All the Ugly and Wonderful Things (44 page)

BOOK: All the Ugly and Wonderful Things
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“Oh, sweetheart, are you sure you wanna do this right now?” he said.

“Before Donal comes back.”

“Fair enough.”

Wavy took a deep breath and said, “Sean killed Val and Liam.”

Aunt Val had been dead for seven years, but finding out who killed her turned it into a fresh wound. Leslie cried. I cried. Mom fell apart. Everyone else sat there quietly, waiting for it to be over.

Finally, Leslie wiped her eyes and said, “Do the police know?”

Kellen reached for his wallet, chain rattling, and pulled out a folded sheet of notebook paper. With a worried look on his face he smoothed the paper on the table.

“No, we haven't told the police nothing. I don't think Donal's ready for that. He hasn't exactly been making friends with the cops lately. He wrote this to Wavy, while he was still in juvie, right after we found out where he was. They sent a whole lot of letters while we were trying to get the custody stuff figured out. The first half is about Sean, about the situation. Look, I don't wanna say nothing rude. I don't know if I—”

“Just say it,” Mom said.

“The first part is just about, you know, Sean being Donal's father.”

Kellen wasn't a fast reader, and he seemed worried about saying the wrong thing. I thought of offering to read it, but it was Wavy's letter and she'd given it to him.

“That day, when you dropped Donal off at the ranch, he says he went up to the farmhouse and Liam's bike was there and Val's car. Donal says, ‘I could hear him yelling.' Sean, he means. ‘
You said you loved me. You promised, you bitch
.' Sorry.”

“It's okay,” I said.

“‘And Mama was screaming,
You killed him!
She was crying and I was too scared to go in, because they were yelling the way Liam did. You know, how he would get crazy. I wanted to run away, but I was scared to leave Mama there.'”

Wavy stared through the dining room wall, but the rest of us watched Kellen, who put his hand over his eyes for a moment. When he went back to reading, his voice was raw.

“‘Mama was saying,
No! No!
And then I heard the gun. After that, it was quiet for a while. So I opened the door and saw Mama. She was on the floor with the gun in her hand, but Sean was standing over her. He told me what to say to the cops. To tell them I was alone, that nobody else was there. He made me say it over and over, so I wouldn't screw it up. Sean said if I told anybody he was there, something bad would happen to you. That's why I went back to the house after Sean left and took the gun. I went—”

Kellen stopped. Mom was crying again. Wavy squeezed Kellen's arm and he said, “I don't wanna read that part.”

“Yes,” Wavy said.

“No, sweetheart, I really don't.”


After almost every sentence, I thought Kellen would cry, but he made it to the end of the letter.

“Donal says, ‘I went to the garage and I saw you and Kellen together. I'm sorry about spying on you, but I was so scared. I needed to know you were okay. If you were with Kellen, I knew you were safe. Except the cops said … he—he raped you. Maybe that was my fault, because I told the cops that I saw you on the desk in the office with him. And then after Kellen got arrested, it wasn't safe to tell anybody. Sean always said something bad could happen to you. I didn't know what he might do, if Kellen wasn't there to protect you. Now that Sean's dead, I guess I can tell you. I hope you're really coming to visit me like your letter says. Since you're my sister, they say I can have a contact visit with you. See you soon. Love, Donal.'”

Kellen picked up his napkin and blew his nose. He sat with his head down, until Wavy stood up and leaned over him. When he raised his head, she held his face in her hands and kissed him.

She glanced at Mom and, for a good minute, all they did was look at each other. Mom had tears running down her face, but Wavy was smiling.

“You wanted to protect me. I know. We're going to be okay.”

“I'm glad,” Mom whispered. She actually sounded it.

The front door snapped open and Donal skulked into the dining room holding a Styrofoam cup. Fumbling in one of his sweatshirt pockets, he pulled out a handful of crumpled bills and the car keys. When he laid them on the table next to Kellen's plate, a few coins rolled loose and fell on the floor.

“Oh jeez,” he said, seeing us all looking weepy.

“It's okay. I think we're done crying,” I said.

Donal reached out and laid his hand on the back of Wavy's neck.

“Icy paws,” she said and swatted him away. For a second he cracked a smile.

Then she picked up her plate and carried it out to the kitchen. Kellen followed her with the ham platter, and Donal trailed after them.

When I took what was left of the pie into the kitchen, the three of them were standing at the sink. Donal and Wavy were both eating off her plate and Kellen was washing dishes. Seeing them next to each other, I figured out what was different about Wavy. The top of her head almost reached Kellen's armpit. She had grown.



Bryn Greenwood
is a fourth-generation Kansan and the daughter of a mostly reformed drug dealer. She earned an MA from Kansas State University and continues to work in academia as an administrator. Her essays and short fiction have appeared in
The New York Times, Chiron Review, Kansas Quarterly, Karamu,
The Battered Suitcase
. She lives in Lawrence, Kansas. You can sign up for email updates


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Title Page

Copyright Notice



Part One

1. Amy

2. Grandma

3. Wavy

4. Wavy

5. Kellen

6. Miss Degrassi

7. Kellen

8. Wavy

9. Wavy

10. Dee

11. Amy

12. Kellen

Part Two

1. Kellen

2. Amy

3. Kellen

4. Wavy

5. Miss Degrassi

6. Kellen

7. Wavy

8. Butch

9. Wavy

10. Kellen

11. Dee

12. Donal

13. Kellen

Part Three

1. Patty

2. Wavy

3. Miss Humphries

4. Cutcheon

5. Wavy

6. Kellen

7. Wavy

8. Donal

9. Casey

10. Kellen

11. Kellen

12. Wavy

Part Four

1. Amy

2. Butch

3. Amy

4. Wavy

5. Amy

6. Kellen

7. Sheriff Grant

8. Court Reporter

9. Amy

10. Donal

11. Wavy

12. Amy

13. Kellen

Part Five

1. Renee

2. Wavy

3. Renee

4. Kellen

5. Renee

6. Wavy

7. Renee

8. Wavy

9. Kellen

10. Renee

11. Wavy

12. Renee

13. Wavy

14. Kellen

15. Renee

16. Judge C. J. Maber

17. Wavy

18. Kellen

19. Amy

20. Kellen

21. Amy

About the Author



This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.



An imprint of St. Martin's Press.


Copyright © 2016 by Bryn Greenwood. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


Cover design by Olga Grlic.

Cover photograph: night sky and stars © Michael Forsberg / Getty Images


The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:


Names: Greenwood, Bryn, author.

Title: All the ugly and wonderful things: a novel / Bryn Greenwood.

Description: First edition.|New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martins Press, 2016.

Identifiers: LCCN 2016002476|ISBN 9781250074133 (hardcover)|ISBN 9781466885806 (e-book)

Subjects: LCSH: Children of drug addicts—Fiction.|Domestic fiction.|BISAC: FICTION / Literary.|FICTION / Coming of Age.

Classification: LCC PS3607.R4695 A45 2016|DDC 813/.6—dc23

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e-ISBN 9781466885806


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First Edition: August 2016

BOOK: All the Ugly and Wonderful Things
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