Read AgelessDesires Online

Authors: Tessie Bradford

AgelessDesires (4 page)

BOOK: AgelessDesires
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Chapter Four


Kate walked into Beth’s office with purpose Thursday
morning, planting both hands flatly on the desk top and stared intently.

“Learn anything good at the seminar?”

“Don’t be a smart ass, Beth. What the
were you
thinking? Do you realize how your crazy meddling could have ruined everything?
Could have made it where I lost him as a really good friend and probably my job
too, because I couldn’t show my face in this building?”

“Could have? Dare I hope that instead of worst case scenario
it was best case? Come on Kate,
what happened

“Beth, you should know after all of these years that it is
not my style to have mindless sex for days and then talk openly about it.” Kate
giggled like a schoolgirl and sat down.

“Get out of town!” Beth squealed as she leaned forward, chin
resting on her hands, “Spill it!”

Kate was feeling so alive and so
that she
couldn’t have kept her mouth shut on a dare. “I swear my legs are still
shaking,” she began quietly, even though the office door was closed. “He made
me feel so sexy and desirable, Beth, that I wanted to do everything with him!”

“And did you?” Beth asked breathlessly.

“Well we only had two nights but we got a good start at it.”
Peals of laughter echoed through the room. “He is so uninhibited in what he
wants, Beth. You wouldn’t believe the things that we did. And the things that
we talked about. He told me that he wants to do stuff together that I’ve only
read about in books.”

“Stuff? What kind of stuff?” The knock and the door swinging
open made them both jump in their chairs.

“Good morning, ladies,” Bryan inclined his head in greeting.
“Talking over the daily financials, are we?” His lazy smile warmed Kate to her
core. Part of her mind told her that she should be uncomfortable with what they
had done together but a bigger part just wanted to do it again. And again and

“Absolutely,” both women answered in unison.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it then, have a good day.” With a
wink and what Katie thought bordered on a leer, he closed the door behind
himself. Kate left Beth’s office also, about an hour afterward.

* * * * *

Friday nights at the Main Street Bar and Grill were always
crowded so Kate waited just inside the entryway, allowing her eyes to adjust to
the darkened interior and then she scanned the room for her co-workers. It took
her just a second to find them all seated around one of the large round tables
in the back corner. Beth was there, of course and so were Renee, Sue, Sean,
Bill, Dean and Bryan. Kate hadn’t known if Bryan was going to join them tonight
and the relief and excitement of seeing him there was making her knees shake.
His back was turned to her as he leaned across the table deep in conversation
with Sean. She drew a calming breath and then began slowly to weave her way
through the crowd.

What exactly am I supposed to do when I get there?
wondered a bit frantically.
Should I sit down next to him? Should I sit
across the table and pretend that I don’t even notice his delicious presence?
Should I leave immediately and drink at home?
Kate’s head was spinning by
the time she stopped about six feet away from the table.

“Hey, Kate, about time you showed up,” Beth called out to
her warmly.

“What can I say, Beth, I have a slave driver for a boss who
wanted a certain proposal done by the end of the day.”

Everybody at the table laughed and greeted her but Kate
heard none of it because Bryan had turned her way. He stared at her with his
piercing eyes and lazy smile, making her heart pound and her cheeks flame. She
didn’t move a muscle as he pushed back his chair, stood slowly and walked
toward her.

“Hey there beautiful,” was all he whispered before putting
his large, warm hands on her hips and pulling her into a devastatingly hot
kiss. His tongue coaxed her lips open and she kissed him back with equal
fervor. His hard cock pressed against her abdomen and Kate fought the urge to
grind against his chiseled body.

“Whoa, what the hell,” Kate’s clouded brain registered
Sean’s comment, along with a couple of whistles and then Beth’s hearty

“Yeah, since when are you guys together?” she heard Renee
ask as Bryan ended the kiss. He pulled back just far enough to gaze down at her
with the most mischievous look.

“I thought that maybe we were going to keep us on a sort of
a ‘don’t let the co-workers know that we’re doing it’ kind of level,” Kate
whispered desperately.

“What would have ever given you that impression, Katie?”
Bryan whispered back while giving her ass a gentle squeeze. “I want the whole
world to know that we are together, hon.” He casually draped his arm around her
shoulder and turned toward the group.

“Sit down here Katie,” Bryan offered as he guided her into
his chair, “I’ll go find you a drink. What’s your pleasure tonight,” he added
with, what seemed to Katie, a great deal of double entendre.

“Anything strong, Bryan,” she replied, then instantly shook
her index finger at him before he uttered the next sexed up comment that his
raised eyebrow indicated he was ready to drop. “Vodka and cranberry is good,” she
clarified before turning to her friends.

Kate expected to see disbelief, or shock, or pure horror on
the faces looking back at her but instead she got smiles and winks and a double
thumbs-up from Sue. Maybe Bryan was right about the fact that people wouldn’t
care about the age difference. Maybe he was right that she should relax and not
worry so much. Kate knew that all this “rightness” would go straight to Bryan’s

“So, how was everyone’s week?” she inquired as innocently as
she could.

“Obviously not as good as yours has been,” Bill commented
good-naturedly as he downed his beer. “Last week when we were all out together
there was none of
going on,” he waved his arm grandly toward where
Kate and Bryan had just stood.

“Exactly what was that seminar about that you guys went to?”
Dean asked with a laugh and then added, “Hey Beth, can I go to the next one?”

The whole table dissolved into peals of laughter, including
Kate. Yes, they were teasing her. Hell, she would have been teasing any of her
girlfriends if the tables were turned. Yes, they were surprised but nobody was
being mean or judgmental. Kate felt about a thousand pounds of emotional
baggage fall off her back.

“Hey, I’m allowed to have some fun you guys. I know I
haven’t brought a guy around in like forever but I can date if I want to.”

“That little display makes me think that
not actually summarize what you kids have been up to, if you know what I mean,”
Renee giggled while Kate groaned and rolled her eyes.

“Scoot over a bit,” Bryan said as he placed Kate’s drink on
the table and maneuvered the chair that he brought back with him so that he was
sitting close enough that they were touching from hip to knee. “So what did I
miss?” He looked at Katie for signs of distress but was relieved when she
smiled warmly back at him.

“Only our friends making fun of me,” she answered before
taking a healthy sip of her beverage.

“They’re just jealous, Katie.” He put his arm across the
back of her chair and stroked her shoulder. “Let them have their kind of fun
and we will have ours,” he chuckled before brushing his lips across her temple.
The entire group groaned in unison.

“Good Lord, you’re going to be sickly sweet to be around
now, aren’t you,” Beth stated as a fact instead of a question. Kate and Bryan
just looked back at her innocently.

After another fifteen minutes or so of bad jokes, off color
comments and over-all ribbing, everyone was able to settle back into their
comfortable camaraderie. Kate found herself idly stroking Bryan’s thigh, delighted
in the fact that she was with the man of her dreams, in the full view of
humanity and the world hadn’t stopped spinning.

As the evening wore on and Kate availed herself of another
cocktail, her thoughts began to wander away from shop talk. Her pussy began to
warm up as she daydreamed about what she and Bryan might do when they left the
bar. She deliberately began to stroke farther up his denim-clad leg, making
sure that her fingers brushed his cock on each pass. Although she knew that
nobody could see what her hand was doing under the table, she felt energized by
her own daring. She was delighted when Bryan grabbed her hand at held it to his
crotch while fixing her with a “be careful what you’re doing down there” look.

“If you all are going to stay for a while,” Bryan said as he
stood up and brought Kate up with him by her hand that he was still holding,
“Katie and I are going to get a breath of fresh air.”

Kate’s pulse raced as, instead of heading toward the front
door, Bryan guided her through the crowd and up to the bar. She hoped that she
had an idea about what he wanted to do but where were they going? He was moving
with an urgency that sent wet desire straight to her pussy.

“Hey Tom,” Bryan called over the noise to get the
bartender’s attention. After finishing mixing a drink Tom walked over to Bryan,
dropped a key into his waiting palm and then turned and left without a word.
Bryan wrapped his arm around Kate’s waist and led her down the hall that, to
the best of her recollection, only held the restrooms. When Bryan silently
passed both of those doors to stop and insert the key into the lock on the last
door, labeled “Supplies”, she thought that she might faint with excitement.

“What in the world,” she breathed as he gently pushed her in
front of him and into the pitch dark room. As soon as she heard the door click
shut, he turned her in his embrace, crushing her tightly against his rock hard

“As best as I can figure it, Katie,” he growled as he
planted moist kisses down her neck and into her exposed cleavage, “we have
about fifteen minutes before our friends come looking for us or somebody needs
something out of this room.” He spun her around so that her back was against
the door and then began fumbling with the button of her jeans.

“You’re kidding, right?” she whimpered but then nuzzled his
neck while sliding her hands under his shirt to touch his warm skin.

“Does this feel like I’m kidding?” he demanded as the zipper
on her pants went down quickly and then her jeans and panties were pushed to
her ankles. “Kick them off, honey, hurry.”

Kate followed his direction without hesitation, refusing to
listen to the familiar insecurities echoing in her head. When he had asked her
to tell him some of her sexual fantasies the second night they had been together,
Kate never dreamed that he planned to take her at her word and so soon too. In
the utter darkness of the small room, Kate couldn’t see anything but she heard
his own zipper go down and the sound of a foil packet being ripped open.

“You are certifiable,” she gasped when he lifted one of her
legs, held it against his hip and moved his fingers to her soaking pussy. She
thrust her pelvis shamefully against his palm when he inserted three fingers
deep inside her body. “I didn’t really expect that…”

“I promised you that we would explore every one of your
desires together, Katie,” he murmured into her ear as his thumb circled her
clit. “Lesson number two, fucking in a public place when we could be found out
at any second.”

Instantly his hand was gone, replaced by the huge head of
his penis. Acting solely on instinct, she grabbed on tightly around his neck
and tried to position herself for his entry. She was so hot, so frantic for him
to take her hard and fast that she couldn’t seem to get it right. She cried out
in frustration, only to have Bryan’s hands go behind her thighs and lift. In
one fluid motion, both her feet were off the ground as he surged into her pussy
with a vengeance.

“Wrap your legs around me, I’ve got you,” he moaned as he
held her against the door and rammed in and out of her pussy.

Kate knew that her juices were flowing freely. She knew that
her nails were raking the back of his neck. She knew that their combined grunts
and groans were too loud for a public place. She also knew that she didn’t give
a damn.

“Harder, Bryan,” she begged as she met him thrust for
thrust, “I’m going to come!”

And with that, he followed her direction, pounding her
against the door until the first shudders of her release began. At the moment
her orgasm crashed over her, Bryan held himself buried so far into her that his
heavy balls rubbed her ass. Kate felt him pulse violently inside her body as
his lips crashed down over hers, muffling their combined cries of satisfaction.

“Un-fucking-believable,” Bryan exclaimed with gusto while
pulling out of her body and carefully lowering her feet to the floor. They
stood for just a moment, holding each other.

“Not trying to ruin the mood or anything,” Bryan ran his
hands down her sides as he crouched down at her feet, “but I know that your
fantasy is the
of getting caught, not the reality.” He
helped her put her pants back on in the darkness. “We need to get out of here.”

“So what now, we simply waltz out of here like we didn’t
just have sex in the supply room?”

“No, Katie,” he put himself back together before kissing her
forehead, “we walk out of here proudly,
that we just had sex in
the supply room. Own it, honey, that’s half the fun.” With that, he threw open
the door. The blinding light in the hallway, along with her trembling limbs
caused Kate to hold on tightly to Bryan as he guided her to the ladies room.
“I’ll be right at the end of the hall, don’t be long.”

Kate was shocked to see her flushed cheeks, reddened lips,
perspiration soaked hair and wild eyes staring back in the mirror. A finger
combing and splash of cold water wasn’t going to hide the fact that she had
been fucked senseless, so she did the best that she could while letting Bryan’s
words of encouragement wash over her. “Own it,” she said to her reflection with
a shy smile before leaving the bathroom. Hand in hand, they went back to the
bar. When Bryan tossed the key to Tom, a wink and a smile was the only reaction
he gave when putting it back into his pocket.

BOOK: AgelessDesires
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