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Authors: Lisa Graves

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

Atlantis (41 page)

BOOK: Atlantis
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I’ve been here before.” It wasn’t a question. But my thoughts were so jumbled trying to catch up with what lifetime I was remembering.

I walked around and Elliott followed me quietly. I made my way into the main part of the church. The walls were a mix of old stone, brick and plaster. The multi-vaulted ceiling was covered with murals depicting various religious scenes. A giant and ornate marble alter and the semi-circle wall of windows fought for my attention. It was all so beautiful, even in the poor light.

This is where we met... the first time.”

Elliott gave me one of his soul searching looks before kissing me with all the energy of his soul. I kissed back with all the energy I could muster, trying to have the same effect on him that he had on me. Our kiss was eternal and magical. The soft sure way he moved his lips with mine. The way his tongue danced in my mouth. It was out of this world. When it ended I was so drained of energy I had to sit down.

Elliott sat beside me. “Sorry Lilly.”

Just give me a sec.”

He laughed. “It wasn’t the kiss that was exhausting.”


Projecting takes a lot of energy. Especially projecting to physical planes. That’s why I haven’t been to see you, remember?”

I started to feel concerned. “What can we do?”

I’ll just ask you to follow me once more. This next place will help.” Elliott took my hand and pulled me up. “Try to project with me this time. Where we are going is a little tricky.”

I hugged him close and he held me tight, and this time we fell together.

The feeling of projecting was the essence of life itself. The falling sensation when broken down was like all the energy in the entire world cradling you in its arms for a moment, loving you. As my soul followed Elliott’s energy through time and space, I noticed something that hadn’t been present during my other astral travels. Light.

I opened my eyes as our hands clasped and I looked around this strange and beautiful place. “Where are we?”

Elliott smiled.

Chapter 19. Stonehenge

The sun was just starting to break over the horizon. Everything here shimmered with the early morning dew. I looked around. We were standing in the center of a circle of large rocks arranged in arches. This place felt ancient. The massive stone structures seemed to stand guard as the light began to filter in.

Where are we?” I repeated, really confused.


Tell me something I don’t know.” I looked around again. The shimmering dew gave this place a magical quality. Energy seemed to pulse from everything like when I was on the astral plane.

Elliott’s brow furrowed in confusion at my response. “You asked?”

Yeah, but I’m confused.”

Why are you confused Miele?” Elliott ran his free hand down the length of my arm, this time the tingles were climactic. My body shivered.

I looked Elliott deep in the eyes as I tried to understand. His green eyes were more vibrant and alive than ever. He seemed to be thoroughly thrilled to be here with me. “What?” I asked.

He smiled. “This is my answer. We can be together, here.”

Again, I’m still a little cloudy on our exact location. Is this
Stonehenge, or some astral version...” I trailed off as I again tried to reassess my surroundings. Every other time I had been on an astral plane the sky was a kaleidoscope of planets, stars, comets, and universes. Here, there was only the sun trying to break through the clouds and start another day.

Elliott looked around before giving me the
, “

The confusion in my eyes had to be obvious. “But the energy here is more intense than I’ve ever felt it,” I stated.

I know. Don’t you see? That is why this place is the answer.” His eyes sparkled with pride at his discovery.

Answer?” My face scrunched up. “What was the question again?” It had been a long night.

The question was how can we be together. What I realized is that we were asking the wrong question.” Elliott’s face lit up as he spoke. His honey smooth voice resonated every word. His accent still made me swoon.

He had obviously been giving this a whole lot more thought than I had. I’d been so preoccupied with learning to project that I didn’t even realize what he was up to. Still trying to catch up, I asked, “What’s the right question?”

Where can we be together? Not, how can we be together? The where
the how.”

His backwards double talk was losing me. I tried to sidestep his word play. “So, just so I have this straight;
, Stonehenge, is the answer.”

Si mia amore.” He smiled.

I couldn’t help but smile too. I did have a lot to be happy about. But I still had a lot of reasons to be confused, as well.

I needed some answers. “How is this place an answer?” It was beautiful here. More so than any other place I’d ever been, physically or astrally. But no
were jumping out at me.

Elliott wasn’t even fazed. “Stonehenge is an energy epicenter Lilly. I’m sure you can feel it. Long, long ago this place was built to worship those ancient of energies: earth, air, fire and water. It is here they meet. It is here we can be together.” He sighed a deep sigh of relief and happiness.

How long can we stay here?” I asked.

Elliott swung me up in his arms, holding me close and kissing me softly. “As long as you want me, mia amore. You’re my desire.”

I giggled at his choice of words. “You’re my desire too!”

Thinking about it, he didn’t really answer my question. We were on a physical plane but astrally projected. And I knew we couldn’t stay here forever. Instead of worry, I chose to enjoy my life and live in the moment for as long as it would last.

So much had changed in such a short amount of time. In retrospect, it didn’t take me long to fall for Elliott again. Falling into my mind was another issue. But I was learning. I was here, with the most attractive man that ever existed. He had found me, in a foreign land centuries after our first meeting, because he loved me so much. I was the happiest person alive. We would find a way to make this work. That’s all that mattered.


Special thanks to my sisters (especially Alena) and my awesome hubby for their love and encouragement on my writing journey.

For more information on Lisa Graves and the secret messages hidden in her books visit

BOOK: Atlantis
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