A Demon And Her Scot (Welcome To Hell) (6 page)

BOOK: A Demon And Her Scot (Welcome To Hell)
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“Whether ye cheat or not like ye did the last time.”

A slow smile spread across Lucifer’s face. “Would I do something like that?”

“When don’t ye cheat?”

“Good point. It’s hard maintaining a reputation like mine. But I do my best. However, even though I intend to stack events in my favor, I’d still like to work on my stroke. What do you say we start right now?”

“I am not teaching ye to golf.”

“Then caddy for me and give me advice that I can ignore.”


“Why not?”

“I saw what ye did to your last caddy. I am not stupid enough to volunteer for the job.”

“No, but you are horny for a certain demoness. What if I let you have her in exchange for your help?” Slyly put and a prospect so intriguing Niall almost opened his mouth to say yes.

He clamped it shut.

“What? No deal? And here I thought you had the hots for her.”

“It’s lonely out at the edge of the pit.” Niall shrugged. “What man wouldn’t find her attractive?” And want to fuck her until her glorious sex pulsed around his cock as she clawed at his back and her sweet blood flowed over his tongue. Damn he missed her already.

“She makes you horny.” Lucifer stated with a smug smile.

“Doesn’t mean I want to have sex with her specifically. A visit to a few whores and I’ll be right as rain.”

“Then you won’t mind if I pair her up with another male? Zeus has requested her as part of his security contingent for the upcoming match. Something about not using his own minions because they’re plotting mutiny again. I swear, that has-been god just can’t keep his people in check. I keep telling him he needs to kill some of them off, but they’re all related inbred idiots. Everyone’s a cousin or uncle or something.”

Lucifer babbled on, but Niall only heard one word. Zeus. Zeus wanted Aella. Once upon a time, Aella had wanted Zeus. Fucked the bloody god. Just like she’d fucked him. If Lucifer did pair them up, would Aella raise her toga for Zeus? They did have a history. Rage burned in him.

She’s mine!
No, she wasn’t. But tell that to his dick and temper. Even if he had no interest in her, he didn’t want some other male touching her, and if he understood Lucifer correctly, he didn’t have to let it happen. If he agreed to the unacceptable.

“Let’s say I did agree to caddy for ye, what assurance do I have about my safety?
Working for ye could be hazardous to my health.”

Kill a few incompetents and everyone fears me.” Lucifer grinned. “Fuck, I love being me. Well, I can’t blame you for dreading my mighty wrath. If that’s all that’s worrying you, then consider yourself safe. I promise not to throw you into the abyss like I have my previous caddies.”

“Bah. Your last caddy deserved that punishment. We both know I won’t make any mistakes. What I’m talking about is when word gets around I’ve come out of retirement to help ye. I’ll be a target. We all know your enemies don’t want ye to win.”

It never took much to get Lucifer’s paranoia humming. Instantly, the devil’s eyes narrowed as he darted a gaze around him. He leaned close and lowered his voice. “You’re right. Everyone is out to get me. Greatness is such a heavy burden,” Satan said with a weary shake of his head. “You bring up a very valid point about my enemies plotting. You’ll need protection from those who would seek to take you out to harm my game. We can’t have that. I need to win! So to keep you safe, I’ll give you a set of guards from my personal force.”

Too obvious. We should be subtle about it and not let on that ye need me too much or are worried about losing me.”

“You’re right.” Lucifer rubbed his chin. “What do you suggest?”

“One guard. A female one. One people could mistake for my concubine or girlfriend instead of a protective guard.”

“Why, Niall, you horny bastard. Is this your way of getting Aella back? You know you could have just asked.”
The devil caught on to his plan.

“Aella? Nope. I wasn’t even thinking of her,”
Niall lied. “But, if she’s the best ye got kicking around, then I guess she’ll do.”

Lucifer smirked. As if Niall could lie to the Lord of Sin and not get caught, but the pretense soothed his ego.

“Done. So when do we start my lessons?”

“Tomorrow. Bright and early. I’ve got some business to attend to first. Send the lass to me in a few hours. I’ve got some fucking to catch up on first.”

“I wish I could join you,” Lucifer replied almost mournfully, “but Gaia’s got this stupid rule about not seeing other people while we’re a couple. I tell you, if she didn’t have a pussy tight enough to almost rip my dick off, I wouldn’t put up with her weird notions of fidelity.”

“I heard that!” a female voice shouted from seemingly nowhere.

A scowl crossed Lucifer’s face. “Would you stop spying on me, woman?” he bellowed back. Laughter was his reply. A corner of his lip curled in amusement. “Darned female. She does on purpose to stalk me. She knows how it turns me on.”

Lucky for me, I don’t have to worry about pissing anyone off with me fucking habits,” Niall taunted. It wasn’t as if he and Aella were exclusive or in love or something. “I’m off. I’ll see ye on the green, or whatever ye use around here as a golf course, seven a.m. sharp.”

“Excellent. I look forward to it.” Lucifer beamed as he shook Niall’s hand, almost crushing his fingers.

Niall left Lucifer’s office bemused.
What just happened?
Exactly how had he ended up not only agreeing to help Satan do the impossible, but saddled with the lass he’d wanted to get rid of?

Because of Zeus, that’s why.
No way was that fucking Greek god getting near her. Once again, his anger surged, and he paused to examine its source.

Jealousy. Impossible as it seemed, while Niall didn’t want the lass, the green-eyed monster within him wanted her with someone else even less.

Not good. He hightailed it to the nearest brothel. Time to prove she didn’t mean a thing, and to show the ladies what this Scot hid under his kilt.

Chapter Eight

Aella lolled in the massaging chair as the petite demon with wickedly long, razor-sharp red claws rounded her nails and trimmed her cuticles. Mission complete, she should have been happy she could enjoy a little R&R, but instead she found herself wondering how Niall’s meeting with Lucifer went. Did he agree to help? Had her boss killed him? Strung him up by his heels?

Not that she cared. Any punishment Niall suffered was his problem. She didn’t give a damn. Yes, she’d fucked the Scot, but only because she was horny and he proved handy. Nothing more. Any male with a big prick would have worked.

Niall was particularly well endowed, though, a reminder her pussy quite enjoyed judging by the quiver that shot through it. Well, she wouldn’t be riding that particular dick again. Actually, she didn’t plan on ever seeing the annoying man again.

Now if only another irritating male would leave her alone.

“Aella, just the demon I was looking for,” Lucifer announced with a wide smile she didn’t trust.

“What do you want now, boss?”

“Why, Aella, you don’t seem happy to see me. I’m wounded.” He clutched his breast where his heart would reside if he possessed one.

“If you were wounded, you’d be unable to talk.” Because the first thing she’d carve out would be his tongue.

“So bloodthirsty. No wonder I like you, and it seems I’m not the only one. Your services have been requested.”

“By who?”

“By an old lover,” he answered with a leer and a waggle of his brows.

“The Scot?”

“What? You fucked my new caddy? I’m shocked. Just shocked,” Lucifer exclaimed.

“And I’m confused. You said a lover requested me.”

“I meant Zeus, you naughty snake. It seems your old flame wants you to protect him.”

“Never. I’d rather stand by and clap as he’s taken out. Preferably in a painful manner.”

“Glad to hear it because I already promised your services to another, and by the sounds of it, you’re already better acquainted than expected. Starting tomorrow morning, you’ll be protecting my new caddy by posing as his girlfriend.”

It didn’t take a genius to figure out whom he spoke about. “Like fucking hell.”

“Ah, I do so love it when a beautiful woman curses.” Lucifer sighed blissfully.

“This isn’t funny, boss. I don’t want to protect that rude, ornery Scot.”

“Why ever not? It’s not as if you don’t find him appealing. You did, after all, screw him, more than once too according to my sin-o-meter.”

“I made a mistake. It won’t happen again.” Especially if she stayed away from the kilt-wearing bastard.

“I don’t care if you fuck him again or not, so long as you do your job, huntress. I am giving you a direct order. Protect my caddy. I need him to help me win this match, and you don’t want to see me upset.”

Noting Lucifer’s eyes blazed with the fires of Hell and smoke curled from his ears, Aella judged it more prudent at this point to hold her tongue. For now. She might not be able to take her ire out on the
lord of the pit, but she knew a certain Scot she intended to tear a strip from.

“Of course, boss. Anything you say. But why wait until the morning to protect your investment? For all we know, your enemies plot now to take him out and weaken your game.”

“They have spies everywhere, you know,” Lucifer confided, peering around with suspicious eyes.

“Tell me where he’s at, and I’ll get right on it.” She might even spare his enemies the trouble and kill him herself.

“That’s my girl. Always eager to do my bidding. If only my own children were as well behaved as you.”

She couldn’t help screwing with him. “Shouldn’t you be proud that they don’t listen, though? I mean, isn’t disrespecting your parents one of the original sins?”

Lucifer scowled. “Impertinent snake.”

She smiled serenely.

“Don’t you give me that grin. I get that look often enough from Gaia when she thinks she’s bested me. Which she hasn’t. Ever. I wear the pants in our relationship.” He puffed out his chest and hitched his trousers. Aella could have sworn she heard feminine laughter.

“Sorry, boss. It won’t happen again.”
. “So where is our skirt-wearing Scot? Getting sloshed in a nearby bar?”

“Actually, he’s getting his knob polished at my favorite brothel.” A crack of thunder rumbled the establishment. “Formerly favorite,” he yelled at the ceiling.

About-to-get-burned-to-the-ground brothel was Aella’s first irritated thought after the announcement. Before she could ask which establishment the Scot doomed with his presence, the Lord of Sin disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Dammit. Nails only half done, Aella hopped out of her chair. She didn’t rush because of the news her Scot hadn’t even waited an hour to find something he could screw. Of course not.  Why would she care?
I don’t. He can fuck—grrrr---whomever he likes.
However, her boss had given her a job, and she intended to do it to the best of her ability.

And to do that, she needed to find the two-timing bastard.

It wasn’t hard to track down Niall. A giant red-haired Scot in a kilt wasn’t something seen often in the inner ring of Hell, and given his less than discreet destination, he was much too easy to follow. With each step she took toward the bordello, her ire increased.

How dare he demand her services as a bodyguard? As if he could just order her up like a menu item. And Lucifer had agreed, the troublemaking prick. So what if the job promised to be an easy one? Aella had better things to do than to babysit one old-fashioned Scot—who’d made her body sing then dumped her on the cold floor. Who even now looked to dip his scurvy cock into another pussy. The bastard.

When she was finished with him, he’d have to piss like a girl.

The madam of the bordello, an Indian goddess with numerous arms and even more tits, tried to stop her at the door. “You can’t come in here. This establishment is for male patrons only.”

“Get out of my way. I’m here for the Scot.”

“He is currently occupied.”

One of the madam’s many hands latched onto her wrist. Aella arched a brow in disbelief. “You are not seriously thinking of stopping me, are you? I am here on our lord’s business.”

“I don’t give a flying fig. This is my business, and I am saying you stay outside.”

Aella didn’t give her a second warning. Free hand moving, quick as an adder striking, she grabbed her axe and lobbed the offending limb off.

Black ichor sprayed from the amputated area. “You cunt!”

“I guess I should have warned you that I don’t like to be touched.”

“Guards!” screamed the bleeding whorehouse owner.

“Oh. If you’re looking for the two meatheads guarding the entrance, they kind of lost their heads.” Aella shrugged in fake apology, the smile on her lips at odds with the cold glare she bestowed upon the madam. “If you look, though, I think you’ll find them in the street. I’m pretty sure one of them rolled under your front step.”

More than a few heads rolled as some more demons dressed in uniforms to match the décor came pouring out of woodwork. Aella cursed and swore as she hacked at them.

“Would you get the fuck out of my way?” she grumbled. “I’m trying to do my job.” Males! They just never listened. By the time they’d gotten the point she wouldn’t be deterred from her destination, she was covered in a layer of bodily fluids, blood mostly, and a few spatters of brain. Not much, though. These types of lowly servants weren’t hired for their mental capacity.

All the delays, though, placed her in a really foul mood. She’d wasted too much time. Niall was probably buried balls deep by now, making some slut scream. A fake scream probably, but still, it didn’t sit well with her. He wasn’t supposed to get any pleasure. How that made any rational sense she couldn’t have explained, but blood lust controlling her actions, the thought wouldn’t stop repeating itself. Even odder, a little voice in her head kept repeating,
He’s mine. Only mine. All mine. Don’t touch.
She really needed a vacation if she was taking her job that seriously.

Off she stomped, up the stairs, only to find herself confronted by a long hallway lined with closed doors, each covered in patterned red leather and dimpled with metal rivets. Sound-proofed and solid. Behind which one did her Scot hide?

She refused to abase herself and sniff like some bloody dog. Instead, she resorted to old-fashioned methods. She booted open the doors, one by one, startling the occupants.

Door number one, wrong man. Those white buttocks currently getting whipped by a pair of twin blondes didn’t belong to Niall.

Door number two, the flabby gent dressed in garters, stockings, and heavy makeup wasn’t her Scot.

Doors number three and four held more wrongness, but interesting apparatuses. She wouldn’t mind checking out the swing hanging from the ceiling at a later date.

On she went, getting more annoyed with each portal she opened that didn’t reveal the male she looked for.

Then she got to the last portal. She gripped her axe, her palms suddenly sweaty, her anger wound tight, her heart strangely aching. She didn’t want to open it and see Niall fucking a woman, but she did want to kill him for fucking another woman.

Damn there were days being a woman confused the hell out of her.

Bringing her foot back, she swung, and the door slammed open, startling the naked female lying on the bed, but not the man pacing in front of it. A naked man with a limp cock, whose hands gestured as he ranted. “The damned lass isn’t even my type. She’s mean. And cusses. She fights like a man.”

“You better not be talking about me,” Aella growled, not throwing her axe at his back like she initially intended. How could she when he’d obviously not partaken in the flesh so freely offered?

Niall turned to face her, the flagon of alcohol in his hand sloshing. His eyes narrowed as he thrust a finger in accusation. “There she is! The source of my problem. Ye are the reason my cock won’t work. Ye cursed it.”

“What do you mean I’ve cursed it?”

“It was working fine this morning. Ye can vouch for that. But, as soon as ye went away, I couldn’t get the damn thing to rise. Look at it. Limper than a fucking wet noodle.”

She did look at it. Recalled how it filled her and brought her such pleasure. Remembered how he’d brought her not once but twice to ecstasy. Under her lustful gaze, it swelled. And swelled. It thickened until it jutted straight from his body.

“Aha. And she proves my point,” Niall shouted. “Why will my cock only work for ye?”

“How the fuck should I know?” Aella smirked.

“Because it’s your fault.”

“I fail to see how it’s my fault that you’re old and your willy doesn’t always work the way it should. Maybe you should look into getting some help.”

“I dinna need any help.”

“Says the guy bitching about his limp dick.”

“It’s not so limp now.” He propped his hands on his hips and waggled.

Despite the absurd situation, and her irritation, she couldn’t help but snort in mirth.

“Dinna laugh at me.”

“I’ll laugh if I want to.” She did just to prove she could, then truly guffawed when his face turned several shades of annoyance and a growl bubbled forth from him.

“You are the most aggravating female ever!”

“Mind telling my boss? It’s those kinds of compliments that will boost my statistics when it comes to the employee of the month award.”

“I’d rather put you over my knee and paddle your arse.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

The paid
-by-the-hour worker took that moment to interrupt. “Threesomes are extra.”

As if reminded of his location, Niall peeked down at his bobbing dick then Aella. “Hold on a second whilst I take care of business, lass.” To her shock, Niall turned his back to her and staggered to the bed and the naked whore. He wouldn’t dare!
If he lays a finger on her in front of me, it will be the last thing he ever does.
Smacking of jealousy or not, Aella knew her limits wouldn’t allow her to watch him fuck another female. Before Aella could stab him in the back, he growled, “Get out.”

“With pleasure,” she snapped, the twinge in her chest area probably more to do with indigestion from lunch than hurt that he would dismiss her.

“Not ye, lass. Her.” He pointed at the whore. “And tell your boss I need the room for the night.” Miffed, the prostitute stalked out of the room and slammed the door shut, leaving them alone.

Elation he wanted her to stay eased the pain, but birthed questions she’d rather not deal with. Such as what did he intend? “You know there are hotels that will charge you less for the use of a bed.”

“But do they have me, a hard cock, and ye naked?”

“I’m not naked,” she pointed out.

“No, you’re not. Let me fix that for ye.” Aella darted away from his lunge, his fingers just missing her toga.

A growl more animal than man, smacking of definite frustration, left him. “Stand still, would ye, while I strip ye?”

BOOK: A Demon And Her Scot (Welcome To Hell)
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