Read Blood-Red Tear Online

Authors: Donna Flynn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Vampires, #Teen & Young Adult

Blood-Red Tear (9 page)

BOOK: Blood-Red Tear
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“I did what I had to
do. My first regard is always to Katie. If it makes you feel better, though, I too am feeling the stress of her maturing. We had not anticipated the problems this would cause for any of us,” Aidan responded tersely.

I wonde
red what he was talking about: Why would my getting older affect him?

opping again, Katie?” Paul said behind me.

I turned
with a squeal of surprise, punching him hard in the arm for scaring me, but it hurt me more than him, and I cried out as pain radiated throughout my hand.

“You jerk,
” I said, holding my aching hand in the other as it throbbed, glaring at my brother. I always forgot how hard his body was. It was like hitting a boulder, and now I was paying for my thoughtless actions.

Aidan came through the door
and to my side, immediately taking my hand in his own touching each finger gently, assuring himself that I was alright before turning his angry gaze upon my brother.

I was startled by the reaction I felt at his
touch and mesmerized by how gentle he was. Tiny pulses of electricity danced between our fingers and we both watched, stunned by the spectacle between us.

“Are you okay?” he
asked his eyes never leaving Paul’s.

fine; I just forgot that hitting him is like hitting granite.”

Paul chuckled
but Aidan snarled, ending his amusement, and my brother ducked into the office where my parents watched us with worried expressions.

“How are you?”
Aidan asked. The sound of his voice was soothing as it settled over me, and I felt myself relax instantly.

“I am fine,
” I answered softly, wanting nothing more than to lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him. I lowered my gaze, embarrassed by the direction my thoughts had taken.

“Would you like to walk
in the garden?”  he asked huskily.

I nodded
, and he let our hands fall between us, our fingers entwined, sparks still dancing between them as we walked.  There was no need to talk; we were so comfortable with one another that we enjoyed just being together as we ventured down the garden’s many twisted paths, enjoying the peace and tranquility it offered.

I felt peaceful and whole with him by my side, not awkward and unsure like I was with other guys during my usual everyday activities. It dawned on me that it had always been that way when he was around. I was always comfortable and free to be myself with him. I never felt the need for false conversation and was always content to just be with him.

“Are you sure y
ou there are no repercussions from the other night’s mishap?” he asked, breaking the silence.

I loved the
way he talked, so formal and antiquated. I certainly never heard anyone at school talk the way he did.

“Katie?” he questioned
, as I stared up at him silently.

I realized
I had failed to answer his question and my cheeks flushed. I thought once again how stupid I had been to trust Scott just because he was good looking and paid attention to me.  But I knew most girls my age would have done the same thing. As teenagers, we tended to think we were not vulnerable to the violence that plagued the world. Unfortunately, I had found out the hard way that wasn’t true.  “I’m fine. I am sorry that I have caused so much trouble. I do not want to be the cause of a fight between my father and you.”

“It’s no trouble
. We did have a dispute, but we both want the same thing for you in the end.” 

“And what
would that be?” I asked, feeling his unease.

“For you to experience everything
a normal, happy, human teenager your age would.” He squeezed my hand and smiled.

“Well, b
eing human in a house full of vampires does not make
very easy,” I told him honestly. “Sometimes I think my life would be easier if I were one of you. At least then there would be no more secrets.”

His hand tightened painfully ar
ound mine, and he looked as if I had struck him. “We do not want you to feel that way. Your humanity is something many of our kind long for.”

answer made me feel sorry I had spoken so senselessly. I never considered that a vampire might be envious of a human, but sometimes I wished for less secrecy in my life, more freedom to do what I wanted without my parents being so protective, and that could only happen if I became one of them. “I know how lucky I am to have the life I do, believe me, but I feel so out of place. I’m not a vampire, but I also cannot be a normal human, because I know vampires exist. But what really frustrates me is that it’s like you all know something I do not, something important that you refuse to share with me.” He tensed visibly, offering a half a smile to hide his discomfort from me, unaware I could feel it radiating from his body. “Is there something I should know? Something you are keeping from me?”

“Do not be silly
,” he told me with a painful look. “Katie, we all love you, and we are doing everything we can to protect you.” His eyes searched mine, pleading with me not to push it further, and I looked away, ashamed to suspect the people I loved of such treachery.

“What is on your schedule
for today?” he asked, changing the subject.

“I think I’ll
just stay home today.” After Saturday night’s fiasco, I just wanted to be home where I was safe and protected.

“That s
ounds like a solid plan. You have school tomorrow anyway, so maybe it would be best if you rested some today.”

I grimaced
, wondering if Scott would make it difficult for me when I returned to school. That was, of course, if he was still alive. “Yeah, I’m not looking forward to that.”

“Do worry,
that boy will not trouble you again.” A dark smile formed on his lips momentarily but disappeared upon seeing my frown.

“Please tell me you ha
ve not done anything…” I gulped. “Bad to him,” I beseeched.

His expression hardened
. “I protect those who are important to me. That is all you need to know,” he answered, caressing my cheek with his finger.

ut I…” Paul appeared next to us without warning, halting my response. “You know I hate when you do that,” I chastised, but he ignored me and glared at Aidan.

“I need to speak to you, if you have a minute, Aidan.” He tensed as he looked down at our clasped
hands, a low growl emanating from his tightly compressed lips.

me to escort Katie back to the house first,” Aidan replied curtly.

I pulled my hand regretfully away from his.
“I’ll be alright, you two go ahead and talk. I’ll just go and finish my homework.”

, I…”

“It’s alright, Aidan. I can handle walking back to the house alone.”
He glared at my brother but nodded.

moved from his side, walking slowly away, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“What c
an I do for you, Paul?” Aidan asked, turning to glare at my brother, whose face was pinched and angry.

“Leave her alone.
” Paul’s tone was threatening, but Aidan, despite the rage I felt from him, looked calm when I glanced back.

“I do not wish to battle
with you, Paul, but be warned: I will not tolerate your attitude. Katie has been through enough, and I will not have her upset any further by your insulting behavior. If you cannot handle your emotions, then I will remove you from the situation,” Aidan warned.

Paul opened his mouth to
reply, but glanced my way, saw me staring at them, and closed it. I quickened my steps and hastily left the garden before he called me out once again for eavesdropping, something that would be embarrassing with Aidan standing there.

As I hurried toward the house I tri
ed to analyze what it was I felt for Aidan, but it was too hard to put in to words, and even harder to comprehend for someone with such little experience with men as myself.




  I was still pondering exactly what it was I was feeling for Aidan when Chris called me later that night. He asked if I was alright, and I knew he must have spoken with Jess about what happened with Scott. I expected him to say I told you so, but true friend that he was, he refrained from pointing out that he had been right. Instead, he expressed genuine concern for me and voiced his desire to beat the hell out of Scott, which I told him wouldn’t solve anything.

“You sure you’re okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m okay, don’t worry,” I assured him.

still going to beat the crap out of him tomorrow,” he told me.

I laughed
.  “That’s not necessary. Aidan took care of him; I do not think he will be a problem.” I grimaced at my statement, still uncertain exactly what Aidan had done to Scott.

“Aidan is t
here?” he said with a chuckle.

, he’s here. Why is that funny?”

omeone is turning sixteen next week.”

” I said, unsure what he was getting at. 

“So, Aidan
never misses any important event in your life. He’s been there for every occasion I can remember since we have been friends”

I tho
ught about what he said and realized it was true. Aidan was always there for any holiday, birthday, or special occasion in my life. He had always been part of my life, and I had always adored him, but I had never felt such strong emotions until he kissed me in the gazebo. I touched my lips and smiled, remembering how wonderful it had been, and sighed. That kiss, that one magical moment in my life, had changed everything, and I feared that things would never be the same again.

Uh, Katie, are you still there?” Chris asked.

, yeah. I need to go, though, I have something to do.” I hung up and sat back, astonished by the revelation I had just had. Suddenly I had a lot of questions I wanted answers to, and since my family were not forthcoming when it came to their leader I supposed I would have to bide my time until I figured it all out on my own. 

n the meantime, I decided to go downstairs and watch a little TV, hoping to ease my mind. My first stop was the kitchen to get something to appease my growling stomach. I left there with a bag of semi-burnt popcorn in one hand (I wasn’t exactly good in the kitchen) and a can of soda in the other, and walked to the game room where the big-screen TV was. 

I had
been ensconced on the sofa for a few hours, catching up with my recorded programs on the DVR that I had been neglecting, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped in response.

rry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Aidan said, pulling his hand away.

I sat back against the arm of the
couch, relieved it was him and not my brother, who would tease me for watching the vampire series I loved so much. Paul swore up and down the characters were stupid, unrealistic, and that I was polluting my mind with such drivel, but I was obsessed with the series about two brothers who loved the same female, and refused to allow him to taint it.

“What are you watching?” he asked.

My cheeks flushed. “A vampire series,” I murmured, embarrassed to be caught watching the fictional series by no other than the Prince of Vampires himself.

He smirked, but didn’t
comment, as Paul would have. “Do you mind if I watch with you?”

I could have fallen to the floor with embarrassment.

I moved my feet so he could sit
down, but once he settled on the sofa next to me he pulled my feet onto his lap. “You don’t need to be uncomfortable on my account,” he explained, before turning his attention to the screen.

The entire next
half-hour was painstaking. I watched nervously as Aidan stared at the screen, chuckling as the two vampire brothers fought over the female who held both of their hearts. He never said anything derogatory and seemed to actually enjoy the show, until a rather passionate kiss between the heroine and one of the brothers took place. As the passionate kiss began, I felt his hand tighten on my ankle, and I held my breath, my hands shaking as he turned and looked at me with desire-laden eyes. Electricity filled the air around us, my feet dropped to the floor, and I moved closer to him without any conscious thought. He placed his hands on either side of my face, staring at my lips with a hunger that rendered me breathless, and I closed my eyes, anticipating the feel of his lips against mine once again.

The front door slammed open.  “
I’m home,” Paul yelled from the hall, the sound of his footsteps moving closer to us.

Aidan pulled his hands away with a look of
astonishment, and I jumped from the sofa guiltily as my brother entered the room.

BOOK: Blood-Red Tear
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