Read Aint too proud to beg sfdg-1 Online

Authors: Susan Donovan

Tags: #love_contemporary

Aint too proud to beg sfdg-1 (10 page)

BOOK: Aint too proud to beg sfdg-1
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Lets not jump to any conclusions, here, Roxie said, glaring at Ginger.

We dont know for sure what we just heard on the phone. It could have been anything.

Bea nodded. Sure. Hey, in fact She started laughing. I bet all that giggling was part of her empty mind practice!

Ginger pursed her mouth tight. Roxie stared out into the street. Bea chuckled some more.

I do worry about her, Ginger said, shaking her head. You know how she isall a guy has to do is buy her a bacon cheeseburger and the next day shes at Macys picking out her stainless pattern. We cant let her do this to herself again. We cant let her waste her time with another ьberloser.

Amen, sister, Bea said.

But who are we to interfere? Roxie leaned forward on her elbows again, quite serious. I love Josie. Shes my best friend. But shes an adult. I know I wouldnt appreciate you guys doing that to me! Roxie flashed her dark eyes at them. I mean, its my life! I can make healthy choices for myself! Who are you to say whats good for me?

Bea nodded. Okay. Well, I got two words for you/Raymond Sandberg/. Any further discussion?

Lilith growled as the black Lexus cruised by again, headed in the opposite direction.

Ive got a real bad feeling about this whole business, Ginger said, letting her voice trail off as she watched the car drive away. Strange old ladies. Mystery boyfriends. The idea of spying on our friend. And whats with Super Fly in the Lexus? Am I paranoid or is that the second time hes driven by?

Roxie shook her head emphatically. Im not rooting through anybodys garbage. Thats where I have to draw the line.


ou sure are popular, Rick said through his teeth, which were clamped down on the elastic neckline of Josies little pink top. He would have used his hands to remove her blouse, but they were busy springing her left hip from the prison of her bikini underwear.

The damn things turned off now, she said, tossing her cell phone onto a basket of folded laundry. My friends can be persistent. Josie returned her attention to the metal buckle of Ricks jeans, frowning in concentration. Theyre probably wondering why I didnt meet them for a drink tonight.

Why didnt you just tell them you had a date?

Josie smiled in triumph, pulling the belt strap loose from the buckle.

Then she looked at Rick, biting her bottom lip. Um, they dont know about you yet. I havent found the right time to tell them.

Rick laughed. Ah. Youre ashamed of me.

What? Josies gray eyes went big and her cheeks reddened. Of course not!

Its just thatoh, jeez, its a really long story, but none of my friends are in relationships right now, and we kind of promised each other that wed be happy without men, that we could have wonderful, satisfying lives in the company of our dogs.


Yeah. Josie glanced down at her own below-the-waist bareness, and when she looked back at Rick, her cheeks were flaming. Whoops big-time.

Even while they laughed, Rick felt the weight of the moment descending on him. He was beginning to see all that was happening here, in stark clarity. There was a beautiful, funny, half-naked woman straddling his legs, looking down on him with trust and adoration. Her satiny thighs were spread. Her shiny curls fell around her face. Her creamy, freckled breasts were practically falling out of her top. And if all that wasnt erotic enough, the entire scene was backlit by evening sun spilling through the bedroom blinds, which gave the entire vision an ethereal glow. And as he stared in wonder at this apparition, he felt the light of her smile and the warmth of her laughter cut through seven years of cold darkness.

It dawned on Rick that he was about to hold the door open and welcome a woman into his life. He was on the verge of telling her to make herself at home and prop her feet up right smack in the middle of his heart and soul. He was about to surrender to the possibility of a relationshipwith a good woman who deserved only goodness in her life.

Rick smiled to himself, amused by his own big-time whoops moment. Seven years of hard absolutes had begun to soften the morning Josephine Sheehan walked off the sidewalk and entered his grooming salon. By now, Josies pretty face and easy laugh had begun to chisel away at every wall hed ever built around himself.

Rick watched Josies happy smile fade. He reached up and stroked one of her cherry-red cheeks. Tell your friends about me whenever youre ready, if you ever decide you want to. Its completely your decision.

She frowned. Youre having second thoughts. I can tell.

Her question took him by surprise. You mean about you and me? About us?


He laughed at the irony, shaking his head emphatically. Josie, there are a thousand thoughts racing through my brain, but none of them are second thoughts about us.

Rick pulled her down to his chest. He opened his fingers wide and spread them though her curls, capturing the back of her head in his grip. His mouth found hers. It was like a secret language, the way his lips spoke to hers, how she responded, coaxing him and soothing him at exactly the right intervals. It was a language hed never known, one hed never had any interest in learninguntil now, with Josie.

His hands explored her tender neck, shoulders, back, and wound their way down to the rounded globes of her butt. She was so warm everywhere, so silky and solid, that his hands couldnt get enough of her. He found himself kneading her flesh while his kisses escalated.

Rick realized that Josie was tugging at his shirt buttons, her kisses growing wild. He knew she wanted to feel skin on skin as much as he did, but it was a moment he also dreaded, because the instant the shirt came off the kissing would stop. He was sure of it. There wasnt a woman in the world who wouldnt be shockedif not outright horrifiedby the tattoo on his torso.

He gave her bottom a friendly pat and put his hands on her shoulders, slowly pushing her away. Josie let out a mewl of protest when their lips parted, then she reached for the buttons on Ricks shirt again.

He sighed, knowing the moment was unavoidable. He allowed her fingers to pop one button at a time. The cotton of his shirt slowly opened, revealing everything he had been and everything he still was. /Oh./ Thats all Josie said as the image was revealed. She stayed silent as she shoved the shirt off his shoulders, untucked it from his pants, and threw it to the floor. For a long moment, she studied the image permanently imbedded in his skin, saying nothing. Eventually, she raised her wide eyes to his. /Holy freakin shit,/ she whispered, her gaze darting from the tattoo to Ricks eyes and back again, several times. She let out a long breath of air and her shoulders fell.

I thought this might ruin the mood, Rick said, fully stretching out on the bed, arms at his sides, giving her a complete view. There was no point in trying to minimize the impact. He lay still, letting her study him. I guess its a little late to be asking, but are you okay with tattoos?

Josie bit her lip the way she did whenever she was carefully choosing her words. I knew you had a tattoo, of course, she said quietly. A little bit of it shows above whatever shirt youre wearing. And I thought it looked interesting, but I just… well… I had no idea…

Rick smiled sadly. Remember that globe-trotting past I mentioned?

Josie nodded.

This is a little souvenir I picked up in Asia. It started in India, continued in Sri Lanka, and got its finishing touches in Thailand.

A small frown wrinkled Josies brow. Its incredible, really. The colors.

Its so complex. But its kind of, I dont know, intense. Maybe even intimidating.

Youre quite good with words, Josie. But I think youre trying to be kind.

Its just plain scaryyou can say it.

When she looked up at him again, Rick saw clean, simple understanding in her eyes. Again, no judgment. No sense of condemnation. And certainly no fear. We all do things we wish we hadnt, she said softly. Im sure if Id ever been anywhere more exotic than Petaluma Id probably have done something wild, too.

Rick laughed. My wild Josie, he said tenderly, reaching for her hand.

Her fingers felt soft and small cradled in his. I just dont want to scare you away.

You havent, she replied immediately. She brushed the curls from her face.

Rick believed her. There was something reassuring about the steadiness in her lovely gray eyes. The thing is, I wouldnt want to get rid of it now even if I could, he said. Its a reminder of lessons learned, I guess. And Ive done a lot of research on the symbols over the years, and I realize its like a road map of my life. I think those tattoo artists knew more about my destiny than I did.

But your accident Josie said haltingly. I can see the scars on your arms, but there arent any marks on your tattoo.

Rick laughed. Funny how that worked out.

Without a word, Josie crossed her arms over her waist and pulled off her shirt. Next she unhooked her bra at its front closure, displaying a pair of full, pink breasts. With the same calm sense of purpose, she reached forward and undid the fly of Ricks pants, then pulled them low on his hips. It was a move Rick knew would expose every small detail of the tattoo.

Slowly, Josie crawled across the bed, all that silky firm flesh for him to gaze upon, and climbed over him. She gently lay down on her side, put her head on his stomach, and, with her fingers, traced the journey of the two winged serpents as they snaked their way up the left-center of his body, a passage through a map of the seven prime chakras, the energy centers of the human body.

She caressed the elaborate lotus symbols that marked each chakra, her touch curious and respectful. She brushed her fingers along the length of the serpents bodies, the lighter one representing his spirit and the darker one his psyche. She laid her hand on the two sets of dripping fangs.

Rick wondered if someday hed be able to share the entire tale with Josie, the story of how the battle of his inner serpents had nearly killed him.

Josie, he whispered, his hands stroking her soft curls.

Yes? She didnt look up at him. Her fingers continued their expedition up and down. They brushed his skin from the first chakra at the edge of his pubic hair up to the seventh chakra just above his left collarbonea journey that took her from the most base to the most evolved elements of the self. He felt himself growing hard again. There was something so maddeningly innocent about this woman. She was smart and intuitive, but she was kind. Hopeful. It was like all the worlds harsh bullshit hadnt ripped away her innocence. And though he wasnt quite sure how shed remained that way into her thirties, he was drawn to that quality, perhaps more than anything else about her. He wanted to be near her goodness. He wanted some of that for himself. He wanted /her/ for himself.

Youre a very special woman, Josephine Sheehan.

He felt her hair tickle his hip as she nodded. Youre special, too, she said. Then she laid her cheek against his belly and gently kissed him, right on his second chakra. I want to make love to you, Rick. Right now.

His breath went shallow. He buried his fingers in her curls. I want that more than anything, but Josie raised her eyes. Yes?

Only if youre ready.

She laughed. She pulled herself up along the side of his body, giggling and kissing along the way. When her eyes were level with his she hovered over him. She put her lips on his and gave him a kiss so hot and sweet he feared hed explode before he even got inside her. He wasnt exactly used to this.

I want to show you how ready I am, she said, flashing a wicked grin as she threw her leg over his belly. Touch me and see.

Rick slid his hand between their bodies, the need in him so fierce he worried he couldnt stop now even if she told him to. His fingers grazed over the curls at the opening to her pussy, and he let them dip inside, ever so gently. Instantly, his fingers were covered in her honey.

Rick closed his eyes and savored the power of that sensation. He had a woman, naked, wet, wanting him. And he wanted her more than anything hed ever wanted in his life. He tried to steady his breath as he moved his fingers along the luscious, wet opening.

Suddenly, his mind reeled with memories. Sex from his pastraw and hard and wild, usually with women he barely knew and always with women he didnt love. How would he be with Josie? Could he let himself go without returning to all that ugliness? Could he trust himself? He wanted to make love /with/ Josie, not do something /to/ her, and he wasnt sure he was capable.

She obviously sensed his hesitation. I promise Ill be gentle with you, she whispered, kissing him again. When Rick opened his eyes and saw that she was perfectly serious, he laughed.

Uh… he said, his fingers still playing in her slickness. Thats not exactly what Im worried about.

She frowned. Youre worried?

He nodded. Its just that its been so long and I want you so badly, that Im afraid Ill Rick shook his head. Josie, Im scared that Ill rip you apart, eat you alive. I was never the most sensitive lover in the world.

Ive had more experience with fucking than loving, if you know what I mean.

She smiled.

And then theres that seven years of deprivation to consider.

She smiled bigger.

I am worried Ill be too much for you.

Josie nodded slightly. I see, she said.

Before he knew it, she was on top of his thighs, legs spread, and curls spilling down as she brought her mouth to him. He jolted with the sensation, her hot, wet mouth enveloping him. She hummed and licked and sucked, as if she were in a trance. As the minutes rolled by, Ricks body began to shake from the concentration it took not to erupt in her mouth. /Fuck/, he kept thinking. /Fuck, shes good./ Had it felt like this with other women? It had been a long time, but he didnt think so. He would have remembered this marvel of pressure, heat, connection.

Josie was making love to his cock with her mouth. He couldnt stand it another second.

He reached for her head and raised it up. She licked her lips, then smiled at him. Am I too much for you?

Hell, yes, Rick said. In an instant, hed captured her in his arms and flipped her on her back. He got on top of her, the need in him quite simple. He had to get inside her. Now.

He dropped his mouth to hers, devouring her as she moaned and squealed and opened her legs to him. It happened so fasthe was in her, up to the hilt, completely sheathed in her pulsing flesh. He kept his mouth on hers, licking inside her lips, slowly moving in and out. She was heavena hot, snug heavenand he never wanted to stop. /Yes,/ she hissed. /God, yes, Rick./ He got lost. Whatever happened in his past was gone. Those hard memories had been replaced by Josies softness, her kisses, the sounds of her pleasure. They twisted and rolled in passion. He held her down. She rode him. He came inside her with a roar, like a volcano exploding after a long, cold dormancy.

Seven years, to be exact.

The hours had been a blur for Josie, a whirling tide of lust, magic, and pleasure that felt almost supernatural. At the same time, though, she noticed how every instant was firmly rooted in her body. The truth was, she felt wholly alive, intensely aroused, and completely connected. Her everyday human body had become a surprising delight to her, a vehicle taking her to exotic places shed always figured were for otherwell, sexierwomen to visit.

She smiled to herself, knowing that shed just gotten her first taste of grand adventure, right there in her double bed in her little apartment off Seventeenth Street. As it turned out, there were no parkas or airline tickets required. All shed needed was Rick Rousseau.

Josie was glad she was lying on her stomach with her face buried in the sheets, because she was building up the nerve to make the most downright ballsy request of her life, and she didnt want Rick to see her embarrassed or blushing, or both. But of course shed blush! She was already blushing from her hairline to her toes due to the fact that shed had more orgasms in the past two hours than the last two decades, and her skin was still on fire, everywhere.

BOOK: Aint too proud to beg sfdg-1
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