Bear Shapeshifter Romance: Her Bears' Desires (Shapeshifter Werebear Romance)(BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance)(Shapeshifter Menage Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Bear Shapeshifter Romance: Her Bears' Desires (Shapeshifter Werebear Romance)(BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance)(Shapeshifter Menage Romance)
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Their breath grew hot and heavier with each passing moment as they tangled into an embrace and yearned for each other's lips. Jazzy pulled in even tighter to Mack's body, resting fully in his lap, and felt the lifting bulge at his groin.


She barely knew Mack, yet so badly she wanted it. She wanted to feel him inside her, and she wanted to cry out his name to the ceiling of a bedroom. She wanted to be his.


A loud chime sounded from Mack's pocket, and he paused and sighed, reaching to see who called him. Mack's face was lit up from the phone light as he looked at the screen. "It's Victor," he uttered.


"Take it," Jazzy insisted, pulling off his lap.


Mack was against the idea, already reaching for her again. "Jasmine--"


"It's okay," she tried again, pushing his hand back toward his phone. "You and Victor had a fight. You should probably talk to him."


Mack ground his teeth lightly for a moment in thought, and then finally answered on the fifth chime.


Jazzy watched Mack as he spoke to Victor, her heart still thumping heavily in her chest from how close they'd been. She'd had love interests in the past, but none of them had ever been as fixated about her body as Mack was. His animal eyes and hungry behavior had her trembling for more of his touch and affection.


Mack hung up after a minute and stowed his phone back into his pocket. "Victor is back at the cabin. It's rather late to take you back. Perhaps I ought to drop you off at home, and Victor or I can drive down tomorrow with your car and leave it at your place," he suggested.


Jazzy sighed. After this closeness, she didn't want to let go of Mack just yet. She craved him.


"What's wrong?" he asked, surprising her as she realized she'd shook her head at him.


"I just... don't want to be home alone tonight," she breathed.


The man's face softened some as he gazed at her, and then he nodded. "Well then, I'll take you back to the cabin and set up a room for you. Victor and I won't disturb you."


He started up the truck, and Jazzy eyed him up and down. "What if I didn't mind if you did?"

His pause signaled pleasant surprise, and a slow smirk crept across his lips. "Let's head back to Silver Lake, Jasmine."
Chapter 4


The ride back was not as heated as Jazzy had hoped. Mack was quiet, lost in his own thoughts for most of the time. And every time Jazzy shot him a passionate look, he seemed distracted. She wondered some about his and Victor's relationship. Mack had said that they were close friends, but she didn't know Victor that well. And from what she'd witnessed, all she had to go on about Victor's personality was that he seemed ill-tempered for some reason.


"Mack," Jazzy started. "You never actually told me what you and Victor were fighting about."


Mack glanced sideways at her and shrugged one shoulder. "You, actually. There's a specific rule in the werebear community that says we're not allowed to affiliate ourselves too closely to humans. I wanted to make an exception, though, because I like you. Victor thought it was too dangerous, and so he tried to stop me from going to dinner with you tonight."


They were fighting... over me?
Jazzy thought with disbelief. How in the world did she end up in a job where not only were the two men she worked with incredibly good-looking, but they actually fought over her? She knew it was silly, but she was actually flattered by the thought.


Mack rounded the bend that led to Cabin 8 sometime later and pulled into the driveway, parking beside Jazzy's car. Jazzy stepped out and followed Mack to the front door, watching as he unlocked it and opened it. Lamplight filtered into the entryway from the living room. The place smelled of old wood and residual cooking. Someone looked up from the couch. The mop of blond hair and animated eyes belonged to Victor, of course. He watched Mack and Jazzy enter the room before speaking.


"Oh, hello, Ms. Solberg. I didn't know you were stopping in."


"She's staying the night," Mack mentioned.


Victor looked mildly startled, his blond eyebrows rising in bewilderment. "Oh." It was easy to tell that he didn't want to come off as rude by asking why, but it was on his mind. Mack picked up on the feeling.


"Her car is here, and we figured the easiest method would be to just let her stay the night," he answered.


"I hope it isn't much of a bother to you," Jazzy breathed as she rested her purse beside the couch.


Victor stood from his resting spot and shook his head, placing a book down on the coffee table. "Oh no, it's alright. There's a spare room upstairs, so everything should be fine."


Mack stepped into the kitchen and looked over the dishes in the sink. "Really, Vic? You cooked by yourself tonight?"


"It's too late to go fishing," Victor replied with a small grin. Jazzy looked at them both as they exchanged some type of in-joke, and she figured it was a bear thing.


"So how was... your date?" Victor asked quietly. It seemed difficult for him to sound civil about it. Jazzy wondered if all of these bitter feelings radiating from the man were signs that he was concerned about the werebear code, or if Victor was actually just jealous.


"It went well," Mack replied evenly, glancing over at Jazzy as if to see if she felt the same.


Jazzy nodded. "Oh, yes. It was nice." She flushed some under his gaze again. There was such an intent look in Mack's eyes, and she felt like she'd never get used to it.


"Great," Victor replied, though his heart didn't really sound like it was in his tone.


"Victor," Jazzy found herself speaking up. He looked at her curiously. "You know that I don't mind that the two of you are werebears."


Taken aback by the sudden subject change, Victor shot Mack a look that clearly was a call for help.


"I'm serious," Jazzy continued. "It doesn't bother me at all. It was a little scary at first, I will admit, but it doesn't change anything. Mack said the same."


Victor hesitated before drawing in a breath and letting it out in a deep sigh. "Look, it's not like I was worried about what you might think. Mack and I live completely different lives from humans. What you see right now--Mack in the kitchen and me sitting here reading novels--this is all a facade. Our real homes are up near the mountains with our clan. We're only here for now because of the nature shoots that Mack had lined up for potential models. Not only are we out of our element here, but humans see us as terrifying beasts."


Jazzy stepped forward some, her eyes softening as she gazed at Victor. It must have been hard for them. She wasn't sure why Mack had such a love for human life, but Victor probably strained himself to try and keep his best friend out of trouble.


"Well, I don't see you as terrifying beasts," she countered, folding her arms.


Victor's eyes narrowed some, and he glanced over at Mack before speaking. "You don't? Well then..."


"Victor--" Mack started, turning from a coffee pot, but it was too late.


Right before Jazzy's eyes, Victor tensed his body and then grew twice his size, covered in fur and snarling ferociously. Standing on his hind legs, the man had changed himself to a roaring, tawny bear. Jazzy flinched at the deafening sound, and Mack started into the living room.


"Victor, change back now!" he shouted.


"Wait, Mack. It's okay," said Jazzy, holding out her hand to stop him. She waited for Victor to calm down some, landing on all fours, before stepping forward tentatively.


"Jasmine! He could hurt you!" Mack warned, but Jazzy was already two feet from Victor.


She offered her hand to him, and Victor nuzzled her fingers. "See, I knew you wouldn't have it in your heart to hurt me," she whispered. Victor grunted some as she touched his head gently.


Mack stepped closer to her, still looking paranoid that his friend would try something, but Victor remained calm, seeming to enjoy Jazzy's touch.


"I'm not afraid," said Jazzy with a small smile. "So please, Victor. Stop feeling like you have to scare me away."


Victor lost his form and reduced in size, coming back to his human shape. He picked up a few scraps of his clothing to cover his manhood with.


"I'm sorry," he uttered. "I just thought maybe..."


Jazzy grinned some and turned her back to him. "Maybe I'm not brainless, huh?"


Victor headed for the stairs without another word.


A hand was on Jazzy's shoulder, and she turned back to look up into Mack's eyes. He grinned. "I like that you're stubborn. Don't worry. Victor will come around eventually. He's not as familiar with humans as I am."


Jazzy shrugged one shoulder and smiled back at him. "I'm not worried." She took one step closer, nearly touching bodies with him, and then pressed her cheek against his chest. As he wrapped his arms around her, she felt so safe. It was hard to believe that Mack was still practically a stranger to her. She didn't know a thing about his background or childhood besides the bear traits. Not only that, but Mack didn't know a thing about Jazzy. Yet despite all that, she still felt like they could have known each other for years.


Mack lifted her chin and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss. She kissed him back readily, and then let him trail his own lips down her throat. After a moment, Mack lifted his head and tugged on her arm, leading her toward the stairs.


"Let me show you to your room."


Jazzy followed willingly, listening to the floorboards creak under their feet. He guided her up to a narrow hallway to the last room on the end and pushed open the door. A full-size bed rested near the back of the room with a vanity off to the right. Mack walked in first to turn on a lamp resting on a bedside table. Not much else made up the spare room besides an old paisley rug. The walls and ceiling were mottled wooden panels.


As Jazzy removed her shoes and set them by the wall, Mack came back and closed the door. Before she could question, he pressed his hands to her hips and pulled her close to his abdomen. She sucked in a surprised breath at the feeling of his hard body against her own.




Almost like an animal, Mack growled in her ear and hooked his fingers under her shirt to pull it up over her head. He tossed it to the floor and brought those eager hands back to her body, gliding them up her sides to her breasts, where he dug underneath her bra.


"Mack!" Jazzy wasn't alarmed by his actions, but she hadn't expected him to be so keen for intimacy.


His hands moved her bra up and over her breasts, exposing them to the cabin's stale air. His cool fingers had hardened her nipples, and he was quick to close his hands over them and feel them with a type of primal hunger.


"Should we be doing this now?" Jazzy asked breathlessly. "With Victor still awake?"


"Hush," he said smoothly, brushing his lips against her ear. "I've held myself back for over an hour now, and now am going to pick up where we left off back at the restaurant."


His voice sent chills down her spine and gave her goosebumps. She craved his touch just as much as he craved giving it to her, so she decided there was no shame in indulging in the feeling.


Macks fingers traced across her nipples a number of times before he removed her bra entirely and dropped it to the floor next to her shirt. With a gentle nudge, he pushed her toward the bed and removed his own shirt. Jazzy sat down on the edge of the mattress as Mack stepped in front of her, and she gazed up at his perfectly sculpted body. She pressed her hand to his abs, feeling their hardness and thinking of how powerful he really was.


"Let's let him out for some air, shall we?" Jazzy said as she unzipped his jeans, placing a little pressure on his bulge for emphasis.


Mack groaned some with a smirk. "So soon? I was thinking we could play around a little until we're throbbing for each other.


Jazzy smiled some and leaned back a little, exposing her breasts to him. "I didn't take you as a masochist, Mack."


He growled as he knelt over her, leaning downward to press a kiss against her bare skin. "Maybe I'm just the type that likes to play with my food."


His words caused her to shiver yet again. He took her wrists and pinned them above her head, holding her down against the sheets as his other hand felt down her body and loosened up her own jeans. She allowed him to pull her bottoms off, leaving her in nothing but her lace-trim panties. Jazzy watched him with heated anticipation.


"What are you going to do to me, Mack?"


He chuckled as he kicked her pants out of the way and lifted one of her thighs, pressing his teeth down and nipping softly across her skin. "Why tell you and spoil the fun?" His lips stopped at her panties, where he took the fabric between his teeth and tugged them down her legs, finally gripping onto them with one hand and pulling them all the way off. Jazzy lay completely exposed to Mack's hungry eyes, and she watched him drink in the view. Her breath grew heavier with each passing second.


Mack's fingers pressed against her soft mound, and she took in a sharp breath. "Do you want it, Jasmine?" he asked, flicking his eyes upward to meet hers.


She nodded a little, and she felt him slip one finger between the folds of her womanhood, caressing against the sensitive, moist inside. The sensation caused her center to throb, just as Mack had predicted. She wanted to know what his shaft felt like inside her. Her body screamed for it.

BOOK: Bear Shapeshifter Romance: Her Bears' Desires (Shapeshifter Werebear Romance)(BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance)(Shapeshifter Menage Romance)
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