All That He Demands (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 3) (6 page)

BOOK: All That He Demands (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 3)
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“Me, too, but… um…”


need to call my roommate Anh.”


While we were waiting for the breakfast to arrive – the ordering of which I left entirely in Connor’s hands – I dialed Anh’s cell from the phone in the penthouse bedroom.

She answered on the second ring, hesitancy in her voice.

“Hey, it’s me.”

“Are you okay?!”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

“Good, because AAAAHHH!”
she screamed,
“I am going to KILL you!”

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry – ”

“I thought you were DEAD, or in the HOSPITAL or something! I called you four times and texted you, too – GOD, Lily!”

Anh is usually the most mild-mannered girl in the world. She must have
been worried to react this way. I immediately felt sick with guilt.

“I know, I know, I’m sorry – ”

“Why didn’t you answer your phone?!”

“I left it at work.”

“Why’d you leave it at work?!”

“Um… it’s complicated…”

“This had better be good.”

I thought about saying,
Well, is sleeping with a billionaire good enough?
but I thought that sounded golddigging and skanky… so I toned it down a bit.

“Well… I met this guy…”

There was silence on the other end.

Then she laughed.

“Yeah, RIGHT. No, really, what happened?”

“Excuse me,” I said haughtily, “I could have met someone.”

“Where, in the crazy afterhours club that is the 23rd floor of Exerton Consulting? No, really, what happened?”

“Um… actually… yeah, that
where I met him… well, I guess, technically I met him in the lobby, and then we went up to the 23rd floor…”

More silence on the other end.

“You’re SERIOUS,”
she said, astounded.



“I’ll tell you later. I just needed to let you know I’m okay.”

More silence.

Then she whispered,
“Did you do it?!”


she squealed,
“you TOTALLY did it! OH MY GOSH! Wait – are you at his place?”

“Um… sorta kinda…”

“Then why does my phone say the Dubai Hotel?”

“Uh… ‘cause that’s where he’s staying…?”

More silence.

“You had better start from the beginning and tell me everything,”
 she instructed.
“And I mean EVERYTHING.”

I winced. “I can’t… I’ve got to go… but I promise I’ll – ”

“Lily, oh my GOSH I am going to KILL you – you can’t just run off and have mysterious sex with some mysterious stranger and not – is he mysterious?”

“Kind of, yeah. Actually, pretty mysterious, yeah.”

I could almost hear her swoon on the other end.

“Is he cute?”

“You wouldn’t
how cute.”

She squealed.
“You have to tell me EVERYTHING!”

“When I get home, I will, I promise.”

“Are you coming home soon?”

“Um… I don’t know.”

“Are you coming home TODAY?”

“I hope not.”

“Oh my GOSH, Lily, I am so freakin’ jealous!”
she squealed, though I could tell she was happy for me. Then she turned somber.
“You’re being safe, right?”

“YES, Mom,” I said, though I felt a pang of guilt because, no, I wasn’t, not really – and by that I mean condoms, not bald thugs in sunglasses.

“Fine. Just… come home safe, okay?”

“I will.”

“If for no other reason than I have to hear how the hell you, Lily Ross, did something as crazy as shacking up with a mysterious cute guy you met last night.”

“I’ll tell you everything, I promise.”

“Okay… thanks for calling.”

“I’m sorry I made you worry.”

“Yeah, YOU’RE going to be the one buying the Haagen Dazs for a month after this crap.”

“Deal,” I said. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Okay… have fun!”

“I will,” I grinned, and meant it.


We had breakfast by the penthouse pool, just Connor and me. Johnny had gone to talk to the manager about surveillance tapes and see if he could identify Mr. Clean.

The spread laid out on the white linen tablecloth and expensive china was magnificent: eggs, bacon, every type of fruit imaginable, croissants, pastries, a pot of fragrant coffee, carafes of freshly-squeeze orange juice and ice-cold milk…

…and a piece of sourdough toast, a cup of strawberry yogurt, and a Bloody Mary.

“I made sure they brought your favorites,” Connor said as he tucked into a massive helping of bacon and eggs.

“Ha ha,” I said without laughing as I crunched into the toast.

He gave me a mischievous smile. “Those
be your favorites, seeing as how you could have ordered anything
on the menu and you still chose those.”

“I didn’t want to freeload,” I said, taking a sip of the Bloody Mary. “By the way, thank you.”

Mm. Nice.

It was probably entirely psychological, but I could feel my hangover begin to recede.

“You’re welcome. And it’s not freeloading, it’s letting me do something nice for you. I
doing nice things for people I care about.”

I blushed slightly at the
People I care about
part, and my heart pitter-pattered a little.

“You’ve done plenty of nice things for me,” I murmured.

“I meant besides orgasms,” he grinned.

The slight blush turned into bright crimson.

He continued to stare seductively into my eyes. “And you’ve more than returned
nice things – ”

“SOOOO, who was that guy?” I said loudly.

He grinned at my discomfort – and then decided to let me off the hook. “Who knows. A disgruntled shareholder. A disgruntled former employee. A disgruntled something or other.”

“Aren’t you worried?”

“I know this is hard to believe, seeing as you probably don’t have to deal with assholes making vague threats against you on a daily basis – ”

“Other than Herr Klaus?” I said, and immediately regretted it.

He laughed. “Herr Klaus? That’s what you call him?”


“It fits. Yes, besides Herr Klaus, you probably don’t have too many assholes making threats against you, whereas mine are legion. That guy was a piker. He might as well have been threatening to de-friend me on Facebook. You should hear what people say about me in

“You’re on Facebook?” For some reason that surprised me.

“Somebody somewhere in one of my organizations runs it for me,” he said, waving a fork. “It’s for publicity more than anything else.”

“You weren’t there, though. He was creepy.”

Connor reached across and took my hand. “I’m sure he was, and I’m sorry you had to go through that… but his tactics were strictly Bad Guy 101. No, not even that – Remedial Bad Guy Basics. Bad Guy For Dummies.”

I giggled a little in spite of myself, then made myself stop.

“I want you to be careful,” I insisted.

He used a finger to cross his heart in an ‘X.’ “Promise. I’m just sorry you didn’t get to enjoy the pool while you were down there.”

“I like the company at this one better.”

He smiled, and looked down at the robe still tightly clasped around me. “Are you going to open that up and get some sun, or what?”

I hesitated… mostly because I was self-conscious of my body, and nervous about exposing myself to him out here in the unforgiving daylight… but then I untied the belt, shrugged my way out of the robe, and let it stay under me like a slipcover over the chair.

His eyes moved up and down my body, pausing especially long on my breasts.

I blushed a little. The bikini top felt even smaller than before, and I could almost feel him caressing me with his eyes.

I liked it.

I liked that he was looking at me, openly, lustfully.

He certainly wasn’t interested in his breakfast anymore.

I sat back, rested my hands on the arms of the chair, and let him look some more.

His eyes moved up to mine and tried to hold there – but he kept darting a quick glance down at my breasts, my legs, then back up to my face.

I could feel myself getting very turned on.

Especially when he shifted, crossed his legs with one ankle on his thigh, and rummaged in his pocket, as though rearranging something.

He’s getting turned on, too,
I thought, and the idea that
was the one responsible made me feel more confident – and even more turned on.

“I have to say,” he murmured, his voice hoarse and thick, “I’m glad you kept the robe on downstairs.”

“Why’s that?” I asked, my voice almost a whisper.

“Because I want
” he said, gesturing to my body, “all for myself.”

My breath caught in my throat.

“Come here,” he said, his voice commanding.

I stood up, leaving the safety of the robe behind completely, and walked over slowly to him.

He uncrossed his legs and took my hands.

I could see the bulge in his pants, and it made me even more excited.

“Sit here,” he said, and pulled me down to his lap.

I started to sit on his legs like I would on a bench –

“No. Straddle me,” he ordered.

I paused, then lifted one leg over him and sat on his lap facing him.

I raised my arms up hesitantly and put them on his broad shoulders.

He gazed deep into my eyes, and I felt his strong, powerful hands lightly touch my sides.

I whimpered a little as his fingers brushed my bare skin, then worked their way lightly up my back. Every touch sent a little thrill of heat through me, and I shuddered.

“Are you cold?” he whispered.

“No. Not at all.” I swallowed. “Just… turned on.”

He grinned, and traced one of his fingers around my side to the bikini top. Then he began to caress everywhere there was exposed skin – the top swells of my breast, at the sides, my cleavage.

Did I mention the top was rather small?

It left a lot of skin to caress.

He pulled gently at the cloth and I about had a heart attack –
is he taking off my top, up here, out in the open?!

But he was only tugging up the top so that the underside of my boobs was slightly exposed. And he began to softly brush that with his fingers, too.

He was
me. I wanted
so much
for him to move on to other areas – but he kept away from them, teasing me, making them yearn even more for his touch.

By now my nipples were diamond-hard under the cloth. Apparently he could see that, because he gave me one of his self-satisfied grins and softly –
barely –
touched one of the points through the red material.

I moaned.

He began to softly massage the little point through the cloth, circling it, stroking it, rubbing it gently, switching from one breast to the other, caressing the other nipple through the cloth.

And with his other hand, he moved down between my legs.

He brushed softly across the insides of my thighs, his touch like feathers or silk, then slowly advanced towards the bikini bottom. At first he stroked the edge, where the red cloth met my leg… tracing a line from my ass all the way around my thigh…

Then his fingers wandered across the red cloth. He stroked between my legs, tracing my lips, advancing softly up them until he reached the apex – and another hard little point beneath the cloth that he began to circle with one fingertip.

So soft, so slow… then gradually harder, but not much… the difference between a kiss so soft it felt like a breath, and one that merely tickled the skin.

The bikini bottom was soaked with my desire, as wet as if I had submerged in the pool just enough to touch the cloth.

I whimpered and shuddered over and over. I had to close my eyes for a second, I was so overcome with need. Then I opened them again and stared at him. I felt like I was drowning as I gazed into those icy blue depths.

At that moment, he had me.


One set of fingers softly brushing my nipples, the other teasing and playing with my clit…

…and then he slipped his thumb beneath the edge of my bikini bottom.

I gasped as I felt his fingertip move down past my clit and caress my lips… then slowly inch back up. My wetness made his flesh linger on mine, made it glide sensually across my skin. He began to massage me in slow, soft, tiny circles, and I could feel heat and fire building faster and faster inside me.

His other hand pulled the bikini top askew. Then he circled his hand around my back and forced my upper body closer to him.

No matter how insanely turned on I was, fear shot through me.

“No,” I protested, even as I had to close my eyes against the onslaught of pleasure from his caresses. “No, someone will see – ”

“No one will see,” he growled, and took my nipple in his mouth, sucking wetly at it with his lips and tongue.

I cried out and arched my back so he could take all of me in his mouth.

He broke off just long enough to ask, “Do you still want me to stop?”

He said it as he started pressing the tiniest bit harder on my clit, faster, stroking around in a circle, sending lightning bolts of ecstasy through my thighs.

Damn him.

At that point, I wouldn’t have cared if all the paparazzi in Los Angeles were up there snapping away with their cameras.

probably not true.

But seeing as we were on the highest building for miles around, and only birds, airplanes, and helicopters could see what was going on – and there weren’t any around that
was aware of – I had to keep going.

BOOK: All That He Demands (The Billionaire's Seduction Part 3)
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