her I loved her, at the time I thought I did, we had been together four months and she got pregnant. I wanted her to keep it and she wouldn’t. She had an abortion behind my back and I broke things off. I hooked up with a girl and we dated for about a month. Sadi threatened suicide, we got back together. We broke up she started seeing someone else; I was hurt which was her intention, we got back together. She was a complete bitch and I broke things off again, and started sleeping around. I guess I do care Tessa, I don’t love her, I pity her. I am sorry if that hurt you,” he explained.

Tessa sat down, and they sat quietly for a long time,
“That’s a lot to absorb, a lot to go through, I’m sorry.”

I’m sorry baby, how’s your head feeling, did you lose any of that gorgeous hair,” he asked and smiled at her.

No but I hit her in the face, that was a first for me,” she said disappointed in herself.

She attacked you, it’s called self-defense,” he smiled and pulled her into him.

They sat there for a long time looking out the open sliding doors out to the road. They saw a car slow down and almost stop in front of the house.
“I think that was Sadi’s car,” he said.

She is crazy isn’t she?” Tessa asked.

Ya I think so,” he said.

He walked her to the door and kissed her, not the normal tongue action she so enjoyed but
the sweet I’m sorry type
, she thought. “Text me when you get home please,” she said “oh and by the way, I was never a very big football fan, but that quarterback is awesome, and superhot in those tight pants,” Tessa winked and she went inside and watched him pull out the driveway.

Tessa washed her face and brushed her teeth and climbed into bed. She put on his sweatshirt and grabbed the bear and snuggled it. Her phone chimed

-made it home baby…Luke

-thanks for letting me know your safely there….Tessa

-of course… Luke

-thank you for trusting me…Tessa

-please trust me… Luke

-always be honest with me and I will…Tessa

-you make my head spin just thinking about you; I am falling Tessa, hard and fast… Luke

She reread the text a hundred times smiling and daydreaming about him,

-awkward silence, we ok… Luke

- Of course, goodnight…Tessa

-ok then… goodnight… Luke

-BTW…me too…Tessa

BOOK: Blue Love
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