Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Why didn’t he want to live with the pack?” she asked.

“I think it has something to do with the boys,” Bran said.

Kate just shrugged as Bran drove to the outskirts of town to an old plantation home. Kate could see that the structure of this architectural relic was as sound as the day it had been built. Dating to before the Civil War, it was a monument to southern gentility. The colossal, sprawling mansion was nestled in the middle of the mountains, built for a homesick southern belle from Charleston, South Carolina.
The original owner wanted a home within the boundaries of Arkadia’s protective perimeter for his beautiful young wife.

The house had stood empty for the last fifty years before Caleb bought it for his small family. Though the house had been closed, it still retained an aristocratic air that lured a visitor in and made them imagine the smell of fresh flowers and hear the faint music of cotillions from long ago. It was easy to look past the aging paint and overgrown flowerbeds and see that this gentle giant was only sleeping, waiting for the right owner to awaken it from its long slumber and return it to its former glory.

She eyed the expansive estate and looked to Bran.

“It’s only him and the two boys here?” she asked and Bran eyed the place, frowning.

“Just the three of them. Since it’s been empty for so long, he got a great deal.”

Kate got out of the car. She and Bran made their way to the front porch and climbed the stairs before knocking on the door. They waited. They were about to knock again when the door swung open. Kate’s breath caught in her chest. His scent hit her in the solar plexus. She had only felt drawn to a scent like this once before and that was the night she met Bran. She took a deep breath. Caleb’s scent drew her in like Bran but where Bran smelled like pine and spice, Caleb’s scent tantalized her with cedar and musk. She shook her head at the impossible. She already had a mate. Everything about Caleb was different than Bran. He was the opposite of her mate in every way.

Caleb was taller than Bran’s six feet four by two inches. Bran had reddish-brown hair and warm amber eyes. This man had black hair and his eyes were so dark brown they were almost black. Bran was muscular but lean. This man had thick ropes of muscles that were clearly defined, giving him an extremely cut look. She was able to look her fill because the man wasn’t wearing a shirt, just a pair of worn jeans and a dishtowel sporting spit-up draped over one bare shoulder. His hair was sticking up in every direction and his eyes were bloodshot. In his arms he held one crying infant, who looked to be about eight months old.

“Alphas, I’m sorry, but did I miss an appointment?” Caleb asked.

Kate was shocked at her body’s reaction to his deep voice. She felt ashamed for feeling these things for another man when her mate was standing right beside her. Before Bran could catch the scent of her arousal, she stepped forward and motioned for Caleb to hand her the baby.

Caleb eyed her cautiously before slowly handing over his son. Kate walked into the house, acting as though she knew what she was doing. Both men followed her. She rocked the little guy and to her own amazement, he quieted right down. Caleb slumped against the doorway.

“How did you do that? I’ve been up with them all night.” He ran his hands over his face. Just then a thin wail was heard behind them, coming from down the hall. Caleb looked up exhausted. Kate stepped forward.

“Bran, check in with Caleb. I’ll go check on the other one.”

She rocked the baby in her arms. Bran nodded, giving her a funny look. She walked to the back room, humming and running her hand up and down the baby’s back. He could have sworn she was aroused.
He shook his head.

“Why are you looking at her that way?” Caleb asked.

“I’ve never seen her with a baby before,” Bran said. He felt his wolf straining to come to the surface. It wanted to create pups with his mate.

Caleb smiled. “One of the most beautiful sights in this world is a mother and child.” He motioned for Bran to come in and sit down.

“I agree.” Bran shook his head then turned to the larger man, who had collapsed into the leather recliner. It was the only piece of modern furniture in the room. Everything else looked as though it had come with the house.

“Caleb, are you doing okay out here? Mojo called last night to say you didn’t make it in. He was worried about you. You know that if you need help the pack will assist, especially since you have pups.”

Caleb winced. “That’s just it, Alpha. They aren’t pups.”

“Well, shit,” Bran stared back at the man. “Okay, lay it on me,” Bran said, sitting back.

“I didn’t lie when I petitioned to become a pack member. They are my sons. I just think they may be taking more after their mother than me,” Caleb said quietly.

“Caleb, where is your children’s mother?” Bran asked.

“She and her entire leap were murdered. They were hung by their ankles and purposefully drained of blood the way that hunters drain their kills. Thank God I had the boys with me at the time. I had taken them with me to get pictures taken for Renee. It was going to be a surprise.” Caleb rubbed his hands over his eyes.

“I’m sorry about your mate,” Bran said and Caleb looked up a surprised expression on his face.

“Renee Langford wasn’t my mate. She was my best friend. Renee was a snow leopard. They are as rare as shifters as they are in the wild. When it came time for her to reproduce for her leap, she wasn’t in any kind of relationship. So she asked me to donate the sperm. In every instance that a snow leopard has mated with someone outside their species, they produce snow leopard cubs. Renee believed it was because they are so rare, that it was nature’s way of keeping the balance. When Landon and Lucas were born, I moved in with Renee and her leap to help out with the boys until they were older and then I would become cool Uncle Caleb. That was the plan anyway.” He looked at Bran with pain in his eyes.

“Did they ever catch the ones who killed them?” Bran asked.

Caleb shook his head.

“We have heard of kills like that going on all over the country. Hyenas are working with vampires to provide them with shifter blood. A couple months ago, Rebecca was kidnapped. What a lot of people don’t know is that she was kidnapped to be used as a bargaining chip to get more blood from Arkadia for the hyenas,” Bran explained.

“I didn’t have any family or pack to turn to, so I came here to Arkadia, where, at the very least, I thought the boys would be safe. Now you’re telling me about hyenas and vampires. If the next Alpha Mother isn’t safe, what about my boys?” Caleb stood and went to the window.

“Move in with the pack, Caleb. You’ll be surrounded by thirty or so bodyguards,” Bran said.

“Let me think about it,” Caleb replied. Bran nodded.

“It’s awful quiet in there,” Caleb said after a moment. Both men looked at each other then got up to go check on Kate.

* * * *

Kate walked to the back bedroom with one baby in her arms and found the other one crying in front of her. When she walked into the nursery, she stopped short. The entire house looked as though it needed to be cleaned and given a fresh coat of paint. The baseboards were old and in some places, the wallpaper was peeling off the walls. Every room still had the antique furniture that had come with the house covered with dusty sheets. Every room. Every room except the nursery.

The dark wood floor had been sanded and stained and had a fresh coat of poly on it that made it gleam like glass. The baseboards and trim had been replaced and painted crisp white. The windows had also been replaced, allowing plenty of daylight into the room, making it the most cheerful place in the house. But what caught her eye and made her want to cry were the walls. Someone had painstakingly painted a mural of what looked to be snow leopards and people’s faces on every wall. She knew that Caleb had poured every ounce of his love for these two boys into this room. She looked at the crying baby, who was standing up and looking at her from his crib. Above the crib, the teal block letters spelled out the name Lucas. The empty crib beside it had letters that read Landon. The color of the letters seemed to match their eyes perfectly.

“Okay, Landon, go sit with your brother,” she said, placing Landon down in the same crib as his brother.

Immediately Lucas stooped crying. The boys turned to each other and did the cutest version of baby gabble. Kate watched in fascination. When they finished, both looked up at her and beamed revealing toothless little smiles. Her heart turned over and she knew, without a doubt, she would never be the same again. They both had Caleb’s eye shape, nose, lips, and a head full of thick black hair. Everything about them looked like Caleb except their eye color. Caleb’s eyes were a dark brown, but the boys had bright-teal eyes, like the waters of the Caribbean. She realized that she loved them because they looked like their father. And she realized that their father was her other mate.

“Well, isn’t this a pickle?” she said out loud after staring at them for quite a bit and Landon giggled. Kate smiled.

“Do you like the word pickle?” she asked and both Landon and Lucas were chortling.

“I see that the three of you are getting along,” Caleb said.

Kate whirled around to face her mates.

“Yup, they are little angels.” She ran her hand over their soft little heads. She looked up and realized that Caleb was so tired he was about to pass out as he sagged against the doorframe.

“Caleb, why don’t you put some stuff together for the boys and come with me to the Arkadion ranch? You can catch up on some sleep and Rian, Rebecca, and I will watch the boys,” she said logically.

“I can’t ruin your day like that. You don’t realize what a handful they can be.”

Kate nodded. “That’s exactly why three adults will be perfectly fine watching over them. Plus Ma is there now,” Kate added.

“The wonderful woman who runs the diner?” Caleb asked and Kate and Bran nodded.

After Kate pointed out that he was no good to the boys exhausted, Caleb finally agreed. After getting dressed, he brought out four very full diaper bags for the boys. Bran’s eyes popped out.

“This is all for those two?” he asked, looking at the bulging bags.

“You obviously haven’t been around many children.” Caleb laughed and Bran shook his head smiling.

“Bran, you drive Caleb’s car with the boys in their car seats. Caleb is too tired to drive. I’ll follow in our car. Once we get to Rebecca’s you can take the car and head home. Rian can drive me back later if needed,” Kate said, cooing at Landon.

Bran nodded before he walked to the back of the car and began to load the trunk.

“Why are you doing this?” Caleb asked, catching Kate by the arm and looking down into her face.

She licked her lips and his eyes widened. She broke the spell by pulling away. She turned, giving Lucas a kiss on the head. When she looked back up at Caleb, the moment had passed.

“Because you need the help.” She swiftly walked to the other car.

“Ready to go?” Bran asked, shutting the trunk.

Chapter 3

“Oh. My. God! They are so freaking cute!” Rian said, leaning down and smiling at Landon.

Damian was making ridiculous faces at Lucas. Kate waved goodbye to Bran as he drove off then closed the door. She turned around to see Rian and Damian monopolizing the twins. Ashby and Nicholas sat next to Rebecca on the sofa and Ma was sitting in a rocking chair.

“Rebecca, this is Caleb Donovan and his sons Landon and Lucas. He has had a rough couple days and I volunteered us to babysit so he could catch up on some sleep. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first,” Kate said apologetically. Rebecca waved away her concern and continued to pet Sebastian who was lying on her lap, purring and rubbing his head against her tummy. “When did he start that?” Kate asked, pausing in her introductions.

“Right after Doc confirmed I was pregnant,” Rebecca said. “His purring helps me to sleep at night and the other morning he brought me the wet washcloth that I had on the counter when I was throwing up in the bathroom. I swear he has got to be the most intelligent cat ever. Ashby thinks he’s grateful for being saved from the alley.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Alpha Mother,” Caleb said, nodding his head. Rebecca smiled and inclined her head in return.

“The two goofballs hogging the twins are Rian Stafford and Damian Prescott. They are part of the local lion pride,” Kate said, pointing out the two men.

Rian looked over and winked at Caleb, blowing him air kisses, and Damian waved. Good-naturedly Caleb winked back.

“The two sitting next to Rebecca are Ashby Fairfax and Nicholas Redding,” Kate continued.

“We’ve met, they watch the boys for me when Gina isn’t available. Hey, guys,” Caleb said.

“Hey, Caleb,” both Ashby and Nic chimed from the sofa in unison.

“The gorgeous lady in the rocking chair is Rebecca’s mother-in-law, Margaret Arkadion, but everyone calls her Ma,” Kate explained.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am,” Caleb said.

Kate looked over the full room.

“We didn’t mean to invade.” Kate felt bad. She hadn’t known Rebecca already had people over.

“Don’t be ridiculous. The more the merrier, especially when I have been dying for company today. Ma, I love your son with my entire being, but I swear I almost shot him today,” Rebecca said, sounding exasperated.

BOOK: Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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