Read A Breach of Promise Online

Authors: Victoria Vane

Tags: #Erotica

A Breach of Promise (10 page)

BOOK: A Breach of Promise
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He had been acting on raw primal instinct, blind and deaf to everything but his need to sheathe himself in her tight, wet heat until her plaintive voice and urgent passion jarred into his consciousness. His mind roared her words.
I want to touch and kiss you the way you touched and kissed me. I want to give you the same gift that you gave me.
He drew back from her with ragged breath and hands shaking to free his cock. Bloody hell, he’d never heard a more promising invitation and here he was fumbling like a clumsy schoolboy. With a curse, he popped the last button and looked to her face as his engorged and aching member sprang free. Her eyes widened but Lydia didn’t recoil as expected. He took her hand in his and fisted it around his throbbing length.

Her voice was breathless, her words soft and sultry to his ears. “I like how it feels in my hand. Hot and hard and soft like velvet. Is this pleasurable to you?” She squeezed him lightly. He pulsed and grew harder.

“Aye, but this is still better.” Marcus slid her hand slowly up and down his shaft. She tightened her grasp on her own, increasing the friction and the length of her stroke. He shut his eyes on a moan. It was dizzying how quickly she learned to pump him.

“God yes,” Marcus groaned. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted your touch— your hands, your soft lips, your hot mouth, your slick, wet quim.”

Her hand froze. “M-my mouth?” She looked down at what more than filled her hand.

He opened his eyes and slanted his head to possess her mouth. He kissed her slowly, deeply, drawing her tongue in and sucking it. When she reflexively squeezed his sheath, he released her with a knowing smile. “The mouth can do wondrously wicked things to a man as well as to a woman. It’s an erotic delight, a male fantasy rarely indulged.”

He tightened her hand around him once more, setting her back in motion. He took one of her hard peaks between his finger, rolling and pulling it in rhythm with her strokes. He gave a small smile. Her breathless voice, her pupils dilated to pools of blackness, the hardened buds of her nipples were all signs that the talk aroused her.

“And what you did to me with your mouth, is that the normal way of it between a man and woman, or is that—”

“An erotic delight as well?” he finished with a devilish grin. “Yes, my love. Only the
of lovers kiss and tongue a woman to her release.”

Her eyes took on an impish gleam of their own. “Does protocol not dictate that the recipient of such a…gift…return the courtesy?”

His expression lost any trace of playfulness. He reached a hand between her thighs. She clamped it between them with a gasp. “You’re very wet, Lydia.” He kissed her mouth again. Harder. His fingers found her slit. She ground against his hand and moaned into his mouth. His voice was low and gravelly. “You’re highly aroused. Does all this talk of sucking my cock excite you?”

“I-I want whatever pleases you.”

He slowly circled her nub and bent his head to suckle her nipple. She arched back with a cry. “That’s not what I asked. Do you want to take my cock into your mouth?”

Her eyes flickered down the pulsing length in her hand. She ran a pink tongue over her lips. His sac contracted. He felt his control slipping.
Dear God, please say yes.


Marcus looked at her with sheer, carnal want that made her belly throb and her knees weak. She knew what he wanted and though it frightened her, it exhilarated her more to have within her power to take him into throes of rapture, to grant this dark desire.

To a man, lust and love are commingled. The latter cannot exist without the former. A man doesn’t express love by spewing poetic nonsense, Lydia, but by worshipping a woman’s body.

Only hours ago, isn’t that precisely what he had done? Worshipped her most intimate places, with his mouth, teeth and tongue, forgoing his own wants only to fulfill hers?

She’d been too overcome by her emotions to realize he hadn’t taken from her at all. He’d given. Given her everything she’d dreamed of, satisfied her in ways she could never satisfy herself. She hadn’t recognized it and had rejected him. While Marcus had quickly veiled the sting of her rebuff, he’d felt it. She’d seen the evidence. Only an hour ago she had wished she could take it back and at least try to trust him. Try to make him love her. Now she had another chance.

“Yes, Marcus,” she whispered against his neck. “I want to do what you did to me—kiss you, taste you, take you in my mouth. Please tell me how, show me what to do.”

With a guttural sound, Marcus pulled her to his mouth, kissing her deeply. He released her. She feathered kisses over his face, his neck, his chest, the flat plane of his stomach. He guided her slowly downward, following the trail of coarse, dark hair to the hot, jutting member that jolted and throbbed in her hand. Trembling with apprehension and anticipation, Lydia shifted her gaze to its purplish head moistened by fluid. She darted a gaze to his face. His eyes were shut tight, the lines of his face drawn taut. “Do you get wet too?” she asked, brushing a thumb over the tip of his verge, spreading the liquid over the top.

“Only a small amount now to ease the way, love. Much more when I come.”


“Spend. Spill. Ejaculate.”

Her lips formed a silent “O”. “Do you wish me to kiss you there now, Marcus?”

His jaw clenched. “Yes, love. I do. Very much.”

She drew her lips softly over the top of the satiny head and traced the rim with her bottom lip. His fingers curled in her hair. He trembled. Experimentally, she licked the saltiness of him from her lips. She flicked a gaze back to his face to find him watching her, his expression guarded but sharpened with want.

“Does that repulse you, Lydia? You need go no further if it does.” Deep indigo eyes searched her face.

“No,” she said. “It’s just strange. I didn’t know what to expect. Do you like it?” She kissed him again, dragging her lips across the silky-smooth crown.

“God, yes.” His answer was deep and hoarse. “Grasp me lower. Use your tongue.” He released her hair to slide her hand down to the root of his staff. She trailed with her tongue, with tentative licks tracing his length along the purple vein back to the crown. She circled the head, licking, probing the slit, her movements growing more confident at his sounds of pleasure, the caress of his hands in her hair and along her cheek. A slight smile curved his mouth now, but no sign of the sweet agony, of the frenzy of want he had invoked in her. She had bucked and trembled with need, had pled for release. She wondered what it would take to inspire the same desperate need in him. Emboldened Lydia parted her lips and drew him slowly into her mouth.


Marcus held himself rigid under her ministrations, his self-control on thin threads as she delicately lapped and rasped at his cock. While he never would have dreamt she’d be so bold, the sensations she inspired teased and frustrated more than appeasing his need. Every tender stroke of her pink tongue tempted him to prod her mouth. His entire body was coiled taut while she unknowingly tortured him, yet filling her mouth with his staff was something he could never force upon her. Subconsciously, he shut his eyes, his fingers stretched to cup her head.

Open your mouth. Please take me. Give me blessed release.

Hot, wet heat answered him, engulfing the head of his cock, her tongue caressing as she slowly descended, inching down his shaft, racking his body with a shudder and sending sparks of light behind his closed lids.

His fingers splayed across her nape, guiding her gently, encouraging her deeper, steadying her erratic efforts into a smooth rhythm. Marcus threw back his head and lost himself in the carnal pleasure of her mouth.


His flesh was smooth, hot and heavy, his thick length filling her mouth. At first she was frightened and thought she might gag but his trembling body spoke to her, encouraging her efforts, his gentle hands and quiet words soothed and relaxed her.

“Yes, love,” his voice was a hoarse rasp. “Relax. Breathe deeply. Take me in. Use your mouth the way you used your hand.”

Lydia remembered how he had suckled her breasts and how the drag and pull on her nipples had send ripples of rapture to her womb. Taking him deeper, she tightened her lips around him and drew harder on her ascent, pulling with her mouth until nearly releasing, swirling her tongue around his crown and then taking him in again.

He responded with a guttural sound, his reaction filling her with dark delight. His knees buckling, he braced one arm on the door. She increased the pressure and pace. He groaned. His hips jerked. His head was back, his lashes shadowing his cheeks, his chest heaved. Lydia’s belly tightened and liquid heat pooled between her thighs at the evidence of his passion. She clasped his buttocks, pulling him in to her, relaxing her throat, drawing him in, dragging him out, working her mouth and tongue, encouraging his shallow thrust. Concentrating on nothing more than giving him pleasure.


Marcus’ mind was a dark and dizzy void, his body a conflagration of sensation. His legs weakened, he leaned heavily against the door. He raised his lids to half-mast, slanting a gaze down at this incredible woman, this wickedly wanton virgin who threatened to possess his soul. Her eyes closed, her lush lips enveloping him. His ragged breaths mingled with the sultry sucking sounds of her mouth. God, how he could lose himself forever in that wet, velvet heat.

Every muscle tautly coiled, his sac grew heavy and tight, his breath seized. He was going to explode. But God help him, not now—not in her mouth. Clenching his jaw, fighting for every ounce of control, he reached for Lydia, palming her head, slowly withdrawing. She looked up at him, lips swollen, eyes drifting to his still-turgid shaft. Her face fell.

Marcus endeavored to explain. “A gentleman doesn’t spend in a lady’s mouth…not uninvited anyway.”

“Oh.” She blinked. “But you have not…released.”

He pressed his back to the door and fisted himself, hissing through his teeth. “May we continue this conversation later?”


She watched in fascination the hard jerking motion of his hand as he vigorously pumped, the contortion of his face, the seized breath, the harsh spasms of his body that followed in concert with spurts of milky fluid from his member. The low groan as he sank back against the panel. The long moments before his breathing and the throbbing pulse in his neck regulated. He gazed at her through hooded lids and she felt as deflated as his erection.

“You finished alone,” she said.

His mouth turned up dryly. “It wasn’t by preference, I assure you. Have you a towel or handkerchief in this chamber?” he asked.

Lydia’s gaze dropped to the thick liquid that covered his hand. She retrieved a basin, pitcher and towel from the dressing table. He reached for it.

“Allow me,” she said, dipping the cloth in the water and slowly wiping away the slick residue. “It looks nothing like I thought.”

Marcus raised a brow.

“A man’s seed. A rather messy business really,” she observed with surprising pragmatism. “Nothing like its namesake.”

Marcus took the cloth from her with a laugh. “No. I daresay it’s an allegorical description.” He finished wiping himself and seized her wrist, bringing it to his lips and planting a tender lingering kiss on the inside. “You continue to amaze me, Lydia. Truth be told, you take my breath away.”

She pulled her hand from his to slide it along his bristled cheek. “I assure you the feeling is mutual.”

He tented both brows. “Then in the carriage…why did you…”

Her lip quivered. “I-I was afraid to trust you, don’t you see?”

He frowned. “You didn’t give me a chance.”

“I was wrong not to after what you have shown me, shared with me. I have known your patience and your generosity. You have revealed so much more than what I expected and what you pretend to be.”

“So you like me in spite of yourself?”

“Much to my chagrin,” she confessed.

“Lydia, is not liking the basis of friendship?”

“Indeed, it is.”

“And what of respect? Do I command even a modicum of your respect?”

She searched his impassive face. “Only a week ago, I wanted to believe you nothing more substantial than some conceited, Continental fribble.”

“Me, a
?” He made a stabbing gesture to his heart but his mocking smile abruptly dispelled, replaced by a look of utter gravity. “And now? What do you think of me now, Lydia?”

“After having worked by your side, I no longer regard you in that light. I can appreciate your many talents and see how important it is for you to make your own mark in the world. Yes, I respect you.”

Marcus’ lips curved into a slow, satisfied smile. “Capital. What now was your third concern? Ah, yes. Hope of genuine affection.” He kissed her long, lush and deep and released her with a devilish gleam. “I do believe we have that requisite covered as well. Then it seems we have a foundation of friendship,
respect and affection to build upon.” He ticked the items off on his fingers. “But there was more, wasn’t there? The last issue was trust, was it not?” His smile died. “You expressed fear that I would stray from the marital bed.”

“We were betrothed,” she said. “Yet you have been with other women.”

BOOK: A Breach of Promise
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