Read Bear's Kiss (Bear Heat Book 2) Online

Authors: Natalie Kristen

Tags: #BBW, #Paranormal, #Shifter, #Romance, #Fiction, #Adult, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #Bear, #Beta, #Protect, #Security Co., #Black Bears Group, #Hyland Wolves, #Courage, #Bears Kiss, #Suspense, #Danger, #Grandmother, #Business, #Restaurant, #Neighbor, #Deadly, #Fate, #City, #Human, #Daring, #Cost High, #Mate

Bear's Kiss (Bear Heat Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Bear's Kiss (Bear Heat Book 2)
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She wrapped her coat tighter
around herself and turned into a side lane. Hearing a sound, she
glanced over her shoulder but there was no one there.

Prisha winced. She wasn't
sure if it was just the echo of her own footsteps, or if she'd really
heard someone behind her.

She gulped and walked faster.

The footsteps sounded louder
and more urgent. Could it be...Terrence? Was he still stalking her?

She stopped abruptly and spun
round. The only thing that moved was a rolling tin can.

Calm down.
be paranoid
, she admonished herself.

She was just exhausted after
a long day. Her senses were shutting down and playing tricks on her.

She should get herself home
and have a nice, long, relaxing bath. Taking a deep breath, she
forced herself to think happy, pleasant thoughts as she marched

Her handsome, hunky neighbor.

Prisha perked up. Now that
was a pleasant thought.

Maybe she would bump into him
tonight. He lived in the unit just down the corridor from her, and
she had only caught glimpses of him as he came and went. He seemed
to work odd hours, coming home in the early morning when she was just
about to leave her apartment.

He certainly was a sight for
sore, tired eyes. Tall, good-looking and well-built with the most
stunning, forest green eyes.

She would love to chat him
up, maybe even flirt with him a little.

Prisha gave a little snort.
She had been out of the dating scene way too long. She wondered if
she even remembered how to flirt.

Maybe she should practice in
front of the mirror first.

Prisha rolled her eyes at
herself, and gave a big, loud yawn. Gosh, how many times had she
yawned already?

How could she even find the
energy to flirt? Just thinking about it exhausted her!

Prisha reached her condo
building and stifled yet another yawn.

Meeting her hunky neighbor
would be nice. But the nicest, most inviting thing to her right now
was her bed.


Caleb Nash parked his Range
Rover in the condo car park and rolled his shoulders as he walked to
the lift lobby. He had just finished a twenty-hour work day. And he
hadn't spent those twenty hours sitting behind a desk.

Security work was challenging
and dangerous, but it was also deeply satisfying. Their search and
rescue mission had been successful, and everyone had gotten back safe
and sound. None of his Black Bears had been injured and the missing
persons had been found on time. No fatalities, no damage to body and
soul. It was a good day.

Caleb tapped his foot as he
waited for the elevator. He hoped to snatch at least a few hours of
sleep before heading back to the office.

As Beta of the Black Bears
clan and the Chief Operating Officer of the Black Bears Group, he had
a lot on his plate but this week, there was even more for him to do.
Besides his own responsibilities, he had to cover his Alpha's duties
as well. His Alpha and CEO, Ethan Flint, was away on his honeymoon
with his lovely mate, Cora.

Caleb heard footsteps and
just a second later he caught her scent. He turned immediately and
saw his beautiful new neighbor walking through the glass doors into
the lift lobby. Caleb straightened up sharply. Even his dozing bear
rumbled awake and snapped to attention under his skin.

She was rummaging in her bag
for her keys and almost walked right into him. “Oh, sorry,”
she muttered as she jerked her head up. Her large black eyes widened
and she stumbled back. “Oh, it's you!'s
nice...ah, hi!” she stammered.

Caleb smiled. “Hi. We
meet, face to face, at last. I live on your floor, but I've only
seen you rushing in and out of your door. I never had the chance to
say hi.”

“Yeah, I've been
wanting you.” She blushed and extended her hand.
“I'm Prisha Singh.”

“Caleb Nash.”
Her hand felt warm and so tiny in his. He wanted to pull her closer,
but he forced himself to release her hand. His bear growled and
Prisha blinked at him.

“Did you just...are

“Yes. I'm a bear
shifter,” he said quickly. Better for her to know what he was
from the outset. “I belong to the Black Bears clan.”

Prisha nodded, unfazed.
“There are a few shifters in our building,” she observed.
“I've spoken to quite a few of them. They're all really nice.
I've moved into my apartment just a few weeks ago.”

“I know. I've been
meaning to come over and introduce myself, but...”

Prisha put up a hand.
“Everyone's just so busy. That's how it is in the city.”

They entered the lift
together, and Caleb gazed down at her beautiful, exotic face. Her
deep black eyes were framed by long, thick, curling lashes. She had
dark skin, full, red lips and she wore her raven hair in a long
braid. Under her long coat, he could see that she had the most
luscious, curvaceous, mouth-watering figure.

The woman was stunning.

“Have you just moved to
the city?” Caleb asked, making small talk.

“I've moved here from
Boxville about six months ago. I rented another place before I found
this apartment. The rent is higher but this is much nearer to my
work place.”

“Where do your work?”

“Curry Corner.”

Caleb smiled. That explained
the wonderful aroma of spices and cooking swirling around her. “I'm
with the Black Bears Group,” he told her. “We specialize
in security work.”

She smiled and was about to
reply when he frowned suddenly and asked, “Are you...related to
the previous owner of Curry Corner, Shamila Singh? She...”

“Yes. I'm her

“Your grandmother was a
wonderful woman, so full of life and love. I was shocked to hear
that she had passed away.”

“It was very sudden,”
Prisha said with a sigh. “But she lived a very full, fruitful
life. I will strive to do the same, but she's left me really big
shoes to fill.”

“It's been ages since
I've been to Curry Corner. Your grandmother's curries were…”
Caleb searched for the right word. “Explosive.”

Prisha laughed. “Yes.
She loved her chillies! But you should come to Curry Corner and try
our new dishes. I've added some less spicy dishes to the menu.”

“I will,” Caleb
promised. “I'll bring the whole clan!”

Prisha grinned, displaying a
row of perfectly white teeth. “Fantastic!”

Caleb took a step closer to
her. He couldn't help it. His knuckles cracked when he clenched his
fists tightly to stop himself from reaching out to touch her.

She blinked rapidly but she
didn't back away from him. When she licked her lips, Caleb had to
wrestle down a groan. Her soft, plump lips were so inviting, almost

But resist her he would. He
was a disciplined man, a gentleman.

He would not maul his sweet,
new neighbor in the elevator.

They reached their floor, and
Caleb took one last whiff of her delicious, intoxicating scent. She
smelled of spices, food, warmth and sex.

Caleb jerked.


What the…!

But the scent of
unmistakable. He scented her arousal, her lush female desire.

“Prisha...” he
said hoarsely.

“I...well, here we
are,” she said, trying to sound chirpy as her eyes darted
between their doors.
Your place or mine?

Her breathing quickened and
Caleb could see the confusion and desire mounting in her eyes.

She pressed a hand to her
chest, which had the unfortunate effect of drawing his eyes to her
heaving bosom.

“I'd better go in now,”
Prisha wheezed, turning jerkily towards her door. “I have to
go...shower, and go to bed...” Her face was becoming redder
and her dark pupils were dilating as she backed away from him. The
signs of her arousal and attraction to him were too obvious to
ignore. She desired him as much as he wanted her.

Caleb made a strangled sound
at the back of his throat.

Her words were putting all
kinds of erotic images in his head. He could picture her hot, wet
body under the shower, under the sheets, spread out beneath him…

He was rock hard, and from
the way her eyes lingered below his belt, she had noticed. She
swallowed repeatedly, her eyes glazed and frightened.

Caleb began to prowl towards
her, pinning her to the spot with his intense, hungry gaze.

For a moment, Prisha stood
frozen, her entire body trembling as she inched sideways.

“Caleb,” she
panted as he neared her.

Finally, she managed to break
eye contact with him. With a whimper, she spun round and fumbled at
her lock.

Caleb stood a few feet away
and watched her. He would let her escape, this time.

He wasn't sure if the squeak
he heard came from the door or Prisha. The instant the door swung
open, Prisha darted into her apartment and slammed the door in his

Caleb growled. The predator
in him reared up at the challenge.

He stalked to her door, claws
out, his bear roaring to be released. His bear wanted out. His
delicious little prey was within reach. He could corner her, catch
her and take her.

Caleb snarled.

By sheer willpower and iron
control, Caleb overpowered his beast and sheathed his claws.

Prisha wasn't his prey. He
would not corner her and crowd her.

Oh, but he did want to corner
her, cage her in with his arms and back her against the wall. He had
wanted to do that in the elevator and put his mouth and hands all
over her.

Caleb swallowed hard and
backed away slowly. What had gotten into him and his bear? He had
never reacted so strongly to any female before.

His bear growled again,
making its displeasure and hunger known. He eyed the door in anger
and annoyance. His bear didn't like that door one bit. His female
was behind that door. The great beast wanted to smash that pesky
door down and get to her. His female.

Prisha was...

Caleb inhaled sharply.

This human was his mate.

Her body had reacted to him
and instinctively recognized the need to mate with him, even if her
mind didn't. She had wanted him, hungered for him, and her fierce,
unrelenting desire had scared her.

A second later, Prisha's door
opened a crack and her tremulous voice floated out. “I...I
didn't mean to be so rude. It was really nice chatting with you,
Caleb. If it wasn't so late, I'd invite you in for sex—I mean,
coffee! Oh gawd, what am I saying? I need a cold shower now!”
He heard her groan and mumble just before the door slammed in his
face once more. It opened again almost immediately.

“Goodnight, Caleb,”
she squeaked and this time the door closed softly. The lock clicked.

“Goodnight, Prisha,”
he said and quietly turned back to his apartment.


Prisha turned up the heat and
cooked up a storm in the kitchen. The glorious aroma of curries and
stewed meat and vegetables swirled around the kitchen, letting Prisha
forget all about her hot, hunky neighbor for a moment. Just for a
moment, then he came stealing back into her heart and mind again.

After that close encounter in
the elevator with Caleb last evening, she had scooted into her
apartment and slammed the door in his face. She had been so rude!
It was unforgivable. She couldn't even explain her own bizarre

Why did she run from him?

She wasn't normally shy with
strangers, and Caleb wasn't a stranger. That—was the trouble.
He felt strangely, achingly familiar, like she had known him for the
longest time. Talking to him felt so easy and warm and comfortable,
and she just knew that snuggling up to him would feel just as good or
even better.


Prisha shook her head hard.

Caleb was a big, bad bear,
not a fluffy teddy bear. There was nothing soft and fluffy about him
at all. He was big and hard, all over. Especially…

Prisha almost dropped her
ladle into the pot. Her thoughts were getting out of hand.

She'd had a long, cold shower
last night after darting into her apartment. But even with the
freezing water pelting her heated skin, her mind refused to give her
body a break. All kinds of naughty images paraded through her mind.
In those scenes, Caleb's magnificent naked body was all over hers.
She'd blasted the water on her face, over her head, but still her
thoughts strayed to Caleb. She just couldn't get him out of her
mind, out of her system.

BOOK: Bear's Kiss (Bear Heat Book 2)
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