Read An Unexpected Husband Online

Authors: Constance Masters

Tags: #Romance

An Unexpected Husband (5 page)

BOOK: An Unexpected Husband
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“Well what I do is none of your business.”

“That’s where you’re completely wrong. My child is growing in your body, so that makes it very much my business. As soon as you’ve finished eating I’m going to do something that I think you’ve needed for a long time. I’m going to give you a damn good spanking.”

“You can’t do that!” He wouldn’t, she thought.

“Yes I can and I’m going to.”

“I’m pregnant,” she said smartly. “Anyway I won’t let you.”

“I’m not asking your permission and I don’t intend to use anything that will hurt the baby. The only damage I’ll leave you with will be a stinging rear end.”

Skye dumped her knife and fork down noisily on the plate and pouted.

“Good, if you’re finished,” Shaun said starting to stand.

Skye snatched back her silverware. “I’m not,” she said. “I haven’t had any salad.” She placed a few leaves and a piece of tomato on her plate and pushed them around with her fork.

“Start eating or I’ll consider you finished,” Shaun warned.

She took a nibble of the lettuce and then changed the subject. “You’ll find it hard too you know. Telling your family.”

“I went to see my Mom to tell her today and then I phoned my brother.”

“What?! You haven’t! You only found out today.”

“I have! That’s what honest adult people do. They don’t keep secrets and they don’t lie.”

“What did you tell them?” She asked ignoring his not very well hidden insult.

“The truth. That I met someone while I was on vacation and then we lost touch. Met up again today by accident. That she was having my baby.”

“What did they say?”

“That they couldn’t wait to meet you.”

“See you did lie, they aren’t going to meet me.”

“Think again. On the weekend we’re going to take a two week vacation, together.”

“No we are not!” she said.

“Yes we are. If I have to drag you kicking and screaming I will.”

“Where do you think we’re going?”

“I don’t think, I KNOW. We’re going to your folks’ house for one week to tell them and reassure them that I’m ok and you’re going to be ok. Then to my Mom’s house to do the same. She’d like to get to know the mother of her grandchild.”

“You can’t make me go.” Truth was, she did HAVE to tell her parents and it might be a little easier with the father of her baby beside her. Maybe.

“Yes I can.” He stood and took her plate.

She’d stopped even pretending to eat the salad. “But I,” she started to say.

“You’re done.”


*              *              *


“I don’t want a spanking. Not that kind of spanking,” Skye said.

“Life isn’t just about what you want Skye. Sometimes it’s about what you need,” Shaun said. Deciding he wasn’t going to get into a debate about it, he propped his foot up on the rung of a chair and bent her over his leg.

“Hey! Stop!” she yelped as his hand connected with the seat of her pants. It took a second for the mild pain to register but she was feeling indignant all the same. “I won’t have this Shaun! Who do you think you are?”

“I’m the father of that baby,” he said peppering her bottom with hard spanks. “The one that you deliberately kept a secret from me.”

“I. Did. Not,” she said wincing as a particularly hard smack clipped the underside of her bottom. She stomped her foot.


*              *              *


Shaun shook his head. If she was still able to answer back and stomp her foot she mustn’t be feeling it much. He yanked her maternity pants down to her knees, ignoring her protesting shriek. This time when his hand connected with her wriggling bottom he was certain she felt it, her delicate panties offered practically no protection at all.

“Ow! Stop! That hurts!” she yelped between spanks.

“You have to stop telling lies,” he said spanking each cheek solidly where her bottom met her thighs.

“I didn’t mean to,” she wailed.

“You have to stop running away from your problems!”


“No it’s not ok. You have to open your mail and not stuff letters away and forget about them!”

More sharp spanks landed low on her bottom and she started to cry. “I will. I’m sorry…stop please I’m sorry,” she sobbed.

Shaun stopped spanking and pulled her pants back up to cover her panties and her now warm, very pink bottom.


*              *              *


Skye’s face was as pink as her bottom. She was upset and embarrassed. How could he spank her like that, like a child?

Shaun’s hands were on her arms trying to pull her towards him. She stuck her chin out defiantly, her lips set in a pout. “Leave. Me. Alone,” she said with a sniff.

“No,” he said.

Irritatingly, despite her protests, she found herself wrapped in a warm comforting hug. Even more irritating, she found liked it. She liked it a lot. “I think I need to lie down,” she said after quite a few minutes.

“Sure honey,” he said. “I’m just going to go home and get some clothes so I can come back and stay. If that’s alright.”

“You don’t have to,” she answered. Once again surprised at her own feelings she found she wanted him to stay.

“I want to,” he said.

“Maybe for tonight then,” she said.


*              *              *


As soon as Shaun had left, Skye drifted into a deep dream filled sleep…


Shaun peeled every piece of her clothing from her slowly, letting each piece drop to the ground at her feet until she stood before him completely naked. He slapped at her hands when she tried to cover her nakedness from his intense gaze. Standing before him naked when he undressed her like that.

“Pick them up and put them in the hamper,” he said.

Reluctantly, she bent over in front of him, acutely aware of the view she was offering from this embarrassing position. Her eyes pleaded with his but he said nothing, instead pointing to the corner.

Her face was a flaming hot bright red as she stood there waiting for him to call her over. She ran her hand down her body and over her belly. It was flat, no bump. She thought it was strange but not really in her dream like state. She had more desperate things on her mind. Her hand travelled further south to her wet folds. She ached for him, so much so that she forgot he might be watching.

She jumped as a hand clapped noisily and painfully off her bottom.

“No touching,” Shaun said quietly into her ear.

She pulled her hand back and pouted.

The bed squeaked as he sat. She knew for sure now that he was watching her. Enjoying her nakedness and her discomfort.

She stood there in the corner with her ass on display, twirling a strand of her long blonde hair around her finger. Her nipples were erect and waiting, pebbled with her arousal. One of her firm white ass cheeks was branded with a single pink handprint that tingled and she longed to run her hand over it to feel the warmth that she knew would be there.

“Come here,” Shaun said.

She hurried across the room and practically threw herself across his knee.

“Eager aren’t we?” he asked not with a little amusement.

She didn’t answer, she didn’t think she had to, it was obvious wasn’t it?

“I spoke to you.” He smacked her upturned bottom smartly.

“Yes,” she said breathily.

“You want to be spanked?” His hand slipped underneath her. His fingers delving in between her swollen lips to tease her clit.

“Yes,” she panted. She was rewarded by several stingy spanks on each cheek. She groaned. “Harder,” she dared to whisper.

He chuckled and raised his hand high and brought it down hard on each cheek and then stopped to rub the sting out and drift a little lower, delving between her cheeks.

She bounced a little impatiently on his knee, she could feel the hairs of his legs tickling and teasing her.

He started spanking again, each smack harder and faster than the last.

She could feel his own desperation building as his cock strained against her side. She knew he couldn’t wait much longer.

Skye cried out as a flurry of spanks rained down on each cheek. “Shaun!” she cried. Her breathing was coming in slow deep bursts and she could barely think straight.

She found herself sprawled on her back beside Shaun who wasted no time, he practically leapt on her, his desperately throbbing cock found her entrance and slammed deep inside her filling her while he ground her burning bottom into the mattress.


“I’m here,” Shaun said, climbing into the bed beside her.

Skye woke with a start, realizing when she blinked a few times that she’d been dreaming. Damn, she thought, it had been so real. “Hi.”

Shaun cuddled up to her. “Hi. You ok? You called my name.”

Skye’s face flamed with embarrassment. “I think so,” she said honestly. “I didn’t like it when you spanked me like that.” It was the truth even if it was changing the subject.

“I think that’s the idea,” he said.

Skye didn’t answer at first, she honestly didn’t know what to say. It was true she didn’t like it but it was hard to put into words exactly why it bothered her. He’d spanked her harder during sex, but that was different somehow. This was more than just the spanking, it was being held accountable. “No one has held me accountable for anything since I left home. I do what I want,” she said. “I like it that way.”

“You say since you left home?”

“Uh huh but I was a kid then. When you’re a kid your parents DO hold you accountable, that’s their job. I’m not a kid anymore.”

“So you think that when you’re an adult you don’t need anyone to guide you?”


“That may be true if you’re on top of things, but you’re not on top of things.”

“It might seem like that but maybe I like living like that.”

“So, you like worrying that the power might be disconnected? You like to only eat junk food? Why do you hide things from people that you love?”

“I don’t know alright.”

“No it really isn’t alright,” he said. “When you’re a kid and your parents punish you to teach you the right path, it’s because they love you.”

“We’ve established that I understand that.”

“Good. So then you can understand that if I spank you it’s because I care enough to help you find an easier path. For you, not just for our baby. That is part of it though. How can you teach your child right from wrong if you haven’t mastered it yet yourself?”

Skye’s answer was to poke out her tongue. She knew there was some truth in what he said. There was also a big part of her that had zoned in on the fact that he cared about her. Not just about the baby but about her too.




Chapter Three



“I was thinking. Maybe we should just go ahead and see your Mom,” Skye said. “It might be a nice surprise for my parents to see the baby AFTER it’s born.”

Shaun’s look was incredulous. “Seriously. You’re going to say. ‘Hi Mom and Dad this is my husband and my new baby!’” he said.

“We aren’t married.”


“You haven’t even asked me and anyway I don’t want to get married to a stranger.”

Shaun rolled his eyes. The stranger thing was getting old. She knew his last name now. Collins. They certainly weren’t strangers. “We’re not strangers…look I listened to you when you said you weren’t ready, we waited another week. I’ve hardly left your apartment. I know that you are domestically challenged, that you won’t eat vegetables unless I hide them, which is going to change by the way. I know that you are beautiful and I love you. I also know that even though you’re pregnant you still have the best ass I’ve ever seen.” Skye blushed a pretty shade of pink.

“Flattery might get you laid but it doesn’t mean you’re going to force me into marrying you.”

“There’ll be no forcing baby,” he said with a smile. “That’s the other thing I know about you, pregnancy has done nothing to destroy your libido.”

“Stop! You’re embarrassing me.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Nearly there.”

“I need to go to the bathroom again.”

“No problem. We’ll stop again as soon as one comes up.”

When he looked over at her he realized she was crying. He took her hand and squeezed it. “It’ll be ok, I’ll be with you. I won’t let them yell at you.”

“They won’t yell.”

“Then why so sad?”

“Cos my parents are really good people and they didn’t deserve this. I should’ve come right out and told them.”

“Yes, you should’ve, but you’re doing it now and that’s what counts.”

“I hope they’ll be happy about the baby. I’ll understand if they hate me, but I want them to love the baby.”

“How could they not? It’s part of you.” Shaun knew he sounded like a soppy fool but he didn’t care. He felt like a soppy fool, he was falling for this girl in a big way.


*              *              *


Skye came out from the bathroom at the truck stop and sat at the table where Shaun had ordered her a shake and a sandwich.

“Thanks,” she said with a grin. This would fill in a little time. “I’m hungry.”

“I thought you might be.” He frowned as she lifted the bread and pulled out all the greenery as she called it and dumped it onto the plate, her face all screwed up with disgust.

“Should have told them hold the salad,” she said.

“Hmmm. Maybe you should hold your tongue and just eat it. It’s good for you, and the baby.” Skye held her tongue and attempted to put the discarded green stuff into her mouth. “Impothible thee?” she lisped.

“Keep it up and you’re gonna get it brat,” he said.

“I’m pregnant remember, you should be treating me like a protected species. Stop bossing me, we’re not a couple.”

“Interesting, because I thought we just spent the last week eating together, watching TV together, shopping together and making love every night. Pretty much the stuff couples do. Add into the equation that we are having a BABY, who might like to have, I don’t know. TWO parents. I think we’re doing a pretty good impression of a couple, even if one of us is a little immature brat that needs to have her bottom warmed regularly.

BOOK: An Unexpected Husband
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