Acting On Temptation (Temptations) (11 page)

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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He shrugs, “Well a month after we broke up she comes to me and says she’s pregnant.  This comes as a shock to me since we always used condoms, but they aren’t 100%.  However she says, she isn’t sure if the baby would be mine or Skylar’s. He wants her to have an abortion, her parents want that too.  She was upset.  I said I would say the baby was mine and we could have it either way.  That it was her decision, but if she really thought it was mine I would like to be included in the final say so.  She agreed, I even went to a doctor’s appointment with her.  Then her parents threw a fit, but before she could make any decision she had a miscarriage.  After that she always said the baby was Skylar’s she was sure because they didn’t use condoms.  So I don’t really know the truth, but since then I’ve always wondered.” 

At this point I’m crying he looks at me, “Oh Sweetie, I’m so sorry.”

I look at him, “What are you sorry for?  She was horrible, her parents, Skylar, they are all horrible people.  How could she treat you that way?” I wipe my eyes, “I feel so bad for you.  I know now how you could think that about yourself, that you aren’t good enough.  Well, let me tell you.  You are and I love you for it.”  Oh that just fell out of my mouth.

Russ claims my mouth, “Anna, you are the sweetest, most understanding person I’ve ever met and I love you for it.”

“You really would’ve raised that baby if it wasn’t yours?”

He nods, “Yeah, if she would’ve wanted me to.  I loved her.”


While we are waiting in the lobby at the student clinic filling out paperwork, I look at Russ, “How are you already done?”

He looks at me, “It’s not really much to fill out.”

I reach over and grab his, “What the hell?  Yours isn’t much to fill out at all.  I have to remember how old I was when I had my first freaking period.”

He chuckles, “Sorry.  Guys don’t have as much stuff happen as girls do.”

“Yeah guys suck.”

He chuckles again, “Well thanks.”

I finally finish my paperwork and turn it in.  A few minutes later a short nurse steps out and calls me back.  I look at Russ and then to the nurse. “Can he come with me?”

She nods, “Yes, aren’t we seeing him too?”

He nods, “Yes ma’am.”

She smiles, “We can get him finished up while we’re back here too.”

We both nod and say, “Thanks.”

Once I’m in the exam room, the nurse turns to me, “Okay I need you to undress and put this little gown on it opens to the front.  Then just have a seat on the table and the doctor will be in soon.”

I nod, “Thank you.”  Looking around the exam room, it feels cold, impersonal and sterile.  Everything is either white, gray or light blue.

After she walks out of the room Russ looks at me, “Are you doing okay?”

              I take a deep breath, “Yeah.  It’s just kinda weird.  I mean you’re the only person who’s ever been that up close and personal with me.  Well, since I was in diapers anyway.”

He laughs and gives me his panty dropping sly grin, “Thanks, I’m truly honored.”

A few minutes later I’m sitting on the exam table admiring the lovely examine your own breasts posters when the doctor comes in, “Hi Anna, I’m Dr. Franks.  I see you’re here for an exam and birth control today.”

“Yes sir, I told the nurse before, but I just like to make sure you are aware, before you glove up, I’m allergic to latex.  I had an incident at my regular doctor’s office a couple of years ago so I just try to be extra cautious.”

He nods, “I can definitely understand that.  Latex allergies can be life-threatening.  So this same latex allergy is I’m guessing the reason you are wanting to go on the pill and why Mr. Addison wants to be tested.”

We both nod.  He looks at us and smiles, “I do have to say it’s nice to see two responsible young adults.  Obviously the lines of communication between you two are open.  Now Anna, I see that this is your first pelvic exam and pap smear?”

“Yes sir.”

He nods, “Okay well I’m going to try to explain everything as we go, I know this can be nerve racking for a young lady like yourself.”

I smile and exhale, “Thank you.”





As we walk out of the clinic, I walk right into Linc.  He stops and both Anna and I look at each other.  He smiles, “Hey guys what are you doing?”

“I just had to come get my arm checked out.”

He chuckles, “Yeah, try that bullshit on someone else.”  Then he looks at Anna seriously, “Anna you’re not?  I mean you…”

Anna looks at him and shakes her head, “Linc look it’s not what you think, it was just a yearly exam.  Just don’t say anything, I don’t need people in my personal life any more than they already are.”

He nods, “I understand Anna.  You have my word, I won’t say anything.”

Anna nods, “Not even to Gabby.”

He looks at her confused, “Why? Gabby wouldn’t care.”

“It’s just our business, when she’s ready to talk to Gabby she will.  Anna’s just had too many people in her business lately.”

Linc shrugs, “I understand.”

Linc walks off to his class and
I look at Anna.  “Hey are you okay?  You wanna grab some lunch?”

She smiles, “Yeah some lunch would be great.  I’m fine, it was a little weird. But thank you for coming with me and being my support.”

I brush her hair back from her face, “It’s like you said this affects both of us.  Thank you for not being disgusted with how many people I’ve had sex with.”

She smiles, “Hey I told you, this is about us.  Our pasts do not matter.”

We walk to a little café just off campus and order a couple of sandwiches.  While we are sitting at the table eating Skylar and his entourage walk in.  As soon as he sees Anna, they briefly make eye contact.  He says something to the guys with him and they walk back out.  What ever happened with Daria, Anna and him yesterday must have stuck because he pretty much just ran out of here like a little pussy boy.  Anna just gives a side grin.  I can tell she’s kinda proud of herself. 

I look at her and smile, “Damn, I don’t know if I wanna go kick his ass or stay here and be turned on by your total badass attitude.”

She smiles, “I would definitely say stay.”

After we finish our lunch we head home.  I have to get ready for practice, even though I can’t participate, I still like to watch the guys run the plays and try to see where we can improve.

We walk in the front door and see Linc and
Cade watching another stupid TV show.  I look over at them, “Hey I’m gonna get ready for us to go to practice.”

They both look at me like I’ve lost my mind and Cade speaks up, “Why you aren’t practicing?”

“Yeah, but I still want to watch you guys run the plays.”

Linc nods, “Okay man, that’s cool.  Plus I can’t wait to see what coach is going to say to Skylar.”  Then he looks at Anna and I with a knowing nod and turns back to the show he’s watching. 


A little while later almost the entire team is sitting in the locker room, everyone is looking at each other.  I hear several of the guys asking where coach is, some of the guys say he’s locked up in his office.  This is just weird, I wonder if it has to do with Skylar…I’m sure it does.

A few minutes later Coach swings open his office door.  “Alright guys find some space and park your asses.”

We all sit down and look at each other.  Coach sits down, “Okay I know after the events of last Saturday you guys all know the importance of team work.  That being said Skylar is no longer a part of this football organization.  I’m not going into specifics, I’m not answering questions we are just going to go out there and do our jobs.  Russ, I’m glad to see you here, you know you aren’t getting out there don’t you?”

I nod, “Yes sir, I figured I could watch the guys run plays.”

He stands up and waves us out, “Sounds like a damn good plan son.”

As we head out of the locker room, Coach pulls back on my shirt, “Russ, I don’t know how this would’ve worked out if you and Linc hadn’t had that folder.  So
thank you.  Which I don’t know what else was going on, but that boy and his Daddy looked like they’d been searching for an easy out for him.”

“I think the girls threatened him with the law or something.”

“Maybe but that boy looked scared shitless.  Anyway it’s over now, so let’s go watch some people run plays and yell at them.”

I laugh, “Sure thing Coach.”



A few hours later we are going home, Cade looks over at me, “What did Coach say when he held you back before practice?”

I shrug, “Just thanked me for Linc and I giving him that folder and said that something had Skylar scared shitless.”

Cade looks at me, “Okay, Daria has been acting really weird after last Sunday.  Have you guys noticed it?”

I look over at him, “I kinda wonder what really happened between him, Anna and her that day.  I don’t completely believe the
threatening him with the law
thing.  But, I’m just leaving it alone for now.  Anna’s had too much going on and as long as he leaves her alone, I leave him alone at this point.”

Cade nods, “Yeah, I’m not sure how much of that I believe either.  It’s just something tells me Daria is hiding something from me and I’m not sure what it is.  She’s never acted like this before.”

Linc leans up, “You don’t think it’s someone else do you?”

Cade shakes his head, “No, it’s something bigger, deeper than a guy or sex.  She hasn’t been sleeping much lately and when she does she tosses and turns.”

“Have you asked her?”

He looks at me like I’m retarded, “Yes, she says it’s nothing.”

I look over at him, “I don’t know man, but if Anna happens to slip up and say something I’ll let you know.”

He nods, “Thanks man.”

We ride in silence the rest of the way to the house and I know all of us are wondering what those two girls are hiding.



              It’s been a few weeks since Russ was hurt.  Today is his first game that he’ll be playing in since then. To say I’m nervous is an understatement.  I’m so worried he’ll get hit today and it’ll finish his arm off.  I’m really hoping today goes good for him because I’ve decided that tonight will be
night.  I’ve been on my birth control long enough now that it’s all clear.  We’ve had each other so frustrated here lately. He’s so worried about hurting me or that I’m not ready.  I’m ready, I’ve been ready just nervous, and if we get to third base one more time without making the run on into home, I may die.

I feel hands slip around my waist from behind and I smell
, “Hey Sweetie, I got you a present for today.”

I laugh, “I think I’m supposed to get you a good luck present for today.”

“Yeah well this is special.”

I turn around and he holds out a gift bag.  I open it and pull out a shirt.  It’s a mini team jersey with his number on the back and above it
Russ’s Girl
.  I laugh, “Okay so you are marking your territory huh?”

BOOK: Acting On Temptation (Temptations)
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