Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1)
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“I will be over in twenty minutes. Stay where you are, we will go to the police together. If you need anything do hesitate to call.”

Chapter 12

Jake pulled his Jeep into Blondie’s driveway, as he got out, he saw Al over at Teufel Hundens talking with someone about the windows. Giving him a wave Jake pushed the buzzer.

“It’s me Baby doll, let me
in.” Jake said when he heard her voice

“It’s open
, come into common room,” Blondie replied as the door unlocked itself.

Jake opened the door and went through the entry to the common area. Blondie was sitting on the couch going over paperwork.

“Hey Baby doll,” Jake said giving Blondie a kiss on the cheek and sitting down next to her. “This is a pretty nice set up. I really like all the tropical plants.”

“Yeah, I like it too. I
t is something Al and I designed together. I am waiting on him to come back from talking with the insurance guy. He is on my policies so I don’t have to deal with them. They always treat women like we are stupid and I tend to get pissed at them, so it is better for all involved if Al takes care of it.”

sense, so what did this phone message say?”

it pretty much said the brick was a warning. Also said for me and the has-been to stop running our mouths or we will pay for it. That is why I think it is James because he called you a has-been before. But it wasn’t his voice and I don’t see him throwing bricks through windows.”

“He might have had someone do it for him. He did mak
e a scene at his work yesterday. I was there looking for a property and his boss put him in his place. Don’t think he liked that, I also had a conversation with his boss about James’ behavior outside work and some other things.”

“I thought you had a house? Were you looking for something else?”

“I do have a house. I was looking for a certain type of property. I can’t tell you about it yet, but I will, trust me Mary.”

“I do trust you
Jake; you have not given me any reason not to.”

Al, walked into the
commons, “Got everything taken care of Lil Mary, should have it replaced by Thursday. Hey Jake, how’s it going Marine.”

t’s going as good as it can, Al. I was about to take Mary down to the police station.”

Good, I will take care of things here with the vendors as they are still scheduled to come in.”

Thanks again, Uncle Al, it means a lot to me.” Getting up from the couch Blondie gave him a hug. “Come on Jake, we are taking your Jeep, let’s go get this bullshit taken care of.”

Shaking his head, Jake got up and said, “Whatever you say Baby doll, just remember I am driving.” Swatting her on her ass he walked to the door and held
it open for her, winking at Al.

laughed “He’s got your number Lil Mary. See ya later. Jake you behave yourself and if you need anything give a call.”

Blondie and Jake got in the Jeep and
headed to the police station. As they pulled in to the station, they saw James walking down the steps, he didn’t look happy. They stayed in the jeep until he left, not wanting to cause a commotion.

“Come on Mary,
James is gone, let’s go give the police the video and tell them about the phone call.” They got out of the Jeep and went in the police station.

Walking to the front desk, Blondie introduced herself to the officer sitting there. Within minutes her and Jake were going back to meet with the investigating officer.

“Ms. Roberts so nice to see you again, I hear you have the surveillance video for me. Did something else happen?”

“Yes, Officer.
When I got back to my house, I had a message on my phone. I can play it for you if you wish.”

After the officer listened to the
message, he said, “I can see where you would think it came from Mr. Cocker. We pulled him in for interview and he did seem bitter against you, but he has an alibi. From what I understand you had perfectly good reason for banning him. We will continue to look into the case and go over the evidence we are still waiting on lab results from the brick. I will be in contact with you. I suggest that you stay with someone just to be on the safe side. Should you need anything, here is my card.”

Mr. Peterson that goes for you also, I know you can handle yourself but if you need anything, please call.”

Thank you for everything, Officer,” Blondie said as she stood up, shaking his hand she started to leave. Jake shook the officer’s hand, and followed after Blondie.

“Mary wait up, what’s the matter?”

“Of course he had an alibi, did they actually think he would admit he was behind it.”

She came to a stop as Jake grabbed her arm turning her to him.

“It’s ok, Baby doll. I won’t let anything happen to you. You can stay at my house if you want.”

Jake’s cell phone started to rin
g and he answered it, “Peterson. What? Ok we will be there in a few minutes. See you soon.”

Come on Mary we have to get back to Teufel Hundens. Al said that James showed up, pissed and saying some crazy shit. Al chased him off.”

They got into the jeep
, Jake made sure they were buckled in before tearing out of the parking lot as they high tailed it back to Teufel Hundens.

Pulling in they saw Al, waiting for them.

“Mary-Alice I am telling you right now, you are going to stay with Jake. James made some serious threats, I already called the police they are working on a restraining order against him. Honey he has gone off his rocker, talking about it’s your fault he is getting audited at work, and lost a huge contract. “

“Oh shit,
” Jake said, “This is all my fault. I put a bug in Ronnie Samson’s ear about James, and told him I would only work with his company if James wasn’t involved in the handling of the condos. James must have overheard me; He was rude to me on yesterday when I was trying to find property for resort I am working on.”

it, what are you talking about. What condos? What resort?” Blondie asked, “Who are you?”

I was going to tell you seriously Mary,” Jake said, as he held on to Blondie’s arms, holding her in place so she wouldn’t leave.

“As s
oon as I got Warriors’ Hope approved and started. I didn’t want you to think I was using you. I need to work and keep busy. That is why I applied at Teufel Hundens. I could care less if you paid me pennies, I don’t need the money. I have more money then I need.”

“Who are you, Jake? Why are you so important?
I noticed it at Casper’s Landing, nobody has that much pull just by making reservations.”

I am the major shareholder for Peterson Resorts. My father was the president before he died. My uncle is current president, I never wanted to be part of the business I just happened to inherit my father’s shares.”

“Still doesn’t explain why you we
re at the reality company, Jake. Why didn’t you tell me?” Blondie was visibly upset that Jake hid who he was from her.

“Very few people know who I am because I served in the Marines and was never part of the company.
I was going to the different reality companies to figuring out what companies we would use to sell the condos for our new resort. I could only do that if I weeded out the companies by seeing if they would take time with the average guy.”

I also had certain needs for the Disabled Veteran’s Resort I am planning on building and running with Ham. My uncle told me the company would buy the property but I would handle all costs that involve the running of it. The company that James works for had the perfect property, I was dealing with Ronnie Samson and he only found out who I when I went to put in a bid for the property.”

Shaking his head, Al
said, “I don’t know what James is up to but if he was an honest business man, he wouldn’t be getting so upset.”

turned to Al, “You knew who he was all along didn’t you?”

“Yes, I knew he was an honorable
man that he served this country, and yes that he happened to be loaded. Jake is a humble man. In the short time I have known him, he has been nothing but respectful to those around him and even stepped in to stand up to certain assholes. It is not the amount of money a man has Mary-Alice that makes him worth something… it is the way he helps others and stands up for what is right.”

“I am sorry, if I deceived you Mary, but for your safety will you stay
at my house. You don’t have to sleep with me you can sleep in the spare room. Please Baby, let me keep you safe.”

die huffed, as she breathed out, “I trust you Jake, I really like you, but right now I am pissed at you. I will stay with you, in the spare bedroom, until this mess is cleared up.”

Blondie wen
t turned, “Al, I going to pack. I will be right back down. Jake don’t think that you don’t have to show up for work when the window is fixed.”

Jake chuckled as he looked at Al, who was shaking his head,
“I think I’m in love with that feisty lady.”

“Give her time bo
y. Let’s get past this first before you go asking her to marry you.”

I ain’t said anything about Marriage, yet.”

“Ok, Jake I am ready,”
Blondie hollered as she walked out the door pulling a suitcase behind her.

“I’ll keep a watch out here.” Al said, p
ointing his finger at Jake, “Jake; you keep my Mary safe you hear me Marine.”

“I hear you Al, I got her.
Call me if you hear anything from the police. Come on Baby doll, onward to my house.” Jake put Blondie’s suitcase in the back of his Jeep, then they got in and headed to his house.

pinched herself as they pulled into Jake’s garage, “This is your house?”

Well, I share it with Ham, now that he is moving in but yes this is my house. Come on Mary let’s get you settled.”

Jake was very respectful of Blondie, knowing t
hat she was still pissed at him. He didn’t mean to hide anything from her but he was always a private person especially when it came to his family. Shit, Ham is the only person besides his uncle who knew mostly everything about him.

He showed her to her room, telling her that there were towels in
the cabinet and the bathroom was across the hall. If she wanted to watch TV or something to eat she could go to the second floor.

“Did you pack a bathing suit?”

“No, I didn’t think to”

will take you shopping tomorrow; I have a pool and spa. Those are on the first floor, not to mention I have a private beach. I will leave you alone now. If you need anything let me know. I am going to be in my office.”

“Thank you, Jake.
Seriously, I might be mad at you, but I still care for you,” Blondie gave him a kiss on his cheek and went to her room.

Blondie read for a few hours before going to take a shower. She wrapped herself in a towel and went across the hall. She saw that the light in Jake’s office was still on.

Getting into the shower Blondie had time to think. Now that she thought about it Blondie felt bad for being mad at Jake. He was nothing but nice to her, and treated her with respect. Even when they had sex he was sure to make sure she got hers first.
Stupid Blondie. You most likely ruined your chance at happiness.

Blondie finished her
shower; wrapping the towel around herself she opened the door. She saw that Jake’s office light was off, sighing she went back to her room. Got dressed for bed and went to sleep.

Blondie was awoken by screams.
Turning on the hall light she ran to Jake’s room. She turned on his bedroom light and saw him tossing and turning in his sleep.

Knowing from personal experience with her dad, she stood at the
door and called his name. “Jake, Jake, your dreaming. Jake, Jake wake up,” she yelled.

Jake came awake with a start, noticing that his bedroom light was on, he looked towards the door and saw Blondie standing there.

Blondie, walked forward as she saw he was now awake.

“Want to talk about it?”

“Naw, Baby doll but I wouldn’t mind if you sat with me a while.”

Blondie walked over to the bed, pulling up the blanket she climbed into bed with Jake, scooting over she cuddled next to him.

“I’m sorry, Jake.”

“Why are you sorry Baby doll?”

“I knew everything I needed to know about you. Finding out you where rich didn’t change who you are. You’re still my hero Jake, whatever may happen you will always be my hero.”


Blondie had been staying on and off with Jake for just over a month, things were going moving along nicely. They both now have clothes at each other’s homes. When they are not at Teufel Hundens Jake was working on the project for Warriors Hope. Blondie is helping him as much as possible; Al even offered to cater the meals for the families.

James had backed off after the police had put out the no contact order,
and was now under house arrest. From what Uncle Al told her, when Samson-Adams Reality ordered the audit of James business accounts they found that he was syphoning money from the company into a personal account. He was also taking larger commissions than he was allowed. Due to the audit by Samson-Adams a federal investigation took place. Defrauding a company and falsify his tax filings are serious crimes.

had everything planned. He talked to all the employees of Teufel Hundens and convinced them to come in on Monday for a surprise birthday party. He was going to ask Blondie to marry him. He just has to get Blondie to come into work, which won’t be a hard as he is going to tell her there is something wrong with the liquor order. Nothing gets her going like having a messed up liquor order.

Al made her a beautiful cake with lilacs all over it.
Nikki and Lady Jane where taking care of the decorations. Ham was going to be there, he has been spending more time at Tuefel Hundens now that Nikki was back from vacation. Jake laughed at her the first time she told him, “Jake, your friend is special that Jarhead doesn’t take a hint. Bless his heart.”

was getting excited; he couldn’t wait to ask Blondie to marry him. He even bought her a beautiful emerald cut diamond engagement ring and one of those crab beanie babies. He thinks the first time he fell in love with Blondie was when she screamed in terror but ended up laughing over the attacking crabs. Jake prayed to god his beautiful Mary would say yes.

Jake walked out of his
office; he went down to the common room, knowing that is where he would find her.

ary, I just got a call from Al. He said something about the liquor order being messed up.” Jake tried not to smile when she turned around.

“See Jake, this is what happens when
I let someone else do the order. It gets messed up. Now I have to go to Teufel Hundens, on my day off and fix it. Why are you just standing there? Come on we have to go fix that. If I don’t get it taken care of we will be short for the weekend.”

Jake shook his head, as he followed behind her, “I’m coming Baby doll.”

Jake and Blondie arrived at Teufel Hundens, as they entered the building Blondie was grumbling about stupid liquor orders. She didn’t notice the line of people standing there when she walked in. She jumped in surprise when all of a sudden she heard, “Happy Birthday Blondie.”

She stopped dead in her tracks as she took in all the people
who were there for her. Al, had a huge cake, Jane and Nikki stood next to him, Ham was sitting in a chair and all the employees where present.

“Oh, you guys. Thank you so very much. Damn it Jake. T
he liquor order is fine isn’t it?”

“Yes Baby doll it is,
” getting down on his knee he grabbed Blondie’s hand, “Mary-Alice Roberts will you do me the pleasure of becoming my bride?”

When h
e handed her the crab, she started laughing. Jake told her, “I fell in love with you that day, I promise to be your hero whenever you need me. Even if it involves saving you from crabs. Jake opened the ring case.”

laughing and crying at the same time wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Yes my hero I will marry you. That was one of the most memorial days of my life even with those crazy crabs. I love you Jake, forever.

BOOK: Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1)
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