Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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It wasn’t often that werewolves discovered their mate was a human, but it did happen. Usually, though, the human was introduced to the werewolf way of life before they were turned. Humans didn’t feel the same mating link that werewolves did, so it was only fair to give them a choice. Almost all chose to stay, but Xavier knew from years of experience that taking away a human’s right to choose their future was a very bad idea—especially for modern women.

He had a feeling that his younger brothers may just have bitten off more than they could chew. If the conversation he could hear going on upstairs was any indication, he was going to have one very pissed-off female wolf to deal with.

He got to the door of her apartment just as the argument exploded.

“Now, beautiful—” Daegan began, but she cut him off with a voice angry enough that he could hear the deep growl of her wolf.

“Don’t you ‘beautiful’ me! I’m not marrying two strangers. No way, no how, never, ever, ever,
going to happen.”

Xavier opened the bedroom door to find Isaac in wolf form sitting in the middle of the bed tracking the woman’s pacing movement. Daegan was quite happily watching the woman rant.

But it was the woman herself that caught his attention. She wasn’t at all like the women Daegan and Isaac usually dated. Even when they dated werewolves, his younger brothers tended to go for the timid, quiet, less confident females. This woman seemed to be the exact opposite and at the moment looked angry enough to remove their testicles and serve them up for lunch.

So intent on pacing, the woman Xavier assumed was Andrea didn’t even see him step into the room. Something must have alerted her to his presence, though, because she stopped dead and turned her eyes on him. Anger gleamed from their brown depths, and his wolf did happy circles in his head.

Oh, hell.

“Who the fuck are you?”

He glanced at his brothers, saw their incredulous stares, and said the words anyway. “I’m your mate, too.”

“Not happening. Absolutely, not fucking happening.” Andrea returned to her pacing. At this rate she was going to need new carpet very soon. “Who are you people? Any more ‘mates’ where you come from?”

“I fucking hope not?” Daegan said with an irritated scowl.

“Don’t swear in front of our mate,” Xavier said without really giving it much thought. His mother had always taught him not to swear in front of females—perhaps old fashioned but something he’d tried to uphold—yet he was fairly certain his mom hadn’t taken into account foul-mouthed females like their mate.

Oh, this was going to make Thanksgiving dinner so damn extra special this year.

Xavier rubbed the headache forming behind his eyes.

As the lady said,
could not be happening.

The woman had three mates. Three! And he was one of the three. Hell, she hadn’t met any other werewolves. What were the odds that she could have more than three? One in a billion? One in a trillion? So far she had three from three. Hell, maybe taking her home and introducing her to the pack wasn’t such a hot idea. How many more mates could she have out there?

Xavier took a deep breath, trying to calm his chaotic thoughts. Maybe something was off, and she wasn’t really their mate. He’d never heard of it happening before, but there was always a first time.

Ironically, the thought was a depressing one. He hadn’t planned on taking a mate just yet, but the euphoria of finding the woman far outweighed the inconvenient timing. But if there were some sort of glitch, and she wasn’t meant to be anyone’s mate—apart from the disappointment he would feel soul deep—he would still have one pissed-off, newly made werewolf to deal with.

As leader of his small pack it was his responsibility to make certain she knew the rules and understood the constraints they all willingly lived by.

“Andrea,” he said, stepping closer to the irate woman. He wanted to take her in his arms, but he got the feeling that would be a very poor choice. She wasn’t fragile by anyone’s standard. She was tall, moved like an athlete, and from what he could see of her legs, had quite nice muscle tone. He couldn’t tell through the thick terry robe, but he suspected that she was perfectly curved in all the right places as well.

If she was his mate, at least fate had chosen a woman that would suit him in a physical sense. Now if he could only get her to calm down.

“Andrea!” She stopped pacing and ranting to give him a glare that should’ve melted him into a big pile of goo.

“What?” she growled.

Making a decision he sincerely hoped he wouldn’t regret, Xavier said, “The full moon isn’t for another three weeks. We can give you time to pack away this life, but for your safety and the safety of the humans, you need to be inside the compound before the full moon rises.”

Xavier’s brothers looked ready to protest, but he gave them both his most arrogant stare. He was leader for a reason, and unless they were up to challenging him for control of the pack, they would fall into line.

Isaac, still in wolf form, managed to glare at him, obviously annoyed that Xavier would pull rank in this situation. But at least his younger brother was sensible enough to realize that the woman needed some space. The initial changes to becoming a werewolf were already complete. Strength, agility, all of her senses were already enhanced. Her ability to heal was obviously working, and there were no immediate threats from monster hunters in this area. She’d be safe while she closed off this part of her life.

Of course, that didn’t mean he would leave things to chance either.

“Daegan and Isaac are staying in the motel down the street. They’ll give you their mobile numbers. If you need anything, all you have to do is call.”

She nodded. “What about you?”

He hadn’t been expecting the question. She seemed quite relieved to see them go.

“I need to get back to the pack, but Daegan and Isaac are more than happy to drive you up the mountain and show you around your new home.”

“Uh-huh,” she said skeptically. “And if I refuse to come to the compound before the full moon?”

“Then I’ll come get you.”

* * * *

Arrogant assholes!

Every one of them had kissed her good-bye.

And, hey, hadn’t that been totally awful? So awful in fact that she was considering calling them back and getting them to do it all over again. And maybe this time they could try it lying down, or in the shower, or up against the wall naked. Naked was good. Naked would be very good.

Andrea shook her head, trying to rationalize the arousal coursing through her body. She’d been shot. They’d saved her life. It was just hero worship. Yup, hero worship, nothing more. So why was she staring at the bedroom door, wondering if perhaps she had time to run down the stairs and stop them before they left?

Holy crap! What had they done to her? Her libido had never been this out of control.

She lifted her index finger to her mouth, subconsciously falling into her old nervous habit of biting her nails, but the stench of stale blood filled her nostrils once more. Her stomach heaved slightly, protesting the smell. Maybe she should have another shower.

She glanced at the clock and finally noticed that it was only three in the morning. She didn’t need to get up for another five hours. Making a quick decision, Andrea stepped into the shower, scrubbed herself from head to foot, pulled on her pajamas, and went back to bed.

* * * *

“I can feel her,” Isaac said. So could Daegan. In fact, even though they were about three hundred yards down the road, the link to their mate was getting stronger. “Did you ever think we’d find her?”

“Not really,” Daegan answered honestly. They’d always figured the two of them would share a mate, he’d just doubted that she would exist. The type of telepathic communication they shared as identical twins was usually reserved for mated couples, so it had seemed likely that they would never find their true mate. What were the chances that one woman would be made to suit both of them?

Except that she’d been made for Xavier as well.

“What do you reckon about Xavier’s theory?”

“That something’s wrong and we only
she’s our mate?” His brother nodded. “I think Xavier is going to learn the hard way that you can’t fight fate.”

“Andrea, too,” Isaac said, sounding sad. Personally, Daegan couldn’t wait to live the fireworks that would be life with their mate. After their explosive beginning he had no doubt that loving Andrea for the rest of their lives was going to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride, and he couldn’t wait to get started.

But Isaac was a peacemaker. He liked life to run smoothly, so he usually tried to make everyone happy. It didn’t always work, but he was the reason their pack managed to get by with very little bloodshed—quite unusual for werewolves, even in a pack as small as theirs.

“Our mate will be fine. She’ll adjust to life as a werewolf quickly enough. We just need to give her a little time is all,” Daegan said, hopefully sounding a little more confident than he felt. He might look forward to the fireworks, but it promised to be a difficult time for his brother.

“I know,” Isaac said as he lay back on his own bed and stared at the ceiling. “I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I’m pretty sure Andrea wasn’t it.”

Daegan bristled at the apparent rejection of their mate and found himself halfway off the bed before he could pull his temper under control. Shit, he and Isaac never fought. Hell, he couldn’t remember the last time they’d even disagreed, but here he was ready to beat the shit out of his twin for a perceived slight against their mate. Fortunately, sense kicked in, and he was able to see the comment for what it was—just an observation about their mate’s unexpectedly abrasive personality.

Daegan lay back on his own bed and laughed quietly. “If nothing else, life will never be dull.”

* * * *

Andrea writhed against the cool sheets as her faceless dream lover kissed her all over. She groaned as he reached her breasts, sucking hard against her straining nipple before biting down gently. She moved her hands, intending to thread her fingers through his hair and hold him to her. But her wrists were caught by another man, and he pressed them against the pillow as he climbed over her, straddling her chest, his hard cock bouncing close to her mouth.

“Suck me,” he growled as he pressed his erection against her lips. The other man moved lower, pressing kisses to her mound, his hands pushing her thighs wide, his tongue seeking her clit, his fingers pushing into her pussy. She gasped at the incredible sensation, and the man above her quickly pressed his cock into her open mouth. He was thick and wide, and she hurried to adjust, but the first taste of him on her tongue was ambrosia, and she sucked harder against the soft flesh. The man groaned, tangling his fingers in her hair, holding her steady as he pumped slowly into her mouth. The angle was awkward, the thrusts quite shallow, but he moaned as she licked him with her tongue, tasting his pre-cum, sucking him harder, wanting more.

“Open your eyes,” a gruff voice demanded. She looked up to see Xavier, a smile on his face, his naked cock mere inches from her hand. She wriggled her fingers, and Daegan laughed softly as he released his hold. She reached out to take Xavier in her grip. He groaned, his hips thrusting his cock into her hand as his brother pushed deeper into her mouth.

Daegan pumped harder into her mouth as the third man thrust his tongue in her pussy, fucking her hard and deep, holding her legs still as the three of them drove her insane. She mewled in protest when Daegan pulled out of her mouth, but he grabbed her other hand, wrapped it around his cock, and made room for Isaac.

Isaac moved up her body, his smile promising heavenly delights. Daegan and Xavier each moved to grab her knees, pulling her wide open as Isaac thrust his cock into her pussy. She growled, the noise seeming to inflame her lovers as Isaac began to move more forcefully. He pounded into her, his hard cock going deeper, the movement pushing her harder into the mattress, only Xavier’s and Daegan’s grip on her legs holding her still for Isaac’s fucking.

She pulled on their cocks, her hand massaging harder, their groans spurring her on to greater heights of need. Everything inside her tightened, her orgasm spinning closer, her breath catching in her throat as…

The fucking alarm clock went off.

Andrea practically leapt from the bed, her hands shaking, her insides quivering, her arousal damn near overpowering. She slammed a hand on the snooze button, willing herself to calm down, taking deep breaths, trying to relax even as the dream replayed in her head.

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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