Alyssa's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 4) (9 page)

BOOK: Alyssa's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 4)
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Alyssa nearly came undone. She moaned and lifted herself into his touch. She was so fucking wet it was a wonder she hadn’t come yet. Her sex glistened with her moisture. Gathering up that wetness with two fingers, Michael spread the evidence of her arousal higher and circled the little nub that would be her complete undoing as soon as he touched it.

He smiled. She was gorgeous spread out like this. All her inhibitions had flown out the window, and she was completely unaware of what she looked like displayed before him.

He didn’t make her wait. Three tight circles around her clit, and he pressed his thumb into the nub, hard enough to hold her down with just that one thumb and his palm. With his other hand, he slipped one finger into her center, grazed it across the front of the channel … and groaned aloud.

Alyssa’s noises, however, muffled his own. Her orgasm rocked her body, her clit pulsing against his thumb, her tight pussy milking his finger.

And God almighty did he mean tight. No matter what they said, he couldn’t imagine pressing his girth into that tiny channel of heat. He would have to stretch her considerably with his fingers before he would ever be able to take her with his cock. And he’d surely come against the mattress working her into that state of bliss. Later.

As Alyssa’s orgasm slowed down until only the occasional jerk of her torso remained, Michael pulled his finger out of her center and sucked the digit into his mouth, licking her sweet juices off his hand.

He looked directly into her eyes as he did so and watched as they widened with shock. “You taste terrific. Sweet and spicy at the same time. Next time I’m going to lick your pussy with my tongue and suck your clit into my mouth until I can swallow your orgasm as you come.”

No way in hell had she been ready for that this time, but he didn’t want to waste the opportunity to warn her about later.

Later. That was the key word. When the hell was the mysterious later going to be?

Chapter 6

Alyssa couldn’t believe her recklessness. How in the world had she allowed Michael to completely undress her and make her writhe with pleasure beneath his gaze?

Her cheeks flooded with embarrassment, but he didn’t give her time to think. Instead he lay back down alongside her, keeping his jean-covered knee between her legs, and claimed her mouth in another searing kiss. The three seconds he’d given her to recover from her first orgasm evaporated in an instant.

The man could kiss. At least she assumed as much. But what did she know?

While he sucked her tongue into his warmth, his hand wandered up and down her body, caressing her breasts and stomach and thigh. He even grazed incredibly close to her sex several times without actually touching her there again.

And Lordy, she wanted him to touch her again!

What kind of a hussy was she turning into? Is this what happened to people when they mated? Well, probably not “people,” but wolves?

She could learn to live with this “torture.” Of course it hadn’t escaped her notice that this was only the tip of the iceberg. The big tamale was still inside her mate’s pants. She hadn’t even seen him yet, and there was still the little matter of taking him into her sex.

Her body grew warmer by the second, and her thoughts fled. His fingers were magical, seeming to sense just where to touch her and when to bring her back to life.

Michael pressed his knee tighter against her wetness and squeezed her breast with his entire hand. He released her mouth and stared at her chest. “I love how your nipples bead when I do this.” He blew a quick breath against her breasts, and she gasped.

Wasn’t he done? How long had he been torturing her with his hands and mouth? She didn’t know quite everything there was to know about a man, but she was fairly certain they didn’t like to worship a woman’s body while getting nothing in return.

“Don’t tense up on my now, babe.” He nibbled around her mouth. “Relax.”


“Don’t think about ‘buts’ right now, just feel.”

Oh God. Her breath hitched as he pinched a nipple between his fingers. Her mind cleared of all rational thought, again, and she arched into his hand against her will. What her brain told her should have been painful, her body told her was exhilarating and driving her mad with the need to explode once more.

“Michael…” What was she going to ask?

His mouth wandered to her ear, and she caught her breath on his next words. “Rub your clit against my leg, baby. Make yourself come while I suck your pink, needy nipples.”

Alyssa couldn’t believe what happened to her body at his command. She actually lifted her chest and pushed her sex against his leg.

Michael had no mercy. He sucked her breast into his mouth. His free hand held the globe, squeezing it just enough to align it perfectly for his tongue and lips. But the moment his teeth grazed the pebbled tip, she flung her arms down from where they still lay above her and grasped Michael’s head.

“Let it go,” he muttered against her breast as he made his way to the other globe. “Come for me, Alyssa… That’s it… Rub your clit against my jeans.”

As he sucked her other nipple into his mouth and teased the tip with his teeth, she couldn’t keep from obeying him. Her second orgasm took her by surprise. Harder and stronger than the last, she came with reckless abandon beneath Michael’s skillful touch.

How she would ever recover from this she had no idea.

When the pulsing subsided, Michael let go of her breast and released the pressure he’d held against her sex. He laid his head alongside her body, hugged her close, and whispered into her ear. “God, Alyssa. You are so fucking sexy. Hot and tight … the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of witnessing that. I’ll cherish it forever.”

Alyssa shivered. Her senses returned, and she curled into Michael, her back to his front. Her shirt fell across her chest to afford her at least a tiny slice of modesty. As if that mattered now.

With her legs pressed together, at least he was no longer staring at her as though she was a feast, and he was a wild animal.

Deep breaths calmed her racing heart. “I can’t believe…” She didn’t even know how to finish that sentence.

“I know.” He chuckled against her ear, his breath making her shiver all over again. “It’s okay. You were beautiful. Perfect. Stunning.”

“Embarrassed,” she supplied.

“Please don’t be embarrassed with me. I’ll take my time, but eventually I’m going to explore every inch of your body inside and out with my fingers, my eyes, and my mouth.”

“That doesn’t make me feel all better, you know.” She chuckled. “Maybe if you stop talking I can find a brain cell or two and put them back in my head.” Alyssa glanced from left to right as though the lost brain matter would show up on the pillow beneath her head.

Finally, she turned in his arms to face him. “I’m no expert, but I’m not stupid enough to not know this can’t have been fulfilling to you. I—”

“Shhh,” he interrupted, placing a finger over her lips. “Please let this one be about you and not me. I’ll live. If it makes you feel better, I’ll let you make it up to me sometime.” He grinned at her. “I asked for this myself. I knew what I was getting into when I requested you let me make you come.”

“Twice,” she pointed out.

“Twice. And I wouldn’t take it back for the world.” Michael brushed her hair from her face and smoothed it back behind her head. His actions were so caring, all doubt she’d ever had about mating fled the room. Well, maybe not
doubt. There was still that tiny issue of consummating the union, but she’d deal with that another time.

Her bladder suddenly made its presence known. “I need to use the restroom.”

“’K. Use mine.” He pointed to a door across the room. “I’ll wait here for you to … pull yourself together. I know that was no small feat for you. Letting me strip you nearly naked and tease you into submission.” His grin was devious. Teasing.

Alyssa flushed again, wiggled away from his side, grabbed her clothes where they lay discarded around the bed, and headed bare-assed to the adjoining bathroom.

The moment she shut the door, she leaned into it and took deep gasping breaths of air that wasn’t quite as tainted with the taste of her mate. Oh, it was still filled with his scent, probably even worse since the bathroom was his. His shampoo, his deodorant, his shaving cream—all those smells lingered in the air from his shower earlier in the day.

At least she had a moment’s reprieve from his voice, his smooth skin, his minty taste… Nope, she was well and truly screwed.

* * * *

Tyler sat in his car staring out the window attempting to still his pounding heart before he made the final leg of his journey. It would take only ten minutes to get to the Masters’ farm from the hotel where he’d stayed last night.

After devoting every ounce of his energy to the job interview in Denver, Tyler had switched gears and headed straight for Oregon. The interview had gone fantastically, and he had high hopes they’d offer him a job. The company intended to make a decision in about a week. Plenty of time to go claim his woman.

What Tyler had to offer Alyssa today suddenly seemed rather vague and lame. His only worldly possession right that minute was his car. He had a bare minimum of belongings, a pile of student loans a mile high, and no guarantee of employment.

Now there’s somebody every woman is just dying to latch onto

Tyler chuckled and started the car. No time like the present. Hopefully the pull of them being mates would trump all his imperfections.

Born and raised as a member of the Oklahoma pack, he’d only recently realized true mates even existed. The pack he belonged to did not make frequent mention of that option. It never struck him as odd because humans rarely met their perfect match either, so there’d been no one to refute the idea.

Until he’d gone away to college where he’d met a few wolves from other packs. In retrospect, his pack probably allowed him to move away because he was on the “expendable” list—adult males not mated because there were no available women. It was easier to let him go than arrange a mate for him.

And why hadn’t that lifestyle of arranged polygamy seemed odd to him? Well, it didn’t matter now. He’d gotten the message loud and clear when he’d met other wolves and learned their ways. No other pack he knew of seemed to operate under the same rules. Lupines indeed waited until they met their mate and then claimed them. Sometimes their mate was human; sometimes lupine.

There was little chance anyone besides his parents would even care he’d left. Good riddance. And once he claimed Alyssa, there wouldn’t be anything they could do to get her back either, so the plan was safe.

Perfect. As long as she didn’t mind moving to Denver.

Tyler pulled up the gravel drive to the Masters’ house in full view this time, not needing to hide. The ranch home was a huge, sprawling brick structure with a welcoming hominess that was undeniably absent from his parents’ house.

Hands shaking, Tyler stepped from the car and walked toward the front of the house. His heart beat wildly. This was it. If she was home.

He didn’t even have to knock before someone came outside. In fact he’d not even climbed up the front steps yet.

The man who emerged didn’t say a word. He calmly shut the door with a soft
and leaned his back against it. He was definitely a Masters. Eight days ago Tyler had seen multiple men that looked just like him coming and going while Tyler had waited on Alyssa to appear. Tall men with bronzed skin and brown hair. All had deep brown eyes.

This man had not been one of them.

Tyler took a deep inhale, intent on introducing himself, and gasped. He stepped back from the stairs and held the breath he’d taken. His head swam. His stomach churned, threatening to chuck his breakfast. Michael. It had to be him.


Michael chuckled sardonically. “Was wondering when you’d show up.” He stepped forward and sat on a porch chair.

Tyler leaned forward, put his hands on his knees, and tried to keep the world from spinning.

“I know how you feel. Come on up and sit down as soon as the nausea subsides. Don’t want you to vomit on the porch.”

Tyler lifted his head just enough to see the half smile pasted to Michael’s face. The man was not pleased.

. Many scenarios had gone through Tyler’s mind in the last week, but this hadn’t been one of them.

He’d worried about Alyssa accepting him. Worried she might be pissed that he’d run off. Worried she wouldn’t realize the connection they had in the same way he did.

He’d not factored Michael into the picture. Why had he been so cocky? Why hadn’t it occurred to him she might be mated to Michael
himself? After all, the other Masters men shared their mates with another wolf. Why not Michael? The man probably

Tyler stood slowly and climbed the steps to the porch, feeling like a man heading for the guillotine. He chose a seat across from Michael and stared at him.

“Michael.” It was the only word Tyler could come up with yet.

“Mystery Man.” Michael shook his head and grinned.

“Right. Sorry. Tyler. Tyler Evans.”

“You caught on fast for a mystery man. Thought I’d have to explain things to you.”

“I could sense the connection with you as soon as you opened the door. Shocked me. I’ve heard of such things but not firsthand.” Tyler gripped the arms of the chair and stared at Michael.

Michael leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”

“Yeah.” Tyler swallowed. He had questions of his own. “Did she see me? Last week at the rodeo?”

“Nope. But she smelled you.”

“I was afraid of that. I tried to leave as fast as I could, hoping she wouldn’t notice.”

“And why would that be?”

“I didn’t want to upset her life. She’s so happy here.”

“You know her? How? And how do you know who I am? I’ve never seen you before in my life.”

“I was raised in the same pack she was.”

BOOK: Alyssa's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 4)
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