Read Baby, You're Mine (Yeah, Baby Book 1) Online

Authors: Fiona Davenport

Tags: #alpha male romance, #accidental pregnancy romance, #best friend's little sister romance

Baby, You're Mine (Yeah, Baby Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Baby, You're Mine (Yeah, Baby Book 1)
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et’s see here.” Dr. Harris moved the ultrasound wand around, clicking here and there with the mouse. I waited impatiently, my weight shifting from foot to foot until Bailey let go of my hand to run a soothing palm down my arm before lacing our fingers together again.

“Relax, Wyatt,” she said, clearly suppressing a laugh.

I tore my eyes from the black and white screen and drank in the sight of my beautiful wife. She was glowing with excitement, as anxious as I was, but not nearly as nervous. I bent down and kissed her softly, resting my forehead on hers for a moment before we both turned our attention back to the monitor.

Listening to the rhythmic thumping of two heart beats, I still couldn’t believe we were having twins. After the scare early in her pregnancy, she was checked a little more often. At about ten weeks, the doctor informed us that the ultrasound revealed two babies. Bailey was over the moon, and don’t get me wrong, I was ecstatic. I swelled with pride that my boys managed to knock up my woman with two babies in one shot. But, I was also terrified. What if we had two girls? How would I protect them both from boys at the same time? I started researching all girl schools and making a list: pepper spray—no, a Taser, there had to be some kind of modern day chastity belt I could get, karate lessons—

“You definitely want to know the sex of the babies, Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid?” The doctor’s question interrupted my thoughts.

Bailey squeezed my hand and nodded, but still answered out loud, “Absolutely.”

“Congratulations, it looks life two girls.” Dr. Harris smiled and faced the monitor again.

“Shit,” I whispered, “I am so totally fucked.”

Bailey smacked my arm, she’d been after me to start watching my language.

I couldn’t imagine how shell shocked I must’ve looked as I stood there muttering, “Shotgun, I need a fucking shotgun. And a Taser gun—

Once again my thoughts were interrupted, this time by Bailey’s giggling. Dr. Harris threw me an amused glance and Bailey’s hands were clamped over her mouth, but she couldn’t contain her laughter. I glared at her, “Baby, there is nothing funny about this”—my eyes narrowed—“and don’t be thinking I’ve forgotten about that spanking,” I growled.

Her eyes heated, obviously not opposed to the idea and I had to adjust myself in hopes of hiding my growing erection.

“Oh, wait,” the doctor said. Our heads whipped in her direction simultaneously. Was something wrong with my baby girls?

She must have noticed the lack of color in our faces because she quickly reassured us that they were healthy and everything was normal.

“Baby number two was hiding his little penis.”

I perked up immediately, “His? His penis?” I clarified.

“Yes,” she confirmed, pointing to the little thing between my baby’s legs.

I sighed, utterly relieved, “She’ll have a brother to help me protect her.”


Seven Years Later

ommy!” Julia yelled, her voice indignant. “Peter tried to share his snack with me on the playground and Jack chased him away!”

I smiled as my sweet girl stomped into the kitchen, her cute little face screwed up in anger. “Hey, Marshmallow,” I greeted, scooping her up and nuzzling her nose with mine, then I kissed the tip. She giggled, “I’m Snickers today, daddy.” I laughed as I put her back down, we playfully argued over which “sweet” she was every day. 

Back on her feet, Julia’s petite fists went to her hips and she glared at Jack as he entered the room. “Now he won’t want to be my boyfriend,” she snapped. Jack’s little chest puffed up with pride and I held out my fist. He bumped it with a wide smile. “That’s my boy.”

“Wyatt!” Bailey scolded in warning as she walked into the room. I shrugged, not a bit sorry that I’d taught my son how to be a big brother. She rolled her eyes and corralled both kids towards the bathroom to help them wash up for dinner. She was talking to Jack about leaving Julia’s friends alone when he glanced back at me and I winked. He smiled broadly but quickly dropped it when Bailey glared at both of us.

I finished setting the table and went to check on my other precious baby girl. Four-year-old Hayley was coloring in her room and gave me a big grin when I stepped inside.

“Want to cowor wif me, Daddy?”

Any time either of my girls called me daddy, my chest warmed all over and I would give them just about anything they wanted. They had me wrapped around their little fingers.

“After dinner, Hayley bug.” I lifted her into my arms and she slipped her small arms around my neck and squeezed me tight. I melted a little and thought, damn, I had a great life.


hat’s it, baby, take me deep,” I growled as I pushed into my wife’s pussy from behind. I was getting even harder watching my dick disappear under her perfectly round ass. I gripped her generous hips, fuck, I loved those hips, and pulled her back to meet each thrust.

“Wyatt!” she cried out and I grunted with satisfaction at hearing her loud and lusty voice. The kids were with my parents and we had the house to ourselves for a night. I intended to take advantage and have her screaming all night long.

“Let me hear you, baby. Fuck, I miss hearing how loud you are when I fuck you.”

Bailey moaned and shifted for a better angle, careful of her large stomach. I slowed my thrusts to a maddeningly lazy speed, smiling at her growl of frustration. My hands glided around to hold her swollen belly. Leaning over her, I whispered, “You know you’re in trouble, right baby?” I asked, my voice husky and thick with desire.

“Yes,” she groaned. We’d been to the doctor that day and found out we were having another beautiful little girl. Jack and I would be outnumbered and I was very clear when she got pregnant again that it had better be a boy. My girls were too gorgeous and needed extra protection.

I lifted one hand and the next time I pushed inside, I brought it down, leaving a pink handprint on her creamy white skin, jiggling from the spanking. She shuddered and shoved back against me, trying to entice me to speed up.

I wanted to tease and torment her, but I didn’t have enough control. I picked up speed again, returning to her hips and gripping so tight, she’d probably have bruises in the morning. I spanked her again and she screamed in pleasure as her body started to shake, her orgasm approaching.

“Hold on, baby,” I commanded. “Not yet. I want to feel your pussy sucking me in a little longer.”

She clenched her walls and I shouted,” Fuck!”

I slapped her ass again. The little minx was trying to make me lose control. But, all that did was build my own frenzy and I pummeled into her, heat shooting straight to my balls. “Oh fuck, baby,” I hissed when she clenched again. “That feels so damn good. I’ll never stop craving your sexy body. I’m addicted to fucking you.”

“Wyatt,” she moaned, “I need you too.”

“In fact,” her voice became a little irritated, “I need you right now!” she demanded.

I laughed at my greedy girl and gave her what she wanted, not having the ability to keep from giving her anything she asked for.

My fingers found her clit and I pinched it hard. Her screams set me off and I exploded inside her.

Our breathing had only just evened out when we went for another round, this time unhurried. We enjoyed our rare moments when we didn’t have to rush in case the kids woke up. I explored and worshiped every inch of her incredible body, making love to her, and when I came, I gave my heart over to her. Like I did every time I was inside her, every time she smiled, every time I looked at her and remembered she was mine.

I gathered her up, spooning her, my hand gently rubbing circles over the life we’d created. Fuck, this woman was so perfect and she belonged to me. I adored her and our babies, loved them with all of my being. And, I was probably handing over my man card for saying this, but every day, I was grateful for the shitty manufacturing of a condom.

Baby Steps
Yeah, Baby 2
Releasing March 14, 2016

Guy Rule #2: No sleeping with your step-sister.

ucas St. James is accustomed to women wanting something from him. They tend to see his good looks and fat bank account but never the man underneath. After a passionate weekend with Jade Jones, he assumes she’s no different and cuts her loose. But he’s in for the shock of his life when he sees her again at his dad’s lawyer’s office.

Jade swore she’d never follow her mom’s advice about it being as easy to love a rich man as a poor one. Although she has the blonde bombshell looks to attract a sugar daddy, she’s not the gold digger Lucas accused her of being. Her mom might have lured his dad into marriage before their untimely death, but Jade is focused on making it on her own.

Now they’re permanently connected by their parent’s marriage, the terms of his dad’s will—and the fact that Jade is carrying her step-brother's baby.

Penalty Clause

Risqué Contracts 1

Fiona Davenport

aleb Sterling has found the woman for him. He'll do whatever it takes to make her his... even if it means forcing her to spend time with him. He didn’t become a billionaire without learning how to leverage a contract to his advantage. Now that he’s gotten her to sign on the dotted line, he almost has Madeleine Connelly right where he wants her—in his bed and pregnant with his baby.

Madeleine seriously underestimated Caleb’s desire for her. She thought the notorious playboy would move onto his next conquest after he’d gotten what he wanted from her. When she accepted a business deal with his company, she didn’t realize it meant spending so much time with him. Now she has to decide if she wants to trigger the penalty clause in their contract so she can get away from him or succumb to the temptation that is Caleb Sterling.

Warning: This book has an obsessive alpha billionaire who falls hard and fast. It's a quick and dirty read, but don't worry, it'll leave you satisfied.

**This is the first novella in the Risqué Contracts series, but each story can be read as a standalone and features a different couple.

Chapter 1

eaning back in my plush leather chair, I sipped at the scotch I held in one hand while staring at the picture of a gorgeous brunette clenched in the other. She was of average height, with glossy, dark hair and incredible green eyes. Even though her body was toned, her curves were the stuff of wet dreams. Since I first saw Madeleine Connelly, she had dominated my thoughts. When she crossed my path into the ballroom of a charity event six months ago, I knew I had to have her. She was going to be mine, and not just for a night—I would own her forever.

I never walked into a situation without knowing all the facts and having confidence in the way it would play out. I didn’t approach her that night. Instead, I spent the evening keeping her in my sights, observing and protecting what was mine. After finding out her name, I hired a private investigator to find out everything I could about her—favorites, dislikes, family history, childhood, friends, habits, and most importantly, if she was single. I’d never been one to poach another man’s territory. It wasn’t worth the bother when there were so many other available women out there, but with Madeleine, I wasn’t sure the presence of another man in her life would have stopped me. Methodically, I set a plan in motion, leaving her no choice but to submit to me or risk losing everything.

In the photo, her face was pinched with stress, her body coiled tight, and the “fuck off” vibe she carried like a shield translated clearly through the camera. I couldn’t wait to fuck the tension out of her and paint a look of bliss on her features. Just thinking about all the ways I would take her had me shifting uncomfortably in the chair, my dick already begging to sink into her pussy.

Putting the picture down and forcing myself to concentrate on anything other than ache between my legs, I began reading over the contract I had drawn up, even though I knew practically every word.

Madeleine was exceptionally intelligent, and had graduated from Harvard business school at twenty-one, a little over a year ago. Not long after, her father had a heart attack, thrusting her into the role of CEO of her family’s publishing company. Somehow, he’d been able to keep the fact that the business was almost bankrupt from everybody, including the board. When the truth was revealed, Madeleine struggled to bring their heads above water again.

I was a self-made billionaire, having built the biggest publishing house in the country, quite often by taking over companies like Madeleine’s. When I wanted something, I took it—both in business and my private life. With her, it was more complicated. I didn’t want to fuck her and leave. I wanted to tie her to me, and my ability to rescue her company gave me the perfect opportunity.

Or, at least, it was perfect now that I had discreetly, preemptively closed every path to a possible solution, except the one leading straight to me. With the wall she always kept up, I made the decision not to go to her with a proposal right away, eliminating the possibility for rejection. Instead, I exerted my influence through coercion and threats, convincing every other company to decline her offers. I even persuaded the banks to turn down any loan attempts.

BOOK: Baby, You're Mine (Yeah, Baby Book 1)
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