Read Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun Online

Authors: Catelyn Cash

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage

Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun (17 page)

BOOK: Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun
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A hand slid between her legs. “Wait.” She called a halt.

“Domination.” Seth grinned. “An unexpected turn, but I like it.”

He tried again to kiss her, but she pressed her finger to his lips. “I thought this was about me watching you two.”

The men looked at each other. Seth’s face colored. Jake’s too.

“Maybe later,” Jake mumbled.

Kayla laughed. “Are you embarrassed?”

“No, of course not.” Seth looked sheepish. “It’s just that we’ve never done it for an audience.”

“I think it’s fair to say not many people have,” she said.

“You know what I mean.”

“We have to be in the mood,” Jake explained.

“And you’re not in the mood now?” asked Kayla.

“More in the mood to do you.”

“Don’t you even want to touch each other?” They looked at each other’s cocks, and Kayla actually saw both erections wilt. “Oh, for heaven’s sake. You’re all talk.”

“Can’t we make a start and see how it goes?” suggested Seth. “After all, I love you guys. Can’t we just let it happen naturally?”

Kayla and Jake stared at him. “What?” he said, unrepentant. “Someone had to say it. I love him, in a manly way, of course. And I love you. You’d be surprised how clearly you see these things when someone is shooting at you.”

“You were shot?” Jake was dismayed. “I knew it.”

“It was just a graze. But my point is, I love you both and life’s too short not to say it.”

Jake still looked bemused, but managed, “Me too.”

They loved her? Kayla’s heart sang, though she could barely take it in. “Well, okay,” she said weakly. “Good. That’s settled.”

“Good?” demanded Seth. “That’s settled? I open my heart and that’s all I get? Me too and that’s settled?”

“No,” Kayla said. “When I recover, I’ll tell you that I’ll kill you myself if you ever get shot again. But right now, after a bombshell like that, I’m just pleased I can speak at all.”

“She’s right. Way to choose your moment, Seth,” said Jake. “Shit. I’ve lost my erection.”

Seth sighed. “I suppose you’re going to say that’s my fault?”

“Getting shot and declarations of love are pretty big things to drop on someone, so I think you have to take some responsibility,” said Kayla. “What are you going to do about it?”

Seth looked at Jake’s penis and paled.

She rolled her eyes. “Then at least put your mouth to good use while I make poor Jake feel better.” She pushed Seth’s head down toward her pussy, but he resisted.

“This is what I get for telling you I love you?” he complained. Then he brightened. “Actually, I’ve had worse punishments.” He smacked his lips, making Kayla laugh.

“Just remember”—she stroked Jake’s head soothingly—“I am going to see you both together.”

Jake smiled and kissed her. Then he kissed a line down her throat to her breast, and she lay back, sighing blissfully.

“I’m going to watch you make each other come,” she said, and grinned when Jake’s cock slapped against her leg, announcing his complete recovery. “I’m going to watch you man-fuck.”

“Man-fuck?” Jake choked back a laugh.

“We need names for what we’re doing.”

“No,” said Seth. “We really don’t.”

Still smiling, Jake stroked her cheek. Seth meanwhile pushed her legs farther apart. Suddenly the men were back in control, but, as Seth’s tongue delved deep into her pussy and Jake used his fingers to spread her lips wide for him, Kayla had no complaints. “Oh,” she said softly.

“Oh?” Jake shook his head. “I think we can do better than that, don’t you?” He eased a finger inside her, and she imagined it parrying with Seth’s tongue. “You’re already wet,” he murmured. “And Seth’s lapping up every drop.”

Jake kissed her, his tongue in her mouth, Seth’s in her pussy. Then Jake’s hand on her breast, Seth’s hands under her buttocks, lifting her to his mouth. Kayla wrapped her arms around Jake’s neck, returning his kiss with enthusiasm.

“You like what Seth’s doing to you?” Jake murmured.


“Good. Because he’s getting you ready for me. And I can’t wait much longer.”

In seconds Jake had a condom over his shaft, and he nudged Seth out of the way so he could fit himself between her legs. His body arched over hers, and he forced her thighs wider with his knee while he brushed his cock over her slick flesh before resting his thick cockhead just inside her pussy.

Jake grinned down at her. Taking his weight on one elbow, he smoothed her hair off her forehead, then ran his fingertip down her jawline, down the side of her neck, exploring the indent of her collarbone, his featherlight touch raising goose bumps on her skin.

Seth crawled up the bed to join them, focusing his attention on her breasts, circling a nipple with his fingertip, bringing it to a stiff, hungry peak.

Kayla bit her lip, hanging in an agony of anticipation as she waited for Jake’s invasion, waited for him to make her his. When it didn’t come, she growled her frustration, and both men laughed.

“I think that means she wants you, Jake.”

“Yeah?” Jake rolled his hips. Her back arched as he penetrated her, and she gasped and writhed shamelessly.

“I bet that feels good.” Seth’s voice sounded gruff.

“It does.” Jake set up an easy rhythm, not too deep, not too fast, as if he could keep it up all night.

Seth’s green eyes darkened. He put a hand on Jake’s shoulder, then stroked Jake’s spine with a casual familiarity that made Kayla’s heart quicken. When Seth’s hand continued lower, Jake lost his stride for a second.

Seth slid back down the bed, out of view.

Jake moaned, and his eyes glazed over. She cupped his face with her hands and locked gazes with him. “What’s he doing?”

Jake swallowed. “Tonguing my…” A shudder rocked his body. “Tonguing my ass.”

She kissed the corner of his mouth. “Does it feel good?”

“Hell yes, it feels good.” Jake swallowed. “It feels great.”

“Is his tongue inside you now?” Kayla asked excitedly.

Jake’s nostrils flared like a stallion’s, and he nodded.

“Seth’s cock is huge,” she said. “But you want him inside you, don’t you?”

He clenched his jaw. “Yes, I want him.”

Seth rose onto his knees and reached for the lube she’d left at the side of the bed with the condoms. He dribbled some onto Jake’s ass.

“Are you ready?” Seth asked.

Jake nodded. “Yeah… Fuck!”

“Tell, me!” Kayla demanded. “Tell me what he’s doing.”

“He’s got his finger in my ass,” Jake said through clenched teeth. “Two fingers.”

Seth’s arm moved in short, rhythmic strokes. The thought of what he was doing drove Kayla crazy with lust, and she squirmed beneath Jake, frantically rubbing her clit against the base of his cock.

Seth winked at her. “You ready for me, Jake?”

“More than ready,” Jake panted. “Hurry.”

Seth tossed the lube aside and put on a condom.

To her frustration, Kayla couldn’t see what was happening. “What’s he doing now?” she asked Jake.

“Spreading my cheeks…” Jake’s gaze stayed unfocused, but his nostrils flared again, telling her the exact moment Seth pressed against his ass.

“Oh, man, I love that you’re so tight.” Seth groaned.

Jaw clenched, Jake dropped his head limply to her shoulder.

Kayla cradled him. “Tell me what it feels like.”

“It feels great. Or it will. It takes a moment.” Jake stiffened for a second, then sighed blissfully, and she knew Seth had breached his barrier.

“I’m almost dead with pleasure,” Jake murmured. “In fact, if I died right now, I don’t think I’d care.”

Seth laughed. “I’m balls-deep in your ass, my friend. So are you both ready for more?”

Jake stirred. “More than ready.” So saying, he surged into Kayla with renewed force, making her gasp. Then he pushed back, and this time Seth gasped.

Seth leaned over Jake’s back so he could kiss Kayla. Jake kissed her too, both men’s mouths so close to each other she wondered if one day she would see them kiss each other.

“Would someone please fuck me?” she begged.

“Happy to oblige.” Seth thrust his powerful hips, driving Jake’s cock into her. And again. Kayla felt on fire, her body ablaze. Faster, higher, they flew. She clawed wildly at Jake, or maybe at Seth, helpless beneath the weight of both men but loving every moment. Her body arched, and then she hung there, tight as a bow as she shattered and came apart.

Jake’s cries rang in her ears, then Seth’s cries too. Long after both men had slumped in completion, her clit continued to pulse with the force of her orgasm.

Two dark heads collapsed on the pillow, one on either side of her, all three bodies still intimately joined, their limbs a tangled mass. Drifting on a sea of pleasure, Kayla imagined herself floating on the ceiling, looking down on them. She stroked their skin, their muscles living sculptures beneath her fingers.

“You two are so beautiful,” she murmured. “I think I’ve just had the inspiration for my next show. But this one is definitely for private viewing only.”

Loose Id Titles by Catelyn Cash

Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun

Highland Trinity

Wicked Wonderland

Catelyn Cash

I’m a writer of hot erotic romance and I love it. I don’t just mean I enjoy writing it, I love telling people what I do. Stop me in the street for a survey and ask my occupation, there’s always a silence before the interviewer pretends they didn’t hear and quickly moves on to the next question or even the next interviewee. It’s a great conversation starter (or stopper) at parties too. Not one my long suffering husband encourages if his work colleagues are within earshot!

I’ve travelled a lot but I’m currently settled in the wild Yorkshire moors with my husband, a cat called Evil, and a python called Jake. I love the cat, despite her name but I still feel I was conned into welcoming Jake into the house. He came from a shop called Mad Jack’s Snake and Tattoo Emporium. How I wish I’d bought a T-Shirt, too.

I’m not done travelling—not by a long shot. Which is why writing is such a perfect occupation. Every new place, every new face can spark wicked inspiration, and time spent on the road is time to I can allow my imagination run wild. I rarely arrive at my destination without some sexy characters and a brand new story in my head.

What I need now is the discipline to write them down…

BOOK: Beneath a Hot Tequila Sun
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