A.I.S.A.: An Erotic Sci-Fi Romance (8 page)

BOOK: A.I.S.A.: An Erotic Sci-Fi Romance
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Aida froze, and Cal and Aisa chose that moment to walk into
the kitchen and sit down.

Cal asked catching the awkward silence, “What’s going on?”

“We’re going out to dinner and dancing tonight, I think I
alarmed Aida by bringing up the possibility of strange men asking her to

Aisa giggled.

Cal snickered at the look on his sister’s face and said,
“That sounds like a good idea, we need to get used to being around other

Aida stuck her tongue out at Cal, doing that must run in the
family, and then said, “Fine, you’re right.  We’ll go dancing.”



Aisa snickered, “Close your mouth dear.”

Aisa looked absolutely stunning in a red strapless tube
dress that hugged every curve of her body, from her deliciously revealed
cleavage down to the middle of her thighs.  She had on a pair of dark red
high heels, and her legs and ass looked amazing as she spun around for me, her
long raven hair swished alluringly.

I had no interest in her sister, I was in love with Aisa,
but that didn’t mean I was blind either.  Aida looked sinfully sexy with
her light blonde hair put up, revealing her flawless ivory skin on her long
graceful neck, and all the way down to her cleavage was bare, with the
exception of a small pearl necklace.  She was wearing a dress similar to
Aisa’s, only in light blue, and it hugged all of her soft curves from tits to

One soft and voluptuous, one petite and sexy, but still more
than curvy enough, and I wondered if going out dancing was such a good idea
after all.  I’d have to make sure I didn’t stare at Aida too much
tonight.  I wouldn’t go further than eye candy regardless, just because my
dick didn’t know it was Aisa’s sister didn’t mean I wasn’t fully aware of that
fact, but even just looking could still get me in trouble. 

Still, it would hardly be a chore to keep my eyes on Aisa
all night, she was just as beautiful, and I was madly in love with her which
tipped the scales.  Of course, what I couldn’t have had an allure of its
own.  I finally did get my mouth to close correctly, and Aisa took my arm
as we headed out the door.

Aida still looked a little nervous, but not nearly as bad as
this morning.  Cal and Aisa were enjoying the opportunity to subtly tease
their sister for a change, which seemed to actually help her stay
grounded.  Nothing shook off fear like annoyance and anger.

We went to a restaurant and ate relatively light meals, none
of us wanted to be over full when we got to the club.  By this time Aida
was a lot less nervous courtesy of two glasses of liquid courage, and we took
an air cab to save the ladies feet from walking for blocks in high heels. 
The club was pretty packed, but not horribly so as it was still relatively
early on a Friday night, and we were able to find a table easily enough.

After a first round of drinks, I grabbed Aisa’s hand and
headed for the dance floor.  She looked great and we were both having a
good time.  The music, the way her body moved with mine, and quite
possibly the alcohol had me thinking ahead to when we were home, and I’d get to
peal that dress off of her supple body.  The music was too loud for
conversation, but I picked up her signal wanting rest after the third dance and
we headed back to the table.

Cal was gone, I couldn’t see him.  I hoped that meant
he’d gone off to score himself a dance.  Aida on the other hand, sat there
alone looking miserable, which was very strange as I could see a few guys
looking her way.

I leaned in close, my lips close to her ear and instantly
regretted it.  She really was attractive, and being that close to her, I
caught the sweet scent of her skin, but I manfully ignored it, scolded my
libido, and sucked it up.  It was the only way we’d be able to hear each
other speak.  It also helped that Aisa was hanging on my arm, I’d never
hurt her, or cheat on her, but the constant reminder of her presence made that

“Why aren’t you dancing?  Someone must have asked you.”

She turned her head, and I turned mine to give her my ear,
“They did, I just… didn’t want to.”

Ugh, she sounded nervous again and I felt guilty. 
Maybe this place hadn’t been the best choice to get Aida out in the world for
the first time, the place was packed.  I squeezed her shoulder lightly,
and then sat down, Aisa’s chair was very close to mine and she was practically
in my lap, and we ordered another round of drinks.  I took a look around
the place, and spotted Cal out on the dance floor with a cute brunette, at
least he was having a good time.

Aisa and I watched as we sipped our drinks, at least two
guys stopped at the table to ask Aida to dance, but she sent them both packing
with a nervous smile.  Well, it wasn’t really my problem even if I did
bring them here, at least she’s out.  Next time I’ll suggest a place a
little more laid back.

Or at least, I didn’t think it was my problem, until Aisa
leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“She looks miserable, why don’t you take her out there for a
song, I won’t mind, promise.  I’ll even sit here like a good little girl
and turn down all the horny men that will no doubt sweep down upon me when you

Then she moved back and winked at me.  Dear lord, she
had no idea what she was asking.  I gave her a longsuffering put upon look
while my libido did cartwheels in my stomach, because I now had a valid excuse
to get close too and even touch Aida.  Surely there was a room for me
reserved in hell, but it was all natural reactions, I couldn’t really help it,
I could only control what I did or tried to do about it. 

Which would definitely be nothing.  Even if I was dumb
enough to hit on her, I was sure she’d just slap me anyway.

Still, it just seemed like a bad idea, like playing with
fire.  I wasn’t joking about the never cheat part, hell, I’d been faithful
for ten years to Marilynn, and I hadn’t felt anything as much toward her as I
do Aisa.  I also wondered why I was so suddenly attracted to Aida tonight.
 It couldn’t just be the dress despite how exquisitely gorgeous she was in
it, since she’d been living with me for four days now and I surely noticed how
cute she was before tonight.

Maybe that old bastard gave them super pheromones or
something.  Although, all things being equal it was more likely I was just
a horny bastard.  Or maybe, it was simply because she’d stopped looking at
me like I was a puzzle under a microscope, and more like a person she actually
liked the last day or so, and I’d finally stopped being nervous about any
attention she gave me.  I decided it was probably a mixture of the last two

Still, I chickened out on getting my lips close to her sexy
neck and earlobe again, not to mention it would avoid her insanely alluring
scent, so instead I simply touched her shoulder lightly to get her
attention.  When she looked at me I did the pointing thing, first at me,
then her, and then the dance floor with a tentative smile on my face.  Not
the smoothest way to ask a woman to dance, but I figured she was practically
family, so it should do. 

Her eyes flickered over to Aisa questioningly.  I’m not
sure what Aisa did, but it seemed to reassure Aida this would be an approved
activity, so she smiled at me, and then took my hand and we made our way to the
dance floor.

I won’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy the hell out of myself,
but I was relieved dancing with Aida was nothing like dancing with Aisa. 
Aisa smiled naughtily, flirted, and her eyes were filled with desire and
promise for later.  After a few nervous moments with Aida, once I got used
to having my hands on her, and our body parts touching, I started to relax and
enjoy it.

She smiled at me, and we had a good time, but it was just a
friendly thing, and I loosened up a bit realizing I’d built it all up in my
head.  Yes, I enjoyed her in my arms, but it was just fun and there wasn’t
all that much sexual tension, whereas dancing with Aisa was more provocative
and more like… foreplay.

We wound up dancing two songs, and afterwards she smiled at
me gratefully and hooked her arm in mine as we went back to the table. 
Cal was back at the table, with that brunette wrapped around him, and when I
got back on my seat Aisa snuggled back into my side.  Aida didn’t let go
of my arm either, so I had them both hanging off me.  When I gave her a
questioning look Aida leaned in.

“It will keep the other men away.  You don’t mind do

Mind two beautiful women hanging on me?  No, not at
all.  Like it too much?  Maybe. 

I smiled and shook my head no, and finished off my drink
before we ordered another round.

The rest of the night went well, and I wound up dancing with
both Aisa and Aida a couple of more times before we left. 

Cal surprised me, and let the brunette take him home, and
said he’d see us tomorrow morning.  I supposed I couldn’t blame him at
all, she was cute, he was eighteen and I was guessing he’d had no females
around him at all except sisters until tonight.  Shit, I wouldn’t be
surprised if we didn’t see him for a week, that’s a lot of pent up hormones for
an eighteen-year-old guy to work out.

When we got home, Aisa and I probably pushed the boundaries
of rudeness as we said a quick goodnight to Aida and practically dashed
straight to the bedroom.  She’d been teasing me all night, dancing with
her was definitely a form of foreplay.  When we were alone in the bedroom,
her brazen flirty attitude turned to faux innocent submissiveness, and she
teasingly made me catch her and strip her down.  She was insatiable that
night, and it was far from a chore pleasing her thoroughly until she was a
puddle of orgasmic flesh lying in the middle of our bed.

I pulled her close and cuddled, fairly sated and completely
happy myself.  That’s when she asked me one of those questions, one of
those female questions that don’t have a right answer, not even if I had a
five-hundred-page manual and a slide rule, which of course I didn’t have.

“Do you think Aida’s pretty?”

Oh man, maybe if I knock my head against the head board hard
enough I’ll pass out.

I sighed and tried for nonchalance, even though I knew it
was doomed to fail.  I wondered why she was even asking me that, why do
women ask questions they really don’t want the answer to?


I’d intended to add a qualifier, like, almost as pretty as
she was, or something similar, but went with brevity instead.

I looked over, and she was looking at me as if I said something

“Why do you ask?”

Aisa ignored my question and asked, “Do you like her?”

Holy hell, the lamp, surely the lamp could knock me
out.  It looked sturdy.

I stuck with casualness I didn’t feel and shrugged, “She’s
growing on me the last day or so, Carl too, that’s a good thing right? 
Getting along with your siblings?”

She frowned, “That’s not what I meant.”

I kissed her softly and then whispered, “So what did you
mean then?”

“Are you… attracted to her?  Physically I mean.”

I frowned, was this a nightmare?  Damn it.

“Sure, she’s attractive, but I love you, and I’m with you,
so why are you asking me this?”

She shrugged, “Just curious.  You looked like you had a
lot of fun dancing with her, and I know she enjoyed dancing with you.  I’m
really not upset, so you can relax now.”

She snuggled up against me, threw a leg over mine, made
contented sounds in my ear, and fell asleep quickly.  It was surreal, I
had expected her to be angry, after all, I’d told the truth.  The
conversation still didn’t make sense to me when I finally managed to fall



Aisa gave me the best kind of wakeup call, and after she’d
sucked me dry we jumped in the shower, where I returned the favor in the
process of getting cleaned up.  We were cooking breakfast when Aida came
in with a smile on her face, and touched both of our backs as she passed.

Aida’s voice was full of humor, “Good morning, got a message
from Cal, he’s pretty sure he won’t be back until tomorrow sometime.”

I laughed, “I’m not surprised, he seemed rather taken with
the brunette.”

Aida raised an eyebrow, “Karen, if it matters,” she took a
sip of her coffee, “Thanks for last night by the way, I’m sorry I was such a,

I shrugged, “Not a problem, I shouldn’t have taken you to
such a loud crowded place your first night out, I wasn’t thinking.”

Aisa nodded in agreement, “Do you want to go site seeing

Aida shrugged, “Sure, I can do that, you have time?”

“Of course,” I turned toward her and winked, “It’s the
weekend, she won’t let me work.”

Aisa snorted and accused, “Lies.”

I laughed, “What?  Did you want to work then?”

She glared, and I quit while I was ahead.


After breakfast, we did the tourist thing that day, the
three of us, this time Aisa got to be the guide, and I got to sit back and watch
their reactions.  It took me a while to get used to the new Aida,
apparently I’d passed from acquaintance to familiar friend, because she had no
problem touching me to get my attention, or even holding my arm occasionally as
we moved around Chicago. 

It didn’t really bother me either, in other words, my libido
was fairly quiescent in regard to Aida.  I still felt attracted to her of
course, but I wasn’t overly tempted by her familiarity, it was a relaxed thing,
more like just close friends.  Compared to dancing last night, and the
sexy dress she’d been in… well there wasn’t a comparison there. 

Aisa also didn’t seem alarmed by her sister’s behavior, so I
concluded the woman was definitely not flirting with me.

When we got home that night, we had a quick dinner, and
decided to watch a couple of movies.  After which, Aisa and I went to bed,
and eventually even got to sleep.

Sunday we just stayed in, talked, and watched movies. 
Somehow we all ended up on the same couch, with me in the middle.  Aida
sat rather close to me, our legs and arms often touched, but she wasn’t draped
over me the way Aisa was on the other side, so I didn’t give it any further
thought as we frittered the day away.

I learned a few things.  Aida was actually twenty-two,
Aisa was the oldest at twenty-four.  The rest followed them in order, once
a year after that first two year split, was Bill, Dan, and Sally.  Cal was
the next born, and eighteen.  After Cal came the two youngest, Cheryl and
Steve who were seventeen and sixteen respectively. 

I’d been wondering why eight of them, why had their father
kept making them when he thought it would be slavery and that they were just
something to be owned by law.  So I asked.

It turns out they were all… conceived I guess?  They
were all zygotes at the same time, and seven of them were put in cryogenic
freeze.  Aisa was simply the first one allowed to be matured while the
rest of them stayed frozen.  Apparently James believed destroying the
zygotes would be the greater crime, and I couldn’t look at Aida’s bright smile
and pretty blue eyes, and disagree with that thought.

Cal made it back Sunday evening around dinnertime, with an
embarrassed smile he couldn’t wipe off his face.  No one teased him on it
though.  For me it was against the guy code, at least with the girls
there.  Aisa was plenty active with me, but I think she remembered how it
was, since she’d been a virgin until twenty-four.  Aida… well as far as I
knew, she was still a virgin.

So Cal was spared due to glass houses, and we enjoyed a nice

We finished up the day with a few virtual games.  I was
completely schooled of course, facing three A.I.s in a shooter just meant I was
dead.  I still had fun though, even if Aida made fun of the slow human
while Aisa and Cal laughed at my broken ego.  It was all in teasing fun of

At least I got to spank Aisa when I took her to bed, Aida
and Cal got away with it though…


Before we went to sleep, Aisa cuddled up to me, and caressed
my chest absently as she asked me more of those no right answer questions.

Aisa asked, “If I was okay with it, would you want to sleep
with Aida?”

This was an easy one.


She frowned, “Why not?”

I shrugged, “Because I don’t share, and I love you. 
That wouldn’t work.  Aida’s very attractive, and fun, but I’m yours, and
content to be yours.  Why, do you want an open relationship?”

She looked confused for a second when I asked that, “No… I
don’t want anyone but you.”

Thank all that’s holy, if she’d said yes we’d have had a
problem.  I’m faithful because I expect my partners to be, and I know how
they’d feel if I wasn’t, I don’t share.

She added, “But I love my sister, and I wouldn’t mind if
you…” she trailed off.

Shit, the complicated was back.

“You sure about that?  You couldn’t even say it. 
I’m all yours, why would you want to share me?”

She sighed, “She’ll kill me if she finds out I told you, but
she really likes you, she likes how you treat me, and how nice you’ve been to
her.  She also thinks you’re hot.”

“Okay, but I’m still not seeing the reason you would share
me.  Besides, I’m the first guy she’s met that’s not a father or brother,
and she’s a healthy, beautiful, and horny twenty-two-year-old woman.  Once
she gets out there and meets some more people she’ll find one to connect
with…  Besides, I’d feel like I was taking advantage of both of you,
especially your good and loving nature.  I’m yours, no one else’s. 
My cock is spoken for.”

She giggled, “I love you.  Are you sure, she might even
give you her ass.”

I didn’t even give it any thought, I spanked her, “There’s
only one sweet little ass I’m pining for darling.”

She snorted and cuddled up closer. 

The truth I would never tell her was that I didn’t really
care all that much about anal, it was just the one thing she wouldn’t even try,
so I liked teasing her about it.  Not that I’d say no… but it was far from
a deal breaker.

The conversation was apparently done for tonight, but I had
a feeling it would come up again.  The scary thing is I honestly didn’t
think she would mind, and sleeping with Aida was a damn tempting thought, but
it would also be wrong to take advantage of the situation, wouldn’t it?  I
was also Aisa’s first relationship, I didn’t think she understood yet what it
would do to her emotionally, even if she said it was okay, she didn’t go
through high school dating like most everyone else.  In other words, even
if she didn’t mind right now, I was sure she’d regret that in the future.

I shook those thoughts out of my mind and kissed the top of
Aisa’s head, and just enjoyed the heat of her naked nubile body against mine as
I fell to sleep with her in my arms.  Nothing would be worth the risk of
losing that and everything else that made Aisa who she was, and mine.


BOOK: A.I.S.A.: An Erotic Sci-Fi Romance
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