Read Alien Interludes Online

Authors: Tracy St John

Alien Interludes (10 page)

BOOK: Alien Interludes
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“You want me, Tyler. I can feel it. And I want you.”

She leaned forward again, eager to capture his mouth with hers. He held her off easily. “You’ve had a lot to drink, and so have I. Neither of us is in any shape to think clearly about our actions right now.”

“And why does whether or not we’re thinking clearly matter if we’re in agreement that we wish to experience the other?” Israla rubbed against him, hungry to persuade.

Tyler closed his eyes, as if shutting out the vision of her would help him regain his senses. “I wil not take advantage of you, Israla. I want you, God yes, but it would be wrong of me to accept your invitation in your current state.”

Israla stopped. Surprise lifted a little of the veil of lust and inebriation. He cared enough about her to not take what she offered, just because he worried about taking advantage?

A rush of affection swept over her at the Earther’s unexpected kindness. On the heels of that came a stab of fear that she would experience such a fond feeling.

I should leave now.

Danger more terrifying than the Earth blockade threatened in the form of this man. With his simple conscientious statement, Tyler had proven himself to be the very thing she’d feared most. A good man, a man who caled not just to her body but perhaps to her very soul.

Get up. Walk out. Save yourself the pain.

The thought of going made her heart hurt. Israla couldn’t make herself stand and head for the door. She tried, but it was as if she was anchored here, straddling the man who stared at her with need and his own healthy dose of fright.

Trapped by her frozen body, she was forced to share the truth. “I drank to give me the strength to accept what it is I want. To help me get past the fear that keeps me from the man I wish to know better in al ways. I desire you, Tyler.”

The Earther’s throat clicked when he swalowed hard. “If you’re trying to use me as some sort of proving ground or to replace what you lost—”

“No. No.” She shook her head emphaticaly. “You’re not Aserb. I’m under no ilusions of that.” She untangled her hands from his, and he let her go. She tapped her chest with her knuckles. “I stil somehow feel you here. It is not nidlos, the soul-binding. But I think it could grow into that. Only letting myself get close to you wil let me know definitely.” Tyler blew out a breath. “I’m not sure about this, Israla. If you have to get drunk to contemplate it, then you’re not either.”

“I am sure. But I’m also too scared to try when my thoughts are sober enough to overcome my feelings.” She leaned close again, the proud Plasian leader reduced to pleading with an Earther. Like clothing though, pride often got in the way of what one realy wanted. Israla knew when to put hers aside. “Tyler, I’ve been searching for you for a long time, and I didn’t know it. Now that I’ve found you, don’t reject me. Please, by al you hold dear, give me what I need, what I think

He closed his eyes and groaned. The next instant, Israla was on her back, pressed into the lounger as Tyler crushed his body onto hers, kissing her with ruthless hunger.

Her every sense sparked bright, and she opened her mouth, sucking his tongue in deep. Tyler lifted slightly to put his big hands al over her body, and she arched into his touch. He was aggressive with eagerness, stealing Israla’s breath with the force of his need.

Tyler reared back, breaking the kiss. Those brutish hands of his clutched at the neckline of her dress and puled. The sound of ripping filed Israla’s ears, and the cool air licked her bared breasts, making the tiny nipples stand at attention.

The Earther swooped down, his mouth latching hard onto one breast as he yanked the top of her dress down to her waist, freeing her arms and torso from the fabric. Israla cooed delight at the ravishing.

Her arms lifted over her head, crossing at the wrists as if bound.

The Control Queen was helpless before the storm of Tyler’s animalistic lust, and she loved every second of it. This was no quaking youngling, nervous in the face of his inexperience and her domination.

This Earther was a man who knew his lusts, knew how to make a weapon of them to chalenge hers. Strong. Confident. Commanding.

His caloused hands were rough on her lithe body, awakening nerves she’d forgotten she possessed. Israla moaned and writhed as Tyler’s powerful touch rasped against her, exciting every sense. Her sex bubbled juices with enthusiasm she hadn’t felt in decades.

Tyler kissed his way up from her breasts to her mouth, flicking his tongue over her lips. He stopped with an abruptness that made the Saucin whimper with need. She opened her heavily lidded eyes to find him staring at her with concern.

“You’re crying,” he whispered. “Have I hurt you?”

“Don’t stop,” she sobbed. “It’s just so good that I’m overwhelmed. Please, Tyler, by al you hold dear, don’t stop!”

“I won’t,” he breathed, swooping down to seize her mouth with his. His kiss was tender while his hands remained coarse, a delightful juxtaposition to satisfy al her urges. His fingers traced down her abdomen, racing down over the shredded dress torn to her hips, gathering the stil intact skirt to bunch it at her waist. His touch lighted on her bare sex, making Israla jerk with excitement. Just the slight contact ignited her, making her hungry mound foam ever more enthusiasticaly.

Tyler circled the aperture, investigating her alien topography while his lips and tongue worked their slow way down. He lit again on her breasts, gently suckling for a few heart-racing minutes, before continuing down her slender abdomen. When he reached the rumpled pile of fabric at the topswel of Israla’s hips, she held her breath in anticipation.

He raised his face from her body to stare at her tiny, hairless sex. His fingers continued their explorations there, spreading the bubbles of arousal around to wet al her nether parts. “So smal, Israla,” Tyler breathed. “I’m afraid I’l hurt you.”

She smiled encouragement. He was a sizeable specimen from the looks of his straining pants, and she thriled to think of having him inside her. “I have enjoyed many Earthers. You are larger than Plasian males, but if we are careful I wil be fine.”

Tyler was obviously excited, but his expression remained concerned. Israla was freshly shaken to see him put her above his needs once more. He looked close to retreating.

“I’ve been told how wonderful my tight Plasian flesh feels to the Earther
,” she disclosed, her voice a husky purr. She tilted her pelvis up in invitation.

“God, Israla, you’re kiling me,” he groaned. His face drifted down towards her eager flesh, and he inhaled. “You smel like flowers. I wonder if that’s how you taste?” Israla tightened in anticipation as his mouth hovered over her.
Oh please

His tongue crept out, the first touch tentative. Tyler slowly drew a bit of Israla’s lubricating foam into his mouth, closing his eyes as he sampled her flavor. Her breath caught as his smile stretched into pure pleasure. “That’s heaven, beautiful lady,” he breathed. “You’l have to excuse me if I don’t come up for air for a while.” Without further ado, Tyler bent to her sex, feasting on the bubbles that fountained from her eager body. Israla writhed with smal chirping cries at his eager feed, forcing the Earther to lay his upper arms across her waist to hold her down. She clawed at his hair, tousling his carefuly brushed locks into disarray. For a man who’d never been with a Plasian, Tyler was wonderfuly adept at

He rubbed the silky surface of his tongue al over the outside of her orifice, licking the soft flesh clean for an instant before Israla foamed anew, giving him more to devour. “No clit,” she heard him murmur behind the roar in her ears.

“What?” she panted. He was so enthusiastic, it was hard to think straight.

“You have no clitoris.”
. “That’s a bit of flesh—”
“—on Earther females—”
“—with a lot of nerve endings—”
“—that make sex feel great.”

Israla trembled violently, her whole body centered on Tyler’s mouth and tongue. “The nerves … those are … inside me.”

“Mmmff.” If he was trying to speak, it wasn’t inteligible. He let her waist go to grip her thighs, spreading her wide. The next second, his tongue dove into her.

Israla stiffened as he made contact with the first ring of pleasure just inside her sheath. Tyler’s tongue stabbed in and out of her, dragging rhythmicaly against the nerves that circled her passage, yanking little cries of delight from her lips. She shuddered from head to toe as sensation washed back and forth in the pit of her bely.

Tyler paused long enough to ask, “Harder or softer?”

“Harder,” she gasped. “Be strong for me.”

He went back to work, his darting tongue rubbing firmly where it felt best, driving her steadily towards crescendo with his talented mouth alone. None of the boy-men she’d played with had lit her so quickly with their entire bodies.

She’d definitely made a mistake letting fear keep her from men like Tyler Carter.

He puled his mouth away with a loud smack, as if sitting back from a fine meal. Before she could protest the loss of his touch, he inserted a finger in her sex, pushing gently to let her envelope the digit.

“Sorry sweetie, but my tongue was getting tired. Otherwise, I would be in there al night.” His smile was sheer deviltry.

“Oh. That’s. Fine.” Israla barely managed to speak between her gasps. Tyler’s finger reached much farther in than his tongue, stimulating two deeper rings of sensitive flesh inside her. She foamed more than ever, bubbles of pleasure reaching al the way up to the Earther’s wrist. By al the gods, he amazed her.

“Is this a good spot?” he asked, rubbing the tip of his magic finger in the space between two nerve-rings.

“The softer parts.” She shuddered in anticipation.

“Here?” He traced one halo of nerve endings, and Israla cried out, her entire body straining in reaction to the exquisite pressure. “That would be a yes.” Tyler chuckled. He pushed deep inside and twirled his finger in a circle, his thick knuckles finding her most sensitive parts with heady accuracy. Israla bucked violently, ripples of pleasure becoming tidal waves. She forgot to breathe.

Tyler kept at her, exploring and testing her reactions until his knowledge was such that Israla screamed her pleasure at his every manipulation. Not since Aserb had a man looked to know her body so wel.

The man-boys she’d sated herself with were too absorbed in their own desires to pursue hers.

Israla panted weakly as Tyler puled free of her trembling threshold. Her whole being was alight, sparkling like the stars in the night sky. She tingled with effervescent energy.

“How are you, lovely lady?” the Earther asked. His smile was tender.

For an answer, Israla launched herself at him, pushing him back onto the lounger so that it was she who crouched over him. He went easily, alowing her to command his more powerful frame with her slight one. He rested on his back, his bent legs framing her kneeling body.

Israla was used to being in control of her lovers, but she knew in the case of Tyler Carter, her dominance was only an ilusion. Knowing he could overpower her at any moment upped the excitement. She wondered how much torment he would accept before turning the tables on her.

It would be fun to find out.

Israla scraped her fingertips down his muscular torso. She didn’t have nails like Earthers so she didn’t worry about marring his sun-bronzed skin. Thinking of Tyler working shirtless at the cargo docks, his flesh sheened with sweat, made her insides twist. The cargo master had told her the Earther drew a crowd of admiring Plasian females every day. The Saucin felt a stab of jealousy to know other women had enjoyed this view first.

Her long fingers ended at the triangle of hair from which his
sprang. She combed through the crisp curls, enjoying the animal-like pelt her own kind didn’t possess. Israla liked the feeling of coarse hairs brushing against her soft, blameless skin. It excited her, the sensation of sex with a beast.

She closed her hands around the base of Tyler’s manhood, feeling it thrum with his pulse. He was larger than any of her previous Earther boy-men, and for the first time she worried she might not be able to accommodate him. That would be a huge disappointment, she thought, letting her breath waft over the reddening tip of him. She wanted Tyler inside her body. She wanted it so bad it hurt to contemplate it not happening.

Israla flicked her gold tongue over the head of his penis, feeling its warmth. She squeezed the base as she licked until he offered her a pearl drop of his essence. Her lips closed over it, enjoying the salty tang. Tyler moaned.

The Saucin decided to surprise him by sliding her mouth al the way down his shaft in one swift stroke. She knew many Earther women couldn’t offer such pleasures, that it made them gag and choke.

Plasians weren’t so handicapped. Israla easily accommodated the long, thick member, her throat opening to accept the delightful staff.

Tyler cried out in shock, his hands diving into her short hair and gripping her scalp. The dyed gold locks twined about his fingers, holding him as tight as he held her. Israla worked her head up and down over him quickly until he seized charge of the rhythm. Controled by the press of his hands, Israla acquiesced, letting him use her mouth as he wished without struggle.

As he moved in and out, she twirled her tongue al around his staff, growing more excited as Tyler’s breath came faster and his pulse thumped harder. Her fingers played over the softness of his scrotum, testing its heaviness, feeling it draw tight to his body.

Tyler abruptly released her head. “Israla, get on top of me,” he gasped.

She scrambled eagerly to straddle him, her sex hovering over the exclamation point of his. Now she would discover if this Earther was too much man for her. By the gods, she hoped not.

Her hands braced against his chest, she waited for Tyler to position himself at her threshold. He did so with one hand, the other rubbing over her breasts with a possessive touch. Israla wriggled against him, her foam cascading over the straining cock, wetting him. She pressed down.

BOOK: Alien Interludes
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