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Authors: L M Preston

Bandits (10 page)

BOOK: Bandits
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Jade abruptly came to a stop and motioned for the others follow. She took a deep breath, held her nose and went under.

Faulk surged forward to catch her, and Daniel pulled him back to steady him. “What the?... Where did she?” Faulk looked around frantically in search of Jade as the mud covered the surface of her departure.

Nickel stood in front of Faulk, splashing away water as if he could see beneath its depths and find her.

Daniel released Faulk’s shirt. “I guess her father’s hidden a lock under the water, or else she wouldn’t have gone under deli

Faulk stared at where Jade had sunk, “I don’t know, man. After seeing that creature, I’m not taking anything for granted on this planet.”

Nickel pointed at the dip in the sandy water that a
peared. “I feel her hand! She’s pulling at my leg. Look. There something’s sinking the sand.” He pointed to a spot where it looked like the water was draining.

Jade stood up out of the water and she pushed her hair out of her face before wiping her eyes. “We’re here. Once the rock wall emerges we can walk down into the trove.”

Daniel watched the wall rise out of the water. Its barriers extended from the path in which they came. It was about twelve inches thick and carved from sponge like sea rocks. He reached out both his arms and touched the alcove it had created around them. It continued to move upward out of the water. The rocks below them fit snugly into the elevated floor. Water from an unknown source sprayed from the walls and soaked them and the rocky pathway clean of excess sand.

Faulk grinned. “Oh, yeah. This is nice.” He wiped his hands through his hair to get the sand out as water poured over his face.

Daniel pushed Faulk forward. “Most troves are pretty protected, but Jade’s father’s one of the best.”  

Faulk snapped out of his temporary daze and followed Jade and Nickel to the stairway ahead. The stairs descended several feet, and the rocky stairwell was lit with round lights. A ceiling closed over the top of the stairway above them as they descended. The stairs started to drop and jerk as it locked in place. Holding on to the railings on either side, they waited until the stairwell stopped
. They heard the
as a rock covered stru
ture locked in front of the

“C’mon, hurry up! Stand on the platform in front of the door,” Jade said. They followed her and stood on the smooth rock platform in front of a large tan door. The stairway pulled away from the platform and a clear domed covering extended from the door and locked at the base of the platform. The stai
well pulled away from them and sank beneath the murky waters.

Faulk’s eyes bulged as the wave of sandy water crashed violently against the clear covering.

When the stairwell disappeared, Jade put her hand on the knob of the door to the trove.

Chapter 12

Jade’s hand was steady on the door handle. “The locks have been reset, and no one can follow us here.”

Daniel looked up at the rock-covered ceiling above and ba
anced himself when the trove’s moving entrance came to a crea
ing stop.

Jade tapped her foot while counting the clicks. “The trick is you have to open the door while the stairs are still moving. The knob is actually a combination lock and has to be turned in a specific direction a number of times.” She turned the knob from right to left with her ear against the door. “If I mess this up, the last trap will activate, and the walls will move inward and crush us. That little mean trick was added by my dad a few years ago.” With a twist of her wrist, the heavy rock door in front of her slowly opened.

“Talented… definitely talented. This place looks like a home,” Faulk said grinning.

Daniel elbowed him. “Yep, Bry has a talent for dreaming up ways to keep people out of his trove.” He wondered if Faulk’s grin was a show of relief. Taking in the serene rock-covered walls and the large, comfortable, multi-colored pillows and couches Daniel realized how tired he was. He was thankful he’d been napping when Faulk showed up; otherwise, he wouldn’t have gotten any sleep.

“We’re safe for now,” Daniel said and then stretched.

“Where’s the treasure? The booty? The gold?” Faulk asked with a laugh.

Jade laughed with him. “It’s hidden deep within the trove.”

Faulk looked around the great room of the trove. His gaze followed the curved rock walls with various paintings of the
. “Where do we sleep? Are there bedrooms back there?” Faulk asked Jade pointedly and then turned to wink at Daniel.

Daniel glowered at Faulk. He didn’t have patience to keep his cousin in line. There was no way in hell he was going allow Faulk to pursue Jade. Gabe and he were like brothers. They’d taken care of, tormented, teased, and spoiled Jade since she was a baby. He wasn’t going to risk his friendship with Gabe – not even for Faulk, his own cousin.

“You’re sleeping here with me, Faulk. Grab your gear, wipe that dumb smile off your face, and stop winking at Jade,” Daniel said with a brusque edge to his voice.

Jade winked at Faulk, then turned a smile on Daniel and said, “Sounds like you’re jealous, hmm? He can wink at me all he wants. He’s the first boy to have the guts to try.” She jutted out her chin and smirked.

Daniel glared at Jade. He folded his arms over his chest and directed his angry gaze onto Faulk. “He’s only trying because I haven’t beaten him up yet like the others. Examples have been made, and the rest of the scum that were interested in hawking you have started prowling elsewhere. Consider you
self lucky, Jade. Your brothers did you a favor, because none of those idiots were worth your time.”

Faulk’s grin fell, and his eyebrows knitted together in a frown. He dropped his pack and faced off with Daniel. “I can sleep where I damn well please. You’re not going to keep ordering me around like I’m your freakin’ lackey. If she wants my company, it’s her choice.”

Daniel’s arms bent in front of him, and his hands balled into fist. “Screw it. You’ve been warned.” He punched Faulk in the jaw.

Faulk’s face snapped back. He shook it off with a growl and charged Daniel, hurling him to the ground in a tackle.

Daniel’s muscle’s tensed, and his lips thinned as his head hit the carpeted floor. Faulk took the sliver of opportunity to pin Daniel down. Daniel punched Faulk in the chest over and over again.

Faulk bore the blows and pushed his weight down onto Daniel.

“You...I’m a..,” Faulk took his hands and forced Daniel’s neck to the side, then lifted his fist to knock Daniel out.

Daniel grunted and jerked his torso upward to unseat Faulk. “Faulk, you’ll...,” Daniel punched up at Faulk’s chin and knocked him back.

“Stop it, you
! Just stop it,” Jade screamed loudly, trying to slow them down with the arsenal of pillows she was thro
ing at them.

Nickel, on the other hand, was cheering them on from behind while punching in the air. “Get ‘im! No, in the head!”

As Faulk fell back from yet another blow, Daniel punched him in the chest. Daniel scrambled to stand. He threw his leg over Faulk’s back and grabbed Faulk by the neck in a chokehold.

Daniel didn’t heed Jade’s cries, he was angry, and taking it out on Faulk seemed the right thing to do. “You’ll do what the hell I tell you. Back off of her!” Daniel yelled at Faulk, breathing hea

Faulk choked out, “Fine …fine!”  His arms relaxed on the floor.

Daniel let go and stepped over Faulk’s bent back. Faulk stood up and rubbed his neck.

Jade screamed and released a pillow that hit Daniel in the chest. “You dummies feel better now?”

Nickel laughed as he grabbed the pillow from the ground that fell from Daniel’s chest. He took the pillow and then propped his head up with his fisted hand. “They look better.”  

Daniel and Faulk stood staring at each other, their chests heaving from the exertion. Faulk reached over and grabbed a pillow as a smile creased his lips. Daniel looked at him and smiled back. Faulk tossed the pillow to Daniel, who caught it, and they both burst out in laughter.

Daniel extended his hand to his cousin. “Sorry, cuz. I guess I needed to let off some steam.”

Faulk slapped hands with Daniel. “Yeah, well I can be an ass sometimes. And…so can you. Sorry.”

ed her eyes. “If you two dunk heads are done, I’m going to my room. Daniel, I’ll be up in a few hours to find out why we’re in this mess. My patience has ended with you two goofs. I’m taking a nap like I planned – alone!” With that, she threw up her hands in disgust and left the room.

Faulk scratched his head. “No grudges, cuz?”

“No, we’re cool.”

Faulk reached in his bag for a small towel and wiped his face. “I’m taking the couch right here. I don’t have the strength to walk another step.”  He yanked off his shirt and he dried off. With a yawn, he changed his clothes before he plopped back on the couch. The couch automatically molded to his body and extended into a bed, and within minutes, he was snoring.

Daniel looked around and found Nickel fast asleep on the floor, still in his damp clothes. He picked up the blanket that hung on the chair and tucked it around his brother.

He sighed. The feeling of dread tightened his chest at the vision of his father’s dead body. He hated to admit it, but even though he had disliked his old man, he missed him now. Hell, if he was completely honest, guilt nipped at him. He should’ve done more. If he’d retrieved the lost load his father refused to snatch, maybe they’d still have a father. Burning tears threa
ened to slip from his eyes, and he lifted his fingers to stop the flow.

Fatigue hit him at once. Daniel let out a deep breath. He co
lapsed back onto the plush cushions and fell into a deep sleep.


Daniel woke up to a gentle slap on his face. Mumbling, he turned to burrow deeper into the cushions of the couch. A harder slap landed on the back of his head. “Ugh. What the f…”


“Jade? Leave… me… alone,” Daniel grumbled before grabbing the hand that smacked his face again lightly. His stubborn eyes wanted to remain shut. Slowly, he attempted to open them and then gave up as a snore escaped his mouth. He dropped her hand.

Jade didn’t let up but started plucking his earlobe. Daniel grunted and turned his head away from her. He felt a heavy weight upon him. She’d planted her knee on his side, and a
tempted to forcibly turn his head to the side. He was too tired to play this game with her now. This was her usual method of wa
ing him and Gabe up. They would typically pretend to be asleep while snickering at her attempts to wake them.

He felt soft breathing on his ear. It sent an uncomfortable tingle down his spine and tickle in his belly.

“Get up!” she yelled in his ear.

He jerked, and pushed her off of him, causing her to land on the floor with a dull
. Grunting, he sat up, and brushed his hands through his shoulder-length hair. “Jade,” he growled while rubbing his eyes.

Grabbing his ankle, she tried to pull him off the couch. She didn’t have the strength to do it, and he wouldn’t budge now that he was fully awake, so she hit her fist down on the carpeted floor in frustration. “We need to talk.”  

“Sure…right after I take my shower,” Daniel said before he slid off the couch to stand. He opened his eyes to look down at her. The scent of fruit tickled his nose and he realized Jade had already showered.

She quickly stood up in front of him. He looked down at her, and she glared up at him with her golden-brown eyes. “Not before we talk,” she said in a loud whisper and placed her hands on her hips.

“Before I say another word to you, I’m taking my shower,” he repeated in a grumpy scowl and then gently pushed past her



Chapter 13

Daniel emerged from the shower and started to get dressed. Impressed with the large bathroom, he sat on the plump chair next to the deep soaking tub. He was refreshed, but pensive about how to handle telling Jade about his father. He decided that for now, he would evade the truth. She could be really difficult when she was sad or determined to fight for a cause. Instead of simpering like most normal females, Jade got angry and threw things - mainly, she threw darts. He’d have to make sure that she wasn’t around her darts when he finally broke the horrible news to her.

He stood, snatched up his towel, and rubbed it over his head. Stretching as he came to the closed door, he hung the towel around his neck. Water from his hair dripped on his forehead. Reaching out to turn the knob, he grabbed the edge of the towel to wipe down his face. He collided into Jade, who was standing in front of the door with her hands on her hips. She fell backwards, and scrambled to break her fall with her hand. Daniel grabbed her hand before she fell to the floor. He reached down and pulled her up by the waist while dropping her hand. His leg twitched with awareness when her leg came in contact with his. As she righted herself with her hand on his shoulder, he quickly removed his arm from around her waist.

Feeling uncomfortable at his body’s reaction to hers, he swallowed and watched her response. He measured the fact that for once she was speechless, and a blush crossed her cheeks. She stepped back and quickly looked down before clearing her throat.

Daniel frowned sternly at her. “Give me some room, okay?  I don’t need you guarding the bathroom door. I told you I’d tell you what happened. You know me enough to unde
stand that you can’t make me do anything I don’t want to.”

“Whatever.” She flipped her hand up. “I’m done letting you boss me around. I deserve answers, and I want them now,” she said in a loud whisper.

He noticed Jade had recovered quickly from their aw
ward moment. “I’m going to grab a sandwich and I’ll meet you in your father’s office,” Daniel said with a puckered brow.

“Fine.” Jade walked around him in the direction of her father’s office.

Daniel stood there for a moment and closed his eyes briefly. Letting out a deep breath, he walked over to his bag, and pulled his father’s journal. Holding it in his hands, he touched its old-fashioned leather bindings and worn cover. He opened it up and ran a finger over the page briefly. His father’s ancient style of writing in the language of Earth looped across the page. Daniel’s father had insisted they be taught in the written and spoken language of Earth. He closed the old book and tucked it safely in his back pocket. He took a quick look around the room at the others who were asleep, and then he headed to the kitchen before he went to deal with Jade.

He came up to the door of the office and noticed that Jade had her back to him. She was studying the planetary map of the Carquin Galaxy. Merwin resided in Carquin, which was a small galaxy, compared to Earth’s.
She’s determined to stay with us. Neg
tive, not gonna happen

She turned to grab another book, and he assessed her for the first time – not as the pesky little sister of his best friend, but as a young woman. Daniel had to admit that Faulk was correct about Jade. She was beautiful. Full wine colored lips accented her ruddy cinnamon skin and wild jet-black curls fell to the middle of her back. She looked totally different from Gabe, who had fair skin, dreads, and blue eyes like their father.
Yep, Faulk you’re in big trouble. I hope she’s worth the beating you’ll be getting from her brothers.
He cleared his throat to avoid laughing out loud at the thought.

Jade jumped, not realizing he was there. She recovered quickly and blurted out in typical bossy Jade fashion, “Okay, spill it. Why are you on the run -and with Nickel at that?” She pouted her lips and pointed her finger, demanding an explan

Daniel walked toward her and shrugged. “Where to start?  Let’s just say I’m into a bit of trouble.” He stopped in front of her and crossed his arms over his chest.

She poked him in the chest with her finger. “Start at the beginning and stop stalling. You always cross your arms when you’re stalling.”

His chest muscles twitched with a new awareness, and a brief memory of their earlier collision flashed in his mind. Clearing his throat, he stepped back. He didn’t like the dire
tions of his thoughts. She was off limits, like a sister to him, and his best friend’s family.
That’s a line you can’t cross, my friend,
he chided himself.

He moved his arms to his hips. “Well… I have someone chasing me, trying to get something my family has, but I don’t know what it is. I think I’ll find the answer in my father’s trove.”

She lifted eyebrow, suspicious of his vague answer. “Does Poppy know you’re in trouble?  I’m shocked he let you bring Nickel into this. Lately, he never seems to let Nickel out of his sight. How is it that Nickel’s with you now?”

Daniel shrugged casually. “I haven’t seen him since b
fore we left. He probably expected me to be with Gabe or Deana since my next job isn’t for a few weeks.”

She looked down with a shake of her head. “Gabe is g
ing to be ticked, and so is my father when they find out what I’ve done. Don’t forget that you owe me. There’s no way you’re lea
ing me here.” She eyed him warily, her index finger teasing her full lower lip. “Besides, you’re holding something back.”

He stared at her finger for a second, and mentally chided himself to stay in control. “These kid games you’re playing won’t work on me, Jade. They never had, and they won’t now,” he said calmly, deepening his voice with each word to make the point that he wasn’t about to change his mind.

“Just because you date older girls doesn’t mean you’re
. You’re barely a year and a half older than me. I’m tired of you acting like I can’t help you. I’m your friend
– you can trust me.”  She pointed her finger at her chest. “It’s bad enough all the girls laugh at me and call me
just because I haven’t done a snatch job or even kissed a boy. You can’t ditch me, Daniel! This means everything to me – to show you I can help.”  Her hands went to her hip and she tilted her chin up toward him.

Daniel realized then just how much going with him meant to her. However, he knew he could no longer risk her life. He would never forgive himself, and neither would Gabe forgive him. “This isn’t a snatch job. It’s my life. I already have to deal with Faulk’s inexperience, and it’s just too dangerous for me to take you with me. Your brother is like my blood. Don’t expect me to betray him more than I have already. I can only hope he’ll forgive me.” 

Jade raised an eyebrow and replied with a giggle, “Oh, he’ll forgive you. That is, after he beats you to a pulp.” 

Daniel knew that look well. He noticed immediately what the smirk and the twinkle in her eye meant – that he was in for a world of trouble. “Jade, I’m warning you, no games. You can’t manipulate your way into going with me. I said no.”

She took a step closer to him, so close that her boot touched his bare foot. “You know what today is?” she asked sweetly and looked at him with a mischievous smile on her full lips.

Uh-oh… - I know that look too.
“No, I don’t,” he replied cautiously. He refused to back down or to walk away from her slight play at dominating their conversation.

She leaned in and looked up at him sweetly, “It’s my birthday. I’m now sixteen.”

He dragged a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Jade. With all that’s been going on, I just…, I forgot.”   

Her smile curled up higher, and before he could react, she grabbed his shirt. Pulling him down toward her, she pursed her lips as they collided with his.

Shocked, he didn’t move, and her soft full lips pressed harder against his.
What the f… hell? 
Daniel recovered and lifted his hands up to grab her by the arms. He pushed her away from him, and she stumbled. Swiftly, he reached out a hand to grab her arm and steady her. “What the hell was that for? Have you lost your mind?”  Daniel jerked his hands from her arm like he’d been burned.

“No, I haven’t lost my mind. I refuse to be sixteen and not have kissed a boy. You were here, so … well, you’re a boy, right? So why not?” she shrugged and folded her arms in front of her.

Daniel observed her and realized she was shaking slightly. “You know you’re off limits to me in that way, Jade.” He put his hands on his hips. “I don’t do young girls, especially not a girl that is like a sister to me. Why do you keep trying to force me to cross lines?”  He glared at her sternly, so she knew not to try her prev
ous trick again.

Jade waved her hand in frustration. “I’m not
! I wanted to be like other girls. You only like older girls because you’re lazy and want them to do all the work.” She pushed a wayward curl off her cheek and put her hand on her hip. “You know what they say about you guys?  Deana and her cousin say they’re teaching you boys. You’re inexperienced and pressed to be with them. They call you ‘fresh meat’, and say that you can’t get enough of them.”

Daniel shook his head. “Trust me, Deana has taught me nothing new. She’s just talking smack to you and her cousin so she looks like she’s calling the shots. Ask her who chases after who and that’ll give you the answer.” He wiped his hand down his face. “Anyway, that’s not relevant in this conversation.” He threw his hands up in the air, frustrated. “I – can’t – do – this with you! I don’t feel that way about you, and never will.”  He turned abrup
ly to walk away from her.

He got to the door and glanced back at her over his shoulder. His heart caught in his chest while he spied Jade, who stood there with her eyes closed. Her fingers were pressed against her eyelids in an attempt to stop her tears. She was trembling slightly as whimper caught in her throat
Aww hell! It’s just one kiss, for her birthday. I can give her that.
Swallowing away his apprehe
sions, he turned around quietly and walked toward her.

She didn’t move, didn’t notice that he hadn’t left. Stan
ing directly in front of her, he took her hands from her eyes. He held them firmly to stop her from covering her face again. Slowly, she opened her eyes and frowned. Her long dark lashes held the moisture of her tears.

“I’m sorry, Jade. You just, just… caught me by surprise.” He lowered his voice to a smooth, calming whisper. “I’ll give you this one kiss –as a birthday present. This has to be the only one... and it’s our secret, just between us,” he said and released her hands.

She leaned back against the wall. Looking up at him, she gulped slowly. She licked her lips and replied in a hoarse whisper, “Do it,” and closed her eyes.

“Just don’t touch me okay? I want you to feel just… the kiss. You touch me, and I stop.”  He swallowed. Putting both of his hands on the wall to secure himself, he fought against the desire to pull her to him.

His eyes traveled down her face as he drank in her bea
ty. He moistened his lips and reached out to stroke her cheek. His lightly tanned thumb caressed her cheek, a contrast to her exotic skin. He placed his hand back on the wall, closed his eyes, and leaned in to kiss her. The second his lips touched hers, he felt it - a burning in the pit of his stomach that snaked up his chest and clinched his heart.
I’m in trouble.

She sighed, and Daniel slanted his eyes to watch her through his darkened lashes. Her fist balled as she fought against every natural urge to wrap her arms around him. She took a breath, and her lips opened slightly.

His eyes closed, and his knees were on the edge of buc
ling. The need to deepen the kiss seized him.
Oh God! I better stop.
Before he could stop himself, though, he dipped inside her mouth and then pushed away. Watching her, he had a deep desire to kiss her again – and again, and again.
Dangerous, Jade, you’re going to get me killed.

Chapter 14

His chest heaved as he fought off his desire to kiss her again, deeper and longer. Her eyes remained closed as if she didn’t realized he’d stopped kissing her. He had to put some space between them, and fast. Her golden eyes opened lazily and her index finger came up to stroke her lips, as if she forever wanted to cherish the place where his lips had touched. As he stepped wordlessly away from her, the two stared at each other for a moment before he turned and walked out of the room.

He sauntered down the hall and forced himself to shove down his thoughts of Jade. Entering the main room, he noticed Faulk and Nickel were still asleep. He took a deep breath and pulled out his father’s journal. Then he sat down and leaned back to read.


Daniel, I love the boy, but he just doesn’t understand. Mistakes, so many I’ve made. They’ve ruined my boy. I turned him into som
thing he wasn’t meant to be. The desire to run with the treasure is consuming me. I know it won’t be safe here for long. They know I have it, the greedy bastards. Can’t trust anyone else. I don’t know how that snake found out I had it. To threaten my boys? Hell, that’s the final straw.

BOOK: Bandits
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