Read A Russian Bear Online

Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Romance

A Russian Bear (5 page)

BOOK: A Russian Bear
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“What is your safeword?” Mischa asked the first question, finding peace in the ritual.

“My safeword is ‘red,’ sir.” Tom’s voice was clear and sure.

“What happens when you use it?”

“Everything stops, sir.”

“And your slow word?”

“My slow word is ‘yellow,’ sir.”

“What happens when you use that?”

“I get a break, sir.”

Satisfied with Tom’s answers, Mischa stepped close and grabbed Tom’s hair, twisting his head back. Tom gasped with surprise. He was still rock hard, though.

“You’re here to do as I tell you to.” The words made the boy whimper, his cock jumping. Mischa smiled inwardly but kept up his snarl. “I’m going to do with you as I please, whether you like it or not. Did it hurt when I fucked you?” Tom gasped when his head was forced into an awkward angle, but he didn’t struggle. Interesting.

“Yes! Yes, it hurt, sir. A lot.”

“What else hurt?” Mischa was hard, enjoying this simple questioning so much.

“When, ahh, when you bit me. When you bit my nipples. Sir.”

“Did that hurt?” Mischa leaned in, enjoying the boy’s scent of sweat and arousal.

“Yes. It really hurt.”

“Like this?” He let go of Tom’s hair and grabbed the boy’s nipples, pinching them both in a hard grip.

“Ahh! Oh, ow. Yes, sir, like that.” He squeezed a bit harder, making Tom yelp and arch, desperately trying to lessen the pain. It didn’t escape Mischa’s attention that Tom was every bit as hard as before, though.

“Good. Then you know what to expect.” Mischa held the grip a bit longer, wanting to see if Tom would fight him. Tom didn’t; instead, the boy let his pain out in a whimper that turned into a keening noise.

“You’re doing fine. Now, I’m going to count down from ten, holding the pressure while I do it. When I reach zero, I’ll let go. Okay?” Mischa was quite aware that his sub would probably have preferred a shorter explanation. He couldn’t say that he cared much.

“Yes, sir!” Tom tried to press his lips closed around his whimper, but failed.

“Good. I’ll start now. Ten, nine, eight...” The sound got louder, but Tom accepted what was done to him, trying to cope with the pain. “Seven, six...” His sub was sweating now, and Tom’s noises were only interrupted by gasping breaths. “Five, four, three...” As always, Mischa tightened his fingers on the last five counts. It made Tom yell, arching and going up on his toes. “Two, one, zero.” Mischa let go, eliciting another loud groan from Tom and catching him when the boy swayed away from the pain.

“Good boy.” He rubbed the sore nubs, making Tom jump and moan a bit. “Good boy.” Tom was wide-eyed, breathing fast, and looking a little shell-shocked. Mischa wrapped his arms around the boy and drew him into a hug, letting Tom breathe and relax and feel how hard he had made Mischa. To his astonishment, the boy was still hard, too. Oh, yes, he had been right; this had every chance of being a great scene.

Mischa let go of the boy and smacked his butt none too lightly. “So, boy, let’s go eat. A nice bit of nipple torture always makes me hungry.”


Tom was a bit dazed. Just a little. Okay, a lot. He hadn’t made it farther than the front room before Mischa had started torturing him. God. It had hurt like hell. He wasn’t quite ready to think about how that had made him feel.

Mischa brought Tom to the kitchen where he took a pizza from the fridge, putting it in the oven to heat. “I made it earlier today. I didn’t want to waste our time by cooking.” Mischa’s smile was definitely close to a leer. Then he set the table in the kitchen, and now they were on the grand tour of the house.

Mischa showed Tom the living room, the dining room, the very nice bathroom, and his bedroom. They had passed a couple of other doors, and Mischa had told Tom that they were his office, his playroom, and guest rooms. Tom couldn’t help but wonder. He had been shown the bedroom, but not the office? Well, he guessed that the tour had served its purpose; the bedroom was where he was going to end up later on. The tour had finally made his dick go down, but that thought was enough to make it twitch a bit.

He caught Mischa smirking at him, but his host didn’t comment on Tom’s arousal. Instead, Mischa closed the door to the bedroom. “I think the pizza is done now -- let’s go eat.”

Tom nodded and turned to get his clothes from the front room. “Where do you think you’re going?” Mischa’s voice was low.

Tom stopped. “To get my clothes, of course.”

“You won’t need them until you leave tomorrow.”

Tom was speechless. “But I can’t eat without any clothes on!” Okay, maybe not so speechless.

Mischa laughed at Tom. “You can have your nipples pinched, and you can take the grand tour of my house without any clothes on, but you can’t eat naked?”

“Of course I can’t!” You didn’t eat without your clothes on. That was just... weird.

Mischa stepped close, and suddenly Tom could smell the man again. It was the same scent he had caught when Mischa had pinched his nipples. Mischa smelled like... power. Tom’s breath caught in his throat.

“You can, and you will.” Mischa stared at him.

“Yes, sir.” Tom’s voice wasn’t much more than a whisper. Of course his fucking cock was shouting what it felt about this.

“Good!” Just like that, Mischa let up, slapped Tom’s butt, and turned. “Let’s go eat.”


They had been eating in the kitchen, talking and laughing, and all the time he had been naked. Mischa, of course, was fully clothed. Tom didn’t know why having dinner without his clothes on made him so conscious about his nakedness, but it did. It was confusing, making him feel vulnerable and a little lonely.

At the same time, Mischa was good company. There was absolutely no question about his authority, but it almost seemed as if he could turn his powerful energy off and on. Or at least to high and low. When it was low, like it was now, he was kind, funny, and seemed genuinely interested in Tom’s opinions.

Tom realized that he was forgetting his nakedness, feeling more and more comfortable in Mischa’s company. It didn’t feel awkward anymore, it felt... right. As if this was the way it was supposed to be. It was very different from their earlier sessions.

He didn’t get much time to think about his revelation. “Let’s clean this up,” Mischa said, and got up. “I’ll tell you what I want to do to you, and then we’ll take it to the bedroom.” Tom felt his nerves flare, but nodded and helped make the kitchen nice and tidy again. Then he followed Mischa into the living room.

“Sit down.” Mischa pointed to the sofa and sat down next to him, turning so the man could watch Tom. “Are you nervous?”

Tom could only nod. He had suddenly realized that this was it; he was going to do things that he hadn’t done before, things that might make him scream in pain. For a moment, he wanted to get out of there. Then he remembered how hard Mischa’s nipple torture had made him. He might be scared, but he still wanted to try this.

“That’s okay. Remember your words, though. I trust you to use them if you need to.” Mischa looked at him with a stern expression.

“I will.” Mischa’s insistence on this point made Tom calmer. He did have a way out if he couldn’t cope, didn’t he?

“We’ll go into my bedroom in a minute. We won’t use the playroom this time, and I won’t use any toys, either. I want to keep it basic and see what you like and where your limits are.”

“Okay.” Tom didn’t even know what a playroom looked like, so the plan was okay with him. He relaxed a little.

“I don’t usually tell what’s going to happen during a scene, but I’m going to make an exception today. It makes it a little less scary for you. Well, unless the scene scares you.” Mischa’s eyes were intense; Tom found his look just a little wolfish. “And the first thing I’m going to do to you might scare you. I’m going to play with your balls.”

Tom looked at him uncomprehendingly. Why was that scary?

Mischa smiled a slow smile. Oh, shit. That look didn’t bode well. “It’s called CBT.”

Tom still didn’t understand anything but the predatory look on Mischa’s face.

“That’s short for cock and ball torture. It means that I’ll squeeze your balls ‘til you scream. Then I keep going a bit, just to let you feel it. It’s a favorite thing of mine.”

Tom could only stare, his mouth suddenly gone dry and his heart beating very loudly. Mischa was going to pinch Tom’s balls like the man had done with his nipples? Tom instinctively tried to protect himself.

Mischa laughed and pulled away Tom’s hands. “Oh, no, don’t cover yourself up. I know that it’s scary, and it will hurt. But remember how hard you were when I pinched your nipples. You liked that, didn’t you?”

Tom swallowed. “Yes.” Impossible to lie about that. But his balls...

“When I’ve done that, I’ll fuck you. If it’ll be painful for you or not depends on what I feel like in the situation. I might decide to open you up a lot.”

Tom nodded. A hard fuck he could cope with. He drowned out the little voice that pointed out that screaming orgasms didn’t exactly fall under the category of ‘coping.’

“Tomorrow morning, I might fuck you again, if I feel like it -- and if you’re able to do it. And, of course, I’ll take a blowjob any time I feel like it.” Now Mischa had that predatory look in his eyes again. “You will get a spanking, though, so you can be sure to have that to look forward to.”

There were way too many thoughts in Tom’s mind right now. “A spanking?”

“Yes. An old-fashioned, over my lap spanking. You’ve never had one of those?”

Tom could only shake his head, not entirely believing what he heard. “Never, sir.”

“Then it will be a new and no doubt exciting experience.” Mischa sounded far too cheerful. “Now, let’s go into the bedroom.”

Tom got up and followed, for a moment dizzy with nerves. His head cleared, though, and he steeled himself, following Mischa into the bedroom. Mischa had already pulled down the covers, only leaving a couple of pillows on the large bed.

“Lie down,” Mischa commanded. With an effort, Tom followed the order, his heart beating so fast. It suddenly seemed like there wasn’t enough air in the room. He didn’t take his eyes off Mischa when the man undressed, needing to think of something other than his own fear.

The Dom looked strong and confident, like someone capable of using his body exactly like he wanted. It was sexy; the only problem was that what he wanted right now scared the shit out of Tom. Mischa walked toward him and climbed onto the bed, sitting down next to him. “Spread your legs.”

Tom obeyed, his breathing and heartbeat almost drowning out Mischa’s words. He gulped for air. Mischa bent over him and took hold of his balls. Tom’s breath caught in his throat, and suddenly he couldn’t breathe. “Wait! Yellow! Yellow!”


Mischa quickly let go of Tom’s balls and lifted the boy’s upper body, easing his wheezing breathing.

“What’s wrong, Tom? Tell me what’s wrong,” Mischa ordered. The boy got a couple of real breaths into his lungs, and then Mischa suddenly had a gasping boy clinging with all his might to Mischa.

“Scared! So scared, sir.”

Mischa sat back, hugging Tom in a firm embrace. “It’s okay, boy, you’re fine now.” Tom’s breathing was easing up a bit, but he was still gasping, and Mischa gently rubbed his back. “Just breathe for a bit. You’ll be fine.” The boy held on a little longer, and then he tried to get loose.

“No, just sit with me for a bit.” Mischa held on. “How do you feel?”

“Stupid, sir. I’m really sorry.” Tom was mumbling into Mischa’s shoulder, hiding his face.

“No, don’t answer with your brain, boy, answer with your body. How does it feel to sit like this?”

Tom was quiet. “It feels really good, sir. Safe.” His voice was soft.

The honesty hit something deep inside Mischa. Something he refused to think about right now.

“You did so well.”

Tom leaned back, and this time Mischa let him. He looked disappointed. “I didn’t do well at all. You didn’t even get started before I freaked out. I just got really scared.”

“You did, and you used your slow word. Don’t you realize how important that is?”

Tom looked uncomprehendingly at Mischa.

“It means that I can trust you to tell me when you can’t take any more. It means that you’re honest to me about what you feel and not afraid to say stop. It takes a lot of people a long time to get there.”

Tom still didn’t look entirely convinced. “So... I didn’t screw up?”

Mischa pulled him into an embrace again. “No, boy, you didn’t screw up.”

Tom hid his head in the crook of Mischa’s shoulder again. Mischa let him hide, stroking his back and letting him wind down. Tom mumbled something unintelligible. Mischa pulled back. “I didn’t hear that?”

Tom looked a little insecure. “Don’t you ever... kiss when you do this?”

Mischa’s heart melted. He could almost feel the puddle around his feet. “Would you like a kiss, Tom?” He kept his voice gentle.

Tom blushed but nodded. So lovely. Mischa leaned in, softly letting his lips meet Tom’s. He let his tongue lick along Tom’s lower lip, caressing. Then Mischa probed deeper, and Tom opened up, surrendering completely to him.

The kiss went on and on, and soon he had Tom clinging as fervently to his body as the boy had done before. Tom was hard, and Mischa felt his own erection against his stomach, too.

Tom had started making little noises and moving his hips when Mischa finally broke the kiss. “Are you ready to go on?”

For a moment, Tom looked completely dazed. Mischa savored the look; he would definitely try to bring it on as often as he could until tomorrow. Then the boy apparently remembered what they were about to do, looking a little nervous. Mischa decided to help him.

“Are you ready to do as I tell you to?” He let his hands slide up Tom’s thighs, teasing, caressing. “To let me make you scream? To make you take what I do to you?”

Tom’s head fell back, and Mischa cheered inside: he had the boy now. Tom wasn’t going to balk.

He lowered his boy down, resting Tom’s head on the soft pillow, giving his sub one last kiss. Then he gently spread Tom’s legs and sat down between them. Mischa looked down, watching his boy waiting for him. He took in the sight. Tom was flushed, hard cock lying against his stomach and head resting on the pillow. Their eyes met, and Mischa leaned forward, his hands closing around Tom’s balls. “Ready?”

BOOK: A Russian Bear
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