A Shadow of Death in The Woods (35 page)

BOOK: A Shadow of Death in The Woods
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I thank Cynthia Henrich for her excellent professional editing. She actually knows what she is doing and that helps. She also did a great job catching story line errors.

I thank Ron Temple, a fellow writer, for many fruitful discussions, comments, editing and encouragement.

I thank Jerry Russell for being there and editing.

I thank Ron Collins, a fellow author, for ideas on how to be an author.

I thank Arni/Smokey, The Cat, for listening to me read out loud while editing. It served as moral support even though I don’t remember any editing comments per se from him. And I was so glad he didn’t attack me for reading aloud, which he hated. He gave me a disagreeable look instead.

Having said all this, I take full responsibility for any remaining errors. Sometimes I change things when people aren’t looking and I suspect The Cat did some typing.

BOOK: A Shadow of Death in The Woods
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