Read Bear Exposure (Highland Brothers 3) Online

Authors: Meredith Clarke,Ally Summers

Tags: #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Bear Shifter, #Mate, #Short Story, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Highland Brothers, #Magazine Shoot, #Lost Creativity, #Bartender, #Sanctuary, #Seattle, #Car Crash, #Highland Territory, #Past Issues

Bear Exposure (Highland Brothers 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Bear Exposure (Highland Brothers 3)
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triker parked
off the gravel road and pulled branches across his car to conceal it. He didn’t know if any other wolves would use this road. He stripped the clothes from his body and threw them in the front seat.

He felt the energy surge through him as his bear took over. The power and strength of his animal fierce and ready to attack anyone who got in his way. He ambled through the woods, aiming his nose in the direction of the wolves’ scent.

There was a small cabin. He circled the building. There were only two windows. He didn’t have a choice. He had to climb next to the closet one and look inside. If Presley wasn’t here he didn’t know where else to start looking.

He raised his eyes to the ledge.

He glared and he felt his bear barreling out of control. She was in the center of the room. Five men formed a circle around her. The light floated through the sheer dress they had put her in. She was practically naked. He saw the look in her eyes. The terror brimming from her lids.

One of the men placed his hands on her shoulder and she clawed at his hand with her nails, throwing his palm off her shoulder.

She spun to glare at him, spitting in his face.

Striker heard the wolves begin to growl. Presley had just insulted the alpha. This wasn’t good. They could rip her to shreds on the spot.

The alpha, twisted her wrist until she sank to the floor on her hands and knees, tears streaming down her face. The pack began to howl.

The man placed a hand on his buckle and stripped it from the belt loops as his pants fell to the floor.

Striker didn’t think. He didn’t plan a rescue strategy. His bear attacked with full force, kicking in the front door and ripping and clawing at the men surrounding his mate.

At first, they tried to grab things and hit him on the head or back, but one by one they shifted into their true forms. He faced the five wolves. Their fur bristled.

Striker reared on his back legs, roaring from his deep chest. The wolves barred their teeth and growled. It didn’t matter if he was outnumbered. He wasn’t leaving until every one of them was dead.

Presley ran into a side room, slamming the door behind her. Striker glared at the wolf closest to him. He was the one who had sent Presley to her knees. He would be the first to die.


resley huddled
on the other side of the door. Other than the bed, the room was empty. There was nothing to shield herself from the animal attack on the other side of the door.

She had been kneeling in the center of the pack’s circle, facing the men who were about to rape her when the door crashed open and a bear stormed in, teeth gnashing, claws slicing.

It had stunned the pack long enough for her to run into the only other room in the house. But now she was trapped. There were no windows. No way out but the front door. And that was blocked by an enormous bear.

Even if she did barricade the door using the bed, she had no way out. Shit.

The howls and growls slowly started to fade. She was afraid to open the door. Afraid it was a trap to lure her out. But she couldn’t stay in the room forever. This may be her only chance to escape.

Her hand shook as she reached for the handle, but just as she was about to crack the door, it pushed open.

She looked up. She couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t possible. No.

Striker stood in front of her. His body covered in blood. His chest heaving. His eyes darting with fear.

“What are you doing here? How?” she whispered. She took a step back, as he reached for her.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

She shook her head. What was going on?


er eyes were wide
with fear. She was still wearing that damn see-through gown. He wanted to wrap her in a blanket and carry her out of here, but she was in shock. He could see it.

“Presley, are you all right? Did they touch you?” He led her to the bed, forcing her to sit.

She shook her head again. “How are you here?”

“Shh. You’re ok. Just tell me if they touched you.”

He thought he had made it in time, but there was no question what was going on in that circle. The pack had prepared a mating ceremony. They wanted her. Killing all of them didn’t quell the anger he felt. If they had laid a hand on her he didn’t know if he could take it.

She pulled her knees to her chest. “How did you find me?”

Striker couldn’t lie to her. It was part of being a mate. Only the truth could exist between them.

“Let me take you back to Highland House. We can talk there.”

She started to stand from the bed. “Are they gone?”

He nodded. “But don’t look. I don’t want you to see what’s out there.” He grabbed a blanket from the bed and draped it over her shoulders before scooping her in his arms.

He didn’t want her to see the carnage on the other side of the door. Although, he would do it again if he had to. He’d do anything to protect his mate. Even kill. Tonight he proved she was worth his soul.

He held her close to his chest as he stepped over the wolves’ bodies. All five were scattered. Limbs torn. Fur ripped. Dead. Every last one was dead.

He wouldn’t think about the men he killed. They were rapists and murderers in his eyes.

Striker walked into the woods, cradling Presley to his body.

e knew
they were both in shock after what had happened. They didn’t speak when they returned to Highland House. He pulled into the garage, closing the door behind them. He felt like he needed to turn the house into a fortress. A place where he could barricade Presley from the horrors of the world.

He lifted her from the passenger seat and carried her upstairs. He turned the hot water on in the Jacuzzi tub next to the shower.

She raised her arms as he pulled the ritual gown off her body. He wanted to burn the damn thing. She climbed into the tub.

“I’m going to rinse off.” He pointed to the shower.

He emerged clean. The blood washed down the drain. He had scrubbed until his skin was raw and fresh. Presley was still soaking in the tub. He didn’t know what she had gone through, but he needed her to tell him. He wanted to help.

She still hadn’t spoken.

“Pres? Want me to help you?”

She nodded and he wrapped a towel around her as he led her to his room. She pulled back the covers and slid into the bed. Striker knew she needed sleep. Too much had happened tonight to tell her now.

He would let her sleep. Tomorrow he would tell her about his bear.


he heard
birds outside the window. Presley sat forward. The covers were flat next to her. She didn’t know if Striker had slept next to her last night or not. She only knew she was in a trance state when they returned from the wolves’ cabin. He had helped her in the tub and then she fell asleep.

She didn’t think sleep was possible, but it was almost instantaneous when her head hit the pillow.

She got dressed and walked downstairs. The smell of bacon was strong.

“Good morning.” Striker smiled at her from the stove. “Are you hungry?”

She nodded. “Starving.”

It felt weird to want food, but she was almost shaky from hunger.

Striker slid a plate across the counter. “I made bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Now that we have food I can get you anything you want.”

She bit the strip of bacon in half. “Mmm…food is good. Very good.”

He sat next to her at the bar, his breakfast in front of him. “Did you sleep?”

She nodded. “I didn’t think I could, but I did. It was the deepest sleep I’ve had in a week.”

“You needed it.” He took a sip of coffee.

She didn’t know how to start this conversation. She had questions. Crazy questions. Like how did Striker know where she was last night? Why did he walk in naked and covered in blood? How did he know about the wolves? Where did the bear go?

She looked down at her plate. It was empty. She knew she could eat another serving of everything. She stood to add another piece of bacon.

“No, no. I’ll get it.” Striker jumped up.

“I can get it. I’m fine. Really.” She didn’t want him walking on eggshells around her. Waiting on her. Acting like there was something wrong.

“I insist.” He stared at her hard and she sat back on the barstool.

“All right.”

She watched as his muscles rippled under his T-shirt. He moved in the kitchen, adding fruit and bacon to her plate.

The air was growing thick with everything they weren’t saying. The elephant in the room was a pack of dead wolves. It was driving her crazy.

“Striker, we have to talk about last night,” she blurted it out.

His forehead creased. His eyes softened. “Yes, we do.”

“I-I should have told you about the pack.” She dropped her eyes to the floor.

“What are you talking about?”

“When my car crashed the other day it was because I was running from them. I found out that these were shifters wanted me. I completely freaked out and took off. That’s when you found me.”

She lifted her eyes to his.

“You knew that pack?”

She shook her head. “No. I mean one of the guys. I had been on one date with him. That’s all and then he told me I would make an excellent mate and he told me what he was. I ran. I couldn’t stay. I was terrified.”

Striker’s hand was warm on her shoulder.

“But he didn’t hurt you?”

“No. He scared the shit out of me. But nothing happened. Although, it was about to.” She closed her eyes. She hated thinking how close she had been to becoming a wolf shifter. “A bear saved me.”

Striker swallowed hard. “Yes. That’s true.”

She felt the lump in her throat. She looked in his eyes. “Did you see the bear?”

He shook his head.

“How is that possible, Striker? You were there with the wolves. How did you miss the bear? He was there when I ran from the room.”


“Tell me. Why didn’t you see the bear?”

She almost fell off her stool when he answered.

“Because I am the bear.”


e gripped
her shoulders to keep her from falling out of her seat. “Presley?”

He searched her eyes.

“You?” She staggered from the bar and walked into the living room. “No, no, no. Not you too.”

He followed her. “I was going to tell you.”

“That you’re a fucking bear?” she yelled.

“I didn’t think it would matter to you after the other night.”

“Not matter?” She braced her palms on the back of the couch. “I was running from a pack of wolf shifters and hid out with a bear shifter instead?”

“You didn’t exactly tell me about the pack. I didn’t know.”

She threw her hands in the air. “I didn’t think you’d believe me.”

“Kind of ironic.” He hid his smile. She was clearly not in the mood to joke.

“Oh, God.” She paced the room. “This is insane. So insane.”

“Pres, calm down. I don’t want you getting worked up.”

She spun and glared at him. If he didn’t know better, he would think she had a little she-bear in her.

“I slept with a bear.” Her voice squeaked. “I had a one-night stand with a bear.”

He crossed the room to her. He couldn’t let her keep talking like this. “Look, it doesn’t matter how you got here. You’re here now. You’re safe. I found you.” He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her, but the look in her eyes told him to stay back.

“I have to get out of here.” Her eyes flashed to the front door.

“No. Don’t do that. You don’t have a car, remember?”

“I’ll hitchhike. I’ll backpack through the woods. I don’t care. I’m not staying here with you.”

She climbed the stairs.

Striker hadn’t planned on his mate freaking out. He thought she’d be excited they were bonded for life.

He walked into the guestroom where her suitcases were. “I’m not going to hurt you, Pres. I would never hurt you.”

He sat on the bed and watched her throw clothes on top of the bag.

“You’re a bear. A bear.” She zipped up the side. “I can’t handle that.”

He reached for her wrist, realizing too late it wasn’t a good idea. “You can’t go.”

Her head whipped around. “Why not? Are you going to lock me up like the wolves did? Am I your prisoner?”

He dropped her wrist. The pain sank into his chest. “No. I’d never do that.”

“Oh, God. Am I a bear?”

“No, no, no.” His hands flew to his forehead.

“Good. I don’t want to be anything but human.”

“And I don’t want you to be anything but human either. You’re perfect the way you are, Pres.”

She groaned and wheeled her suitcases out of the room.

He didn’t know what to do. How to draw her back to him. How to stop her. How to convince her there was no other life, but the one they had sealed the other night. They were bonded. He had claimed her. She just didn’t know it. He had fucked up the whole thing.

He chased her down the stairs. “Wait.”

She turned. “What is it?”

“Tell me the reason you are so scared.”

“You can’t be serious. I’m not like you. I’m not used to shifters and magic and whatever crazy ritual shit you live with.”

“But what if you did? What if I explained all of it? What if I told you everything? What if I answered all your questions? Proved to you that you don’t have to be scared of me?” He paused. “Would you stay?”

She looked at him. He could tell she was considering it.

“You have one hour.” She held up a finger. “But after that, you are using your fancy Highland connections and getting me out of here. I’ll take a helicopter or limo. Something fast.”

He grinned. “Ok. That sounds fair.” He took the suitcases from her and placed them by the stairs.

“You can leave them by the door,” she stated.

“After one hour with me, you’re going to want me take them back upstairs.”

BOOK: Bear Exposure (Highland Brothers 3)
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