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Authors: Renee Field

Bliss (5 page)

BOOK: Bliss
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“My house,” he said, turning to give her a genuine smile.

An hour later they snaked their way onto a clam-shelled road. He saw the man standing about two miles ahead of them long before Kassandra did. He immediately recognized the towering hulk, even in human form, and a smile lit up his face.
Ajoran. My cousin. A link to the sea. Finally!
His cousin still had his back to him when he pulled up behind him.

“Who’s that?” asked Kassandra.

“Stay here,” he said, parking the car and jumping out before Kassandra could ask more questions. He was eager to catch up on any news of his

“Not another step, Darius.” The deep, shallow voice of Ajoran caused him to stop in mid-stride.

“What?” he asked, attempting to move forward, anxious to greet his cousin. “Using your powers again, Ajoran, even in human form...naughty,” he said, wishing he could pull free.

Darius watched as his fun loving cousin turned towards him slowly. His eyes missed nothing.
For instance, he noted the way that Ajoran shuffled back a step, almost like he was willing himself to stay and not run. And when his cousin fully faced him, Darius felt the anger rising in him. He didn’t miss the audible gasp of fright that came from Kassandra in the car. Worse, he knew Ajoran heard it.

“What by Hades happened to you?”
He attempted to move forward. But that was like trying to move a concrete wall with your pinky toe. He realized his young cousin had come into his full powers as a Titan warrior.

He noted that half of Ajoran’s face was swollen, and that green ooze seeped from his right eye. The sight was truly grotesque. Worse yet was his body. Darius sensed by that one shuffle
that his cousin’s body was quite literally falling apart. He could also sense the amount of pain Ajoran was bearing with typical Titan dignity. Clad in faded blue jeans, Ajoran wore no shirt. Darius knew the jeans were out of respect for the female that his cousin must have sensed as they moved onto his property.

“Nice of you to return.”

The sarcasm cut deep into him. Something was up. This wasn’t like his playful cousin at all. Even after the many battles they had waged together, Ajoran had always been the one to laugh at his scars.

“What happened to you?” Darius asked, wanting more than anything to lend his healing powers to his cousin to take away his pain.

“What happened to
? How could you leave us?” replied Ajoran.

Darius watched as a hacking cough tore through his cousin forcing him to spit out a gob of green mucous.

“I didn’t leave on purpose,” he said as gently as he could. “It’s a complicated story. Let’s just say I was imprisoned for a while. So, what’s happened to you?”

Darius barely heard Ajoran’s whispered answer, “It’s the plague.”

The perplexed look on Darius’ face said it all. “The plague?” Again, he tried to move forward. “Oh for the love of Pasithea, let me go. Now!”

In their undersea kingdom Ajoran had always followed the lines of respect that were Darius’ by right and birth. The fact that Ajoran was a
Titan whose father had been named a traitor during the battle with Zeus and banished to Hades’ domain caused many in the undersea kingdom to view Ajoran as a second-class citizen. That had never set well with Darius.

Then Darius’ eyesight cleared enough for him to catch the tattoo on his cousin’s chest. The blue-green octopus
-shaped tattoo indicated what he had already surmised—that Ajoran had finally reached his master warrior level.

When Darius and Seth had discovered the young
Titan’s natural ability with the Triton they both had set about to teach him how to tap into his warrior skills. The fact that now he had reached the master level made him an equal in Darius’ eyes.

Darius felt the barrier holding him back dissipate and he inched forward.

“Please, Darius, you mustn’t come any closer. We’re not sure how it’s spreading, but being in human form seems to slow it down.

. Is he..?”

“I have no idea. I haven’t been able to contact them.”

Darius couldn’t help moving forward. He wanted so badly to help. “And what about Reece?”

Ajoran shook his head. “Again, no idea.”

Running a shaky hand over his weary face, Darius asked, “How bad are things?”

“I’m not sure, Darius. But that’s not why I’m here. The Council of Cabiri has called you forward. You have one day to make the summons. They will only be able to help until the full moon’s high tide
. After that, they leave the realm.” Another coughing fit took hold of Ajoran.

Why does the Council want me?
“Do you know why they’ve summoned me?”

“You are our only hope. That’s all I know.”

The look
in his cousin’s eyes seared him. Of all the Titans to summon, Darius couldn’t fathom why it was him.
Maybe they’re looking for the Book of Ashormi.

I’m going to go to my house first,” said Darius, trying to stall.

“No, you mustn’t come into the house. I’ve been staying there for the past week
, ever sense this started. You could get contaminated. Go to Saad’s house. Follow the coast further east. His house is about two hours from here. You can’t miss it.” Darius noted the sarcasm.

is Saad?” he asked.

Darius watched as Ajoran hacked up another green glob of mucous before he spoke, “He’s Retan’s son.”

“And Retan, remind me again, who is he?”

“Retan is the only
Titan sitting on the Court of Cabiri. He was invited by your father to come to the north seas to help find a way to stop the plague. So far the plague is only affecting the north and south Seas. Saad’s
is from the Red Sea. He’s expecting you.”

“Okay, fine. You go back to the house...I’ll make my way to... where exactly are they meeting

“They decided to meet
on sacred ground. At Miradith. I’ve got to go, Darius. Don’t fail us. They’re all counting on you.” With that statement, Darius watched as Ajoran shuffled his way back up to what had once been the comfort of Darius’ own house.

Of course they’d meet at Miradith. Why not? Nothing was going right for him
today, or for the past decade for that matter. He fumed as he thought how by Hades he was going to get to Miradith in human form.

Miradith was located underneath an island about a hundred miles in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It was anything but easy to locate, because the
very-much-alive island was constantly shifting. And, if the island didn’t like you, since it was very much alive, it could decide to never let you enter the secret realm underneath the sea.

Lost in his thoughts, Darius was startled to see Kassandra attempt to get out of the car. Without a doubt he knew Ajoran was using his powers to keep the feisty woman from leaving the safety of
her seat.

A sense of dread and doom settled on his shoulders.
They’re all counting on me.
He wondered how many of his
were sick and dying all thanks to the plague killing his race. Worse was the knowledge that he had just one day to get to the Court. At the moment he’d take a small miracle, like making the woman who was screaming her head off in his car shut up so he could think.

Chapter Five

“Stop it. Now,” shouted Darius, as he marched to the car, opened the door and slammed it.

“Why did you lock me in the car?” she screamed, wanting to punch him right in the face.

“I didn’t. You must have hit a key that automatically locked it. Settle down, will you? I’ve got to think.”

With that Kassandra watched as he dismissed her, turned the car around in one expert move on the clam
-shelled road, and sped off down another smaller road. She was thankful it was at least paved.

She bit her tongue to stop
from screaming the rant she wanted to let tear into him. Then it dawned on her. Big, brute he-man didn’t like his women feisty. God forbid he should run into a female who actually thought. “Go to hell,” she said.

“Been there, sweetlips
, and trust wasn’t a picnic. Change of plans. We’re going to visit a friend of mine on the east coast. He’ll help us.” He flicked on the radio and proceeded to tune her out.

That irritated Kassandra. She was
even more irked with herself for letting the guy get to her.

Flicking off the radio, she didn’t miss the slanted,
piercing look he cast her way. “Care to explain all that?” she asked.

“Not really.”

“Try. It might make you feel better. Come to think of it, it might make
feel better too, because I feel like shit. My head is pounding.” She gritted her teeth as he banked the car hard around a sharp corner. She eyed the flimsy guard-rail and the cliff below. Even though he seemed to be well equipped to deal with the car, she wanted him to slow down.

Since she hadn’t had her mor
ning coffee, she was so far beyond grouchy she was scaring herself. She tried again to strike up a conversation. “What was with that guy? He looked like he was falling apart, and you just let him walk away. What happened to him?”

Kassandra counted to ten before she let in on him again, because this time she was going to get some answers whether he liked it or not.

“So here’s the scoop,” she said. “I’m going to keep talking...yup, I’m going to prattle on about whatever enters my mind until you, mister, tell me what is going on. And in case, you’re thinking I’ll tire, not a chance. This is a game I used to play with my brother. If you could ask him he’d tell you it was pure torture, and I always won. So I’m betting on ten minutes tops for you, and then your wall of silence will dissolve.”

The car braked so hard she would have been thrown through the window if she
hadn’t had her seatbelt on. As it was, her shoulder felt like it had been torn in two.

“Listen good, sweetlips. I’m stuck with you...all of you,” he said, as his eyes gave her a slow once over that quite literally melted her bones all the way to her toes
. “And I’ve yet to figure out how to get unstuck without killing us both. Top that off with a family crisis of proportions you could never even begin to understand and a twenty-four hour deadline to get my ass to ...well to a place you’re not going to like one bit. So, if you want to play your childish game, go right ahead. For now, that’s it. That’s all you’re going to get from me. When I decide, and, yes, I am making the decisions, that you can handle more, trust me, you’ll know it.”

His face was inches from
hers. She could feel his breath on her skin. Her heart jumped straight to overdrive. She felt the irresistible urge to poke out her tongue at him. To taunt him to see how far he’d go.

As it was, she nervously wet her lips, and that
was the only invitation he needed. In the next instant, he had clasped her head between his large hands so his lips could devour hers. It wasn’t a tender kiss, but she didn’t care. This was a kiss to punish her. Her lips felt bruised and swollen as he deepened the kiss, forcing her mouth to comply, while he forked his tongue deep inside her. Her lungs burned and she knew he was testing her limits. But she gave as good as he did. Opening her mouth wider, she relaxed into his hands, into his embrace. She stifled the groan that was on the tip of her mouth.
Two can play at this game.

hand moved from her face to grasp her crotch. She was so shocked by the contact she couldn’t help the groan. Through her tight jeans she could feel his large fingers as he cupped her, forcing her thighs apart so he could stroke her intimately through her pants. Kassandra knew she was in over her head, but she didn’t care. It had been so long since anyone had touched her that way, and it felt too good to resist. Her desire dampened her panties and her body throbbed for more. Still, though, she fought with herself not to arch more into his embrace. She was willing to only go so far. She might drool over him now, but at least half the time Kassandra wasn’t even sure she liked his company.

abruptly as it started, it was over. His lips and hands left her body and she had to force her eyelids to open.

“It’s going to be a long ride
. I suggest you settle in.”

That was it
, she thought. The lecture was over. Her punishment, if she could call it that, had ended and now they were back on the road. The road to hell, she thought, thinking of a way to escape one Greek warrior who knew just what buttons to push to make her pant and almost, but not quite, beg for more. Forcing her thighs together, she huffed at herself as she adjusted her body into the seat and looked out the window. Anything was better than looking at him, as she tried to quell her traitorous heart.


Darius took one look at Saad’s house and stifled a groan.
By Tethys, he’s built a bloody palace in the middle of nowhere.
He fought the urge to swing the car around and drive like a racing dolphin to somewhere else.
If this is where I need to be, then so be it.
He parked the car and looked over at Kassandra. In sleep she looked more girlish and innocent, and he wasn’t sure he liked that. He handled her better when she was prattling on and being demanding.

“We’re here.”

His gruff words woke Kassandra, who had to wipe the sleep from her eyes. When she finally focused on him, her doe-like eyes caused his blood to thicken.

“Agh,” she moaned aloud, as she tried to rotate her neck.

“What’s wrong?” Darius asked.

“Nothing,” she replied smartly.

tried again to sit up straighter and not grit her teeth as pain sliced through her body.

“Your neck is hurt. You probably pinched a nerve,
” said Darius, moving slowly toward her. With his eyes watching hers he brought his hand to the back of her neck. Part of him wondered what he was doing. But the idea of her being in any pain unnerved him. He’d think later about his actions, he told himself, as he gently massaged two of his fingers in small rotating circles on her neck. The entire time he moved his fingers he willed away her pain. He felt her heart rate increase—and worse, he knew his answered hers. The heat of their two bodies in the small confines of the car caused the windows to steam up.

“Okay. That’s it. I feel better. Thanks,” she said, curtly, moving away from him to put some space between them.

Darius realized that was probably a good thing, as his erection screamed in agony in the tight confines of his jeans.

“So where is here?” she asked, wiping the steam from the window to look at where they were.

With that question, Darius’ senses flared to life. “This is my friend’s place.”

“Some friend,” she
said giving a cute whistle at the majestic house.

He knew what she was thinking. A man who owned a place like this
—a sprawling mansion that could have made the cover of every fortune magazine—didn’t seem to fit in with the serene country lifestyle. The place was magnificent. The large marble columns made it look like a mini-castle.

“Yeah, some friend,” grumbled Darius as he stepped out of the car. “Stay here, will you
, and try not to lock yourself in this time,” he added sarcastically as he winked at her.

“Like hell, I’m staying here,” she said
, immediately escaping the confines of the luxury car.

“Suit yourself,” he replied
, making his barefoot way up to the massive oak door. For the first time in a long time, Darius felt under-dressed, to say the least.

Besides, t
he place gave him the creeps.

“I don’t see any cars or people. Yo
ur friend might not be home,” said Kassandra as she moved closer to him.

Darius liked that
. He felt her nervousness as she instinctively gravitated towards him. Why that made him smile, he didn’t know.

“Trust me he’s home,” he mumbled, slowing his steps up the long entrance.

In fact all of Darius’ seven senses were reeling. He felt the intrusion in his mind as another Titan probed him. Instantly, he shielded his thought while letting the probe scan his intentions.

,” Kassandra rambled on. “Of course your friend’s another male. Just my luck, he’s another Greek warrior. Or maybe this one will be a genie. I’ve always been partial to genies. Yeah, that’d be good. I’d like a man who could grant me any wish right about now. Right now, my number one wish would be a tall cafe latte with soya and whipped cream, then a ...”

“Trust me, he’s not a genie,”
snapped Darius, trying to gentle his voice at the last minute as he realized Kassandra’s prattle masked how nervous and uncomfortable she felt.

The door opened, show
casing one well-dressed man.

With one look, Kassandra took in the tight black leather pants
and white open-neck cotton shirt. She looked around, expecting to see a black cape as she took in a Zorro wannabe alive and in the flesh.

“Ahh, Prince, it is a pleasure to have you.”


Darius ignored Kassandra’s squeak, as she raised a questioning eyebrow at him. Bowing his head to acknowledge their presence,
Saad dismissed Kassandra as he turned his complete attention to Darius.

“Ahhh, you brought...” there was an audible pause that thickened the very air around them, “a
…human. How…er…lovely,” said Saad, making Darius want to kill him.

Instead, he
growled a low warning to Saad who gallantly took Kassandra’s limp hand and raised it to his lips.

“Enough, Saad
,” he barked. “I’m assuming you know why we’re here.”

“Of course, do come in. I am Saad, master of this small land dwelling. My house is your house. Please make yourself at home. Fiona here,” he said, as he us
hered the two of them inside, “Will take care of your needs, Darius.”

* * * * *

Needs, what needs?
Kassandra eyed the petite beauty sashaying towards Darius. She was exotically beautiful, so much so she made Kassandra feel more like a train wreck than an attractive, desirable woman. Then again, sleeping in a car did that to you.

Long, thick black hair fe
ll gracefully down the woman’s backside, dark blue eyes with long eyelashes eyed Darius as if he was a yummy chocolate dessert. To top it off she wore an almost see-through sheer dress that left nothing to the imagination. Immediately, Kassandra hated her.

“I’m Kassandra,” she heard herself saying, as she introduced herself to Saad, trying hard to overlook the hur
t feeling that welled up in her because Darius couldn’t even bother to make a proper introduction.

It was
as if she didn’t matter to him. Not that he mattered to her. After all, if she had her way, she’d be at home, snug in bed and
the ancient book Darius had stashed under his arm as tight as a bug for safekeeping.

Without a doubt, Kassandra knew that book was her key to freedom. Her sole means of escaping the mad clutches of one so-called Greek warrior. But how? For the umpteenth time that day, she tried recalling what she had done to conjure up Darius from the book. The only thing she could think of was
that there must be some connection to the ancient Sumerian symbols and to the Greek symbol for water. She sighed in exasperation.
A big load of help that realization was.

Realizing her host was speaking, Kassandra cleared her foggy brain and focused on his words. He had a slight accent, much like Darius, but Saad’s was a bit more

“Ah, again Kassandra Lil
y Delong, it is my pleasure,” said Saad, as he bowed and kissed her outstretched hand.

Kassandra couldn’t help shiver.

Darius immediately edged closer, “Lily?” he whispered. His warm breath on her skin caused goose bumps to jump to attention.

Then he seemed to remember himself.
“Saad!” snapped Darius, attempting to move in front of her.

had to force herself to pay attention to both gorgeous men, dripping with enough testosterone to make any woman’s head spin. When you through in the exotic surroundings for good measure, she ended up completely overwhelmed.

Just l
ooking at Darius had that strange effect on her. And, boy did she hate him for it, too. In fact, she was starting to think of writing up a long list of hates when it came to him. Controlling. Domineering. And too damn masculine. Not that being too male was a bad thing, but when you combined that with oozing sex appeal, hauntingly good looks and a body to die for, it all added up to a pretty bad boy image that any male celebrity would die for.

BOOK: Bliss
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