An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories) (8 page)

BOOK: An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories)
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Leo smiled against his bare skin. “Like that, boy?”

Like it? Alex couldn’t hold back his groan a second longer, and he arched his back as Leo moved to take the other nipple between his teeth and pulled on it. Like it? This was fucking

Swift fingers pulled at the zipper of his jeans. His jeans were grasped firmly and then slid down over his hips. His freed cock, which rose as if in greeting, almost begged for Leo’s touch. Alex let out a low sound of exasperation as Leo ignored it, instead concentrating on freeing Alex’s legs from the tight jeans, lifting each foot as he finally pulled them off. Alex shuddered, a flare of panic coursing through him. He was naked.

He lowered his gaze to watch Leo undo his own pants tantalizingly slowly, push them down past his hips, and remove them altogether. Leo’s prick came into view, and Alex swallowed nervously. A hard, thick cock jutted from Leo’s body, and Alex’s hole tightened. One day—not tonight, thank fuck—that was going to be inside him. Hopefully.

Leo straightened up, his whole posture one of confidence as he looked Alex up and down with eyes blazing. He advanced, not touching Alex’s body as he leaned forward to take Alex’s mouth once more in a hungry, fervent kiss.

“Leo,” Alex murmured into his mouth, desperate to feel those long, talented fingers once again on his aching cock. He felt, rather than heard, Leo’s chuckle.

Leo kissed down his neck to dip his tongue briefly into the hollows of his collarbones. “Patience, boy.”

It was official: Leo was trying to kill him. Alex let out a long, lingering moan. How the fuck was he expected to be patient while Leo tortured him? Alex trembled while Leo kissed him softly and touched him everywhere but the one place he truly craved. Did Leo want him to beg?

Leo’s next words confirmed Alex’s thoughts. “Tell me what you want, boy.”

No fucking hesitation. “Touch my cock… please, Leo!” Alex was pleading now.

Leo’s hands pushed him firmly, guiding him backward to the bed until his calves hit the mattress. “Lie down, Alex.” Leo’s whisper pierced the quiet of the bedroom, where the only sound was Alex’s labored breathing as he was pushed down onto the bed. Leo stretched out beside him, caressing his body. Alex’s first moments of discomfort began to edge away as Leo’s insistent stroking put him at ease. “That’s it, boy.” To Alex’s ears, Leo was almost purring with approval. “Just relax.” His eyes met Alex’s. “Touch me, Alex.”

Tentatively, Alex touched Leo’s wide chest with cautious fingers, sighing as he felt the warm flesh. His breathing eased as he slid his hands over Leo’s body with increasing confidence, enjoying the feel of his skin under his fingertips.

“That’s perfect, Alex.”

The whispered praise made Alex’s heart swell with pride, and he moaned as Leo’s lips met his once more. Alex’s erection pointed toward his navel, a puddle of precome pooling under the head. Leo’s tongue pushed at his parted lips, and Alex groaned as it slid deep into his mouth. Leo’s hand wrapped once more around his cock and slid along Alex’s length, the movement deliberate and measured. Alex wanted desperately to move. His hips rocked up from the bed, pushing his cock through Leo’s fist, and Leo made a sound of approval.

Breaking free of the kiss, Leo murmured into Alex’s mouth. “That’s it. Fuck my hand.”

Alex’s hips moved faster, precome making his cock slide more easily through Leo’s hand, which tightened around him, making him gasp. Leo moved down the bed, edging lower, lower… until the world came to a crashing halt as Alex felt the head of his cock enveloped in hot, wet heat. Oh. Fuck.

“Leo,” he called out helplessly as Leo sucked the head of his cock, his tongue swirling around it, taking in more and more each time, sucking Alex deeper. Saliva dripped down his length. Leo wrapped his hand around the bottom of the shaft, squeezing and stroking as his mouth worked the head.

“Fuck, yes,” Alex hissed, his hips rocking up at a faster rate. He gazed into a pair of icy blue eyes and didn’t look away as Leo increased the pressure, tightening his lips around the head, intensifying the suction. Alex let out a whimper as Leo reached to fondle his balls, stroking the delicate skin of his perineum, fingers stroking faster and faster. Alex’s moans seemed to spur Leo on, as he responded to each one with increased pressure around his cock.

Suddenly, Alex’s cock was released, and he let out a sob of relief… until he felt Leo’s hands on his thighs, spreading him wide, wider. Alex couldn’t tear his eyes from Leo as he pushed Alex’s thighs back toward his chest, his head moving lower.
. Surely he wasn’t going to…. Alex didn’t know how to react. This was too much, he couldn’t cope. He wanted to cry out, crawl away and hide—anything but lie there and take what he knew was about to happen.

“Grab your legs around the knees and hold them there.”

Leo’s eyes locked onto his. Alex obeyed instinctively, only to have the breath robbed from his lungs as Leo’s tongue licked at his hole.
…. Nerve endings fired up for the first time, burying him in layer upon layer of sensation. Alex’s cries built in intensity until he was almost sobbing, begging for release now. Leo was relentless. He lapped at Alex’s hole, licking, sucking, running his tongue around the rim, until Alex was hoarse from pleading. But now he was pleading for Leo not to stop. He couldn’t help it—he had to let go of his legs. Keeping them in place, not daring to lower them, he spread his arms across the bed and grabbed at the sheets, clutching them in tight handfuls as Leo slowly but surely drove him out of his mind. There was only so much more of this Alex could take. His balls tightened. Oh fucking hell, he was going to come. He was so close….

Leo pulled away long enough to utter three words. “Come for me.” His hand tightened around Alex’s cock.

And suddenly Alex was coming. His back arched as his cock erupted in long spurts of come, which spattered against his chest and abs, catching his chin, his hair—Christ, it was fucking
. Alex howled, not giving a fuck if anyone heard him, totally lost in a wave of ecstasy, coming hard, jolted by savage aftershocks as he let himself go completely.

“Yes, boy! Yes!”

Dimly, Alex was aware of Leo’s joyful exclamation, and his heart soared as he realized
brought that about. And with that realization came determination: he wanted to make Leo shout for joy again.




opened his eyes. He was lying in a bed, surrounded by a pair of warm, strong arms. He blinked several times.
What happened

“Ah, you’re awake.” Leo’s deep voice rumbled behind him.

Alex rolled over to face Leo, who had been curved around Alex’s back. Propping himself up on his elbow, Leo gave him an amused grin.

“What time is it?” asked Alex groggily. “Did I fall asleep?”

“It’s 11:00 p.m., and yes, you fell asleep not long after you orgasmed.” Leo’s eyes gleamed wickedly. “I think I wore you out.” His expression changed. “Are you expected home by a certain hour? Because if the answer’s yes, we’d better get you out of here.”

Alex stretched like a cat, his long limbs finding cool spots in the bed. He uttered a sound of sheer contentment. It made him smile to think Leo was still looking out for him.

“I’m good. Told my parents I’d be out late, anyway.”

Leo’s eyes traveled down the length of Alex’s naked body, and as he started to awaken fully, he felt the first stab of anxiety. It was one thing being naked with Leo when he’d been on the receiving end of Leo’s mouth, tongue, and fingers. It was something altogether different to lie naked with another guy once the sex had stopped and he could think straight again. And now he was
awake. Alex felt exposed, lying there in Leo’s bed, and he hurriedly pulled up the sheet that had slipped down to his waist, anxiously trying to cover himself.

Leo stopped him. “Oh no, you don’t.” The words were delivered quietly, but now there was a hint of power and confidence, which had been so hot earlier. Alex flushed as Leo pushed him flat onto his back and pulled back the sheet, revealing his naked form. Leo’s eyes glittered as he looked Alex up and down. Alex’s heart began to hammer wildly. “Easy, Alex,” crooned Leo. “I just want to appreciate how beautiful you are.”

Alex’s eyes widened as Leo slid on top of him, gasping as their bodies came into contact. He closed his eyes, overwhelmed by the sensation.

“None of that. Open your eyes, boy. See me. See who is pressing you into the mattress.”

Leo’s words had Alex’s eyes flying open.

Leo chuckled. “That’s better.” He undulated his body in slow waves against Alex, propping himself up on his forearms as he lowered his head to meet Alex’s lips in a thorough kiss that melted Alex from head to toe. Leo’s tongue slowly penetrated his mouth while that gorgeous cock slid against his as Leo rolled his hips. Leo broke the kiss and slid off Alex.

Fuck, that man could turn him on in a heartbeat.

Propping himself up on one elbow once more, Leo gazed down at him. “Well, I’ve just learned something useful.”

Alex looked up at him with a quizzical expression.

Leo grinned. “When you start to get nervous, I can distract you with sex.” Leo’s eyes locked onto him, and Alex squirmed. He broke eye contact, swallowing hard, but Leo cupped his cheek and lifted his chin to meet his gaze once more. “Do you like it when I kiss you?” His voice dropped to a seductive whisper.

Alex’s eyes grew wide, but his response slipped out before he had time to think about it. “Yes.”

Leo’s smile was positively wicked. “Good, because I intend to kiss you a lot.” Leo leaned back against the pile of pillows, languidly trailing fingers over Alex’s chest and arms, and Alex lay there, eyes closed, trying not to feel overwhelmed by the fact that he was nude. It certainly didn’t seem to bother Leo.

“You’re a virgin.”

It wasn’t a question. Alex tensed up, waiting for the inevitable. Fuck, he should have
Leo would prefer someone with experience, someone who….

A rich chuckle interrupted his train of thought. “I can hear the cogs turning from here, Alex. Relax. What did I just say? I’m not going anywhere.” Leo leaned closer, his mouth next to Alex’s ear. “And I certainly don’t have a problem with you being a virgin. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

Alex shivered as Leo traced cool fingers over his nipples, down his abs, dipped into his navel, and slowed as they reached the nest of pubes just above his cock.

“I didn’t ask you out on a date tonight with the intention of getting you into bed,” Leo said while running his fingers through the pubic curls, the slow, sensual movement a definite distraction. “But I watched you all through dinner, and your mouth was driving me crazy.” He paused to lower his head and bring their lips together before leaning back once more. “When we got to the car, all I wanted to do was kiss you.”

Alex caught his breath as Leo’s fingers traced the length of his half-hard cock.

“Did you enjoy it? My mouth on your cock?”

Alex shuddered. “Yes,” he whispered, not looking at Leo.

“Look at me, boy.”

Alex’s eyes opened wide.
How did he do that?

“Did you like me licking your ass?”

Alex squirmed. He didn’t want to answer. It seemed far too intimate a question. He squeezed his eyes shut.

“Alex, look at me.” Leo’s tone was firm, insistent, and once again Alex felt compelled to comply. He opened his eyes to find Leo’s gaze locked on him.

“Do you want this to continue? Us, I mean?”

Alex’s heart stuttered in his chest. “Yes.” The word was barely audible.

Leo let out a relieved sigh. “Thank God.” His eyes speared Alex. “Then answer the question: did you like me rimming you?” The edge was back in Leo’s voice.

“Yes!” Alex groaned loudly.

Leo chuckled. “Good boy.” He kissed the tip of Alex’s nose. “That was the correct answer.” He sat up swiftly, pulling Alex with him. “Come on, you’re getting into the shower with me.” He grinned.

Oh fuck.



was standing in a trance under the cascade of hot water, enjoying the total decadence of having someone wash him as Leo massaged shampoo into his hair. This was heaven. Soapy hands ran over his body, stroking him, gliding over his skin in a sensual massage. Leo slipped his hands around Alex’s back, and Alex gave a low moan as they moved lower, cupping his ass, squeezing his cheeks—until suddenly his heart almost stopped as a single soapy finger slid down his crack, over his hole, and back up again. Alex let out a whimper.

“Far too tempting,” groaned Leo. “Alex, look what you do to me.” Leo lowered his eyes, and Alex couldn’t help but follow, catching his breath as he took in the sight of a gloriously hard Leo, cock already rigid at a right angle to his lean, toned body. Leo leaned forward, his voice slightly breathless. “Do you want to touch it?”

Fuck, yeah. But there was no way Alex was about to.

Leo took Alex’s hand and guided it slowly toward his thick uncut cock, breathing heavily as Alex tentatively wrapped his fingers around the shaft. Leo covered Alex’s hand with his, and he began to move both their hands, sliding the foreskin back and forth. Alex moaned as he felt the silken skin slide back over the solid core of flesh, felt Leo’s hand tighten around his as they both worked it.

BOOK: An Unlocked Heart(Collars & Cuffs Stories)
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