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Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

Blood Lure (9 page)

BOOK: Blood Lure
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“Salud,” Jared said softly, smiling.

Joey’s heart skipped at beat as he gazed into Jared’s eyes.
Oh, what this man does to me

“Let’s sit on the couch.”

They sat, and Jared put his arm around Joey to pull him close. “So, tell me what ails you, Joey.”

“It’s family stuff. My father—well, it looks like he has some form of dementia.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thanks. It’s been really hard on my mother. He was always so big and strong, so in charge, so protective of her—and me, when I was growing up and going through bad times at school. When my friend Chris and I came out to our families, my mom and dad took it much better that Chris’s parents.

“Dad was so… cool about it, and told me if anyone bothered me at school or anywhere, to let him know. He’d deal with it, he said. I felt so, like, really
to have such a caring father. A lot of kids don’t get that kind of reaction from their folks when they come out—

especially from their fathers. I always loved my dad, but right then, I loved him even more.

Chris did too. He loved coming round to our house where there was no disapproval. Not that Chris’s parents were mean or anything. It just didn’t get talked about, and he had to be careful of the things he said in front of his mother. Then again, Chris and I loved listening to my dad’s crazy stories about vampires and supernatural stuff. He’d keep us totally enthralled by those stories.

“Now, he’s well… he’s like just a shadow of that man, and can’t seem to hold a thought in his head for more than a few seconds.” Tears welled in Joey’s eyes as he spoke. “Funny thing is, when I was there over the weekend, I kept thinking he was trying to tell me something. Something that, to him, was important that I know. He said something funny…”

“What was that?” Jared was staring at him intensely, as if he already knew what Joey was about to say.

“Well, I dreamed about you the first night I was there, about you and me, you know, making love, and it was as if he knew. Not so much what the dream was about, but that it meant a lot to me. He said, ‘Sometimes dreams are all we have.’ And he’d look at me, start to BLOOD LURE

J.P. Bowie



say something, then it was like the light would go out from his eyes and he would just

Jared kissed Joey’s forehead. “What do the doctors say?”

“There’s not much they can do. They’ve prescribed some kind of medication, but it doesn’t seem to be doing much good. My mom looks after him the best she can. She wouldn’t even consider putting him a home. They’ve been together for so long. God…” He shivered against Jared’s chest. “I never thought I’d have to face the possibility of him dying, and my mom being alone, when they’re both still quite young.”

“No wonder you are despondent,” Jared said. “I’m glad I insisted on coming over.”

Joey smiled up into Jared’s eyes. “I am too. I just hate being a downer.”

“You are not being a downer, Joey. You are being a caring son. Are you going back home soon?”

Joey nodded. “This weekend. I promised.”

“Then you must go.”

“I suppose it’s too soon to ask if you’d like to come with me?”

“As much as I would love to meet your parents, Joey, I think perhaps right now it’s better you spend the time with them alone.”

“Yeah.” Joey sighed. “I was hoping you and I could spend more time together, but—”

“You and I will have lots of time to spend together, don’t worry about that.”

“You mean it?”

“Of course I mean it.” He drew Joey into his arms and kissed him hard.


Jared held Joey pressed to him, his tongue slipping between Joey’s parted lips, the scent of the young man’s blood flowing just under his smooth skin an intoxication hard to ignore.

But ignore it he must, at least for the time being, until Joey came to him, willing to give him the gift of his blood. Those few drops he had savoured the last time they were together had been exquisite, but would have to suffice, have to satiate his hunger for more until another time… soon.

He could cure Joey’s father. He could give him the gift he needed in order to recover from his sad affliction. But how to do it? How to even approach Joey with the idea he should leave his father alone with him while he let the man drink his blood?


J.P. Bowie



“Where did you go?” Joey was gazing up at him, his moist lips still parted from their kiss.

“Sorry, I was thinking of your father.”

“I’ve never asked you about your parents.” Joey trailed his fingers down the curve of Jared’s jaw. “I’ve been so wrapped up in my own problems. Are they still in Hungary?”

“They both died many years ago. When I was a child,” he added quickly.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you have brothers or sisters?”

“No.” He put his hand on his chest in mock sorrow. “I am alone in the world, Joey. Do you feel sorry for me?”

Joey chuckled. “As much as I’d feel sorry for anyone who looks as fantastic as you, and who seems so confident and self-assured.”

“Ah…” Jared rubbed their noses together. ”But looks can be deceptive.”

“Not yours, I think. And then there’s the way you blow my mind in bed—my mind, among other things. Speaking of which…” He leant in for another kiss. “I’d feel tons better if you’d take me to bed and fuck me silly.”

Jared laughed lightly then gave Joey the kiss he sought. “I think that can be arranged.”


Naked, they lay between the cool sheets, hands stroking and caressing each other. Their lips touched, teasing at first, then a firmer push of flesh on flesh, breath mingling, tongues tangling. Jared ran a hand over the curve of Joey’s ass, savouring the delicious feel of the smooth skin beneath his fingers. Beautiful, mortal skin, warmed by the sweet blood that flowed through his veins. He lowered his body onto Joey’s, his mouth seeking Joey’s again, his tongue dipping between Joey’s parted lips.

He inhaled the scent, the taste, so good, so intoxicating, this Joey, this mortal for whom he now lusted, wanted, needed in a way he had never wanted or needed any man, mortal or vampire. What was happening to him? What hold did this young mortal have over him? The blood lure? But it was more than that—much, much more.

He explored every inch of Joey’s mouth as if for the first time. The plump lower lip, the corners so delicately formed, the finely arched bow of the top lip, tantalising, enticing, and his for the taking.


J.P. Bowie



He brushed a kiss over those waiting lips then lifted his head to look at Joey. He felt a strange tightening in his chest as he looked into Joey’s clear blue eyes, and saw the need and—dare he hope, love?—smouldering there in that steady azure gaze.

Was this love, then—this indefinable sensation that touched him each time he looked at Joey? Each time he held him like this? With every kiss and caress, the longing for Joey to forever be a part of his existence increased. Now he had been exonerated of Michael’s murder, now that he was free to make plans for the future, could he dare to hope Joey would be a viable part of it?

“You’re thinking again…”

Jared smiled, his lips lingering on Joey’s as he said, “About you.”

“That’s good. I’d feel a tad put out if you were thinking of some other guy while you were kissing me.”

“No chance…”

Jared lowered his head to lick at one of Joey’s nipples. Joey shivered from the sensation and tightened his arms around Jared’s neck, encouraging him to linger over the hardening nub, to take it between his lips, nibble gently at the tiny peak. Jared’s mouth moved upwards, leaving a scorching trail over Joey’s throat, before claiming his lips with an all consuming kiss. Joey’s tongue met Jared’s, the tip sliding over the moist surface, back and forth, sending ripples of lust and desire coursing through Jared’s body. The sweet, spicy taste of Joey’s saliva reminded Jared that Joey’s blood held a trace of vampire, the combination of mortal and immortal a powerful and heady brew.

Joey whimpered, his breath gusting into Jared’s mouth. He reached for a condom and lube. “Need you inside me…”

Jared pushed aside the longing to imbed himself in Joey’s silken heat without a layer of latex between them, and instead gave himself up to the sensual touch of Joey’s fingers as he eased the condom over Jared’s cock. Joey leant forward and kissed Jared as he covered the condom with lube then coated Jared’s fingers with the slick substance.

He lay back and raised his legs to give Jared access. Jared circled Joey’s pucker with his lubed fingers then slipped one in, pushing until he made contact with Joey’s sweet spot. Joey shuddered, his cock jumped and pre cum spilled onto his flat stomach. Jared bent to lick at the creamy essence, savouring the tangy, almost spicy flavour. At the same time, he removed his finger from Joey’s hole and replaced it with the head of his cock.


J.P. Bowie



Pushing in slowly he watched the expression on Joey’s face change from a smile of anticipation to one of sheer bliss as Jared’s pulsing flesh filled him. Hands planted on either side of Joey’s head, his lips a mere fraction from his lover’s he began a slow, steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of Joey’s heat. Joey’s eyes glinted with an almost feral light. He clutched at Jared’s shoulders, raised his head to meet Jared’s mouth, ran the tip of his tongue over the full lower lip. Jared caught the teasing tongue lightly between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth. Joey moaned with pleasure, his body arched up, drawing Jared deeper inside him.

His hands slid from Jared’s shoulders to behind his head forcing their mouths together in a kiss they would both remember long after this night was over.

Fired by the raw passion of that kiss, their rhythm quickened, became demanding, a harder, rougher pace. Jared grasped Joey’s erection, pumping it in time to the movement of their bodies. Joey whimpered, moaned his ecstasy into Jared’s mouth. His mind was ablaze with desire and longing and the uncoiling of his imminent orgasm. Jared could feel it, hear it, see it, and the intensity of it brought him over the edge in a rush of sexual release that drove him even deeper inside Joey as he exploded into the condom with great shuddering spasms.

Joey cried out as he came, his ass muscles clenching round the base of Jared’s cock, wringing yet another orgasm from him, one that startled as well as pleasured him. He collapsed on top of Joey, covering his young lover’s fever-hot body with his own cool skin.

Joey touched his lips to Jared’s in a gentle kiss, his sighing breath of contentment sweet in Jared’s mouth.

He laid his head on Jared’s chest and closed his eyes in blissful sleep.



“So, how’s it going with your new friend?”

Jared turned and smiled at Roger who had come to join him on the veranda. “Very well, thank you. We’re getting to know one another. He is a very interesting young man.”

“Interesting’s good, but what’s he like in the sack?”

Jared laughed. “Roger, are you always this indelicate?”

“Marcus would tell you, yes. Sorry, I just don’t have that ‘
olde worlde’
mindset you guys do. Okay, you don’t have to tell me… I just have to conjure up the memory of that first time.”

Roger gave Jared a mischievous smile. “Long as he keeps you smiling like you have these last few days, he’s okay.”


J.P. Bowie



He turned suddenly serious. “Bet you’re glad that Council thing is behind you.”

Jared nodded. “Very glad. I only wish Andrew had not been so unforgiving.”

“He sounds like a jerk to me.”

“He really is not. When we first met many years ago, it was a joy to be in his company.

So witty and sweet.”

“How did you two meet anyway?”

“The day I met Michael, Andrew joined us in… uh… a—”

“A three-way, eh?” Roger grinned at him. “How was it?”

“For me, probably because I was still mortal, ,it was the most incredible time of my life.”

“Yeah, nothing quite like that first time with a vampire, is there?” Roger smiled, remembering. “My first time with Marcus blew my mind. He was the greatest kisser I’d ever met, and so fantastic looking I could hardly stand it. He was wearing the whole vampire getup – tux and cloak. I thought it was a costume—some friends of mine were throwing me a Halloween birthday bash—then I found out he was the real thing.” Roger laughed and shook his head. “I almost peed in my pants, but he was so incredibly hot—still is, of course. He can curl my toes with just a look sometimes. Sorry… Too much information?”

“No, not at all.” Jared smiled. “I remember when I first met Marcus, I thought exactly the same thing—that he was the most handsome and elegant man I’d ever seen. I thought the same of Andrew when he joined Michael and me that day. He had,
, the most beautiful eyes. It’s as though there is an icy flame burning deep inside them. I regret that the last time they were fixed on me, they were cold with contempt.”

“Maybe he’ll get over it in time. Let’s face it—he’s got lots of that ahead of him.” Roger chuckled at his own joke.

“So you and Andrew were an item at one time?”

“Yes.” Jared sighed and stared for a moment at the city lights far below. “Michael, Andrew and myself were inseparable in the beginning, especially after Michael changed me, but I’m afraid Andrew’s feelings for me ran deeper than mine for him,” he added, turning to look at Roger again.

“That can be awkward.”


J.P. Bowie



“Awkward, and at times, painful. I’ve never been very good at relationships, Roger, even as a mortal man. Michael understood, but it seemed Andrew did not. I tried to explain to him that I just wasn’t the companionable type. I enjoyed my freedom too much.”

“Enjoyed—past tense?” Roger’s eyes held a teasing light. “Has a certain Joey Ryan begun to change your mind?”

Jared’s smile was rueful. “As I said, Joey and I are getting to know each other.”

“There’s more… I can sense it.”

BOOK: Blood Lure
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