Bearllionaire: (BWWM) Paranormal BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone (5 page)

BOOK: Bearllionaire: (BWWM) Paranormal BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone
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She saw something feral flash in his eyes, but she didn’t know how to describe it. And once he took one of her nipples in his able, hot mouth, she didn’t want to. Pleasure shot through her and she clenched her legs together again, almost as if her body were trying to deny her what she wanted. His hand moved between her thighs, parting her legs and putting one of his between them, holding her legs open. He finished sucking her nipple and flicked his tongue over it. She cried out and arched back at the sudden sensation.

He was too much and not enough all at once. She ached for him in her most sensitive place and found herself rubbing wantonly against his hard thigh. Thankfully, he moved back, sliding up against her with delicious friction that eased the ache inside her, but only somewhat. She needed him inside her, now.

But he seemed intent on taking his time, moving his huge leg against her while his hands kneaded her sensitive breasts and his lips took hers again, his tongue delving deep, promising rhythmic ability in other activities. He left her mouth to press kisses to her cheek, her jaw, her neck, and then stroking along the sensitive inner shell of her ear with a deft motion that had her crying out as his thigh pressed once more into the apex of her pleasure.

She hit her release with him touching her everywhere, owning her body, and keeping the rhythmic contractions going again and again as he moved against her, setting all of her nerves on overload and making her cry out over and over for relief from the overwhelming pleasure. When she finally settled, she found him pulling his shirt over his head.

She flushed in relief. She needed him inside her. Now. She’d never moved this fast, but she knew if she didn’t have this now, she’d always regret it. She could think about that later. Right now all she could think about was having the hard length of that thing bulging the front of his jeans buried inside her, warm and stimulating and stretching her as never before. Something like that, she’d never forget.

The clink of his buckle and zip of his jeans heated her fever and she pulled at her own pants helplessly. He pulled hers down easily, fingers grazing her soft thighs in wonder as he let out a groan of agony at how hot she was. He leaned down to place a kiss at the top of her damp panties, and she arched to let him. He pulled them off with a quick flick of his fingers and she was bared to him. But she felt beautiful, desirable. She no longer cared that he was a famous billionaire and she was just average. He was just a man about to take her as a woman, and every nerve in her body screamed for it to be so.

He was free of his pants a second later, and she gasped at the size of him as he sprang free from a pair of tight boxer briefs. Would he fit? He put on a condom. She squirmed in anticipation and he licked his lips and positioned himself over her. He felt her with his fingers and smiled as he licked her wetness off.

“So wet for me, sweetheart,” he said.

She nodded. It was too late for embarrassment.

“I’ll try not to hurt you,” he said. “I know I’m large.”

She swallowed, trying to stay relaxed as she felt his huge tip at her entrance. If she got him in, she was in for one hell of a ride. Just as she tensed, she felt his hand gently moving over her tummy to relax her, moving up to caress her breast as he placed a soft kiss at her jawline and then moved to take her mouth.

As his tongue thrust in, so did the rest of him, taking her channel in one swift movement that had her writhing in shock against the sudden, incredible fullness. She gasped against his mouth and he stroked a hand comfortingly over her skin, running along her side and cupping her bottom to hold her against him.

She took a few deep breaths and the fullness adjusted to something else. Incredible pleasure, once she could distinguish it from the panic of being so full. He was right against her G-spot, pressing it hard, lighting her up with sensation, and then he started to move.

She screamed and dug her hands in. She couldn’t help it. The feel of his firm hardness moving inside her, going deep and thick against every sensitive millimeter of her pussy, made her feel like no one else ever had. When he was nearly out, and her body exhaled in relief, he pushed back in again, and she gasped and cried out as her body accommodated him. It was heaven; it was almost too much to take. And she could see from the determined, tense look in his eyes that he was equally overcome by the sensations they were creating together.

“You feel so damn good,” he said, gritting his teeth as he completed another agonizingly good stroke. “It’s never… been like this.”

“I know,” she said, practically sobbing into her hand. “You’re so…” She trailed off as he buried himself deep inside her. Too overwhelmed to have any conscious thought at that moment.

?” he asked teasingly, his voice raspy with want.

“Never mind. So something I can’t think of because you make me feel… too good!” She cried out as he thrust deep within again, feeling a surging pressure rising with each movement in and out. Could she actually go from intercourse? It seemed with Ryder Hart, she could. After a few more intense thrusts, she felt the overwhelming power surge forward within her, shaking her body in a powerful release that had her sobbing at the pleasure that shook her down to her toes. Even her fingertips flooded with pleasure as she dug her nails into his back, wrapping her legs around him to take and hold him deep as she took her release.

He growled her name and held her close, tight, safe, and for the moment, she was in a different world. An animal world where there was only mating and heat and taking and claiming.

She couldn’t explain it. It was like the air had changed and her body was responding chemically in ways it never had. As he began to move again, she uttered an oath and held on, savoring the intense feelings he stimulated inside her as she felt the tension in his body building toward his own release. Sensing he couldn’t hold on much longer, he moved his hand between them, gently moving over her as he stroked inside. It increased the speed of everything, and she gave herself up to the sensation of pleasure everywhere as a mind-shattering orgasm shook them both.

She treasured the feeling of him shaking inside her as he pumped out his release, and dug her nails in as her own pleasure reverberated inside her in answer to his. She cried out his name and he answered, and they moved together until they were sated and he slumped forward over her body on the couch.

She caught her breath, listening to the pounding of her heart and feeling his heart racing against her. He was still panting with the exertion, and when he lifted his eyes to meet hers, she could tell he was just as shocked, just as satisfied, as she was.

She took a few more deep breaths and waited for her mind to come back to Earth, for reality to settle in. But as she held him and savored the way her body felt after a good loving, she couldn’t bring herself to regret what they’d just shared together.

It didn’t matter what came after. That was wonderful and always would be.

Ryder snuggled into her and murmured something against her neck. It sounded like, “My mate.”

Did she hear that right? That seemed a little odd. But as she stroked his head and felt herself grow sleepy from the orgasms, she decided she must have misheard him.

She’d ask him later. Right now, she needed to sleep and hopefully not have to face the consequences of this for a little while.


yder let
her fall asleep beneath him, pleased she was sated and seemed happy for the moment. But as his pleasure receded, guilt twisted his stomach. He picked Janna up and carried her to the bedroom they’d be sharing together. He hadn’t planned to bring her to his cabin in particular, but he could keep an eye on her better here, in case rival bears got any ideas. He also found himself too jealous at the thought of potentially sharing her company with his brothers or their rowdy friends.

No, for now, Janna was his. And at least for those few moments in his arms, she hadn’t seemed to mind. He’d seen the doubt and fear in her melt away, leaving her a supple, beautiful woman open to loving and being loved.

And it had left him breathless.

The bear in him had gone into full-on seduction mode, and he knew no woman could easily resist. At the same time, he’d carefully watched her, not wanting to rush her, not wanting to scare her.

After having her, he was surer than ever.

This was it, his mate. And when he’d blurted that out, she’d given him a weird look. How to explain?
Look, I’m a bear, and we mate for life, usually instinctively when we find our mate, and I want to make you happy forever. Even though I barely know you.

No. That didn’t sound good. He tucked her in and looked at the clock by the bedside. Maybe he should let her sleep while he called Riley. Perhaps Riley had more experience with these things. Ryder had been with women before, sure, but he’d never had this kind of response. This need to claim. He found himself shaken to the core by his reaction to her.

He stepped out of her room and shut the door behind him. Then he pulled on his clothes and got out his cell phone, staring at it pensively.

Cursing himself for not having anyone better to ask, he dialed Riley’s number.

No answer. After a few rings, Ryder cursed and hung up. Then he dialed Ryan. It was humiliating to ask this of the youngest brother, but since they were so close in age, it shouldn’t be. That’s what he told himself. He put a hand to his forehead. He hadn’t been planning for things to go this fast.

He’d wanted to have a nice dinner. Maybe make out a little. See where things went. And then his bear had come roaring to life, demanding to take his mate, and she’d been so warm and willing and… well.

But he didn’t yet know how she’d react to him being a bear.

Unlike Riley, Ryan picked up promptly.

“Hey.” His voice was rough and serious as usual.

Ryder sighed. “Hey.”

“Ryder? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said quietly, eyeing the bedroom, wondering if Janna could hear him if she woke up. He decided not to take any chances and walked outside the cabin and shut the door behind him. “I may have screwed up.”

“Screwed up how? Did you pick up the chick you were interested in?”

“Sort of,” he said, ashamed at how nervous, how unsure he sounded. He had ownership in some of the biggest companies in the world, yet he was here, floored because of a beautiful, giving woman that had taken him to heaven when she made love to him.

“What happened? Wait, Riley wants to talk to you. Hold on.”

“Bro!” Riley’s voice echoed into the mic, and Ryder shook his head and put the earpiece a little ways from his ear.


“Sorry I missed your call. We’re having an awesome party in the penthouse up here. You should bring your lady and join.”

Ryder gritted his teeth at the thought of her being around that kind of company. “No thanks.”

“So what’s up? You need my advice with some lady issue?”

Ryder hated that Riley was right with his guess. Ryder liked being in control, being the one who knew what was happening. But how did a responsible person deal with what looked like a one-night stand? What if Janna felt disrespected or pressured? What if she hated him and wanted to go home? How could he explain that he hadn’t intended what happened. It had just felt so right. For once, he felt like things had gone very far out of his control. He itched to transform into his bear and run it off, but he knew he couldn’t leave his mate here without him to watch out for her.

When he’d been deep inside her, he knew. She had bear blood.

With the promiscuity of wandering male bear shifters and the fact that they’d been increasingly breeding with human women in an attempt to sow wild oats, there had been more and more shifter children born unable to shift but with at least a little shifter blood inside them.

Perhaps that was a little of what had called to him initially about Janna. And her perky, plump breasts, delicious curves, and sassy red lips hadn’t helped things. No, he was smitten, and his bear had made up his mind. Whether she could shift or not, she was like him. He’d felt her bear call to his, and they’d nearly mated.

Now he’d protect her with his life, billionaire or not. He just had to figure out how to explain it to her.

“You there?” Riley asked. “Dude, what happened? You sound shaken.”

“I… my bear responded to her. She’s mine. She has to be.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Riley said nervously. “You don’t think that stuff about fated mates is just old wives’ tales? I mean, supposedly that’s how it was with our parents, and look how that worked out.”

Ryder frowned. Riley had a point there. What if he changed his mind, turned out like his father? He couldn’t hurt Janna like that. But then again, it was his choice, wasn’t it?

“You know the best thing for the race is to sow wild oats. It’s rare that attempts at reproduction are successful,” Riley said.

Ryder frowned. Maybe he didn’t care about continuing bear kind. Maybe the lack of monogamy had contributed to the low survival rate of young bears and females. Either way, he was doing it his way or not at all. He wouldn’t leave a trail of broken hearts the way his father had.

“Ryder?” Riley asked, perturbed by the silence, as he usually was.

“I think you sow enough wild oats for the rest of us,” Ryder said sardonically. “I don’t know. I’ve never wanted someone like I wanted her. We nearly mated. I was ready to claim her.”

“You’ve known her for like a day. Cool it, bro. Maybe you just need more experience with women.”

“You’ll know it when it happens to you,” Ryder replied, rubbing his chest to ease the tension coiling there. “You know what Dad’s will said. The heart wants what it wants, and he wishes he had listened. I mean, did Dad have any other offspring with other females? We know he slept around, but he was most successful with our mother and us. I think he realized that near the end of his life. So maybe just one…”

“Whatever floats your boat, dude. Personally, I can’t imagine having just one,” Riley grumbled, and Ryder heard Ryan scoffing in disgust in the background.

“Look, I didn’t come just because of the will. I’ve gotten where I am in business because I followed my gut. And my gut led me here. And my gut says she’s the one.”

“Are you sure you aren’t just being lazy? Not wanting to look a little harder?” Riley asked doubtfully.

Ryder growled. “I’m sure. Now help me not screw this up.”

“Fine, fine. What do you mean screw it up?”

“I slept with her,” Ryder said, feeling ashamed even as he said it. He’d never been a man to take advantage or move too quickly. If anything, he’d always been so calculating and slow that sometimes women had given up. And that had been fine, until he met Janna.

It was Scott’s fault, he thought grumpily. He’d have had more time to study the proposition of courting Janna if such a persistent rival hadn’t been right there, eyeing her like he wanted to eat her up.

But now Ryder had Janna’s body, and not her heart, and for all he knew, she’d wake up hating him for disrespecting and seducing her. Though he knew she’d technically been with him every step of the way.

“Yikes,” Riley said after a pause. “That’s fast. What happened?”

“I don’t know. I was just going to kiss her, and then…”

“Then?” Riley sounded altogether too eager, and Ryder bristled.

“None of your business.”

“Gotta know the deets if I’m going to help.”

“We had sex, okay? Geez.”

“Wow, go Ryder. I didn’t know you—”

Ryder groaned and put a hand up over his flushed face. “Can you please shut up and tell me what to do now?”

Riley sighed. “Well, she’ll want to know it’s not some one-time thing and that you don’t think differently of her. She’ll still want to be wined and dined. I’d order dinner in and talk with her.”

“About sex?” Ryder asked.

“No, jackass. About her. Get to know her so when you make your move, she trusts that you really want her for her, you know?”

“You’re good at this,” Ryder murmured. “Too good. Is there a romance going on that I don’t know about?”

There was a pause on Riley’s end. “No, just had a few flings. I’m not ready to settle down.” Then Riley grumbled something under his breath that Ryder couldn’t make out.

“All right. Dinner and talking,” Ryder said.


“And then?”

“And then let her sleep alone, like a gentleman, and restart things in the morning. You have some time with her, right?”

“Right,” he said.

“So yeah, just slow things down again.”

“What if I start to, what if my bear…?”

Riley sighed. “Go for a run if you need to. I can keep an eye on your girl. You know now that you’re paying attention to her as a grizzly, any smaller bears in the area that couldn’t have sensed her before will realize she’s a viable mate.”

“I know,” he says. “But like hell I’m leaving you alone with her.”

“Good man,” Riley said. “I guess you’ll just have to learn to control yourself with her, then.”

“Fine,” Ryder said, voice sharper than he meant it to be. But the reminder that his interest as a grizzly would perk the interest of other shifters in his potential mate made him as grumpy as his type of bear was purported to be. “I’ll call you later. Don’t trash the penthouse.”

“I’ll try,” Riley said. “I’m trying to get our little bro to loosen up. I’ll let you know how that goes.”

Ryder sighed into his hand. “Don’t corrupt him, Riley.”

Riley just laughed. “We’ll see.”

Ryder exhaled in frustration as he hung up the call. He paced in front of the door and then heard something smash from inside the cabin. His heart stopped for a second, and then he charged in the front door, worried something had happened to Janna.

He shut the door and stopped dead when he saw her wrapped in a blanket, flushing deeply, standing in the doorway to the bedroom. Her eyes were angry.


“Why is your stuff in the closet here?” she asked, anger infusing her tone. “And just what were you planning to do with me?”

BOOK: Bearllionaire: (BWWM) Paranormal BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone
11.58Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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