Read A Man After Midnight Online

Authors: Carter,Beth D.

A Man After Midnight (8 page)

BOOK: A Man After Midnight
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Immediately, she relaxed those muscles and pulled her head away.  “I guess I’d better stop or I’ll get wrinkles.”

“You’ll still be beautiful with wrinkles,” he assured.


“Caroline, listen to me.  I’m sorry for what your husband did to you, but I’m not him.  Don’t use me as your excuse to hide from yourself.  Our weekend doesn’t have to end like that.”

The word ‘end’ was like ice water in her veins, shocking her back into reality.

“I leave tomorrow,” she murmured, more for her own benefit than his, but he still responded.

“Yeah, I know,” he said quietly.

“I should be able to say fuck it, right?  This is just a weekend fling, after all.”

“It’s not just a fling, Caroline.”

“I know.”  She bit her lip.  The words “I don’t want this to end” echoed in her mind.  She longed to say them.

But she didn’t. 

He took her hand and led her from the piano bar.  They didn’t say a word as they made their way back to his room.  Once inside, he kissed her almost savagely, as if he couldn’t get enough of her.  As if he wanted to devour her.  His tongue swept in, meeting hers, dominating.  He roamed his hands over her body, bringing it alive, sensitizing each nerve to a sizzle.  The delicate material of her dress ripped as he hurried to bring her skin into contact with him.  The buttons on his shirt flew as he tore it off his body. 

Caroline became as frantic as he, helping him, not even minding that her dress turned into a puddle of disregarded silk.  She pulled on his shoulders, nipped the skin on his neck.  Licked each nipple until he turned the tables and threw her down upon the bed.

Wren pulled her hands over her head and then used one hand to hold them in place.  Up and down his lips trailed her skin, taking each nipple with his teeth, biting just hard enough to elicit a gasp then sucking until she arched in pleasure.  He repeated the same on the other nipple, back and forth until her head thrashed and her pelvis thrust upward to either throw him off or invite him closer. 

While he played with her breasts, his other hand ran down her body to find her clit.  He teased the small bundle of nerves while a finger found the entrance of her pussy, dipping in to tease the inside. 

“Please,” she moaned.

Then he moved his fingers, dripping with her juices, to the tight opening of her anus.  Caroline stiffened.


“Do you trust me, Caroline?” He growled the question, gazing deep into her eyes.

Did she

All the times he had asked her that question a part of her had hesitated.  But as she stared into his eyes, she saw a glimpse of the same fears that troubled her reflecting back and she realized that for all his self-confidence, he was just as wary as she about giving into the emotion that arched between them. And then the answer came to her, simple and straightforward, and she finally understood why she had always hesitated before. 


If possible, the lust in his eyes darkened even more.  He gently eased into her back hole, massaging and working the sphincter until she relaxed enough for him to push a third finger in.

“You’re so fucking tight, Caroline,” he groaned into her ear.  “I want you in every way possible.”

Caroline felt her body swelter at his words.  The splendid euphoria that had gripped her now evaporated as she tensed at the intrusion to her ass.  No one had ever taken her there before, and she wasn’t quite sure what to feel about it now.  She forced herself to relax, because he wanted this, and truth be told, it was something she could give him.  A different part of her sexuality, one she had never thought to explore before, excited her now.

Then he withdrew from her body to flip her, and she tensed once more.  He settled his lips on the back of her neck and started to kiss down her back. All the way down, until he reached her lower back.  His hands pulled her onto her knees, keeping her head down. 

He separated each cheek, but before embarrassment could engulf her, she felt his mouth on her asshole.  The first lick made her squirm.  The second lick felt like a tickle.  But on the third, his fingers found her clit just as his tongue darted in.  The double penetration sensation nearly made her fall apart.  His fingers matched his tongue, both finding a rhythm that pitched her higher and higher until she cried out.

He withdrew and she heard the rustle of a condom wrapper before his rock hard cock pressed against her tender anus.  She held her breath and waited.

“Relax,” he whispered.  “I’m going to make sure I don’t hurt you.”

He pushed in a little at a time, taking his time as he sank past the tight ring and then further into her ass, until he had sheathed himself all the way.  He took a moment, hunched over her back, to take in deep breaths as a shudder wracked his body.

Caroline moved a bit, discovering that far from feeling uncomfortable, she actually felt full in a completely different way than traditional sex provided.  He moved, began to pump in and out, bringing his huge cock almost all the way out of her ass before shoving back in.  She grunted with each thrust and his thumb found her clit again, rubbing it in time with his thrusts. 

“Oh!”  She moaned.

“Am I hurting you?”  He paused as he waited for her reply.

“No, please!”  She begged and wiggled her ass.  “Keep going, please!”

She pushed back against him, the pain lessening with every thrust.  It never fully went away, but it gradually subsided to a burning that actually intensified the clitoral stimulation.  He traveled a hand up her back, fingers splayed across her spine as he pushed her further down on the bed.  Her back arched as her ass went higher in the air.  He left her clit, instead grabbing her hips and giving her a moment to adjust to the new submissive posture before notching up the pounding into her ass.  She curled her fingers into the bed’s blankets as her forehead dropped down, submitting. 

She panted, arching back into him as much as he leaned into her.  He pulled her back hard onto his cock, using his hands to manipulate her movement.  Each thrust slammed deep, his balls banging out a staccato rhythm against her clit.  Deeper and deeper he went, harder and harder she took it, loving the way he was losing control. 

“Rub your clit,” he grated in her ear. “Make yourself come, because I’m not going to last.”

She obliged, reaching between her thighs to touch herself. It didn’t take long for her own pleasure to spike. 

“Go,” she moaned.  “Go, go, go!”

He gave a harsh groan and erupted. The sensation of his cock swelling inside her, along with her own stimulation, made her lose control.  She shuddered as her climax hit, and a loud buzz roared through her ears.  Euphoria strung her tight, balancing on the high wire, until the onslaught drained her of energy. Wren collapsed on top of her, both their bodies crashing to the bed below. 


Later that night, they lay curled up spooning under the covers.  The curtains to the window were wide open, allowing the glow from Times Square to illuminate the room with a pale lambency. Caroline knew Wren lay awake behind her.  He lightly traced an indistinguishable pattern on top of her arm.

“What are you doing today?” 

Caroline glanced at the red digits on the clock, taking note that it reported a quarter past midnight.

“Aldy and I are going to a matinee,” she told him.

“Already bought your tickets?”


“You leave today.”

“Yes,” she answered, though technically he hadn’t asked a question.

“What holds you in Baton Rouge?”

“What do you mean?”

“What’s your life like?”

“Oh,” she said, pausing as she thought of her reply.  “I grew up there, so it’s comfortable.  My parents still live there.  I’ve got friends.  Not Aldy, of course, but people that I can rely on.  Have fun with.  I like my job.  Why?”

“Just trying to get a mental picture of you,” he told her.  “I’ve noticed you don’t like talking about yourself.”

“No, I don’t.” She sighed.  “You asked, ‘who is Caroline’ … and I couldn’t answer, because I’ve made some dumb choices and talking about those choices hurts.”

“Have you found an answer yet?”

“Truthfully, I don’t
how to answer it,” she admitted. 

His arms tightened around her. “I hope you don’t consider me a bad choice.”

She patted his arm reassuringly.  “Never.  I think you may just be the best one I ever made, although I’m not sure if I’m ready to jump back into the dating pool again.  At least, not quite yet.  But I suppose it’s good that I’m thinking about it.”

He was quiet for a moment.  “Good night, Caroline.”

“Good night, Wren.”

Feeling safe and secure, Caroline gave in to sleep.

Chapter Twelve


Caroline gazed out from her hotel window, staring blindly at the skyscrapers around.  She sat curled up in the comfy chair, with a blanket wrapped around her.  She had watched dawn give way to sunlight, and the bustle of the city come alive with tourists below. 

She hadn’t showered.  The feel of Wren still lingered on her skin.  On her mouth.  In her body. She knew she would have to clean up soon, but for a few moments longer she could pretend that it wasn’t Sunday, that her plane wasn’t scheduled to depart today to take her back to Louisiana.

But all things must end, and when Aldy started groaning from somewhere under her bedcovers, she knew the time had come. 

She threw the blanket off and rose from the chair, walking over to find her friend in the tangled sheets. 

“Morning!” she called.

“Oh God, shut the hell up,” Aldy moaned, her dark head finally emerging. 

“I see,” said Caroline as she pulled some clothes from her suitcase.  “Not feeling up to par, eh?”

“Stuff it, Grace,” Aldy growled.

Caroline only grinned.  “The play is at ten.”

Aldy blinked and then crawled back under the covers.  “Can’t make it.”

“What?  You’ve already bought the ticket.”

No response.

Caroline knew better than to push her friend.  “All right.  I’ll go by myself.  But you’re going to regret it.”

She disappeared into the bathroom, using everything to distract her from her thoughts.  But the shower gave her a moment to release her tears, allowing them to fall and wash away.  They were her secret.  And when she was done, with the shower and the crying, she looked at herself in the mirror, at the carefully made up eyes and powder pressed face.  She hoped like mad that no one could see the sadness lingering in the burning of her eyes.

She wet a wash cloth with cool water, rung it tight, and brought it to Aldy, who had managed to sit on the edge of the bed looking like a bedraggled animal who had one too many spins in a dryer.

Caroline held out the wash cloth.

“Thanks,” Aldy said as she took it.

“Come with me,” Caroline urged.

Aldy stared at her through eyes opened halfway, pressing the wet towel against her forehead.  “I can’t.  I’m sick.”

“No, you’re hung over.  How much did you drink after I left the party last night?”

Her friend gave a dismissive wave, meaning she probably didn’t remember.  She flopped backward onto her bed. 

“All right,” Caroline conceded.  “But you’re gonna miss a great play.”

“Take Wren,” Aldy said from under the pillow that she had pulled over her head.

Caroline bit her lips but didn’t respond to the suggestion.  Instead she said, “Hey, I’m leaving my phone here to charge, but the volume is turned down so it won’t disturb you.  The play ends about twelve, which gives us plenty of time to get to the airport.”

She heard more mumbling but ignored it, double-checking she had her ticket and key card before leaving.


“Excuse me, Miss,” said one of the theater ushers. 

Caroline looked up from her Playbill and blinked at the smiling man.  “Yes?”

“I’m afraid we’ve shown you to the wrong seat.  If you come with me I’ll take you to the right one.”

He gestured to her to follow him down the almost vertical stairway from the upper mezzanine section, otherwise known as the nosebleed seats. 

“Oh,” she said, frowning.  “Are you sure?  I’m pretty positive this is my seat.”

“Right this way,” the usher repeated with a patient smile and another wave of his hand.

Caroline smiled benignly to the people watching, gathered her purse and stood.  He led her down and through the back, using a side hallway that led to a curtained room.  When he held the curtain open, Caroline took a step back.

“Isn’t this an orchestra box?  I didn’t purchase this seat!”

“No, I did,” came Wren’s deep voice from the private room.  “We wouldn’t have been able to see anything from outer space.”

Caroline smiled weakly at the usher and then hurried inside.  The curtain closed behind her.  “How did you know I was here?”

He held up Aldy’s unused ticket.  “I upgraded.”

Caroline took a peek over the balcony.  They practically sat on the stage.  She bit her lip and took her seat.  Through the show she marveled at being able to see the actor’s faces, silently admitting that the extra cost of the ticket had been well worth the price.  It made the experience of a Broadway play all the more exciting and memorable. 

They were silent as they walked the block back to the hotel, although they were far from alone.  People bustled up and down the sidewalk.  

“What time is your flight?”  Wren asked.

Caroline looked at her watch.  “Four.  I probably should hurry ba––”

Suddenly, something very sharp poked into her ribs and a split second later, an arm curled around her neck.  She was confused until she saw Wren tense up and a harsh voice snapped in her ear.

“You cost me my job, bitch.”

Immediately, she recognized Gil’s voice.  The sharp jab in her side got worse, and pain radiated through her body.

“Get your hands off her, Gil,” Wren said in a low, warning tone.

“Not until you give me back my job.”

“If you hurt her, I will fucking destroy you.”

That’s when it dawned on Caroline that Gil had a weapon trained on her, and from the sharp, needlelike agony determined it was a knife.  Icy fear erupted and her gaze clashed with Wren’s.  Several emotions flittered through their stormy grey depths, but all she could register was her own panic.

“Give me back my job!” he demanded.

Dozens of people passed by, but they were oblivious to the drama being played out in front of them.  No one paying attention she could signal to for help. Caroline wondered if she’d die right there on the sidewalk, one more casualty on the streets of New York City.  Tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

“Listen to me,” Wren said.  His hands curled into fists as he faced Gil. “You have less than a minute to let her go and drop that knife, or I’m going to break both of your hands.  Do you hear me?”

“I did nothing wrong!” Gil shouted.

That had a few people turning to look at them.

“You were going to rape her.”

“She was asking for it.” Caroline could feel him shaking his head.  “All women ask for it.  No reason for you to fire me over this bitch!”

Caroline saw a few people were pulling out cell phones.  She hoped to God they were calling the police and not simply shooting a video to upload later to social media.

The knife dug a little deeper and she couldn’t hold back a whimper of pain.  Wren’s face darkened.

“Let.  Her.  Go. 

At that moment, everything erupted.  Chaos ensued as red and blue lights flashed, a siren rang out, and a cop car pulled up next to them just as Wren grabbed hold of Gil’s arm, the one that held the knife in her side, and wrenched it down.  Gil let out an ungodly scream as two patrol officers swarmed over all three of them.  Caroline felt herself falling as she was freed from Gil’s hold.  She landed on her knees and then began crawling away. 

A hand landed on her shoulder and she cried out, fearful that he had managed to break away and come after her again.

“I’ve got you,” a woman’s voice said and Caroline looked up to see a woman police officer.  Caroline let the female cop help her up and only then did she notice an ambulance nearby.  “I’m going to walk you right over there and let the paramedics take a look at you.”

“I-is he … is he c-caught?” she stammered.  Her teeth chattered as shock settled into her body. 

“Yes, ma’am,” the cop said.  She held Caroline’s hand.  “I believe you’re going into shock, so just come with me.”

Caroline glanced behind her but she couldn’t see a thing between the men in uniform and the lingering crowd of spectators.  Something oozed down her side and when she looked, she saw a ribbon of bright red staining her clothes.  Blood.  She almost fainted right then and there.

“Where’s Wren?” she managed to say out without stuttering.

“He’s okay.” The cop gave her warm smile.  “He’s telling the police what happened.”

“He saved me,” Caroline whispered.

“We know.”

After that, the paramedics took over and she was remanded into their care.  It all became a haze as she was placed on a gurney, strapped in and loaded into the ambulance.  Her top was cut away and placed in a plastic bag, allowing access to the wound.  Medicine was administered and moments later, she let it work its magic, leaning back and closing her eyes. 


“Oh my God!” Aldy cried, so loud she could be heard over the hum of the busy triage center of the hospital.  “You fucking scared me!”

Caroline rolled her eyes. The nurses and doctors turned to glare as Aldy rushed over to hug her. The knife wound had just been a very minor scrape, where the tip had pressed a little too hard.  Stitches were not needed but the doctor had given her a shot around the area to numb it while he cleaned and dressed the area.  They’d taken blood samples and had given her a tetanus shot. The female cop had stayed with her through the whole process and had taken her statement.  Now she waited for the discharge papers, sitting on an ER bed, wearing a scrub top that was a size too large for her.

Wren hadn’t been in to see her, but she’d been told he was asked to go to the police station to make a statement.  Caroline wondered if she would see him again.

“Okay, Aldy,” Caroline murmured as she eased out of the embrace.  “I’m going to be fine.”

“I knew that man,” Aldy said.  “Gil Foley.  Didn’t work in my department but I saw him at the conference.  Slimy fucking creep.”

“Yeah,” Caroline agreed.  “We missed our flight!”

“No worries,” Aldy replied with a negligent wave of her hand.  “Troublemaker Cosmetics picked up the tab on shifting our flight.  We fly out later tonight.”

Caroline frowned at looked at the cop.  “Will I be able to leave?  Or will I have to come back to press charges?”

“No,” the cop replied.  “Mr. Foley made a full confession.  You don’t need to do anything more.”

A weight slid off Caroline’s shoulder and she let out a deep breath of relief.  “Good.  I didn’t really want to relive that.”

At that moment, a nurse came into the cubicle with several sheets of papers.  “I have your discharge papers if you can give me a few signatures.  Here’re a couple of prescriptions.  An antibiotic, and this one for pain in case you need it.”

Caroline signed everything, and a few minutes later, walked out of the hospital with Aldy on one side and the female police officer on the other, who offered to drive them back to the hotel.

She entered the room behind Aldy and discovered her friend had been busy.  Their suitcases as well as their toiletry bags were packed and waiting to go.

“Are we in a hurry?”

Aldy threw her a dark look.  “You just got stabbed by a crazy person.  Let’s get our stuff and get the hell out of here.”

“But it’s still several hours until our flight.”

“I don’t give a shit,” Aldy said.  “I’m never coming back to New York City.  I’ve determined I hate it for almost killing you.”

Caroline hugged her friend.  “Love you too.”

Aldy sniffed.  “Come on, let’s get going. We may be flying out of different terminals, but at least no one is trying to stab you at the hotel.”

Just then, a knock sounded on their door.  Aldy opened it and then stepped back to let Wren in.  He didn’t even say hi or acknowledge her, just barreled past her to scoop Caroline up in his arms. 

She hugged him back.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

Aldy cleared her throat.  “So, yeah, I’ll, uh, just be that way.”

Neither of them said goodbye as she made an exit.  The door closed behind her with a firm click.

“I’m okay,” Caroline replied.

He pulled back to look her over.  “I should’ve killed the mother fucker.”

“You fired him?”

“Of course I fucking fired him!” he snarled.  “He isn’t the type of employee we want representing Troublemaker, not to mention the fact he’s a son-of-a-bitch.  I can’t help but wonder how many other women said no to him and he didn’t take the hint.”

Caroline shuddered at her close call.  “Thank you.”

“Fucking hell, Caroline! He could’ve killed you!”

She nodded.  “I realize that.  Believe me, I more than understand all that could’ve happened. But they gave me a Valium at the hospital.  I’m feeling really great right now.”

A small smile cracked the hard line of his mouth.  “Christ, Caroline.  This isn’t how I wanted this day to go down.”

“I should hope not.”  A vise grip squeezed her heart.  Finally, the moment she had been dreading.  “I suppose this is goodbye.”

He stiffened.  “That’s it? Just goodbye?”
“What else do you want me to say?”
He ran a hand through his hair.  “Fuck,” he muttered.  He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a box.  “I’d like for you to have this.”

BOOK: A Man After Midnight
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