Read A Lover's Call Online

Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

A Lover's Call (5 page)

BOOK: A Lover's Call
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“Did you do as I asked?”


“Tell me.”

Rachel snuggled against the chair, taking a sip of the wine next to her. “Well, I went to the mall and bought all the stuff. Then I came home and—”

“Whoa, back up! I want to hear details. How did it make you feel to try on the sexy underwear? What do your new dresses look like? Tell me about the sex boutique.”

Taking a deep breath she jumped right in, trying to make the description amusing, leaving out her own discomfort and embarrassment. Richard laughed and said she had done beautifully and he was proud of her. Rachel smiled happily. For some reason his approval was becoming essential to her.

“Have you used it yet?”

Rachel flushed. In fact the moment she’d gotten home, Rachel had
the soft plastic toy from its purple tissue paper and washed it in the sink. She’d taken it with her to her favorite chair. Unbuttoning her jeans, she had slid them down her legs. Pulling her panties down, she touched the soft plastic cock to her entrance. As an afterthought she added a bit of the personal lubricant to its head and tried again. Carefully she had pushed the tip of it in, shifting to accommodate it.

At first she was tentative, afraid she might hurt herself. She’d always had a vague apprehension of foreign objects, like the gynecologist’s speculum, entering her body. Yet since Richard had instructed her to buy it, it had lost its dangerous aspect and had instead become something exciting and sensual.

Carefully Rachel had pressed it into her tight tunnel, finally taking its full length inside her. She realized she was tensing as if expecting it to hurt. Instead of pain, she found she liked the full feeling of it inside her. Experimentally she clamped her vaginal muscles around the shaft, feeling an erotic shiver through her loins. Her fingers had sought out her clit and she rubbed herself while she eased the cock in and out of her pussy. It felt so good! “Oh fuck me, Richard,” she had called out loud, almost feeling his body on hers.

She had come hard, sitting on her chair, her pants and panties twisted around her ankles, her packages scattered at her feet. As Rachel’s heart had slowed, she looked around her in a daze. Slowly she had pulled her pants back up and taken the now slick dildo for a soapy wash in the sink. This reminded her of Richard’s next command.

She smiled, remembering as she started to tell Richard the sexy details. Rachel rarely bothered with baths, instead hopping in and out of the shower as fast as she could soap up and rinse off. But Richard’s orders had been very specific. And she had obeyed them to the letter, feeling pampered and sensual as she did so.

She’d lit several candles, letting their soft scent mingle with the steamy, sweet-smelling water. She’d poured in two capfuls of something called
Sandalwood Dreams
, its scent lightly permeating the room. She sank down into the tub, luxuriating in the hot, soft water, wondering why she had never done this before. She felt sensual and alive as her muscles slowly eased.

Idly a hand had dropped down to her pussy and she rubbed gently, her mind wrapping itself around her image of Richard. Later he would call her and ask her if she’d done what he asked. She thought about his strange but sexy request for a while as she soaked in the tub. Then deciding she was ready, she let about half of the water out of the tub and scooted forward, angling
so she straddled either side of the faucet.

She had turned on the water, adjusting it until it was comfortable and then she moved again so that her pussy was positioned directly beneath the strong spray. She had crouched up like a frog, watching the water cascading against her spread pussy. She felt wanton.
Naughty, but delicious.

Leaning back on her elbows, she had let her head fall back so her hair dipped into the water. Her mind quieted as sensation took over. The water felt more and more intense pulsing against her sex and her breathing became rapid and shallow. As the parts of her body out of the water cooled, she shivered, feeling goose bumps rise. She didn’t care though. The lovely feeling in her sex was so hot it offset her chills.

All at once she had shuddered, jerking and shifting under the relentless spray. For several long moments the water made love to her as she undulated beneath it. Slowly her spasms eased and she shifted back, turning the tap hotter. As the tub refilled she added another capful of bath oil. Finally she climbed out, drying herself with the fluffy new towel she had purchased just for the occasion.

Teasingly Richard said, “Now we’ll never get you out of the tub, eh, Rachel?”

She giggled, thinking he wasn’t far from wrong as she was already itching to experience the feeling again. But for now she was more than content to sit snuggled in her soft recliner, the headset in her ear, her hands free.

“Do you have the rope, my love, cut and secured the way I told you?”

“Yes.” He’d instructed her to cut two five-foot lengths of the nylon rope. She was to tie them to the legs of her bed, making loop knots at the end. While she was securing the rope to her bedframe, her pussy had moistened, pulsing lightly in her new silky panties. She had placed the ruler and the clothespins by her bedside, along with the tube of lubricant.

“Are you ready, Rachel?”

She’d nodded, suddenly unsure. “Rachel?”

Of course, he couldn’t see the nod. “Yes, I, uh, I think so.” She stood, the wireless headset allowing her the freedom of moving from room to room. Slowly she walked to the bedroom. She felt elegant and sexy in her new silk negligee and panties. Her long legs were smooth and lightly tanned from her weekend solitary walks along the bayou near her apartment.

“Take off your things and lie down on the bed.” Rachel stripped off the silky garment and panties. Nervously she lay down, adjusting the headset for comfort. “Put the ropes on your ankles. Tie yourself down for me, Rachel. I want you tied to the bed. It’s another symbolic gesture for me of your willingness to submit.”

Rachel sat up, reaching for the ropes. She slipped them one at a time over her slim ankles, feeling the knots tighten as she lay back down. “Okay,” she said, feeling strange but very aroused. Her legs were forced apart by the length of the ropes tied down under the bed. Her bared pussy was spread wide.

At Richard’s direction, she squeezed a dollop of the lubricant onto her fingers. She lowered her hand as he ordered, touching and rubbing her pussy. The ropes pulled against her ankles, drawing taut as she shifted in her arousal. When she was clearly hot, panting into the phone, he said, “Stop. Take the ruler.”

Reluctantly Rachel took her hand from between her legs. She wanted to come but she also knew if she waited, Richard would make it that much more intense and exciting for her. She was aroused by the feeling of sexy vulnerability the ropes created.

Richard commanded, “Smack your nipples for me, one at a time. Do it as hard as you can take it. Go on.”

Rachel obeyed, feeling the sweet sting, watching her nipples rise to the hard touch of the wood.

Richard said, “Now slap your pussy with it.”

Rachel absorbed what he had said. No, she couldn’t possibly. Breasts were one thing but her delicate pussy? Sensing her hesitation, Richard said softly, “It’s easy to obey when it’s something you already want to do. It becomes harder to show your submission when it’s something that frightens you. If you’re uncertain about this, just remember. It’s me. You can trust me. I haven’t steered you wrong yet, have I? Don’t turn away from it just because it’s new.”

Smack. She hit her own sex with the flat edge, only lightly, but enough to feel it. Despite her misgivings and her fear, the now familiar heat began to spread through her veins, emanating like fire from her center. Without being told to, she hit herself again, harder.

“Yes,” she heard Richard croon through the headset. She hit it again, shuddering and dropping the ruler. Without waiting for his express command, she began to rub her little clit, which was still stinging from the ruler, swollen with need.

“Oh Richard,” she moaned. The ropes pulled at her ankles and she imagined for a moment it was Richard holding her down. She was on fire. All the sweet, slow preparations of the day, culminating in his odd but exciting request to smack herself with the ruler had left her like a bitch in heat, writhing in her bonds as she furiously masturbated, saying his name over and over, though she wasn’t aware she was making a sound.

When at last she came, arching up hard, constrained by the rope, her pussy mashed against her hand, she cried out her passion. Falling back against the bed she
still, her chest heaving, her body covered in a fine sheen of perspiration. Richard was quiet on the other end, though she was aware of his breathing.

Would she ever meet the man who was driving her wild? Feel his lips brush hers, be held in his arms? Was she ready for such a big step? In these past days Richard had woven a delicious web of fantasy and pleasure around her. Was she willing to rip its delicate threads, perhaps risking what they shared, finally forced to admit it was little more than a dream?

“Rachel, are you okay?”

“Yes,” she answered, suddenly feeling very lonely.

“Rachel. It’s time for us to meet.”

How does one reconcile fantasy and reality? He’d finally said it. Her first impulse was to shout, “No!” Yet, that was crazy, wasn’t it? Didn’t she long to meet the man who had become her world? The man who controlled her every waking thought and even slipped like curling smoke into her dreams? Richard Morris, the man she felt she would do anything for, finally wanted to meet her! How could she say no?

He won

t like you

re a loser in real life

ll find that out and it will all be over
. Rachel tried to silence the nasty voice in her head. The same voice that had convinced her not to go to the high-school prom, not to try out for the plays in college, not to choose a career that put her too much in the limelight.

As the long silence stretched Richard said gently, “I’ll wait, sweetheart.
As long as you need.
I’ll call you in the morning, okay?
Just to check in.”

She felt her heart wrench with guilt at the sadness she heard lurking behind his light tone, but she only said, “Okay. ‘Night, Richard.”

Rachel lay in her bed long after they’d hung up, arguing with
about meeting the man of her dreams. She

a loser—not anymore. Richard wouldn’t like it that she was playing those old tapes in her head. He would remind her how different she felt now—sexual and alive, beautiful and vibrant! Why shouldn’t she meet him? It was the natural next step. It was the right thing, despite her fears. Finally she was able to shut her eyes, drifting to sleep with thoughts of her mystery lover melting into heated dreams.

Chapter Four

“I want to. I was just being stupid last night.”

Richard laughed as Rachel blurted these words before he’d even said hello. He was sitting on the balcony of his
Los Angeles
penthouse, enjoying the crisp air of early morning, a glass of fresh-squeezed juice at his side.

When she hadn’t responded last night to his wish to meet her, he’d felt his heart seize up as he realized just how much it mattered to him. Now it was as if
a vise were
loosened and he could breathe again. “I’m so glad, Rachel. I can fly out this weekend.”

He would charter a private
meet her at the restaurant of his hotel. He knew she would feel more comfortable in a neutral setting. They talked for a while, Richard gently drawing out Rachel’s fears regarding a face-to-face meeting. It made him angry to think she’d spent her life feeling “less than” because of thoughtless parenting and the casual cruelty of misguided idiots. How tender he’d felt toward her when she finally admitted in a rush of words, “You might think I’m too skinny, too shy, I might smell funny, my butt is too flat, I’ll have bad breath, I won’t be a good kisser…”

Richard confessed he had some of the same fears, that anyone meeting someone they cared about for the first time was bound to be nervous. He felt confident, he said, that those fears would fall away the second their lips touched.

* * * * *

He had planned to share dinner with her first, break the ice,
her relax. Sitting at the bar of the restaurant, he stood as he saw her come in. It could only be Rachel, his Rachel. Wide, dark eyes, a rosebud mouth, wavy brown hair glinting with red highlights under the soft lights. Her body was long and lean in her pretty red dress, her breasts high and sweet, making his mouth water. She looked nervous as she scanned the room for a man she had never met.

Why had they never exchanged pictures? At first the whole thing had been a lark, a fun fantasy to develop and explore with the intriguing woman at the other end of the phone. Pictures might ruin it—they might not fit each other’s idealized dreams. Then as he’d come to know her, to appreciate the pure offering of her sexual and sensual submission to him, her picture hadn’t mattered. He realized he would rather wait and see the real thing.

The woman he saw now was lovely as she turned to him, her face breaking into a dazzling smile, her eyes sparkling. They moved together into an embrace, she resting her soft cheek against his chest. She smelled wonderful—he was longing to kiss those lips. He found his hands were trembling as he stroked her soft hair.

BOOK: A Lover's Call
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