Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (10 page)

BOOK: Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel
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Kissing her all over her neck, Vincent reached behind her and undid Savannah's bra. It fell off of her body, exposing her breasts to the air as a cool breeze washed over her now rock-hard nipples. He leaned down and kissed them, nibbled on them, and licked them. Savannah moaned in pleasure at every touch, and reached with her hand between her legs and started to rub herself.


Vincent swatted away her hand when she did this, which caused her to gasp.


"That's mine now," he said as he looked intensely into her eyes. "Understood?"


"Yes, sir," she said as she stared back at him with pleading eyes.


"Good girl," he said.


Savannah couldn't believe her luck and simultaneous misfortune: Finally, someone man enough to treat her the way she wanted to be treated in bed. But he just so happens to be a bank robber who's holding her captive.


Savannah kicked her legs up as Vincent yanked them off, and quickly removed her underwear as well. He held her leg in the air and started kissing it from the ankle upwards slowly. Agonizingly slowly. She squirmed in anticipation as his soft mouth slowly worked its way up to her inner thigh. Then the kisses started to delight and satisfy more and more.


"Please, please," she said breathlessly.


"I like it when you beg," Vincent replied with a smirk as he lifted his head from between her legs. Savannah blushed hard and hid her face while letting out another soft moan. Vincent returned his head to where he was performing.


The kisses turned into light nibbles and drags of the lips and tongue all around her slit. Savannah squirmed, waiting for his tracing tongue to finally find its mark.


"Please!" she said, unable to contain herself. Just as she let out the loud cry of request, his wet tongue slapped lightly against her swelling clit, causing a tremendous wash of pleasure to travel all over her body, emanating from between her legs and hitting every nerve and bone that she had.


He started to swirl his tongue around her and Savannah swayed her hips back and forth moving along with the motions of his mouth.


"Oh my God," she said.
He's so good at this, how is he so good at this, oh my God, oh fuck,
she thought. The same thought looped over and over in his head while Vincent worked his magic tongue all over her eager body. Vincent moaned in pleasure at his handiwork, the vibration of his deep voice stimulating Savannah's clit even more than before.


Every few moments, Savannah would realize what was happening: She was being eaten out by a bank robber who just kidnapped her. The thought of it was so scary, yet she trusted him and was intensely attracted to him. Plus, the whole thing was such a thrill.


"It's so good," she whispered loudly into the empty night, captive in the cabin. "It's so good, it's so good," she repeated over and over. It got louder and louder. Her body tensed up, every muscle flexing in anticipation of a tremendous release, which then came. She cried out loudly, louder than she ever had before.


If there were neighbors, they would have heard. They might have thought she was dying. She wasn't. She was having the most intense orgasm of her life. As she came freely, Vincent slipped two fingers into her and deftly maneuvered them, extending the length of her orgasm significantly. Her hips swayed up and down fiercely, banging against the soft couch as she continued to come. She tried to bite her lip to silence herself, but instead just let out more muffled noises of satisfaction.


Her orgasm finally came to a close, and she returned her eyeballs from the back of her head to facing Vincent once more. She saw the delight on his face; he looked particularly proud of his work. Savannah sighed heavily, eager for what was next to come: him.


"Don't forget to say thank you," he said sternly and kissed her once more on her clit.


"Thank you," she said hungrily as she grabbed him by the hand and began to pull him up towards her.


The yellow incandescent lighting of the cabin living room quickly turned red, then blue, then red, then blue. Savannah and Vincent both jumped up and started to look all around them.


"Oh, shit," Savannah said as her post-orgasm brain finally processed the sounds she was hearing: Blaring sirens. Vincent had a strange look on his face. He looked surprised but also unexpectedly willing to meet his fate.


He remained on his knees in front of her on the couch, her legs still spread in front of him with her glistening pussy inches from his face.
Am I dreaming?
Savannah thought. The entire experience got more surreal by the minute.


Eventually, Vincent nodded and stood up, deftly putting his shirt back on before wiping his wet mouth off with the sleeve of his shirt.


"Well, it looks like your vacation is ending early," he said with a smile that betrayed his true feelings. "This had to happen someday," he added, seemingly saying it to himself more than to Savannah.


"You're turning yourself in?" she asked.
Why am I worried about him?
She wondered.


"No choice," he said. "Plus, I'll be back," he added with a big smile. He buttoned up his shirt half-way and turned to the door.


"Hey, Savannah, can I call you Vannah?" he asked.


"Sure," she responded.
Nobody's called me that before,
she thought.


"Did you feel it too, Vannah?"


She knew exactly what he meant.


"I did."


"I thought so. See you soon," Vincent said, winked at Savannah, then head for the door. Savannah looked away. There were tears in her eyes, which she understood and simultaneously didn't understand at all.


"Hands up! Hands up right now! Stay still! Stay where you are!" The voices called out from all around. There must have been twenty cop cars there.


It sounds like he's never been caught before,
she thought.
How did it happen this time? Was it my silent alarm?
She actually felt bad at the idea that it was her fault that he was caught.
Maybe it's just because of what happened,
she thought.
Besides, I don't know a single thing about him. He could be a crazy murderer. Oh my God, what the hell am I doing? I need to go home.


After a sizeable commotion was finished outside a police officer walked into the cabin. Savannah quickly realized that she was still naked from the waist down and practically naked from the waist up. She covered herself up with her hands and crossed her legs to the best of her ability after a little yelp of surprise.


"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" the officer asked with concern as he quickly approached her.


"No no no no," she said, hiding her face from him.
This doesn't look good,
she thought.


"Get a blanket in here!" the officer called out the door.


"Thank you," Savannah said.


"I'm here to help, I'm sorry for what's happened, but everything's going to be okay now, understand?" he asked.


It's not going to be okay,
she thought. This is all wrong. There's no way that any of this can ever be okay. Her emotions were torn, her mind split. She couldn't figure out what it was that she wanted. Did she want to go with him, or did she want to go home? She couldn't make up her mind until she knew who he really was and so that became her main priority. She was going to go figure out who this man truly was, so that she could acknowledge her emotions and make a decision.


Another officer ran into the room holding an emergency blanket and handed it to her. Savannah looked abashedly at him, knowing she couldn't take it from his hand without exposing herself to the officer.


"Sorry," the officer said, realizing the situation. He turned his head away and held out the blanket to her, which she then took, revealing her breast for a brief moment.
God, this is so embarrassing,
she thought.


"Thank you," she said and wrapped the blanket around her body. It was big and covered her up pretty well.


"Come with me, there's an ambulance just outside. Everything's going to be okay."


Everybody keeps saying that,
she thought.


First the bank robbers and now these guys.


"Thank you again," she said as she followed the officer out the front door of the cabin. The sirens were blindingly bright but now silent. She made her way into the ambulance on her own, although several officers and paramedics hovered around her every step in extreme caution.


"Let's get you home," one of them said as they shut the rear doors of the ambulance, which quickly took off back towards the city.


Nothing's going to be okay until I figure out who the hell Vincent Starlingveil really is.




A few days passed by. Life had, at face value, returned to normal. Despite everything, Savannah insisted on coming back to work as soon as possible. She told her bosses, her friends, and her coworkers it was because 'she was fine', which she was and wasn't at the same time. But that line was a lie anyhow.


Savannah wanted to go back to work to see him. There was something deep inside of her heart that knew he would somehow end up at that bank again. It sounded stupid, and it was, since what sort of mad man would so brazenly return to the bank he robbed just to meet a girl he fancied?


The sort of mad man that Vincent was.


Lucy gave Savannah a big long speech about what happened and how she could take off as much time as she wanted. Savannah hardly recalled a single word. Just smiling and nodding as Lucy tried her hardest to seem sympathetic to what happened to her, which Lucy constantly described as 'so traumatic'. She didn't know the least of it, really.
The only traumatic part was when it all ended,
Savannah thought. It had taken a few days to realize that over the following days, but she firmly knew it now.


Every tall-built guy in a suit, which was admittedly pretty few, that passed through the bank would have Savannah's eyes on them like a hawk. She would perk up in her chair. Her pupils would dilate. Her muscles would all go tense and her heart would flutter like the eager wings of a hummingbird.


It was never him, obviously. Savannah searched through the news frantically every single day trying to find some mention of the heist and his status, his sentencing, whatever. It was all in vain. For some reason, every mention of Vincent Starlingveil was somehow blocked from the public access.


He had completely disappeared from Savannah's life.



"It's like there was this hole in me, this part that I knew was missing my whole life, and then it got filled. But just like that, it got ripped out. And now I know it's gone. I didn't know it was missing before, but now it aches and it's like a black hole in my heart. In my soul," Savannah wrote in a diary.


"God, I haven't written in this thing in years," Savannah said out loud in the empty room. The words echoed lightly off of the walls, which had taken on a cold pallor in Savannah's eyes. The incandescent light flickered underneath its cover, showing its need for replacement.


A surge of emotion choked Savannah and tears were nearly shed, but she fought them off.


I should call Lily
, she thought.
No, I shouldn't. It's too different. She'd think I'm crazy. She wouldn't understand.
The emotions all kicked up once more.


Fuck it, I'll call her.


She had visited the morning after she was rescued from her 'hostage situation', and the two had talked it over. Savannah was distant the whole time though. She was still processing what had happened to her, trying to figure out whether it was good or bad, a blessing in disguise or a terrible curse.

BOOK: Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel
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