All Of Her (Fantasy Heights) (5 page)

BOOK: All Of Her (Fantasy Heights)
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“How did you know I wanted to try double penetration?”

Josh snorted a quiet laugh. “The throne room the other day, when Thomas, Gwen and her boyfriend did it. Your enthusiasm for the floor show just about left me bruised.”

Guilty. She drew her lips between her teeth and bit down, trying not to smile. His mouth stretched into a seductive grin, she did not feel the least bit sorry, even as she told him, “I apologize.”

He lowered his chin, and his lids drooped in a you’re-not-fooling-anyone expression. “Don’t even.”

She laughed at that, then leaned her head back again and turned slightly to greet Neil. “Hi.”

His dark eyes swam with a delightfully naughty impatience. “Hi, pretty girl. Miss me?”

“Mmm.” She pressed a light kiss to his bottom lip, and then gasped as he wiggled a butt plug against her hole.

Her back arched with a will of its own as a fresh batch of desire, spicier and more primal wrestled for control. A blast of animalistic hunger, a ravenous curiosity roared inside. This was why she’d taken this job. Tonight she would experience something bold and new. And if she couldn’t have Josh and Thomas together, a Josh and Neil pairing was the next best thing.

gave herself over to them completely, not really listening to their gentle murmuring to one another as hands stroked and teased and soothed. Neil worked the plug deep into her ass. Both men kept reminding her to breathe deep and let herself adjust to the plug, knowing full well that every time a dose of oxygen hit her bloodstream, the chemical pleasure sparkled brighter, every sensation intensified.

She would never know how long the two of them suckled at her breasts and played with the plug and sank their fingers into her pussy. They meant to explore and tease and provoke and she was lost to it, happily surrendered to their wish to make this as memorable an experience as possible. She felt cherished. Ravaged, wanton and worshipped at once. Amazing. Overwhelming and hot enough to scorch their hands.

It was Josh who removed the plug and with agonizing care, penetrated her ass. He knew her so well, and was so tuned to her reactions that every twinge, every urge to grind her hips or hasten his movements was met with an expressive touch or a cautioning murmur against her nape.

Only once Josh’s shaft was fully lodged did Neil step up to press the head of his cock into position. The tip of him was so hot, his touch against her pussy lips very nearly sent her reeling off once more.

“No. Focus,” he warned. “Breathe. Come on.”

It took fierce self-control to combat the triple threat of anal penetration, an overabundance of chemicals and a desire to please them. She managed, just barely, not to come again, though the need had crystallized itself into a bright point, poised and ready to shatter at the slightest provocation.

But she had felt nothing so far, it seemed. Not until Neil began to move his hips, teasing his cock deeper and deeper into her pussy, did she realize how unbelievably powerful sexual pleasure could get. She’d heard about a sensation of fullness, and even sometimes a fantastic friction of two cocks rubbing against each other and her internal barriers. Nothing anyone had ever told her about double penetration could have done justice to the entire effect. Josh and Neil, two strong, proud men she enjoyed in their own right, taking their time and working together to make her feel good. They created a fathoms-deep, exquisite pressure in her belly beyond anything she could have imagined.

As if on some silent cue, the two of them began to move. First Josh, then Neil, their muscles flexing in concert like expertly timed pistons. One would push in deep while the other pulled back. It took only moments for the pressure to build itself up into an unstoppable force.

She came again, drawing shaky murmurs and breathy gasps from Josh and Neil both. They remained focused on self-restraint, smooth and controlled in their movements, but neither of them could hold out forever, either. She had barely stopped pulsing before Neil succumbed. Josh followed a moment later.

To feel them both straining up into her, coming, moaning in release and ecstasy, was really more than she could take in at once. There was pleasure and pain and affection and a good deal of gratitude that they’d worked hard to make the experience a good one.

The rest of that night was something of a sleepy, sated blur. Neil had kissed her goodbye and told her he’d see her tomorrow. Josh had hauled her over to their suite in the Palace where they once again soaked in the hot tub, twined tightly together, not talking much but enjoying the closeness.

The following evening, she was on duty again with Thomas. To call it awkward, convening with him in the greenroom alongside their throne room set, was putting it mildly. At least on her part. Thomas did not appear the least bit affected by any memory of the note burning.

Straightening the shoulder of a humble white homespun tunic, he asked, “What time do we leave on Saturday?”

Lord, she thought. His haircut and that dang note had made her forget all about Thomas’s double standard. Too late, now. Without Josh and Thomas, she would skip the wedding. But she hated cowards. She had to take them with her, if only to keep herself from chickening out.

Besides. Confronting Thomas wouldn’t do any good. He would stare at her with those outrageously gorgeous eyes and coolly repeat what he’d said last time: if she didn’t like it, no one was forcing her to stay.

Yes, she knew he hadn’t really meant it. They were both conflicted.

With a sigh, she gave in. “I don’t know. The ceremony starts at four, and I don’t really want to be early.”

“What are you wearing? To the wedding, I mean.”

“Does it matter?”

“Just making sure I don’t have to advise you against black or red or anything snarky.”

“You and Josh will be red-flags enough, so I figured I’d wear this one jade green suit I’ve got. Kind of invisible. And we’ll get in and out of there as quickly as possible.”

He eyed her for a moment. “Are you absolutely certain you want to go?”

“No, but I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Someone will be uncomfortable or offended, either way. Much like it is for me, working here. Can’t afford to ask questions. Can’t afford not to, either.”

He shook his head. “Leave it alone, Amanda, and life goes back to what it was before.”

“So just eat it, Dorothy? Ignore it? Pretend you’re not a living, breathing lie? Is that what you’re telling me?”

First his answering expression was resentful, but then a wry, devilish spark of humor lit his eyes. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you. Click your heels, forget the witches, and we’re right back in Kansas where we belong.”

“Or in a greenroom with a room full of clients next door who are probably getting squirrelly because we’re late.”

“Or that. Now remember, we’re not headliners this time. Try not to scene-steal, for once.”

She wrinkled her nose at him and took a deep breath as he straightened the train on her gown. Every time they used this set, Kara made her costume more and more elaborate. This rendition was the finest yet, a rich crimson brocade constructed jacket with a high neck and mutton sleeves. The back tapered into a frivolously long and gorgeous train. Beneath was a plain, thick white silk floor-length shell, allowing only the tips of her beaded slippers to show.

The scriptwriters had concocted a piece to accommodate multiple clients in varied roles, and an ensemble cast. Indeed the set was very crowded as she, a high lady of the realm, entered with her squire. There were knights and lords and courtesans and servants, random dignitaries and guards. It was hard to tell who might be the observer on set through the twenty or so players.

Everyone had come for a chain of knighting ceremonies. She and Thomas would go first to show the others—mostly clients—how it was done.

The ceremonies would be presided over by their king, who Amanda immediately recognized as Neil. She almost tripped as a thought struck her. Small bits of information began to snap home, like iron shavings to a magnet. Thomas and Neil, friends. Neil was a neurosurgeon. Thomas had a lot of scars.

There had to be something to the connection, she thought, as Thomas steadied her with a hand at her elbow. She forced the speculation away in favor of the changes Josh and crew had made to their set over the last week. She breathed out a quiet, “Oh, wow.”

The central platform where she’d last seen Thomas perform double penetration had been replaced with a faux-stone bathing pool at least ten feet square. In it, they would carry out a greatly abbreviated and stylized vigil. She would perform the ritual bathing. They parted ways at one end of the bathing pool, each stopping on opposite sides to be attended by courtesans. Thomas they stripped down entirely. She was left wearing the white silk shell.

That done, she and Thomas turned to face one another across the pool. They each stood on stone steps that led up to, and then down into, the water. On both sides, beside the steps, stood huge candelabras bearing six candles, one for each of six fictional provinces. Servants stood by with lighted tapers, ready to light candles at the appointed time.

Ready now, Thomas and Amanda mirrored each other exactly. They climbed to the top step and descended into the water. Someone had been kind. The water, about two feet deep, was clear and warm. Near the center waited a chalice-shaped platform holding a large natural sea sponge. They would convene next to it, and complete this part of the ceremony.

She and Thomas waded, careful to mirror one another until they stood very close together. The silk, wet up to mid-thigh now, clung provocatively. Thomas did not disguise avid interest in the way her erect nipples poked at the silk. Still, she was fairly certain that all eyes would be fastened on Thomas. Even without the famous locks, he was a magnificent sight, tall and sculpted and somehow managing to look every inch the proud warrior.

Fierce desire stirred the pit of her belly, and a glorious warm ache ignited between her legs. Gaze fastened onto hers, Thomas got down first on one knee, and then lowered the second until he knelt before her, supplicant.

How many times had she fantasized about a submissive Thomas? Twenty? Fifty? She had a hard time concentrating on the script as he bowed his dark head, nearly touching his forehead to her belly, just beneath her breasts.

Focus as she might, her hand was still shaking as she picked up the sponge and dipped it into the water, cuing Thomas to begin. He spoke a few lines in what she supposed was Latin. While he did, the servants lit their first candles. With each lighting, she was to touch the sponge symbolically first to Thomas’s left shoulder, then his right, and then over his head.

Six times they performed the ritual, until the entire candelabra was lit. Afterward, Thomas stood and crossed behind her, ascending the steps on her side of the pool. Courtesans met him with red vestments.

On her part, she waded to the front of the pool where Neil met her, eyes alight with his signature blend of arrogance and warmth. He handed her down the steps where another set of courtesans—one of whom looked suspiciously like Kara—waited to peel away the precious, sopping white silk. Amanda stepped out of it and someone slung a purple velvet robe over her shoulders. It did not close in front, leaving her bare-breasted, her mound and legs visible to the audience. Once a gold silk cord had been secured around her waist, Neil led her up to the throne platform.

Another bone-deep flare of desire glowed to life as Thomas approached once more. He knelt before her and Neil and she caught herself wishing they were alone. This ceremony would have progressed much differently than it did in reality, with Neil painting a dark purple dash on Thomas’s forehead before touching his shoulder with the flat of a sword.

Neil took her hand and passed it to Thomas, a gift from the king upon knighthood.

Behind them, another couple parted at the end of the bathing pool. It was their cue that the next ceremony was about to begin, and she and Thomas should clear off set.

She felt a pang of disappointment. This fantasy would end for the others very differently than it would for her and Thomas. Everyone else had two servants waiting in chambers to rub them down with oils and get them stimulated to the point of screaming before they fucked. But she and Thomas would simply get dressed and part ways.

So wrapped up in the disappointment, she’d forgotten his pressure-valve policy. She did not remember until he’d led her quickly off set and round the corner into the Moroccan room.

Watching him close and lock the door behind them, she asked, “What are you doing?”

He leaned back against the door, letting out a ragged breath. She had come to recognize the gesture as a signal of much trouble ahead. This time was no different. Only then did she notice he was fully aroused, and his gaze travelled meaningfully from her breasts to her mound and back again.

Okay, maybe the fantasy didn’t have to end quite yet, but he seemed to be waiting for something. Did he think she wouldn’t want to play this out? Let him have her?

She gave him the clearest signal imaginable. She walked to the middle of the room to find a comfortable, very visible spot in the cushions. After sitting down, she lay back, propped on her elbows. She didn’t bother fussing with the robe. It wasn’t covering anything anyway, and certainly covered nothing as she spread her legs wide open for Thomas. And there began a long breathless moment of will-he-or-won’t-he for Amanda, watching his eyes center on her cunt, then rise to her breasts, as intimate as a caress.

Though she knew the invitation would get a response, she wasn’t sure what to make of the one she got. Thomas came away from the door with a quickness, his long, powerful frame crossing the distance between them in a flash. At the edge of the cushion, he dropped down to prowl the remainder, lithe as a panther.

On his hands and knees, sultry dark eyes pierced hers with a needful intensity.

“I want you to fuck me,” she told him.

That drew another long stare. She had no idea what he was thinking behind those wide, exotically slanted eyes, but whatever it was, he didn’t think on it long. He lifted one hand to sink two fingers deeply inside her before lowering his head to attach his mouth to her clit. When he suctioned himself on and gave his head a fierce shake, she cried out at the sharp, vivid burst of sensation.

BOOK: All Of Her (Fantasy Heights)
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