All That He Desires (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 2)

BOOK: All That He Desires (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 2)
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All That He Desires (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 2)
Thorne, Olivia Perihelion Publishing (2012) Tags: Romance

For fans of 50 SHADES OF GREY, BARED TO YOU, and erotic romance...
Number two in the "Billionaire's Seduction" series and the sequel to ALL THAT HE WANTS (Part 1)!
Lily Ross was just your ordinary temp working a thankless job when smoking hot Connor Brooks walked into her life.
Swept away by passion, she made some questionable choices that she might regret one tomorrow.
Because Connor Brooks is not the man he appears to be.
Incredibly handsome? Check. Rich? Check. Devil-may-care with a side of smoldering passion? Triple check.
But he's a man cloaked in mysteries, with a past he won't divulge.
Despite the danger, Lily's determined to find out what he's hiding...even if it means playing Connor's dark, erotic games...
19,000 words. Contains explicit sensual scenes and some profanity.
Part 2 of the Billionaire's Seduction series.


All That He Desires (The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 2)



Thorne, Olivia

Perihelion Publishing (2012)



Tags: Romance

For fans of 50 SHADES OF GREY, BARED TO YOU, and erotic romance…
Number two in the “Billionaire’s Seduction” series and the sequel to ALL THAT HE WANTS (Part 1)!
Lily Ross was just your ordinary temp working a thankless job when smoking hot Connor Brooks walked into her life.
Swept away by passion, she made some questionable choices that she might regret one day…like tomorrow.
Because Connor Brooks is not the man he appears to be.
Incredibly handsome? Check. Rich? Check. Devil-may-care with a side of smoldering passion? Triple check.
But he’s a man cloaked in mysteries, with a past he won’t divulge.
Despite the danger, Lily’s determined to find out what he’s hiding…even if it means playing Connor’s dark, erotic games…
19,000 words. Contains explicit sensual scenes and some profanity.
Part 2 of the Billionaire’s Seduction series.



The Billionaire’s Seduction
Part 2


Olivia Thorne


To be notified about future book releases, just go to and fill out the form!


Books By Oliva Thorne
Contemporary Erotic Romance


The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 1


The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 2


The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 3


The Billionaire’s Seduction Part 4


Part 5 Coming Soon! Just go to and fill out the form to be notified about future books!


Historical Romance


(Pen Name Amelia Nolan)




Master and servant, aristocrat and commoner… Passion brings them together, but pride will tear them apart. When Marian is in danger, will Evan risk everything - his fortune, his title, his life - to save the woman he loves?




The Billionaire’s Seduction
Part 2


















I’d known him for two hours and change when I let myself be seduced by his crystal blue eyes and movie star looks. Then I’d had crazy sex with him on the floor of the boardroom of the corporation where I worked.

In retrospect, not some of the wisest decisions I’ve ever made.

Certainly not the most cautious.

But when a man looks and acts like Connor Brooks, caution gets thrown to the wind.

He was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. Certainly the most confident I’d ever met. He treated life like a game, and acted as though he held all the cards.

He was infuriating… and intoxicating.

And he’d swept me off my feet, both literally and figuratively.

I had, in a moment of weakness, confessed that my brief time with him had been the happiest night of my life.

Yes, he was
charming. And good-looking.

And yes, the sex was
that good.

After I said it, he asked me to go with him:
You said this was the best night of your life. So let’s keep it going. Maybe even make it the best weekend of your life.

Come with me.

When I protested that I had unfinished work that was due in my boss’s email inbox at 9AM the next morning (a Saturday morning, no less!), he whispered in my ear,
Take a chance. Be that woman I made love to just now.

Come with me.

wanted to be that woman.

And I
wanted everything I’d had for half an hour up in that boardroom.

So I got in the Bentley limo as Connor held open the door.

My life was never the same again.



The first thing I noticed was the plush leather of the seats – decadent, sinful, sensual. And the space! It felt like the car was
wider than normal. I could have stretched out in here and… uh… done stuff with room to spare.

I scooted across the seat as Connor moved in beside me and closed the door.

He pressed a button on a console in the door and spoke.

“Hey, Johnny, take us up to the Strip, would you?”

The limo purred into action, gliding like oil on ice as it merged into traffic.

The Strip?!

“We’re going to a strip club?” I asked, my eyes wide. I hadn’t signed on for

Connor grinned. “We can if you want, but I was thinking of the Sunset Strip. West Hollywood? Clubs, bars, fine dining?”


I felt both relieved and incredibly embarrassed at the same time.

“Would you like a drink?” he asked.

“S-sure,” I stammered, totally thrown off my game – not only by the strip club thing, but by the environment. The only time I’d ever ridden in a limo was for prom, and that was a 20-year-old town car that smelled slightly fusty from all the spilled beer of a thousand bachelor parties.

This? This was pure luxury, from the black leather to the widescreen television set into the wall that divided the cabin from the driver’s area. In fact, I couldn’t even see the driver. There was a plate of black glass that separated our little world from his.

“Champagne okay? Or would you like something stronger?”

“Champagne would be great.”

He leaned over to the wall across from us and slid a small compartment to the side. There was a cold storage unit in there, from which he drew out a bottle of champagne.

Dom Perignon.

I think I’d gotten drunk on Dom Perignon once.

Oh, no, wait… that was Thunderbird in the twelfth grade.

Holy crap, I’m in a Bentley, about to drink Dom Perignon.

To say I was intimidated was an understatement.

Connor pressed another button, and a center portion in the wall across from us opened up to reveal a whole collection of glassware – champagne flutes, wine glasses, all those different fancy cocktail glasses you see in bridal gift sections.

He poured two flutes of champagne and handed me one. I knew nothing about crystal, but I could tell that the glass was expensive just by handling it – surprisingly heavy for its size, but delicate to the touch and incredibly thin.

He clinked his glass against mine. “To an excellent evening so far… and an even better night ahead.”

I widened my eyes and smiled like,
Oh boy… WHAT have I gotten myself into?

I took a sip.

Damn, that was good.

I’m not a connoisseur by any means, but it was a lot better than any other champagne I’d ever tasted before.

Of course, maybe it was entirely psychological. I’m sure anything drunk in a fancy glass in the back of a Bentley tastes better than average. Champagne… tap water… Kool-Aid…

“I have to make a phone call,” he said, and tapped the door console again.

I just nodded. I was too shell-shocked for anything beyond simple movements and even simpler sentences.

You Tarzan, me Jane.

Actually, it was more like
You Mr. Bentley, me Jungle Jane.

There was the sound of a dial tone from hidden speakers. Before the second tone began, a very male, very
voice pierced the air.

A very male, very gay, very

“Connnnnnnnorrrrr, this had better not be the kind of phone call I THINK it is.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, Sebastian,” Connor grinned, “but that’s why you make the big bucks.”

“Dammit, Connor, why don’t you just skip buck-naked through life with an American Express Black Card taped to your forehead? It’d be easier on me, and it sure as hell wouldn’t crimp your style of torching every single meeting I set up for you.”

Mr. Connor Brooks, skipping naked down the street… huh.
was an interesting visual.

I giggled.

“What? Who was that?”
the gay voice snapped.
“CONNOR, do NOT tell me you are blowing off the New York meeting to cavort with some random FLOOZY.”


I sat up ramrod straight, miffed as hell. “

“That’s RIGHT, Ms. Thing, I’m talking to you.”

“Sebastian,” Connor barked.

The speakers went silent.

Sebastian finally said in a chastened tone.

you just insulted is Lily Ross,” Connor lectured. “Apologize.”

“I said I was sorry,”
the voice said petulantly.

“Yes, you said it to
Now apologize to

“Is she an investor? In that case, I am deeply – ”

“It doesn’t matter if she’s an investor or not!” Connor shouted.

“Okay, so she’s obviously NOT an investor,”
Sebastian said, then added under his breath – but just loud enough to get picked up by the phone –

I covered my mouth with my hand and giggled. Despite how much of a jerk the guy was trying to be, the bitchier he was, the funnier he got.

Connor glowered. “Sebastian, you are treading perilously close to losing your job.”

“You mean, the job where I make travel plans and schedule meetings that you blow off at a moment’s notice?”

“Sebastian – ” Connor warned.

“I’m SORRY, Ms. Ross. I do hope you will forgive my impertinence and accept my most abject apologies.”

“That didn’t
very abject,” I sniffed – although I wasn’t actually ‘sniffing.’ I was rather enjoying the surreal back-and-forth. If I didn’t have strong evidence to the contrary, I would have pegged Connor and Sebastian as some longtime gay couple who bicker endlessly.

“Well, it’s as abject as you’re gonna get,”
the voice shot back.

I laughed out loud. He was just too funny not to.

But Connor was seriously getting angry. “Sebastian – ”

“I didn’t realize you were taking us to a comedy club,” I said, trying to divert Connor’s attention – and get in a little dig of my own. “He’s pretty funny… for amateur night.”

There was an overly dramatic gasp on the other end of the line.
“Oh no you didn’t!”

“Oh yes I DID,” I said, then snapped three times –
click, click, click.
“In a Z formation.”

There was a pause.

Connor just stared at me. I grinned and shrugged.

“Oh, I guess she’s alright,”
Sebastian grumped.
“A thousand times better than the last one, anyway – ”

“THANK you, Sebastian,” Connor grimaced.

I looked over at Connor, one eyebrow cocked. “You do this a lot?”

“No,” he said, then added almost as an afterthought, “Not anymore.”

I didn’t believe him.

he did this a lot. A pang shot through me.

What, did I think I was special?

Actually, until that moment… I did.

And it hurt to realize I wasn’t.

“Unh, unh, unh, honey child, I could tell you some stories from back in the day,”
Sebastian clucked.

“THANK YOU, Sebastian,” Connor raised his voice. “Now, onto business.”

“Oh God, I tremble to ask.”

“I want my regular. Two nights ought to do it, I think.”

“You DO realize it’s almost nine on a Friday night, yes? And that they’ve almost assuredly booked it, yes?”

“Make it happen.”

“‘By any means necessary,’”
Sebastian groaned. It sounded like he was quoting someone – and I was guessing it was Connor.

“Yup. By the way, I’m hungry – you hungry?” he asked me.

BOOK: All That He Desires (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 2)
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