Read Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3) Online

Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)

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Manipulation Trilogy, Book Three




Alicia Taylor and Natalie Townson











To my Cheeseburger Twin, thanks for all your encouragement and praise. Your words and opinions mean more than you will ever know. Love your face, tits, and amazing arse!!! ~ A


For the lovely Joanne ‘Jimmy’ Swinney for always being there when I’m about to pull my hair out. Thank you, ‘Pet’ ~ N


This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


AVOWED, Copyright © 2015
by Authors Alicia Taylor & Natalie Townson. 


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* * * * *


Alicia Taylor and Natalie Townson



September 27



“I know who you are, Ella,” Damon says before leaning forward to bring his lips to my ear. “I knew your sister.”

My world stops.


I can’t breathe. This can’t be happening. It can’t. I hold my breath as Damon pulls back and looks into my eyes, searching for my response. I’m unable to give one.

For weeks my mind has been consumed with planning how to tell Damon who I am, and nothing could have prepared me for this. For Damon to already know.

“Wh... what?” I whisper, as I feel the blood drain from my face and pool in my stomach, as bile rises in my throat. “I... what?” Shaking my head, not wanting to believe Damon’s words, I stand on trembling legs, praying I don’t fall. My knees feel weak but I know I have to face this.

I should be asking how he knows, what he knows, but I can’t. Words fail me. My heart feels like it’s about to pound out of my chest and split me wide open. Why does my life always go like this? Why, when every time I finally get something good, do I have to lose it?

I know I’m going to lose Damon.

If he already knows what I had planned to do then he’s not really going to want to listen to my explanation. I swallow as tears tighten my throat, making it difficult to breathe. The room feels like it’s closing in around me, suffocating me.

“Baby, you need to listen to me. There is a lot you think you know but don’t. I fucking love you, and I’m keeping you. Forever,” Damon says as he holds on to me, keeping me within his arms.

I don’t understand. How can he still hold me within the warmth of his embrace when he knows what I’ve done? Does he know everything or just bits? I want to ask, but if I do I could ruin everything. I know Damon deserves to know the truth, and I will tell him everything, but I need to sort my thoughts out if I’m going to try and save what we have.

Stepping away, I try to give Damon some distance, and me time to think. Now isn’t the time to talk about this, not whilst we’re surrounded by his family and friends, but I don’t think I’m going to have much choice. Damon mimics my movement and steps with me, keeping me in his grasp.

“Damon I... I’m sorry... I don’t... I.” I continue shaking my head, not knowing where to start or what to say.

I can’t lose him.

“We have a lot to discuss, beauty. There is a lot you need to know.” Damon gives me a reassuring smile, and the love shining in his eyes gives me hope. My heart skips a beat as that hope spreads through my system. Maybe we will be okay. I feel light headed as I see his love. Despite what he knows, he still loves me. He still wants me.

Bringing his hand up to cup my face, he gently wipes the tears I didn’t realise were falling away from my cheeks in soft strokes.

“Damon,” I whisper as I try to wrap my head around everything. “I don’t understand. I don’t.” Shaking my head, I swallow hard, wishing I understood correctly. Damon doesn’t look ready to leave me. He doesn’t even look angry at me.

“I know baby–” Damon doesn’t get to finish. He’s interrupted when a hand lands on his shoulder and my perfect day goes from bad to worse.




September 27



“I know who you are, Ella.” I lean forward bringing my lips to her ear. “I knew your sister.” I pull back and look in her eyes as she takes in what I said.

Maybe now isn’t the right time to tell her this, it’s our fucking wedding day after all, but I don’t expect Leona to stay away once she realises I’ve married my beauty. I know how Leona works and when she says she’s going to do something, she does.

“Wh... what?” Ella asks, stunned. The beautiful glow she’s had since I first laid eyes on her today slowly drains from her face. She shakes her head, disbelieving. “I... what?”

“Baby, you need to listen to me. There is a lot you think you know but don’t. I fucking love you, and I’m keeping you. Forever.”

Ella takes a step back, trying to escape my hold, but I just step with her, following her, refusing to release her. This is going to be fucking hard for her. Fuck, it’s going to be hard for me too, but I know we can get through this.

She’s my one.

I won’t let her go. I’ve screwed up too much with Ella, and I don’t intend to ever lose her. Not again. She calms the monster in me, and makes me be the man everyone believes me to be.

Her body quivers in my arms. Her head hasn’t stopped shaking, as if this isn’t real. As if I haven’t just dropped that bomb on her.

“Damon I... I’m sorry... I don’t... I,” she stutters, at a loss for words.

I smile reassuringly, and look deep into her forest green eyes, the eyes that have captivated me from the first time I saw them – years ago. I bring a hand up to cup her frightened face, softly stroking her cheek with my thumb.

“We have a lot to discuss, beauty. There is a lot you need to know.” Tears spill from her eyes and it breaks my fucking heart. If there was a way to get out of telling her this, a way to save her the pain she’s going to feel, then I’d pick that option. But there isn’t another way. I don’t know how much time I have, but I know it won’t be long.

“Damon,” Ella whispers. “I don’t understand. I don’t.” Shaking her head, she swallows hard.

“I know baby–” A hand landing on my arm snaps my attention to the right, cutting my words off.


What the fuck is Abigail doing here?

“Abbi?” I question stunned. She gives me a small smile before looking at Ella.

“He loves you, you know,” she says to Ella. “I see the way he looks at you.” Her eyes return to mine, searching my face, as a bright smile spreads on her lips. “I remember when you used to look at me like that. Like I was your everything, your reason to breathe,” she says softly.

“Abbi,” I warn. I’ve done everything I can to keep Ella away from my past but it’s catching up to me.

“I see it now. I know we can’t ever... I know it’s too late... I... Damon, don’t let Leona ruin it for you again.”

“Leona,” Ella gasps. Abbi’s eyes swing back to focus on Ella, giving her a soft smile.

“She’s already tried hasn’t she?” Ella nods her eyes wide. “Of course she has.”

“What are you doing here, Abbi?” I growl.

“I had to see. I had to know you’re making the right choice. I had to see you in love to finally let you go.” I swallow hard. I can never stay mad at Abigail. That’s the main reason I cut her out my life when her deceit came to fruition.

A commotion draws our eyes to the other side of the room, just as Leona storms the place.
. My time is up and Leona is here to try and destroy my only happiness.

“You bitch!” Leona screams at Ella. “You think you’ve won? I’m here to take away your little fairytale.” Pulling Ella behind me, I take a step forward, but Abbi beats me to it, stepping into Leona’s space, glaring at her. 

“Leona,” she spits. “It’s not enough that you ruined Damon’s life once before? Now you’re trying to do it again?” Leona looks taken aback with Abbi’s presence before she pulls herself together.

“You,” she points at Abigail. “What the hell are you doing here? You should be long gone by now” Leona hisses.

“You need to leave Leona,” I growl. I’m not ready for this shit. I won’t let her ruin my life. Leona’s gaze narrows in on me as she starts to speak, but she’s cut off by Abbi speaking again. 

“You may have taken Damon’s love for me away, but I’ll never leave him to be destroyed by you. Damon was my best friend and the love of my life. I’ll never let you pull him into the darkness.”

Leona’s eyes roll before zoning in on Ella peeking over my shoulder, disdain filling her face as her eyes narrow.

“You think you know Damon, Ella? Let me enlighten you,” she smirks, before training her eyes on me. “Damon has a lot of secrets you don’t know about. It’s time you found out the truth about your knight in shining armour.”

“No need,” Ella speaks up in a strong voice, bringing Leona’s gaze back to hers. “I know.”

Leona’s eyes widen a fraction in shock. Turning her gaze to mine she searches my face for the truth. Unable to stop my smirk, I stare Leona down. I know it’s a prick move because Ella really doesn’t know what I need to tell her, but I need Leona to think I’ve confessed, and I need to get her out of here.

“I... I don’t... and you still married him?” she asks, disbelief evident in her voice. “He’s a monster. He ends people’s lives.” My heart beats against my ribs, trying to break free. My life is about to be destroyed and there’s nothing I can do, short of physically removing Leona. And even then I know she will spill my secrets as I’m dragging her out. There is nothing I can do but watch the train wreck happen.

I deserve this.

Ella has a right to know.

Everyone does.

I shut my eyes and wait for my life to be over. Ella lets out a menacing laugh, making my eyes snap open to her.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You’ve wanted Damon all along and now you’re calling him a monster? The only monster I see is you Leona.” Walking out from behind me, Ella steps forward. “It’s game over bitch. You lose. Damon is mine.” The possessiveness in her voice makes my fucking heart flip.

“I’ll wipe that smug fucking look from your perfect little face you gold digging whore,” Leona snaps. Before she can take a step in my beauty’s direction I step up to her, pulling Ella behind me again. This needs to stop. My secrets will make everyone see me differently but I won’t put up with Leona speaking to my wife like this. No fucking chance. If I have to have every secret spilled then so be it, but I won’t allow her to speak to Ella this way. She’s the only innocent one involved.

“You need to leave, Leona,” I demand. “You’re not wanted here. You’re not a guest and you certainly aren’t here to congratulate us. I’ve told you time and again that nothing will ever come of us. It’s time you finally believe that. I married the woman I love, the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, and you can’t do a fucking thing about it.”

“Is that right Damon? Does your family know what type of monster you are?” she asks smugly. “Or just your pathetic wife?” Leona spits.

Rage ricochets around my body, desperate to release with a roar, to remove the threat to my beauty. I’ve never felt this overwhelming protectiveness I feel for Ella for anyone else before. Clenching my jaw, I try to keep my tone calm.

“It’s over Leona. Like I told you last night, I’m not leaving Ella and our daughter for you,” I spit. I hear Ella and a few other people around us gasp, but that won’t stop me. “I’ve never wanted you, never felt anything for you. You need to stay out my fucking life. I’ve had enough of your bullshit to last a lifetime. You want to tell my family what I’ve done?” I motion my hand around to all the guests watching this confrontation. “Go ahead. It won’t change a fucking thing. I still won’t want you. I’ll still love Ella.”

Leona is shocked silent by my words. I’ve never spoken to her like this. I’ve let her get away with too much shit for what I did to her. I let my guilt bury me, let her control me.

No more.

This stops today.

I lean in closer so only she can hear me. “I’ll still be a monster if you tell them, only I’ll be a monster wanting to destroy your life like you’re trying to destroy mine. You’re toying with the beast Leona, and if you don’t back off, I’ll share a few secrets of yours. You destroy me, and I destroy you. I’ll take you down with me, and I still won’t fucking want you. I will never want you.”

Leona’s eyes fill with tears as she realises it’s finally over. I won’t let her control my life again. A hand clamps down on her shoulder. My eyes take in the furious face of Steen, Leona’s father.

“Leona,” Steen growls. “Enough.” Leona tears herself away from him before spinning on her heel to face him. She goes to speak but he cuts her off. “I said enough. It’s time to leave.” Sandra appears at Steen’s side and glares at him. 

“Don’t speak to our daughter like that,” she reprimands.

“Maybe that’s what you should have done a long time ago. Maybe your daughter wouldn’t be so twisted, Sandra, if you had disciplined her,” Spencer pipes up from beside me, standing shoulder to shoulder with me, showing me he has my back.

“Elle has had it in for Leona since she met Damon,” Sandra replies.

“It’s Ella,” Ella growls.

Abbi lets out a giggle, making me laugh. Trust Ella to only be bothered by her name being mangled than actually acknowledging Sandra’s accusation. Ella turns to me with wide eyes, looking at me like I’m crazy for laughing. It just makes me laugh harder.

“We’re leaving,” Steen growls.

“Yes, you should.” I turn at the sound of my mum’s steely voice. Her eyes are locked on Sandra. “That’s my daughter you’re talking about, both of you.” Her eyes flit between Leona and Sandra, rage flushing her cheeks. I’ve never seen my mum so angry. Steen’s eyes soften as he looks at my mum. “You need to leave.” My mum steps up to my other side and pulls Ella between us, protecting her.

“I’m sorry for their behaviour. It won’t happen again, Flora.” Steen says softly.

“Damn right it won’t.” My dad growls. “Any future invites will be for you only Steen. I’ll understand if you can’t and or won’t join us again, but your family isn’t welcome around mine anymore. I won’t have any stress around our daughter.” He stands tall at the side of my mum, and pulls Ella towards them, fitting her between them. A protective momma and papa bear. My beauty is surrounded by her family, all of whom are ready to fight for her.

“I apologise for their behaviour and look forward to your next party,” Steen answers my dad before looking at me, then Ella. “I’m sorry for the disturbance on your special day. It’s been magical, and I’m happy for you both,” he says with a smile. “You’re a beautiful bride Ella.”

“Thank you,” Ella mumbles. Shock is written all over her face, as a blush paints her cheeks at his compliment.

“Can we go dad?” Leona snaps. She knows she’s lost and in for a shitstorm when they leave. Steen never, ever, puts Leona in her place. My respect for him has risen in the last few minutes.

They leave without another word. I watch as my mum pulls Ella into an embrace, and I release the breath I didn’t realise I’d been holding.

I look around and notice everyone’s eyes are on our little group, and I don’t blame them. What a fucking show it was. If Ella didn’t believe my family is hers before, she will now. Pride fills me as I look at my parents fussing over the woman I love.

My eyes clash with Tom’s and he gives me a grin. He’s happy to see Ella loved. Spencer pats me on the back before striding over and pulling Ella into his arms. I see her face for a second before she buries it in Spencer’s chest, and it cuts me deep. She’s crying. I go to take a step forward but Abbi stops me.

“Let her enjoy the love of your family Damon. They can comfort her just fine. I need to speak with you real quick.” She pulls me away from my family a bit so we’re out of earshot. Swallowing, Abbi looks deep into my eyes. “I’ve loved you for a long time Damon. I wasn’t able to give up on that love, move on, or leave you. I don’t want to leave you–”

“Abigail,” I growl.

“Let me finish,” she snaps. “We were best friends Damon. I don’t want to lose you altogether. I know you belong to Ella, that your love for her is stronger than it was for me,” she smiles sadly. “We had a different kind of love. Young love. Ella has your full heart, I see that, and I’m happy for you. I want that kind of love for myself. I’m ready to move on, but I don’t want you out of my life. Can’t we be friends?”

Her words shock me. Abigail has been trying to get back with me for years, but she seems genuine. I give her a smile before pulling her into my arms.

“Friends,” I agree. Pulling back from me, Abbi gives me a smile.

“I’d like to get to know the woman who has finally caught your heart. Would you mind me getting to know her?” she asks, shyly. My situation suddenly hits me full force. I may not get to keep Ella. When she finds out everything I have to tell her she may leave me.

It’s not anything I don’t deserve.

“I’ll speak to her.”

Kissing my cheek, Abbi gives me one last longing look before turning and walking away. As soon as she exits out the door my eyes seek out Ella. She’s surrounded by my family, now her family. Seeing the love my parents have for my beauty warms me inside. She truly belongs with us.

BOOK: Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)
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