Read A Greek God In Harlem Online

Authors: Melissa Kyeyune

A Greek God In Harlem (11 page)

BOOK: A Greek God In Harlem
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She remained seated on the hidden church steps and sobbed. She suddenly looked up when a shadow loomed over her,


"Need a hug?" Percy asked softly. Donyelle nodded and stood up as she cried, now much louder. The Greek in his funeral black suit lay her head against his chest and let her cry away.


Soon after, Tanya found them and joined in the sorrowful embrace. The church bell rang, signaling midday. 


And the birds perched on the church roof flew off into the clouds, creating a lovely yet sad sight. 


Gone to the clouds, as all resting souls did. 






















Chapter Nine






One evening in the kitchen, Tanya dared to open the book Perseus again. 


She gasped.


Where there had been blank pages, letters now adorned the pages once again, like an ordinary book.


Like how it was before.


She continued to read...


Perseus walked up to Zeus throne. For the first time in a long time, his father was smiling at him.


"I found her. I found my princess." Perseus said as he walked along the marble floor towards the throne.


Zeus nodded and said in his thundering voice, "Yes, I see that you have found Andromeda. It took you around one hundred centuries, but you have found her in the most unexpected of places. In a land called America..."


Perseus dropped his eyes, "Why is immortality granted to some and not to others?"


Zeus knew what his son meant, "You mean the young man... Morris?"


Perseus bit his lip, "Why do I deserve immortality... and he does not? He was going to be a father..."


Zeus didn't know how best to explain to his son, "Son, the world of the gods and the world of the mortals are as different as night and day. We have different rules. Different beliefs."


Perseus' jaw clenched, "Tanya... Andromeda... is a mortal as well... will I lose her too?" He was looking up at his father with earnest blue eyes, as if begging him to change the rules of the universe.


Zeus sighed, "She is indeed a mortal. Just like your mother. What is it with us and mortal women?" Zeus tried to smile. Perseus did not.


Zeus continued, "You need to make a decision son. Whether to risk the heartbreak of when she finally gets sick, and passes as all mortals do, or to marry an immortal goddess,"


Perseus kept silent for a bit. Then he spoke up, "I have decided... to live as a mortal. On earth. In Harlem, with Tanya."


Zeus shook his head disbelievingly, "You could bring her here to the clouds... and live in luxury..."


Perseus half smiled, "I don't think Tanya would appreciate the ride to another place and time. Besides, I quite like it where I am right now. In Harlem."


Zeus paused before saying, "I understand. I see that you love her. More than you think."




Queen Danae had awoken by now when she heard Perseus' voice. She called him to her bedside. She was looking healthier by the day. Perseus kissed her hand and she said,


"Whoever this Tanya is... or Andromeda... she must be very special for you to decide to leave us here."


Perseus bit his lip, "Mother as long as I am god, I will always find a way back to the clouds... to visit..."


Danae smiled and caressed her son's cheek, "Go and b with her. Don't forget to tell her how much you love her, before it is too late. Don't wait 70 years... she is a mortal..."


Perseus couldn't help but wonder whether his mother was talking about her own marriage to Zeus.
He nodded, kissed his mother and went back down to Earth.




Tanya closed the book abruptly when she felt arms around her waist. Percy pulled her against him and started to kiss her neck tenderly.


Tanya reveled in the feeling and leaned back into him. No words needed to be said. She was no longer afraid. She didn't care whether he was a god or a human or whatever.


Or whether he'd ever admit to any of this.


All she knew is that he loved her, and now she knew, she felt exactly the same way.
Percy whispered into her ear as she set the book down on her kitchen table, "A penny for your thoughts princess?"


Tanya smiled, "We seriously need to find a way to get our jobs back... I don't know about you, but I miss my students..."


As she said this, Percy started to unzip her pencil skirt. She giggled and held his hand to stop him,
"This is the exact behavior that got us suspended in the first place,"


He nibbled on her ear lobe, "But we haven't even tried the rooftop yet..."


Tanya blushed because she knew he was talking about all the places they had made love. From the shower, to the kitchen floor, to the TV couch... just about everywhere. 


It was the kind of 'suspension from a job' that anyone could enjoy.


She stopped his roaming hand and said in a serious but endearing tone, "I love that you asked about Morris,"


Percy looked at her quizzically, "I don't know what you're talking about."


Tanya smiled knowingly, "That's okay. Neither do I".


And she pulled him up onto the rooftop.






















Chapter Ten






Percy walked into the head office of the Zarefsky Center for Mental Correction, and threw his license onto the mahogany table.


"I can't do it anymore," he simply said.


Dr Zarefsky turned around in his swivel chair and narrowed his eyes at the young recruit.


"Why did you accept the assignment if you knew she was going to be... such a beautiful woman?" 


Percy hung his head low as he spoke, "This. This project you're working on, it's, it's noble but it's inhumane at the same time. It took me a long time to realize that,"


Dr Zarefsky stood up, "No. Dr Theodosiou. The only thing you've managed to achieve throughout this project is falling in love with your patient, who already has a boyfriend."


"You must guard against such sexual wiles when dealing with helpless, mentally disturbed women..."


Percy interrupted angrily, "Don't call her that..."


"What? What else should I call her? She is a patient here at Correctional Facility and she doesn't even know it. She can't even remember what happened to her just over a year ago. How she came to be so... 


Percy looked up at his grey-bearded boss, "She still believes I'm a god and that she's Andromeda. There's this book... she sees pages and then she doesn't see them. To her, the story changes as her life changes as well. It's hard to grasp, but this triggered everything."


Dr Zarefsky asked to see the book that Percy had managed to bring along.


Perseus: A Reader's Digest Compilation of Greek Mythology


The elderly doctor shook his head, "Remember Sara Turner? The patient that I worked on? She used to read a lot of Twilight novels. When she got into a brain injury, she started to imagine her own husband was a handsome vampire,"


Percy's shoulders slumped, "Look doctor. I came here to resign from, from this career. I can't do this to Tanya anymore. It'll break her heart when she finds out, who she really is, and what happened to her." His eyes were almost brimming with tears.


Dr Zarefsky walked over and placed a hand on his subordinate's shoulder, "You have to be the one to tell her Percy. You have to open her eyes to reality... and remind her of what happened to her in that Arab bookstore a year ago, while she was reading that Reader's Digest. You owe it to her and to her students."


Percy sniffed, "She's gonna hate me. I don't want her to hate me..."


"You're her doctor Percy. You took the Hippocratic Oath when you began medical school, you can't just quit. And you can't just abandon assignments. She is not cured yet."


Percy looked up at the ceiling and hoped to god Tanya would find it in her heart to forgive him, for using her as an experiment.


He hoped she realized how much he loved her, even though he wasn't supposed to. 


Doctor-patient relationships were discouraged, and for good reason. A situation like this was a doctor's worst nightmare, and a patient's worst heartbreak.




Tanya placed the bag of groceries on her table before grabbing her phone to call Percy. He had gone on a small trip to Buffalo but she missed him already.


When she picked it up she found a small message from Eric,


Hey sweetie, hope you doing okay? How is your head feeling nowadays? Do you still get migraines? Just wondering. I might come down some time soon. I love you Tanya and I'm glad you're alive. I thank God every day.


Tanya looked at the message with confusion. How is my head feeling? Glad that I'm alive? She wondered, how did he know I had migraines? 

BOOK: A Greek God In Harlem
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