Read Berrr's Vow Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Berrr's Vow (6 page)

BOOK: Berrr's Vow
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Berrr went flying backward, stumbling, but managed to stay on his feet. Shock etched across his features as Shanna rolled over to frantically crawl across the bed to get to the other side. A roar filled the room behind her that made her look to see that Berrr was sporting two of her red footprints on his chest. One of his hands rubbed an obvious sore spot while he glared at her.

Shanna climbed off the other side of the high bed, happy to have it between them as she glared back at him. She was breathing hard, out of breath, and trying to ignore that both of her ankles throbbed from how hard she’d kicked him. It wouldn’t have surprised her if she had a limp when she attempted to walk but she wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet.

“That hurt.”

“I’m not weak, damn it. Do you take it back? I want an apology for all that shit you said about human women.”

Sharp teeth flashed, the only warning she got, before Berrr leapt, literally on top of the bed. Shocked to the core, Shanna stared up at him. It astounded her that he’d been able to jump four feet upward from a still, standing position. He stormed across the mattress on bare feet. He glared down at her, reminding her that he was about to get her, so she backed up fast, her gaze locked with his.

“Watch out,” he snarled.

His warning came too late as Shanna bumped into a table she’d miscalculated on where it was placed behind her. She had moved too quickly to stop her momentum and lost her balance, unable to prevent herself from falling. She never hit the floor though as two strong arms grabbed her and yanked her into a strong, solid hot chest. Shanna stared up at Berrr in amazement that he could move that fast as she heard the table crash to the floor behind her.

Frowning, Berrr stared down at her. “Are you unharmed?”

She nodded, locking gazes with his. His skin was hot and pressed tightly against hers as he held her. He’d saved her from taking a nasty fall if she’d landed on top of the table. She turned her head to look behind her, almost flinching at seeing the broken table on its side where it had crashed into the unforgiving tiled floor.

“You need to be more careful to not get hurt when you play with me.”

Her head jerked around, eyes narrowing, as she glared up at him. “I’m not playing with you, damn it.”

His lips twitched upward as laughter lit up his already bright eyes and a grin spread across his mouth. “I have you, so do you concede that I am stronger than you are, faster and you do need my protection? If you are a woman warrior then make me release you.”

Anger flared fast and hot in Shanna. The bastard looked smug but he did have her and she knew that with his strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist she didn’t stand a chance of breaking free unless she kneed him. She was almost tempted but as she stared into his beautiful eyes she didn’t want to hurt him that way.

“There is no shame in admitting that you need a warrior to care for you. It is the Zorn way and you are Zorn now.”

Scenarios ran through her head of how to get out of his hold while she and Berrr stared at each other. She ran her tongue over her lips because they were dry. The instant response she got from Berrr amazed her as his focus lowered to her mouth and his big body tensed. She couldn’t miss the heated desire that flared in his gaze over that innocent motion of wetting her lips. Berrr swelled in the front of his leather pants against her stomach, the hard bulge noticeable in seconds as his body responded to her.

Working ten years in a bar had taught Shanna a lot and one lesson learned was the ability to know how to flirt to control men, having had countless drunken men get a little too grabby and forward with her. She’d learned the best way to deal with them when cornered was to get their guard down. Curiosity also sparked in her over the big alien, knowing he couldn’t fuck her but he was obviously attracted to her.

Shanna opened her hands on his chest and slid them over his muscled stomach and up toward his shoulders. Her gaze locked on his to watch what kind of effect touching him had. The response was instant as he closed his eyes, the look of pleasure unmistakable, while he actually bent forward a little to make his body more accessible to her exploring hands.

Berrr had hot, smooth skin that was soft to touch until she pressed her hands a little tighter against him, able to feel the hardness of muscle under her fingertips. Her hand paused over his heart where she could actually feel it hammering in an erratic tune. She watched his face and saw his mouth part slightly, just enough to show his sharp teeth peeking out to bite down on his full lower lip where they indented. Her hands slid higher until they froze at the curve of his broad shoulders.

Incredible blue eyes opened, looking even more neon bright than before, his pupils slightly dilated. They were the best eyes she’d ever stared into, fascinating and locked on hers. They narrowed as a soft sound came from him, making his chest vibrate a little. Shanna’s eyebrows rose.

“Did you just purr?”

“What is a purr?”

Grinning, she smiled at him. “That sound you just made.”

“Your hands are so soft like the smoothest
I have ever felt.”

“What’s that?”

He hesitated. “Much in demand bedding that is costly to buy to have against skin while sleeping.”

It wasn’t a bad comparison, she decided, guessing he was comparing her to the equivalent of silk or to Egyptian cotton. She laughed at the idea of it.

“It amuses you that I give you a compliment?” He frowned, looking a bit testy. “I don’t understand human women.”

“Do you understand Zorn women?”

He gave a nod.
“Of course.”

“This planet is definitely different from my world where men and women still don’t understand the basics of each other.”

“There is a language difficulty with your human dialect?”

“You could say that.” Her hands moved again, running along his collarbone and tracing the curve of his shoulder with her fingernails. “Men and women think one thing but usually say something else to each other from where I come from. They aren’t really honest or blunt so we don’t get to know how the other works too well.”

“I would never lie to you and I will always tell you what I think. Your world sounds deceptive.”

Berrr shivered slightly and she saw his nipples react, puckering from her fingernails lightly raking up and down the sides of his throat. She had never had a man so easily respond to her touch. It was kind of a power high for her and cool. She kept her gaze locked with his.

“Do you mind me touching you? I’m curious.”

He shook his head. “I am curious about you. May I touch you?”

Shanna hadn’t expected that response as she stared up at him, reminding herself that he was bound so it wouldn’t go too far. It was just curiosity and hell, she had a healthy dose of it so she gave a nod, wondering what he’d do.

A gasp tore from her as she landed on the bed where he gently tossed her on her back. In a heartbeat she had a large male in just a pair of leather pants pinning her down with his body caging hers carefully so his weight wasn’t crushing down on her. They were almost nose to nose, his body hovering above her, with his legs on the outside so that they pinned her legs between his.

“What are you doing?”

“Be still.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Be still?”

He lifted away from her slightly and lowered down her body so his face was level with her chest. His gaze tore from hers to lower to her breasts, which were almost spilling out of her push-up bra. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply through his nose, another purr coming softly from him.

“You smell so good.”

“I shouldn’t. Those assholes who took me only let me wash down with water before they tried to sell me. They didn’t even have soap or shampoo.”

Blue eyes lifted, meeting Shanna’s. “You smell sweet and good.”

She inhaled him, his scent was masculine in a soft musky, woodsy way that she’d noticed when she’d put on his shirt.
Whatever cologne he used was worth the price.
Getting a load of his house was cluing her in that Berrr had prestige on his planet so he probably only had the best of everything Zorn could offer.

He lowered his face right into the valley of her breasts, making Shanna gasp out. Her fingers gripped his head, fingertips sliding into his dark hair she fisted, and gave him a hard tug. He responded by doing the opposite of what she wanted, actually pressing tighter against her skin. He turned his face to the right and nuzzled the side of her breast. A hot, wet tongue swiped her skin suddenly, making her jerk under him.

“Hey, knock that off!”

Berrr growled deep against her, ignoring her command, only to turn his face into the left side of her breast where he licked her skin again before opening his mouth wider. Teeth gently scraped the area between her breasts and then he tugged hard on material. Her breast spilled free after he used his teeth to rip the material holding her bra cups together completely apart.

He refused to move his face away even as her fingers gripped his hair tighter, fisting it in both hands to frantically jerk on him to get him to back up. He ignored her as though she wasn’t pulling at his hair at all. His mouth was hot and wet as he closed over a nipple to take a seriously generous amount inside his even hotter mouth. He sucked hard.

Shock tore through Shanna. He wasn’t hurting her but she’d never had a guy ever do this to her before. Sure, she’d had guys suck on her but not this strongly, not the way he was swallowing her down, suckling her, as Berrr was doing. Worse, the feeling was so wonderful she stopped fighting and instead squirmed under him as his mouth tugged harder on her nipple and his teeth rasped over sensitive flesh.

She experienced the intense sensation all the way from her breast down to her clit as though they were connected to each other. What one was feeling the other one was
The image of him using his mouth lower down her body had her inner vaginal walls clenching as a moan tore from her lips.

Releasing her breast suddenly, he lifted his head to look down her body. He inhaled through his nose again and the sound that came from him almost scared Shanna. It sounded so primal, similar to a wild animal snarling to warn off a predator, that she suffered a flash of fear along with desire.

He kissed her lower, brushing wet, hot ones on her ribs, the center of them, and inched down more. His long hair tickled her sides where it fell forward. He braced his weight with one hand, freeing the other to touch her. His rough, calloused palm swept over her hip and then over the top of her thigh until thick fingers slid between her panties and skin.

“Son of a bitch,” Shanna gasped when Berrr gave a hard tug on her hips and inner thighs.

The sound of material tearing penetrated her brain the same second that she realized what the tug meant, air hitting her where her panties had been. Berrr tossed the destroyed piece of clothing away, jerking it out from under her easily, leaving Shanna totally exposed.

Frantically clutching at hair and his shoulder, she tried to yank his head up and away from where his nose was now pressing. Berrr snarled at her, refusing to lift away from the vee of her thighs. He nuzzled the side of her leg with his chin, pushing at her thigh, obviously trying to get her to open them up to him.

“Stop it!”

Berrr’s head lifted and his bright blue gaze locked with Shanna’s shocked ones. His eyes narrowed and the look on his face frightened her by the intensity of passion she saw reflected there.

“What are you doing? You can’t do that, damn it. That’s just rude. Get your face away from there and just let me up.”

“Show me everything,” he said in a deep, raspy voice. “Put your legs over my shoulders and bend your knees so I can get a look at you.”

Shanna was speechless as she grasped what he wanted her to do, for her to spread her damn legs and show him her girl goods. Admittedly, she was more than slightly turned-on but she was also slightly scared, unsure which emotion was stronger.

“I won’t hurt you, Shanna. Your scent calls to me and I want to see your clit. Zorn women don’t have them on the outside of their bodies. I’ll show you my body after I’m done exploring yours. Open up for me.”

I could use a few shots of bourbon right now,
she thought, biting her lip while she debated. He was bound so he couldn’t fuck her. She had wondered how different Zorn men looked with their pants off compared to a human guy. She got his curiosity but he was asking her to be completely vulnerable to him, showing him her pussy. She didn’t go around playing show and tell—ever. She just stared into his beautiful eyes as their gazes remained locked.

“Show me, Shanna.” His voice tone softened. “I no longer have your legs trapped between mine. Open up and let me explore you.”

She took a few deep breaths. “So if I show you mine, you’ll show me yours? This is a game I never played growing up.”

A frown twisted his lips down. “I play no game. I will show you whatever you want to see on my body.”

Staring into his eyes, she made some split-second decisions. He had saved her from slavery, killed that bastard Gohl who had stolen her from Earth, and when she’d kicked him on his ass, he had reacted with amusement rather than blowing a fuse. He was a good guy and she did trust that he wouldn’t hurt her or become some kind of monster who was going to do something horrible to her.

“Okay but I’m not real comfortable with this.”

“Is the bed not soft enough?”

“The bed is fine. I don’t let men see me down there, Berrr. It’s a very personal thing with me to show a guy my girl parts.”

Amusement flashed in his eyes. “Then I am honored. Show me.”

Chapter Four


Berrr is honored? Had he just really said that?
Shanna knew that he had. Tearing her gaze from his sincere expression, her attention fixed on the slightly curved white stone-looking ceiling as her cheeks heated a little. She was tough but she wasn’t a slut. She didn’t go around doing crazy shit. She could count the guys she’d slept with in her life on one hand. Most of her ex-boyfriends hadn’t been into giving oral sex. Only one of them had tried to put his face between her thighs to see her pussy up close and personal. It hadn’t been a great experience for her.

BOOK: Berrr's Vow
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