Read Blood Lure Online

Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

Blood Lure (17 page)

BOOK: Blood Lure
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Was it simply because he had gone so long without this exquisite intimacy, or did this young man possess some kind of sexual enchantment that made Andrew crave his touch like he had no other, since Jared? Whatever the reason, it was all he wanted right then. He pushed his fingers through the thick blond hair on Tommy’s head, murmured something in his ecstasy that was incomprehensible even to himself, and Tommy’s mouth slid into Andrew’s armpit, his tongue burrowing hard into the cool scented flesh, taking long and languid strokes that had Andrew gasping his pleasure out loud.

“Oh, yeah…” Tommy’s mumbled approval vibrated on Andrew’s skin, sending tingling jolts through his body. He clasped Tommy tighter and rolled him onto his back.

Tommy gazed up at him, his lips slightly lifted in a wanton smile.

“You are so fuckin’ hot, Andrew.”

“And you are the most wonderful mort—
I have ever met.” Andrew almost laughed at his near mistake. He would wager anything and everything that Tommy had never before been called a

“Mortman?” Tommy’s hands caressed Andrew’s butt. “Is that Hungarian for something?” he asked, his voice low and husky, a teasing light in his eyes.


J.P. Bowie



“No…” Andrew’s eyes met Tommy’s, and there was sincerity in that look. “The Hungarian word—or rather, words—for you are,
Csodálatos minden tekintetben.

“Whoa, that’s kind of a mouthful. What’s it mean?”

“It means…” Andrew laid his lips on Tommy’s, then whispered, “Wonderful in every way.”

“Mmm… Same goes for you.” Tommy curved his strong, limber body into Andrew’s.

The fit was perfection. His lips parted under the pressure of Andrew’s demanding kiss. Once again their tongues filled each other’s mouths, intensifying their desire, their bodies writhing together, their swollen cocks sparring like dancing sabres. Tommy whimpered and struggled under Andrew.

“Want to taste you. Want to have what you wouldn’t let me have last time.”

Andrew rolled onto his side and Tommy fell upon him, his hand gripping the base of Andrew’s pulsing shaft, his tongue lapping at the juicy slit. Andrew grasped Tommy’s hips and positioned him so he could reach the young man’s rigid cock, taking all of him into his mouth, relishing the salty tang of pre cum as it passed over his taste buds and slid down his throat.


Tommy sucked on Andrew’s throbbing flesh, his lips gliding up and down, up and down over the silken skin of Andrew’s erection. At that moment he didn’t know which sensation thrilled him more. Was it having this incredible man’s hard as steel cock in his mouth, or the spicy musk he inhaled each time his nose was buried in the dark curly hair at the base, or the amazing feel of Andrew’s lips and tongue laving his now sensitive as all hell cockhead? All of it was so blissfully overwhelming, Tommy could hardly believe it was really happening.

Never in all his life had he had sex with a man quite so…so
was the word that jumped into his mind. A word he rarely, if ever, used, but it fit Andrew perfectly. Nor could he remember being quite so turned on by any other man. This guy seemed to know exactly the absolutely best way to set him on fire. Andrew was giving him head, so had other guys, but never like this. Never so exquisitely intense that he felt he might just leap out of his skin at any moment. He only hoped he could last. Andrew’s mouth was working some kind of magic on him, bringing him to the edge too quickly.

Oh, jeez


J.P. Bowie



“Wait, wait.” He pulled away and swung his body round to lie over Andrew. His breath came in great gasping gulps as he fought to control the urge to let go, to just let his orgasm take over. He locked eyes with Andrew, and was lost for what seemed an eternity in that steady light blue gaze. His breathing calmed, but the fire in his loins remained.

“God, but I want to fuck you,” he murmured, his lips on Andrew’s.

“Yes, I want that.” Andrew wrapped his legs around Tommy’s slim, hard torso and lifted his ass to meet the head of Tommy’s cock.

Tommy didn’t want anything to get in the way of this moment, but he knew he had to go get a condom. “Wait, I need to get a—”

He was stopped mid-sentence when Andrew pulled him down for a kiss so rapturous it drove all reason from Tommy’s mind. In his head he heard the words, “
There is no need
,” then Andrew’s fingers, slick with his own saliva, were lubricating Tommy’s aching shaft and he was sliding inside Andrew, and
oh, God
, but it was fucking fantastic, the most incredible feeling he had ever experienced.

“Jesus,” he gasped, sinking all the way to the hilt inside Andrew. His mouth was taken again and again by Andrew’s devouring kisses. His senses spun out of control. Andrew clung to him, locking Tommy in an embrace from which he never wanted to break free.

Tommy drove himself balls-deep into Andrew, again and again, with long measured strokes that grew faster, deeper, as an almost primal need swept over him.

Andrew was so tight, so hot, his ass muscles clenching round Tommy’s rock hard cock as he drove himself deep, deeper into Andrew’s silken core. Sweat dripped from his forehead onto Andrew’s face as he plunged in and out of the man who writhed and bucked under him, his hands gripping Tommy’s shoulders with an almost unnatural strength. Tommy knew he’d be bruised for days, but didn’t give a damn, for at that moment, he could feel his orgasm grip his balls, churning inside his blood, uncontrollable now, unstoppable.

He ground out a long groan from between clenched teeth, and he buried his face in the cool skin of Andrew’s neck as his climax swept over him. Even as he came, he felt Andrew stiffen under him and the hot surge of Andrew’s semen between their tightly pressed bodies.

Starbursts blossomed behind his closed eyelids and waves of sheer ecstasy rolled over Tommy, racking his body with spasm after spasm as he emptied himself into Andrew’s depths.



J.P. Bowie




Tommy’s eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, he had to gather his thoughts before realising that what had happened earlier hadn’t been a dream. Andrew was lying beside him, one hand resting lightly on Tommy’s chest, his lips touching Tommy’s neck.

“Are you asleep?” he whispered.

“No, I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” Andrew sat up, leaning on one elbow to look down at Tommy. He traced the outline of Tommy’s mouth with his forefinger. “You talk in your sleep.”

“I do? Nothing embarrassing, I hope.” He bit down lightly on Andrew’s finger, trapping it in his mouth.

“Something about ‘the greatest’,” Andrew said with a small smile.

“Ah, must have been talkin’ ‘bout you.”

Andrew lowered his head to kiss Tommy’s lips. “
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“Did you just swear at me?”

Andrew chuckled. “No, I called you adorable.”

Tommy grinned and wound his arms around Andrew’s neck. “I like you calling me that. I don’t think anyone else ever has.” He stretched his long, sleekly muscled body, pressing the whole length of himself against Andrew, grinding their crotches together. “You goin’ to stay over?”

“I can’t, I’m afraid. I have some urgent business in New York I must take care of.”

Tommy’s attempt at hiding his disappointment failed.

“When will you be back?”

“I am not sure.”

“You’re not sure? What does that mean?” Tommy bit his lip and looked away. “Sorry, I shouldn’t talk that way. You don’t owe me any explanations.”

Andrew tilted Tommy’s face to his and kissed him gently. “I owe you much more than explanations, but I really do not know how long I will be gone. Rest assured, though, I will contact you when I return. You have my word on it.”

“You talk so nice.” Tommy sighed. “I miss you already.”

“And I will miss you, Tommy,” Andrew said, then added with a glint in his eye,

“Perhaps we can do something to make us both feel better.”


J.P. Bowie



“I was hoping you’d say that.” Tommy rolled on top of Andrew, gliding his already hard cock over Andrew’s erection. “Do me, this time.”

Andrew lips curved in a sensual smile. “I was hoping you would say that.”


J.P. Bowie


Chapter Thirteen

It was raining heavily in New York City when Andrew and Jared arrived there the following night. Andrew had shared an apartment in Upper Manhattan with his brother, and it pained Jared to have to return to the scene of Michael’s murder. He could tell Andrew was also troubled, but in addition to his sadness over his brother’s death, Andrew’s thoughts were also of the violent argument he and Jared had engaged in after that ill-fated discovery.

For a time they stood silently outside the building, both lost in their thoughts of that time.

“Before we go inside…” Andrew touched Jared’s hand gently. “Let me say again how much I regret my actions the last time we were here.”

“It is forgotten, Andrew.” Jared squeezed his friend’s hand. “Both of us suffered a terrible loss. A friend, a brother, who can never be replaced. But I am thankful that at least you and I are once more friends.”

“And nothing will ever change that,” Andrew murmured with conviction. He looked up at the apartment’s balcony. “Perhaps it might be better if we didn’t alert the doorman to our presence.”

Jared glanced up and down the rain-swept deserted street and nodded. He and Andrew rose swiftly from the sidewalk and landed silently on the balcony outside the apartment.

Some lights were on inside and the vampires stiffened with surprise as they stared into the interior.

It was obvious someone was living there. Empty take-out food boxes and bottles were strewn over the coffee table, and a news announcer’s voice emanated from the television. A low, involuntary growl freed itself from Andrew’s throat when a man, wearing striped boxer shorts, walked through the living room, his head tilted back, guzzling at a beer. He paused to scratch at his hairy pot belly then dropped heavily onto the couch, and stuck his bare feet up on the coffee table.

With an angry wave of his hand Andrew unlocked the glass sliding door and threw it open. The man jumped to his feet, shock and fear etched on his slack features.

“What the fuck?” he screamed as Andrew and Jared stepped into the room. ”Who are you guys?”


J.P. Bowie



“More to the point,” Jared said, his voice low and lethal, “who are you, and why are you here?”

“I—I live here. This is my apartment.”

With a move so fast that the man had no time to run, Andrew had him by the throat.

“I know who you are,” he hissed. “You are one of the men who attacked me in my hotel room in Los Angeles. What is this? As a reward from Fieldman for doing his dirty work, he gave you my brother’s apartment?”

The man squealed with fear as Andrew, fangs exposed, lifted him off the ground.

“Wait, Andrew,” Jared said softly. “He might be of some use to us.”

“True, he just might.”

Andrew released the man who fell to the floor, then started crawling away, towards the door. He grabbed the doorknob, pulling at it frantically, but found he was locked in. He began pounding on the door, shrieking at the top of his voice for someone,
to let him out.

“No one can hear you,” Andrew told the terrified man. “Neither your screaming nor your beating on the door is of any consequence. No one will come to help you.”

The man cowered in abject terror as Andrew and Jared approached him. “Please, please, none of this was my idea,” he whimpered. “It was all Bernie’s.”

Andrew snarled, showing his fangs again, eliciting another squeal of terror from the man.

“You killed my brother and tried to kill me. What did he give you for murdering Michael?”

“I—I owed him money. He said he’d forget it if me and Sam took care of your brother.

He had me over a barrel—I had no choice.”

“We all have choices,” Jared said.

“It was him or me!”

“Tell me,
…” Andrew sank to his haunches and stared into the man’s startled eyes. “How did Fieldman know of our existence? What made him suspect we were vampires?”

“He—he got a tip from somebody. I don’t know who it was. H-how do you know m-my name?”

Andrew ignored the question, looked up at Jared, then back at the terrified man.


J.P. Bowie



“Well, I suppose we’ll just have to ask Mr. Fieldman himself.” He glanced at his watch.

“Ten o’clock. Is there no game tonight?”

“N-no, he has a date with some broad he’s been sniffing around for weeks now. Her old man finally caved and let Bernie near her.” Jimmy’s lips twisted in a grimace. “Guess Bernie had somethin’ on him.”

“And do you know where he’s taking this date?”

Jimmy shook his head. “No, no, he’d never tell me about stuff like this.”

Andrew smiled, his fangs glinting in the light from a nearby lamp.

“You just lied to me, Jimmy. You see, I can read your mind, that’s how I knew your name. You can hide nothing from us. He is taking the young lady to the Moonlight Room for dinner, is he not?” He grabbed the end of Jimmy’s nose between his thumb and forefinger and twisted, hard.


“Oo-ow! Yeah, yeah. They got a private room there.”

Andrew stood up. “So, Jared, what do we do with my brother’s murderer?”

Jared gave him a wicked smile. “Well, I did say he might be of some use to us…”

The vampires fell silent as they regarded the petrified man.

A visceral wail of sheer terror burst from Jimmy’s throat, and he began hammering at the door again, screeching for someone to come help him.

With an impatient gesture Andrew silenced him. “Like I said before, Jimmy, no one outside this room will hear your cries for help.”

And he was right.



The Moonlight Room was an elegant affair, and if the owners were aware that some of their clients were thieves and even murderers, they chose to ignore those ‘eccentricities’,as they preferred to think of those particular vices. Business was business, and everyone’s money was welcome. The maitre d’ who had shown Bernard Fieldman and his ‘date’ to their private room had perhaps quietly sneered at the Fieldman’s execrable taste in shirts and ties, but the hundred dollar bill pressed into his hand was enough to bring an almost warm smile to his thin lips.

BOOK: Blood Lure
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