Blood and Snow 8: Telltale Kisses (5 page)

BOOK: Blood and Snow 8: Telltale Kisses
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Chapter 8


I woke in a lazy fashion, remembering the way my body felt after my slumber at Devoran’s. Though I didn’t need it, I quickly understood the benefits. With a yawn, I tried to sit up, but realized my hands were bound above my head.

That’s when I remembered Gabriel.

He’d kissed me, poisoned me somehow, and I was laying stomach down on a slab of sparkling granite. The ropes he’d bound my hands in were stronger than any material I’d ever encountered. I tried to lift my wings, knowing the edges could cut through anything. But my wings were bound tightly, as were my feet.

Lifting my arms, I turned my head, trying to locate Gabriel.

“You’re awake,” he said, though his words sounded harsher than any I’d heard leave Gabriel’s mouth when he spoke to me.

“How dare you tie me up? Release me this instant, and I might let you live.”

“As Sharra’s personal assassin, I wouldn’t be very good at my job if I freed you, now would I?”

Sharra’s assassin?

Snow White was breathing heavily, hyperventilating.
It’s happening. I can’t believe it’s happening.

Her frantic panic calmed me for some reason.

“You know the word assassin comes from the fact that to be one—an assassin—you have to be double the ass, right?”

Gabriel chuckled. “You always were quite clever.” He knelt so I could see his face. “Here’s how this is going to go. As per Sharra’s instructions, I’m going to kill you. But first, I’m going to torture you.”

Angry, I tried to yank myself out of the ties. “If Sharra wants to torture and kill me, then tell her to come down and do it herself. I want to see her face.”

“The torture is all me, Silindra. Sharra wanted me to end your life quickly, but how would that be any fun?”

I growled, tugging the ropes.

“Don’t bother trying to escape. You’re secured with ropes dipped in dragon’s blood and sealed with the healing power of a unicorn. Only I can free you, and I never will. Know that.” He whipped the back of my legs with something sharp. I felt the ends cut into my thighs.

“But why do you want to torture me? What did I do?”

“The torture is for all the times you rubbed your disgustingly hairy body against mine. Put your rough, gigantic hands on me, and touched me in ways no man should be touched by an animal like you.”

I was shocked. My body didn’t possess a heart, but I felt something inside me break, shatter into a million pieces. “You-you never loved me?” I whispered. Obviously the answer was no, but I had to ask. It didn’t help that Snow White was crying.

“How could I love you? You’re a freak,” he shouted whipping my legs again.

His words infuriated me. I was the first living magical creature. The way I looked, the way I acted, every part of me was precisely right. “You’re the freak,” I shouted. “You live only because the blood of a vampire flows in your veins. Don’t ever think you’re better than me. You’re nothing but a whipping boy, a slave to the real master. If not me, then my sister.”

He hit my wings this time, and I felt whatever was on the ends tear into them. Then his face was next to mine. “You were born first. That is true. But that doesn’t make you better. It makes you old. It makes you inadequate. You refuse to see what is right in front of you. Evolution is the answer to eternal life. Instead of choosing to progress, like the rest of the vampires, you stayed like this.” He yanked on my hair. “In an ugly, good for nothing body. You could’ve been so much more. You’re sister wanted that for you. Now it’s too late.”

I spit in his face. With the back of his hand, he wiped away my saliva.

And began hacking off my wings.

The cry that burst from my throat was a sound unlike any I’ve ever heard. There was pain, of course, but it was more than that. It was the knowledge that I would die, the last of my kind, and there was nothing I could do about it.



… “Hey, girl. It’s me, Sebastian. Gosh, this is embarrassing. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time. When Gabe said he was in love with you, and that you two were going out, for the first time ever, I wanted to fight one of my brother’s—for real. Like literally kick his too skinny butt. But then I saw the way you looked at him, and I realized my feelings didn’t matter. You cared about Gabe, and I couldn’t stand in the way of you two.

“Not any more. That jerk-face-no-good-wannabe-chayot-leader can shove it where the sun don’t shine. Besides, now that he’s dating Cindy, he can’t say a word about how I feel toward you.

“I love you, Snow. You hear me? And I know a few of the guys have tried to kiss you, so I figure, what the heck, I’m going to try it too.

“Snow, did you feel that? All the love I poured into my kiss?

“I guess not. I’m such an idiot.” …


Chapter 9


Silindra, are you awake? I’m still here, inside. Silindra! It’s me, Snow White. Can you hear me?

I could hear her, but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about. Who was she?

“I don’t get it,” I said. My mouth felt like it’d been stuffed with cloth.

“There’s nothing to get, Silindra. Well, except I’m going to kill you now. Is there anything you’d like to say to me before I sever your ugly head from your dreadful body?” His face was next to mine, but my eyes were blurry. It looked like there were four of him, then two, then six.

Tell him he needs to promise you something. Tell him he needs to place one of your tears in the gem, and then take it to Ryden. You hear me, Silindra. Tell him!

The strange voice was shouting inside my head, but I heard myself whisper the request.

Gabriel laughed. “Sure, Silindra.” He yanked the gem from my neck, and pressing it against my cheek, he said, “Alright vampire, cry.”

I tried, I did, but the tears wouldn’t come. Until suddenly I heard the girl in my head sobbing.
I’m so sorry, Silindra. I’m so sorry this had to happen to you. I’m sorry Gabriel didn’t truly love you. I’m sorry you were betrayed.

Her tears reached my eyes, and I felt them pool. One dropped and landed on the gem.

“There. There, Silindra. I’ll put you out of your misery.” He grabbed hold of my body and flipped me onto my back. I flinched as an agony tore through me. He raised a long blade over my neck, and pressed slightly. A smiled formed on his wicked lips. “The last of the Originals—gone forever.”

From inside I felt the girl wrap her arms around me, as though she were trying to give me a hug.

I’ll make everything, right. Somehow I will. I promise.

Her words brought a smile to my lips. I believed her. She would make everything alright.

“Thank you,” I said.

Gabriel flinched, but only for a second, before he lifted his sword and brought it down on my neck.


Chapter 10


“I, Snow White, do solemnly swear to right the wrongs.” My eyes opened, and I stared into the surprised eyes of Dorian.

The edges were crinkled with gladness, and he had a huge grin on his face. “I, Dorian, promise to help you right those wrongs in any way I can,” he said, his voice overflowing with happiness. His face hovered above mine, and I wondered if he’d kissed me. At the thought, I blushed and tried to sit up, conking my forehead into his.

“Sorry,” I said, my throat scratchy. It seemed only seconds ago I’d been witnessing everything happening to Silindra, feeling her pain, suffering through her anguish. So many emotions dashed through my body.

I was beyond glad to be back in my time, and looking into the face of one of my favorite people in the whole world. But, I was also sick inside at Silindra’s death, the lies and deceptions Sharra, the Vampire Queen spewed, and I was determined. Resolved to accept my destiny. With Silindra’s death came the knowledge that I was responsible for the fate of, not just vampires, but all magical creatures. Kenmei was exactly right when he said the Seal of Gabriel was created for me. Did he know I’d actually assisted in its creation? That was highly unlikely. I felt bad for laughing in his face though.

“Hey, you okay?” Dorian asked, rubbing his forehead, his face etched with concern.

“Better than okay. I’m back.” I smiled patting his cheek with my hand. His warmth reminded me it’d been a long time since I had any blood.

“I’m so glad you’re awake. I can’t wait to tell everyone.”

Dorian turned to leave, but I grabbed his arm with one hand, while feeling for the gem. It wasn’t around my neck. “Wait,” I said, and he turned back.

“Yeah? Did you need me to stick around?”

“D-Did you kiss me just now? Right before I woke up?”

He smiled, showing off all his straight teeth, and the dimple in one cheek. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” He brushed a thumb along my jaw line, and I swallowed. My throat was parched. I needed blood. 

As though reading my mind, Dorian said, “Go ahead.” He tilted his neck my direction.

“Holy crow, don’t make me fish-slap you,” I said smacking a hand against his chest, but wow, I really wanted some. He smelled so good, like manly body wash and sandalwood.

He laughed. “Fish-slap. That’s a good one. I like it better than the original.”

I smirked. My fingers curled into a fist in his gray polo shirt. “Why are you always offering me your blood? What’s the deal?”

A dark smile curved his lips. His was so close, his Scope and Mountain Dew breath made my eyelashes flutter. “I want your mouth against my neck. I want to feel my skin part when your fangs press into me.” His heart raced like a pack of wild horses.

I shook my head. “You’re twisted, Dorian.” But I wound his shirt further around my fist. Blood sounded amazing. My throat burned with need and I licked my lips. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Not at all.”

“Then come closer,” I said, my throat screaming.

He complied, pressing his neck against my mouth. I licked his vein and he shuddered. Parting my lips, I extended my fangs, and bit down. His head rested on a pillow next to mine, and his clean, slightly wet hair tickled my cheek.

When I began sucking, his breath caught. “Snow, it feels… better than I imagined.” He wrapped his arms on either side of me in a tight hug.

In response, I sucked harder. His blood tasted sweet and sexy, like sugared oranges and milk chocolate.

My mind automatically started counting while I drank. When I hit ten, I didn’t want to stop, but I had no choice. Dorian was human. Withdrawing, I pushed him away gently. “Are you okay?”

His eyes were glazed over, and his skin looked pale. “I’m awesome,” he whispered, but climbed on the bed, over my legs, and let his body drop. “I’m just going to rest my eyes a minute before I tell everyone.”

“Sure. Go ahead.” I had to smile. He was adorable.

“Hey, Snow,” he muttered, his voice soft and sensual.


“I’ve missed you.”

With his words comprehension flooded my heart. I was gone a long time. While my mind was with Silindra, my body stayed here. My dad, Professor Pops, Cindy, the guys, they all suffered because of what the Seal of Gabriel did.

What you did to yourself, my inner voice murmured.

It had been hard on me, experiencing Silindra’s life, watching events unfold that ended with her death. But how much harder had it
been on them? My body lying here, unmoving.

“I missed you…” Dorian let out a snuffling-snort. He lay on his stomach, one hand resting near his chin. He was sound asleep. “Too,” I finished, brushing wayward hair from his clean-shaven jaw.

Satisfied he was okay, I took in my surroundings. The bed rested against a long wall, situated in the center, between two bay windows. Large, comfortable-looking pillows in reds, blacks, grays, and whites were propped against each other along the window seat. The room was lovely, with a vaulted ceiling. A red chandelier hung from its center. The walls were a deep shade of red, and pinstriped black. The curtains were billowy and white, as was the carpet, and my bedding. Distressed black furniture and a white couch, with thick black stripes complimented the room.

The nightgown I wore was white. Three pearl-shaped buttons held the gown closed to my neck. Next to one of the buttons was a drop of Dorian’s blood. Perfectly round, and red, like the walls.

I tried not to think about who took care of my body while my mind was away.

Taking in a deep breath, I glanced at Dorian. My blood haze was already wearing off, and I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about drinking from him. Since the beginning he seemed more than willing to offer himself. In the past something or someone always stepped in the way. Not this time. And I had to admit his blood hummed through my veins in a way no one else’s had—including Gabe and Christopher.

“What’s your deal, Dorian?” I asked him quietly, moving my hands through his hair.

“Please tell me you didn’t kill him?”

Seven sets of eyes gawked at me from the doorway.

“He’s sleeping,” I said, hoping I didn’t appear too guilty.

“Thank goodness,” Professor Pops said, walking toward the bed. That’s when I noticed the cake in his hands. Candles glowed in the white frosting.

BOOK: Blood and Snow 8: Telltale Kisses
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