Blake, Abby - Maya's Masters [Viper's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Maya's Masters [Viper's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Viper’s Dungeon 2

Maya’s Masters

She didn’t want to ask for their help…


Maya fought hard to win her independence. She isn’t about to give it up to anyone—not to the gang who threatens her, the Dom who wants her, or the ex-SEAL who needs her.


But her friend Viper has other ideas.


Derek has known Maya for a long time, but realizes she has no love for the BDSM lifestyle. Yet when she is threatened by a local street gang, he can’t stay away. Even if she doesn’t want a Dom, he can still be her protector. But when Viper introduces her to Cam, a confident, cocky, naturally dominant ex-SEAL, Derek finds himself fighting old memories and new jealousy.


Cam happily supports Maya as she explores her submissive needs and the scary world of BDSM, but will falling for a woman who seems to love another be harder than he expected?


BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
40,060 words


Viper’s Dungeon 2

Abby Blake


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


Copyright © 2012 by Abby Blake

E-book ISBN: 1-61926-377-7

First E-book Publication: February 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Maya’s Masters
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Viper’s Dungeon 2


Copyright © 2012


He leaned over her, pinning her down, holding her trapped as he kissed her over and over and over, deep, dominating, drugging kisses that left her gasping for air. Maya’s heart raced, her nipples pulling tight, her pussy throbbing and moistening, her body betraying her secret.

She wanted this. Hell, she wanted so much more, but she couldn’t say it, couldn’t ask for it.

But he knew.

He moved down her body, his mouth leaving a fiery trail of sucking kisses and tiny bites, his impossibly wide shoulders forcing her legs open further. She went to touch him, wanting to run her hands through his silky hair, only then realizing that her arms were tied down, the soft cuffs holding her still for his taking.

She gasped, her body throbbing all over, her need growing exponentially.

Her lover knew exactly what she wanted.

Maya woke with a start, unsure what had thrown her out of the disturbing dream, but very glad for the distraction. She wasn’t like that. She didn’t want or need a man to dominate her. She might enjoy reading the occasional BDSM novel, but she sure as hell didn’t need some man telling her what to do.

She lifted her hand to push the hair out of her face, dismayed to realize she was shaking all over from unquenched arousal. She tried to breathe slowly, forcing herself to calm down.

But then a noise came from downstairs, and her heart rate leaped into the stratosphere for a whole different reason.

Very slowly she slid out of bed, trying to convince herself that the noise had most likely been one of the mousetraps in the kitchen going off, but somehow she didn’t quite believe it. She grabbed her cordless phone, dialed emergency, and, holding her finger over the
button, very quietly headed downstairs.

By the time she reached the ground floor, whoever was in her kitchen was no longer even trying to be quiet. She pressed the button, waited the longest second of her entire life for the call to be answered, and then very quietly explained the situation to the operator. She turned and headed back up the stairs, willing to hide just as the voice on the phone advised.

After a moment of indecision, she grabbed the broom from the utility closet and held it like a baseball bat, fervently cursing herself for never having actually learned how to play the sport.

But as she heard the intruders coming upstairs, laughing as if they weren’t committing a crime, anger burned low in her gut. This was her home, damn it! She might live above the restaurant that was her livelihood, but at the top of her stairs was her sanctuary, her personal space. She glanced at her bedroom. If they found her in there she was cornered. She’d have nowhere to go.

She wanted to tell the operator what was going on, but the intruders were so close now that they’d definitely hear her, no matter how softly she spoke. She put the phone down on the carpet, held the broom ready to swing if necessary, and hoped like hell that the men turned left instead of right when they reached the top of the stairs.

Maya had a moment of relief as they turned left, but then the man at the front swung his gaze to the right, obviously seeing her despite the dark shadows in the hallway.

She swung the broom in front of her, showing that she was armed—sort of—and backed up a step. The man laughed and came closer. She swung again and again, squeaking in terror when the man reached out and grabbed the wooden handle mid swing.

Terrified, Maya threw her weight behind the broom, forcing the handle through the man’s grip, the tip of the wood slamming into his face. His head snapped back.

“You fucking bitch!” he yelled as he tried to wrestle the broom from her grip. She held on tight, knowing that if he got her only weapon it was all over.

The high-pitched wail of police sirens finally reached her ears, and she fought harder, determined to stay in one piece until help arrived. She had no doubt the man in front of her intended to hurt her very badly. The verbal threats and filthy cursing left that in no doubt.

The man pushed hard against his end of the broom, knocking her backward, and she scrambled to keep herself upright. But then, almost as if he’d never been there, the man was gone. The sound of running footsteps and the violent destruction of whatever they could reach in the kitchen as they ran out the back door the only things to reach Maya’s ears.

She fell onto her ass, the broom clutched tightly in her hands. She was still there, shaking all over, when the police found her.

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Maya's Masters [Viper's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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