Alpha Bear Detective: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Alpha Bear Detective: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance
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The kiss relaxed a bit then, lost some of its desperation. Maria felt it turn languid, like they both realized that neither of them was going to stop, and so were able to just explore each other’s mouths like they had all the time in the world.

Levi’s mouth was hot and sure, and his stubble pricked against Maria’s cheeks; his hands moved up and down her back, catching for a second on her bra strap but moving on every time.

Maria kept one hand in Levi’s hair, loving how thick and soft it was, but let the other trail down the back of his neck. She felt him shudder underneath her and smiled into his mouth, feeling a little self-satisfied at how quickly he responded to her.

“Oh, really?” he said back, and retaliated with one hand teasing at the hem of her jacket, threatening to slip up underneath it but not quite committing. She remembered that she wasn’t wearing a shirt under that jacket.

Wanting his fingers on her bare skin, Maria squirmed on his lap, trying to urge his hand forward. He inhaled sharply, and she realized she was brushing against his hard-on.

She hesitated for just a second, and then slid forward.

yes, there it was. Her stiff business skirt was in the way, but she could still feel it against her inner thigh. He was big.

He groaned into her mouth, and both of his hands surged up under her jacket to caress her waist. She shivered, and tore away from him for just a second to undo the buttons on her jacket. It fell open, and now she was in his lap in a skirt, an open blazer, and a bra.

His lips parted. “Now that’s a fantasy I didn’t know I had,” he murmured.

Maria looked down at herself. Her suit had already been the worse for wear when she put it on, and now it was wrecked—her skirt was pushed up around her upper thighs, her jacket was wrinkled and torn and now hanging open. Her chest, as always, mightily resisted any containment, and with the buttons undone was proudly on display. Under the skirt, all she was wearing was a pair of panties, already damp.

“Me neither,” she murmured truthfully. She’d never really thought about getting down and dirty at work—no one in the office was all that attractive to her, to start with—but there was a definite thrill to destroying a suit in the name of uncontrollable desire.

Because right now, Maria was done with controlling herself.

“Your turn now,” she told Levi, and went to work on his tie.

When she had it hanging loose around his neck and his shirt unbuttoned halfway down, showing off his chest muscles to great effect, she leaned back and took
in. Rumpled clothes, loose tie, mussed hair, sexy smile—“Now
a fantasy I
know I had,” she said.

There was something about a well-dressed, well-muscled man—like the tie and the dress pants were the only things keeping him civilized. Like the second they came off, his true nature might come out.

“Oh yeah?” Levi rumbled. “What about this?”

He kissed her fiercely, his hands coming down to her thighs and sliding up, up—they caught on the bottom hem of her skirt and pushed it further up, further…Maria panted against his mouth, feeling those big hands gripping her.

He lifted her up easily, sliding the skirt over her ass and then setting her down again. Maria wasn’t used to feeling this small—she was a big girl, but Levi dwarfed her.

He spread his hands over her ass and pulled her in against him. Maria gasped in pleasure as his hard-on pressed directly against her clit. She couldn’t help moving her hips to get more of the sensation, and a groan rumbled deep in Levi’s throat.

Her panties were now the only thing between her pussy and the open air, and they were getting wetter by the second. Her pussy clenched as Levi’s hips surged forward, rubbing himself against her.

She pulled back just enough to shrug her jacket off, letting it fall to the floor. He leaned in, kissing her breasts. She shivered at the tiny, sharp pains from his stubbled cheeks against her sensitive skin, and reached back to undo the clasp of her bra.

“Wow,” he said, as her bra fell away and her breasts were completely exposed. “You have—an amazing body.”

“I’m glad you—oh—you think so,” she managed, twisting on his lap as he ran his tongue over a nipple. “I’m used to guys wanting thinner—ah!—thinner girls!”

He lifted his head. “You’ve been seeing the wrong guys,” he said disdainfully. “I like women with real curves.” His hands flexed on her ass in illustration, and she shuddered. “You look amazing, and you
,” his hands flexed again, “incredible.”

He went back to lavishing attention on her breasts, his tongue exploring all over while she moaned above him.

Eventually, she was able to keep it together for long enough to attack his shirt buttons again—he pulled back and helped her, and they cooperated to get his shirt and tie off and leave him gloriously bare-chested.

Maria ran her hands over his pecs and thought that if she could just stay right here forever, she’d be happy.

He kissed her again, and she melted into his arms, feeling all of that hot, bare muscle under her hands, pressing up against her breasts. She pushed her hips forward again, rubbing against his erection, and he thrust up,
against her. She felt like she was melting from the center outward.

Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer, and she slid her hips back and reached down between them, her fingers closing over his bulge. She couldn’t resist jerking him a couple of times—which coincidentally rubbed her own knuckles up against her clit, making her moan. She was soaking wet; her panties were probably transparent by now.

He gasped when she touched him, but only put up with her teasing fingers for a minute before moving her back and reaching down himself to undo his fly. His cock was straight and smooth, and
—Maria thought that some other time, she might have been intimidated, but right now…well, she wasn’t ashamed. Her mouth watered.

Levi was looking down, and she realized that when he’d scooted her back, he’d also exposed her pussy, still covered—
covered—by a scrap of soaking wet cotton.

He swallowed, and reached with one finger to stroke over the gusset of her panties. Maria made a strangled noise. He stroked again.

She found her voice. “Please. Now!”

Taking her at her word, he tugged her panties aside and drew her forward again, lifting her up and settling her slowly down onto his cock.

Maria’s mouth opened and her head tipped back as he carefully eased her down onto him. Inside her, he felt even bigger than he’d looked a second ago.

It was

Maria had never thought that size mattered all that much, but apparently she just hadn’t had as wide of an education as she’d needed, because
…this was already better than any sex she’d ever had, and they weren’t even all the way joined yet.

Levi pressed further, and further still, being unbearably gentle. Maria shuddered on top of him as she finally seated herself fully down on his thighs, feeling his entire enormous length inside of her, pressing against every delicious spot within.

She brought her head down to look at him, and he was gazing at her with such tenderness that she couldn’t stand it—she kissed him instead, closing her eyes and focusing on how he was making her feel.

Slowly, he started to move—his hands on her hips lifting her, his own hips thrusting up from below, sending tremors of pleasure through Maria’s body. She broke the kiss to gasp for air at the first real, long thrust. It was so deep, she felt like they’d never separate.

His tongue traced her collarbone, and he started kissing up her neck. She clutched at his hair—it was dampening with sweat.

It felt like they’d created their own little pocket of desire, here in this strange kitchen—their own world, a world that smelled like sex and want, this heated space between them that no one else would ever know.

Levi’s thrusts began to speed up, and Maria heard herself let out a high-pitched moan as he hit her
right. She scrambled to brace her feet against the rungs of the chair and thrust back, the two of them falling into and out of rhythm as they slipped against each other.

Finally, Levi stilled her, and then as he thrust up, pulled her down to him
. Maria shrieked. Her pussy was spasming around him, clenching hard against his cock. She ground down hard, her clit pressing against his pubic bone until pleasure ripped through her.

She came harder than she ever had in her life. All she could think of was
Levi, Levi, Levi
. “
,” she heard herself moan out loud, as the last spasms shook her.

When she caught her breath, she blinked her eyes open and looked at him, and it was promptly taken away again.

Levi’s hair was a mess, his mouth was red and wet, and his green-tinted eyes were lazy with sated pleasure. When their eyes met, he smiled, and it was the most appreciative and self-satisfied expression she’d ever seen.

Well, she thought, he deserved it.

“That was amazing,” she said.

“You’re amazing.” He kissed her.

She couldn’t help smiling into it—she was turning into a teenager, blushing at little compliments like that.

But she couldn’t help but feel like he really believed it.

The kiss went on, and on, and on, and once again Maria felt like she could just stay here forever.

But sadly the safehouse kitchen was
, in fact, the entire world. Reluctantly, Maria pulled back. Even more reluctantly, she said, “We…shouldn’t have done this.”

Levi’s expression shuttered. “I know,” he said. “I’m sorry. I’m breaking the rules in a big way, and when you were just involved in something so terrifying—”

“Wait, no,” Maria interrupted. She pulled back a little more—wow, everything was…extremely wet. She had a feeling that most of that was her fault. Well, ultimately Levi’s fault.

She collected herself and held up a finger. “We talked about this before. You are
taking sole responsibility for this. We are both adults, and I wanted it just as much as you did. I kissed you first!”

“You were scared.”

“Just because I was
doesn’t mean that you can tell me I wasn’t in control of my own actions,” Maria pointed out.

He clearly didn’t have a good reply for that, although he didn’t look very happy.

Maria let out a breath. “Okay. It was a bad idea on both of our parts.” Why did it feel so
to say that? It was the endorphins, probably. This was a continuation of last night—Levi had saved her life, and then given her the best orgasm of her life. Of course her body was clamoring for her to make babies with him.

attractive babies—
stop it.

She took a deep breath and kept going. “Why don’t we just say
, great, that was an amazing time
, get cleaned up, and agree that we won’t do it again?”

She ignored the part of her that cried out against that plan. She knew what part that was, and it got
say in this decision. Her brain needed to step in and take charge now.

Levi still didn’t look happy, but he said, “That seems like the best idea.”

“Good.” Now she had to actually get off his lap. This was a problem for two reasons: one, her bones were like jelly, and two…she really, really didn’t want to.

Maria exercised her willpower and forced herself to move—God, she was going to be sore tomorrow—and Levi helped her with his hands at her waist.

They felt really good. Damn it.

When she was standing—wobbly, but standing—she gave Levi a smile that felt incredibly forced but was the best she could do. “I’m going to go take a shower.”

Levi nodded. “I’ll wait here until the officer arrives with your clothes.” When her eyes flickered helplessly downward, he flushed red. “I mean, not like
. Uh.”

“I get it,” she choked out, and scooped up her clothes from the floor and fled for the bedroom.

In the shower, she reminded herself that as wonderfully mind-blowing as that had been, it was a really, really bad,
idea, and she wasn’t going to do it again. Even leaving aside the job-related issues, hadn’t she just sworn off strong-willed, handsome men?

To be fair, Levi seemed to be of a totally different type than her usual boyfriends. He listened to her, he respected her…and he was fantastic in bed.



But she
date him. It was literally impossible given their respective situations, and it would be terrible for Laura if anything got out. And it wasn’t like they knew each other at all, anyway! If they started dating, it would probably be a week before Maria found out something really off-putting about him.

Like his incredible shifter form.

Or his strong protective instinct.

Or his desire to make the world a better place.

“This is terrible,” Maria told the ceiling. It didn’t offer any suggestions.

It was
. She just had to survive this case—and wasn’t that a downer of a thought right there—and then they’d never see each other again, probably.


*              *              *

After Maria disappeared down the hall, Levi just sat for a few minutes, trying to get his head around what had happened.

He’d been absolutely determined to keep his distance, to be professional, not to give in to his bear’s instincts.

There was really no disputing that he’d totally, completely failed at that.

But how could he have done anything else? The way Maria had looked when she was moving on top of him—the way she had smelled, the way she had

He’d never experienced anything even close to that before. Forget ‘best sex of his life,’ that was in contention for the best thing he’d ever experienced, full stop.

He still shouldn’t have done it, though. He knew that.

Maria had had a point that she’d also been a willing participant, and that he couldn’t just pretend she had no mind of her own. But she hadn’t spent a lifetime mastering her shifter instincts. He
have had more control.

He should at least be able to stop thinking about doing it again. Maybe in a bed this time.

He forced himself to put it out of his mind and get up and go clean up at the sink. He was going to have to stop at home for a change of clothes before heading back to the station, and despite it all, he couldn’t help smiling a little smugly at the thought.

*              *              *

Maria got out of the shower and realized she hadn’t quite thought this through—her clothes were now even more destroyed. She definitely wasn’t putting that pair of panties on again. She wrapped herself in a towel in place of any actual clothes, and hoped the police officer assigned to pick her things up would arrive soon.

She was just toweling her hair off when her phone buzzed. She picked it up: incoming call from an unknown number. “Hello?”

“Ms. Maria Hernandez?” said an unfamiliar voice.

“Yes, who is this?” She glanced around, but didn’t see a notepad or anything that would let her take down the man’s information if it was important.

“Just wanted to let you know that I’m looking at your boss right now,” said the voice.

Maria froze.

“She’s surrounded by cops, so I’m not doing anything…yet. But she better be surrounded by cops for the rest of her life, because I’m not giving up until she’s dead.”

She clenched her teeth. “What do you want from me?”

“I want you to see the truth,” said the voice. “You’re on the wrong side. Shifters are dangerous animals, and they’ll turn on us the second they get power. By helping them, you’re destroying humanity. We have proof.”

She needed proof. “Who are you?” She put a tremulous, fearful note into her voice, so that maybe he’d think that she was just scared, rather than digging for information. It wasn’t hard to do.

She knew who he was now, anyway. She just needed him to say it.

He laughed. “You know. You saw me.”

“Tell me your name!”

“I’m still looking at your boss,” he said instead of answering. “She’s headed into the station…now. Guess that means I’ll have to catch her on her way out.”

Maria refused to listen to threats. Maybe she could get him talking some other way. “What did you mean, proof?”

BOOK: Alpha Bear Detective: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance
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