Angelina [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

BOOK: Angelina [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 5


Angelina Aubert has been waiting on Tye, Mike, Jacque, Terrance, and Lucifer Bouchet to make a move. If they don’t hurry, someone else might take her, for good.

While hanging out at Dominate, a club owned by the Bouchets, Angelina is drugged by someone looking to abduct her. She is saved, thanks to high-tech security and the watchful eye of Terrance Bouchet.

When her best friend is taken, they all realize Angelina’s near abduction is part of a larger problem—a man is taking women and selling them for profit. The Bouchet brothers will do anything they can to keep Angelina safe. The best place to do that seems to be their bed.

Just as there’s a break in the case, the bad guys strike again, and Angelina’s destiny becomes uncertain.

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

46,412 words



Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 5






Dixie Lynn Dwyer










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever




Copyright © 2013 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

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First E-book Publication: April 2013


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Dear readers,

I dedicate this final book in the Orchidea series, to each of you. Your encouragement and readership keeps me focused and motivated to continue to write and hopefully, bring memorable and enjoyable stories to you.

May you enjoy Angelina’s tale of struggle and triumph, as she embarks on her journey to find true love “Dixie Style.”

Happy Reading.




Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 5



Copyright © 2013








Angelina Aubert looked at the clock for the tenth time. It was only two o’clock.
Damn. Why did I drink so much last night?

She was chopping the vegetables and nearly cut her finger again.

“Hey, why don’t I do that and you go check on the order for table five?” Illeanna said as she took the knife from Angelina’s hand. Illeanna and Ellena knew she was hungover.

“That must have been one hell of a party you and the girls went to. Are Vera and Elle feeling as good as you are?” Ellena asked as she wiped her hands on her apron.

“It was the after party that did me in. Vera and Elle have hollow legs. There’s no other explanation for it,” Angelina said as she looked in the mirror, fixed her lip gloss, then went to check on the food order. She washed her hands then took the two large plates of jambalaya with the side of biscuits and headed out of the kitchen.


* * * *


“You should have warned her before you sent her out there. She’s liable to drop that food when she sees who’s sitting at table five,” Illeanna stated to her sister.

Ellena shrugged her shoulders. “Tye and Mike haven’t asked her out. They’ve been blowing her off every time they come by here. Why do you think she’s been going out with Elle and Vera so much?” Ellena asked.

“Well, I think we should talk to her. I’m worried that she might hook up with some guy just to do it.”

“No, not Angelina. She’s too smart for that.”

“It’s not her judgment I’m worried about. It’s the types of guys that are out there. She’s not hanging out in Orchidea. She’s hitting the French Quarter and the clubs.”

“If you’re that worried, we’ll talk to her tomorrow at Angelique’s.” Ellena looked through the small opening that gave a view of the dining area. All Angelina had to do was take a peek out of it before she grabbed the food. She must really be hungover.


* * * *


Son of a bitch! Ellena is getting it.

Angelina nearly stumbled when she saw Mike and Tye sitting at the dining table in the corner of the room. Both were dressed casually and appearing just as good looking as always. Tye, with his brown hair and pretty-boy features, looked as if he stepped out of a Tommy Hilfiger photo shoot. Neither man noticed her yet as they spoke in what appeared to be a deep conversation. Mike looked serious and kind of angry. At six feet tall with muscles and a trim build, his ultimate fighter physique would make any woman’s mouth water. That was the problem. They had their choice of so many women, so why would they choose her? Her headache just got a whole lot worse.

“Excuse me, gentlemen, your meals are ready,” she said, avoiding looking at either man. She set Mike’s platter down first, then Tye’s before placing the basket of biscuits between them.

“Would you like another round of sweet tea?” she asked, still not making eye contact with them. It was better this way. If she looked at them, she would feel the need and the desire build up again. She couldn’t take their disinterest.

“Hello, Angelina. How are you?” Mike asked.

“Good. Is there anything else you need?” she asked, glancing at him a moment and then at Tye. They both just stared at her with expressions of concern and maybe anger. Since they didn’t respond, she turned to walk away, but Tye grabbed her wrist. She looked back at him as he quickly released his hold as if touching her made him disgusted. Her cheeks warmed with embarrassment and suddenly she felt angry.

“What?” she snapped at him, and he raised his eyebrows at her.

“Are you okay? You seem tense and look tired,” Tye said.

“I’m busy.”

“Are you feeling all right?” Mike asked this time. He was giving her one of his analytical looks. God, these men made her feel imperfect.

She leaned down closer, making sure that she whispered as the annoyance filled her body.

“I don’t have time for this. It’s none of your business, so if you don’t want any drinks or to order more food, then enjoy your jambalaya,” she said with a strong Cajun attitude accompanied by a smile.

They both appeared taken aback.

“Two more sweet teas, darling,” Mike said, and she abruptly turned and went to get the sweet teas.

She fixed the two glasses, added two new straws and thought about what just happened. It was none of their business if she was tired or hungover. Why were they even asking and looking like they cared when they didn’t? Feeling aggravated, she walked back over and set the two glasses down in front of them.

“How is the jambalaya?” she asked, trying to ignore the previous conversation.

“Very good, as always,” Mike said then wiped his mouth. She couldn’t help but stare at his lips and then his brown eyes. She was busted.

“Late night last night?” Tye asked her as he leaned back in his chair. He sounded like he was scolding her.

“Again, Tye, none of your business.”

“You should get some rest tonight. Maybe some more sleep will help. You’re young and you work too hard,” Mike offered. There he went making that same comment about how young she was. Every time they talked or met at Angelique’s or in town, he always mentioned something about her age. She’d had it.

She placed her hands on her hips and looked at him.

“I’ll be fine, just a little hungover is all. Us youngsters like to party and can survive on little sleep.” She turned around and walked back into the kitchen.


* * * *


Mike whistled low at the attitude and response from sweet little Angelina. He watched her ass wiggle as she walked and when she stopped by another table asking for a check, he saw how the abrupt movement made her breasts sway. She was well built.

“I guess we pissed her off,” Tye said as he took another bite of food.

“That’s all we seem to do to her lately. This is driving me nuts, Tye. Isn’t knowing that she’s going out with her friends drinking and partying upsetting you?”

Tye swallowed another mouthful of food.

“We agreed to wait. She’s twenty-six years old. She hasn’t even had a boyfriend. Terrance and Lucifer have a good point. We know that if we pursue Angelina, then it’s forever. That means no more parties, no more experimenting to see if a ménage is what the five of us want.”

BOOK: Angelina [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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